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Design contract signed for the renovation and extension of the academic building of the UT Tallinn office of the School of Law

On 25 June, the University of Tartu and OÜ Kauss Arhitektuur signed a contract for the reconstruction of the academic building and the landscaping of the yard area of the Tallinn office of the School of Law (Kaarli pst 3).

Digiõppe kursus - Tartu Ülikool

New student dashboard is now available

From 12 June, the University of Tartu’s Study Information System (SIS) features a new student dashboard, which brings important information for learners together in one environment.

Vana anatoomikum Toomemäel

Renovation of three heritage buildings was completed over the recent six months

In the first half of this year, renovation was completed on the Old Anatomical Theatre (Uppsala 10), the garden house in the University of Tartu Botanical Garden (Lai 40) and the Astronomer’s House (Uppsala 6) next to the observatory. As a result, these buildings of great cultural value received a fresh look and energy-efficient solutions.

MinuGeenivaramu portaali avaleht

Estonian Biobank launched a portal for more than 210,000 biobank participants

On 11 June, the Estonian Biobank, University of Tartu, launched the portal MinuGeenivaramu.

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The University of Tartu is the oldest and largest higher education institution in Estonia and has been the centre of Estonian academic life for almost four centuries. It is ranked in the top 1.2% of the world's universities making it one of the leading universities in Northern Europe. Here, 13 000 students and 3000 staff members study and work in a diverse range of fields connected by the power of curiosity.

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