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Actian NoSQL FastObjects

NoSQL object databases

Object database management systems for enterprise-level and embedded systems.

NoSQL object database

What is NoSQL Database?

NoSQL object technology makes it easy for software developers to handle transactional database requirements for extremely complex object models. The world’s largest companies use NoSQL for applications with large-scale data management in enterprise environments. High availability, fault tolerance, synchronous and asynchronous replication are built-in. NoSQL Database doesn’t need mapping code to store or retrieve object data, so schema modifications are handled without design bottlenecks.

What is Actian NoSQL FastObjects?

Actian NoSQL FastObjects is a high performance, transactional object management system designed to meet the requirements of object oriented programmers with a need to manage application objects with a robust database engine. It works equally well in embedded or client/server applications.

Code less, conceive more, run faster

Agile development

Since the object model matches the database schema, programmers using Java, C/C++ and .NET SDKs are more productive.

Performance and scalability

Object navigation follows references embedded within the object definition, so there are no queries or relational mapping to slow performance.

Operational efficiency

Full set of enterprise features: 24×7 operations, fault tolerance, replication, online backup, snapshots, scale-out across multiple databases.

Performance, robustness and scalability were the characteristics we were looking for. We were impressed by the speed of response delivered by the NoSQL dual-cache system and the robustness of the solution.

Chief Information Officer, EidosMedia

With NoSQL, we now have a technology at our fingertips that has significantly simplified our work. The data obtained from the satellite is available in the NoSQL database on the same day. Faster and better understanding of the instrument data results in more efficient operation of the satellite, which ultimately means more and better scientific information.

Dr. Johannes Riedinger

Herschel Mission Manager, European Space Agency (ESA)

NoSQL object data model simplifies application development

Three choices for implementation using C/C++, Java, and .NET software development kits

How to select a product for Actian NoSQL

Use cases

Object database with high availability and replication.

Network route optimization

Large telecommunications companies use NoSQL JPA to run route optimization algorithms in the Data Services function of their Operating Support Systems. The key benefit is the ability to handle very complex networks for relationships, with orders of magnitude faster traversal and identification of patterns.

NOSQL network object database

Fraud detection

Retailers, online services, and financial services companies use NoSQL to manage and search large volumes of data for patterns that identify unauthorized transactions or access to protect their business and customers. Using rules-based pattern recognition and advanced statistical methods, these applications rely on NoSQL to be highly configurable, customizable, and scalable to deal with rapid changes in strategy and rules to react to evolving threats.

Actian NoSQL Fraud Detection

Content management

Publishers use NoSQL as the data manager for their content management systems. NoSQL handles complex schemas of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data objects that represent different content and metadata, delivering a flexible and responsive system that can evolve over time to handle new data types and schemas.

EidosMedia Case Study

NoSQL Object Database by Actian


The performance and object orientation of the NoSQL database is a perfect fit for real-time simulation and modeling systems. NoSQL supports high performance object data ingestion and retrieval, and provides developer tools that are easier to use compared to a traditional SQL database. Reservoir simulations for oil exploration as well as weather simulations for government and commercial applications use NSQL.

Actian NoSQL simulation

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