Is feminism still relevant? Some women saying they don't need it (original) (raw)

A movement against feminism is burgeoning online, and it’s stirring up a debate nearly as fiery as the original crusade for women’s rights.

The source of the groundswell comes from Tumblr page “Women Against Feminism,” where mostly millennial women have posted photos of themselves with signs that finish the sentence, “I don’t need feminism because…”

A Tumblr site, \"Women Against Feminism,\" has created a growing online debate over the relevancy for the movement.

A Tumblr site, \"Women Against Feminism,\" has created an online debate over the movement's relevancy.Today

The campaign generally argues that feminism casts women as victims and men as adversaries and predators. Among the reasons listed for rejecting feminism:

Several posts mention rape, including one woman who wrote, "getting drunk at a party and having sex with a stranger is just irresponsibility, not rape!" While other women wrote less weighty notes:



The movement has fired up feminist supporters, who insist many people today don't understand what feminism actually means.

“The phrase has been hijacked,” documentary filmmaker Soledad O’Brien said Wednesday on TODAY. Many young women don’t remember the struggle to secure rights to vote or get paid equally as men for the same jobs, she said.

“Somehow it’s been misconstrued by some of these fringe–sort of edges... who are doing these things that are perceived to be bad," said O'Brien, a former TODAY correspondent. "The option to have choices is actually what feminism brought about.”

Abby Hunstman, host of MSNBC’s “The Cycle,” said she considers herself a feminist, but agrees that people need a better understanding of what that actually means.

“I actually think that the women promoting feminism could do a little bit of a better job with the campaign, showing women that, 'You know what? I’m a stay-at-home mom and I’m also a feminist,'" she said. "Or, I’m pro-life, I’m also a feminist. I love men, I’m also a feminist. I think we all need to be in this together.”

TODAY asked viewers to tweet their views on the subject to the #OrangeRoom and opinions were equally divided.

Follow writer Eun Kyung Kim on Google+ or on Twitter.