Mountain Home Idaho Profile and Resource Guide. Mountain Home, Idaho Facts and Information. (original) (raw)
Page Contents for Mountain Home, Idaho
Chamber of Commerce.
Organizations, Churches, and Sports.
Statistics & Facts
The Idaho state capital is Boise.
The population of Mountain Home is approximately 11,000 (2000), 14206 (2010).
The approximate number of families is 3,392 (1990), 5648 (2010).
The amount of land area in Mountain Home is 9.235 sq. kilometers.
The amount of surface water is 0 sq kilometers.
The distance from Mountain Home to Washington DC is 2142 miles.
The distance to the Idaho state capital is 43 miles. (as the crow flies)
Mountain Home is positioned 43.13 degrees north of the equator and 115.68 degrees west of the prime meridian.
Mountain Home elevation is 3,143 feet above sea level.
Mountain Home per capita income is $ 20,679.
Mountain Home median income is $ 35,775 (1999).
Mountain Home average annual precipitation is 10.7 inches peryear.
Mountain Home average annual snowfall is 13.6 inches per year.
between the Danskin and Owyhee Mountains, about 40 miles southeast of Boise
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Silver Wings Air ShowSilver Wings Air Show
Mountain Home AFB - Home of the Gunfighters
"America's Air Expeditionary Wing"
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Mountain Home City Government
City of Mountain Home
160 South 3rd East
Mountain Home, ID 83647
Telephone: (208)587-2104
Fax: (208) 587-2110
Elmore County Courthouse
150 South Fourth East
Mountain Home, ID 83647-3097
Phone: 208.587.2129
FAX: 208.587.2159
Mountain Home Historical Events
Mid 1960's to early 1970's
Idaho National Energy Lab - INEL
A small nuclear reactor site that had a core meltdown. Some of the personnel were known to have died in the accident.
Mountain Home Chamber
Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce
205 North 3rd East
Mountain Home, ID 83647
Phone: (208) 587-4334
Mountain Home Organizations
Mountain Home Chamber of Commerce
205 North 3rd East
Mountain Home, ID 83647
Phone: (208) 587-4334
Mountain Home Libraries
Mountain Home Public Library
790 North 10th East
Mountain Home, ID 83647-2830
Phone: 208.587.4716
Mountain Home Schools
Mountain Home
The population of Mountain Home was:
1990 - 7,913
1999 - 10,743
2000 - 11,000+
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