Resources | Underscore Records (original) (raw)

Wallpapers by Underscore Records:

We have new wallpapers, available free of cost, created exclusively for In keeping with our theme, these artworks are inspired by different genres of Indian music.

(Right click on the link, and select 'save or save as')

Wallpapers by : [Samia Singh](artistes/detail/191/Samia%5FSingh)

Wallpapers by: Mridula Sail

Resources for musicians:

This section provides resource material for musicians and engages music lovers in an ongoing dialogue about intellectual property rights, indie music and related issues.

All documents are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format. You will need a PDF viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, or a plug-in for your browser to view and print these documents.

We are providing two model contracts as free downloads. These may be used by organisers and musicians for concert engagements. Please note that they may need to be tailored for individual events. Underscore Records has provided these contracts only as a service to musicians, and legal opinion may be sought by concerned parties. With reference to clause 35 in both contracts, 'arbitration' may not be a good idea as an informal mediation/redressal of grievances, as this may involve a long drawn-out process, and once arbitration starts all other legal avenues are closed.

Sites & Blogs of Interest :

Aneesh Pradhan and Shubha Mudgal both maintain their own personal blogs and periodically feature articles related to the music scene in India. You can access them at the following links:

Please do feel free and leave your comments. We highly appreciate all feedback.