The Tramways of Bel�m (original) (raw)

In 2002, the Prefeitura de Bel�m (Bel�m municipal government) decided to restore the historic old streets and buildings in the city's port area and initiated a project called "Via dos Mercadores" [Merchants Road]. A street railway was considered part of the revival and, inspired by the success of the heritage tram line in Santos [see Bondes de Santos and O Bonde], the search for a vehicle began.

Twenty tons of rail arrived at the Bel�m docks in May 2004 and 1.985 km of meter gauge track was laid along Rua Jo�o Alfredo, Pra�a Dom Pedro II, past the Cathedral, through the Feira do A�a� (market) and around a fortress on Guajar� Bay [see map]. Overhead wire was brought from the trolleybus system in Santos. The photograph below, taken in September 2004, shows construction along the south side of Pra�a Dom Pedro II. That's the City Hall on the right [Alexandre Pollastrini]: