5th Active Service Brigade of Ustasha Army (original) (raw)

Black Legion / Crna Legija


Brigade was formed in Bugojno on 20 October 1942 from newly arrived ustasha battalions and parts of 1st Brigade in region of Bugojno, Kupres, Tomislavgrad, Livnao and Imotski. Brigade operational area was northwest Herzegovina, Vrbas river valley, Dinara karst fields and part of central Bosnia. First commander become Major Rafael Boban, headquarters was located in Bugojno. Brigade was usually referred to as Black Legion (Black Legion) or Boban’s Black Legion and its soldiers as Boban’s men (bobanovci) and Boban’s negros.2

From late autumn of 1942 until mid February 1943, brigade is heavily engaged with newly formed partisan proletarian and assault divisions during which it lost Jajce, Livno, Tomislavgrad, Sujicu, Posusje and Imotski.2

5th Brigade participated in Operation WEISS II fighting along river Neretva and in March it took over garrisons locations in karst fields which were lost during winter 1942/43. In beginning of April captures Glamoc and repulse exceptionally strong attack from Krajina partisans.2

Manpower shortage, because of constant fighting’s in which brigade was engaged and partially departure of men to other units, resulted in mid 1943 by disbandment of several battalions in order to bring other battalions up to strength. During May headquarters was moved to Livno. Beside three infantry battalions and mountain artillery battery brigade also had armored company and occasionally it received operational command over ustasha battalions from Dalmatia and Herzegovina. At end of August 5th brigade retreats from Glamoc to Livno.2

At the same time it fails to defend Bugojno, but late August manages to repulse partisans attack on Livno. Another failure which happened during mid September was attempt to re-supply Kupres which was under siege with food and ammunition from Tomislavgrada.2

Early October brigade retreats from Livno and Tomislavgrad to Posusje from which it was soon pushed out and retreats to Imotski from which it quickly recaptures Posusje. Autumn passes in combat with Dalmatian partisans around Posusje and in region of Imotska krajina. During December participates in operation ZIETHEN and together with German forces advance from Posusje and captures Tomislavgrad and Sujica.2

Ustasha battalion from Bjelovar becomes part of brigade while part of brigade together with 1st regiment of PTSmakes operational group for carrying out attack operations and intervetnions.2

During October 1944 6th Slavonian and 10th Zagreb Corps together with 7th Division of NOVJ, totaling 13 brigades start joint attacks in Podravina and which by mid October succeed in capturing Pitomaca, Klostar, Durdevac, Virje and Novigrad. From 13 to 17 October 5th Brigade together with parts of PTS repulsed strong attack on Koprivnica.2

| | | | | | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----- | | | | name | from | until | | | Commander | colonel UV, Rafael Boban | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |


Bibliography and Sources

  1. Marijan, Davor: Borbe za Kupres 1942: pohod proleterskih brigada i borbe za Kupres u ljeto 1942. godine, Zagreb:AGM, 1999, ISBN 953-174-097-6, str. 190-191

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