virtualseychelles – The Safest and Fastest Organic Instagram Growth Service (original) (raw)

Is my account safe? Will I get in trouble with Instagram? And how are you safer than competitors?

Yes, we've never had an account get banned, ever. And our service is actively working after Instagram's recent updates (this was written in mid-September).

Your account's safety is our number one priority and it's the lifeblood of our business!

The super-short explanation is that (click for long explanation):

  1. We are real people and we are very publicly associated with this business
  2. If we were in the business of stealing accounts, we would offer free trials and we certainly wouldn't charge this much
  3. The risk of getting in trouble with Instagram is extremely low - we've never had an account get banned
  4. We're much more safety-focused than our competitors (no artificial engagement, only real Instagram followers, and no free trials that put your account at risk)
How does virtualseychelles work?

We use targeted engagement (following and unfollowing) to drive organic follower and engagement growth for our clients. This strategy works for any type of account and any geography.

In basic terms, this means we use your account to follow and unfollow people who are likely to be interested in your content (people who are already following similar accounts to yours).

You'll show up in their notifications section so this will lead relevant people to check out your profile, follow you, and engage with your content (if they're interested). Our clients average 150-1k followers per month with this strategy.

To clarify, we don't do anything other than following and unfollowing! And by default your following number will increase by a total of ~600 but you can customize this if you'd like to follow fewer users!

Example: If you’re a female model, we’ll use your account to follow and unfollow people who are already following and engaging with other female models (people who have expressed interest in your type of content).

These aren't bots or fake followers - right?

Correct! We don’t provide any fake/bot followers or likes.

We use targeted engagement (described in the how it works section) to organically get your account in front of tens of thousands of people each month who are likely to be interested in your content.

They then choose to follow you back (or not) under their own free will.

How is virtualseychelles different from other growth services?

The very short explanation is that:

  1. We have an industry-leading approach to account safety
  2. We tend to produce better results than our competitors
  3. We're real people and we're obsessed with providing an awesome customer experience!

To read our comprehensive breakdown, click here to open a popup.

Are you sure I can cancel at any time?

Yes! No contracts, commitments, or minimums. We’re a month to month service.

If you want to cancel, just let us know via email ( or chat support before the start of your next month.

Will my engagement grow with the new followers?

Yes, most likely, but this depends on your content and Instagram's algorithm. Because we're an organic service and we're marketing your account to people who are likely to be interested in your content, followers and engagement tend to grow together.

But we can't guarantee engagement because this depends on people liking your content.

The better your content, the better the engagement that you'll see!

Does your service still work after Instagram's algorithm change?

Yes! Instagram recently changed its algorithm but we've adjusted our processes so that we still operate within Instagram's limits and our service is running normally.

Does virtualseychelles offer a free trial?

While 95% of our competitors offer free trials, we don't.

Why? Because free trials put your account at risk in pursuit of short-term profits for the growth service.

Companies that provide free trials have to produce immediate results by:

  1. Pushing your account to follow/like limits immediately which greatly increases your risk of getting in trouble with Instagram.
  2. Providing you with fake followers and likes to convince you to stay on beyond the free trial.
  3. Both of these strategies put your account at risk and are bad for your long-term success.

By taking on fewer clients, we're able to maximize results for paying customers and build deeper long-term relationships.

And this focus is a big reason why our customers tend to be blown away by our results and customer service.

Click here to read more about our safety first approach.

How does signing up work? What happens after I sign up?

You can view our pricing and you can sign up in thirty seconds here with your email, Instagram username/password, and a credit card.

After you sign up:

  1. We'll ask you to describe your desired audience on Instagram
  2. We'll then use your input to build a large list of accounts that match your audience specifications so that we can test, track, and improve which targeting works the best for your account
  3. We’ll log in to your Instagram account ~24-72 hours after your sign up
  4. We’ll start engaging with users ~24 hours after logging in - this delay is intentional to maximize your account's safety
Can I still use my account while signed up with virtualseychelles?

Yes! You can still use your account normally while using our service. The only thing that we ask is that you don't do any mass liking, commenting, following or unfollowing.

Will I see instant results after signing up?

If you're looking for fake followers and instant results then you've come to the wrong place!

We're focused on providing industry-leading long-term results.

Your account will start out very slowly and we'll gradually increase your daily number of follows and unfollows over a 2-2.5 week period.

This is part of our safety first approach because Instagram doesn't love when you go from "0 to 100" overnight.

Are there any reviews I can read?

Yes! You can read reviews and client examples here. Most of our clients prefer to stay anonymous so we've also published a long list of example results and growth charts.

Will my new followers unfollow me if I stop using virtualseychelles?

Former clients (who didn't want to grow anymore) retained more than 90% of followers six months after stopping with virtualseychelles.

We don't control any accounts and all of the people who follow (or unfollow) you do so under their own free will.

This means that like any other normal follower, they're likely to stick around after deciding to follow you.

And unless your content gets dramatically worse, it's unlikely that you'll have issues with people unfollowing you.

How many followers should I expect by using virtualseychelles?

Because we’re an organic growth service, results vary depending on the quality of your account and the niche that you’re focused on.

We can guarantee that we'll get your account in front of tens of thousands of relevant users to your niche. But we can't guarantee results because every situation is different.

Having said that, our clients tend to average 150-1,000 followers per month.

If you want us to give you a detailed estimate on what you should expect then feel free to click the chat button in the bottom right or request a free growth estimate.

How do you do target users who are likely to be interested in my content?

We can do targeting for any location, niche, industry, or account focus.

We do our targeting based on users who are following and engaging with accounts that are similar to yours. We can tailor this to your specific country or industry.

After you sign up, we'll ask you to describe your desired audience on Instagram. Then we'll do a lot more research on our side to build a large list so that we can test lots of different targets and figure out what works best.

We're constantly testing new sources and tracking which targeting works the best which means that your results will improve over time!

Do you comment on photos or send direct messages?

We believe commenting is too spammy, so we don't do it. But we can add direct messaging for you!

Some other growth services were shut down, what happened?

Some of our competitors were shut down for selling likes and then using client accounts to execute that service.

They were operating multiple sites and then making money off of client accounts in this fashion. This is something we are strongly against and we only provide this single service.

For more about your account safety, please read the "Is my account safe?" question.

Does virtualseychelles post or help with content?

While we're happy to give tips and advice, we are solely focused on helping you grow. You are 100% in control of the content!