Learn to meditate with the Training in Power Academy (original) (raw)

| | | | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | about Training in Power - learn more about the organization | | | more about the spiritual development and meditation courses we offer | Training in Power - A Spiritual Journey of Service | | calendar - meditation class dates and locations near you | | | events - includes free introductory sessions, Sunday services and Parties, all are open to the public | | | shopping - support Training in Power through your online puchases | unique courses in advanced meditation and healing techniques | | contacts - how to reach us | Training In Power Academy blog | | faq - frequently asked questions | Training In Power Academy on facebook |

Founded in 1986 by Faye Fitzgerald, Training in Power™ Academy offers a unique energetic system designed to help you open to your full potential through guided meditation practice and healing.
These advanced meditation courses are accessible to everyone.

Web Site Copyright © 2001 Training in Power™ Academy, all rights reserved.