“Tomb of General Gordon in St. Paul's Cathedral, London,” by Frederick William Pomeroy (original) (raw)

Tomb of General Gordonby Frederick William Pomeroy (1857-1924). A.B. Burton, Founder. Bronze. St. Paul's Cathedral, London. [Signatures of sculptor and founders] [Click on these images for larger pictures.]

With thanks to the Dean and Chapter of St Paul’s Cathedral. Photographs, formatting, and perspective correction by George P. Landow. [You may use these images without prior permission for any scholarly or educational purpose as long as you (1) credit the photographer and (2) link your document to this URL in a web document or cite the Victorian Web in a print one.]


Byron, Arthur. London Statues. London: Constable, 1981.

Ward-Jackson, Philip. Public Sculpture of the City of London. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2003.

Last modified 19 June 2012