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BP has announced that it will shed about 4,700 staff, equivalent to more than 5 per cent of its global workforce, as part of the chief executive Murray Auchincloss’s 2billioncost−cuttingdrive.Thecuts,whichwereannouncedinaninternalmemotostaffattheLondon−basedenergygroup,willalsoincludeafurther3,000contractor...BPhasannouncedthatitwillshedabout4,700staff,equivalenttomorethan5percentofitsglobalworkforce,aspartofthechiefexecutiveMurrayAuchincloss’s2 billion cost-cutting drive. The cuts, which were announced in an internal memo to staff at the London-based energy group, will also include a further 3,000 contractor...BP has announced that it will shed about 4,700 staff, equivalent to more than 5 per cent of its global workforce, as part of the chief executive Murray Auchincloss’s 2 bi ll i o n cos t − c u tt in g d r i v e . T h ec u t s , w hi c h w ere ann o u n ce d inanin t er na l m e m o t os t a ff a tt h e L o n d o n − ba se d e n er g y g ro u p , w i ll a l so in c l u d e a f u r t h er 3 , 000 co n t r a c t or ... BP ha s ann o u n ce d t ha t i tw i ll s h e d ab o u t 4 , 700 s t a ff , e q u i v a l e n tt o m ore t han 5 p erce n t o f i t s g l o ba lw or k f orce , a s p a r t o f t h ec hi e f e x ec u t i v e M u rr a y A u c hin c l oss ’ s 2 billion cost-cutting drive. The cuts, which were announced in an internal memo to staff at the London-based energy group, will also include a further 3,000 contractor...BP has announced that it will shed about 4,700 staff, equivalent to more than 5 per cent of its global workforce, as part of...
mike atherton
Farewell, then, James Vince, of the sublime cover drive. In that Goweresque way, one that oscillates either side of...Farewell, then, James Vince, of the sublime cover drive. In that Goweresque way, one that...Farewell, then, James Vince, of the sublime cover drive. In that Goweresque way, one that...
She may look pristine once more but recovering from cancer has changed the Princess of Wales and she won’t be pushed into royal duties, says Kate Mansey
This perfect winter sun hotspot on Morocco’s southern coast tempts with a gorgeous swathe of sandy beach and a twist of North African style
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Stuart Hogg, the former Scotland rugby union captain, must be stripped of his MBE after admitting he abused his estranged wife, the SNP Westminster leader has said. Stephen Flynn MP made the plea during business questions in the House of Commons. Lucy Powell, the leader of the House, said that domestic abuse was not something that should...Stuart Hogg, the former Scotland rugby union captain, must be stripped of his MBE after admitting he abused his estranged wife, the SNP Westminster leader has said. Stephen Flynn MP made the plea during business questions in the House of Commons. Lucy Powell, the leader of the House, said that domestic abuse was not something that should...Stuart Hogg, the former Scotland rugby union captain, must be stripped of his MBE after admitting he abused his estranged wife...