Climate Quibdo / El Carano - Climate data (801440) (original) (raw)

Climate Quibdo / El Carano Climate data: 1963 - 2024

Data reported by the weather station: 801440 (SKUI)
We have hourly data for this weather station. You can see them in: Records
Latitude: 5.71 | Longitude: -76.61 | Altitude: 53
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These are the historical data that we have for this weather station. Select a year to see the months for which we have data, and if available, the complete information of the annual average values including the ephemeris of the maximum and minimum values recorded.

Average climatic values ​​and annual totals

Interpretation annual average climate values

T Average annual temperature
TM Annual average maximum temperature
Tm Average annual minimum temperature
PP Rain or snow precipitation total annual
V Annual average wind speed
RA Number of days with rain
SN Number of days with snow
TS Number of days with storm
FG Number of foggy days
TN Number of days with tornado
GR Number of days with hail

If the table appear fields without values with the symbol (-) this only indicates that has not been performed average, this happens if there is no sufficient data to compute.

The total rainfall value 0 (zero) may indicate that there has made such measurement and / or the weather station does not broadcast.