Operation JAJCE (original) (raw)

(Operacija Jajce)

German part of joint Axis offensive codenamed Operation 'DINARA' against liberated territory in central Bosnia.


Started on 28 September with homocentric attack from areas Sanski Most - Banja Luka and Donji Vakuf - Travnik and by October 6th took control of Kljuc, Mrkonjic-Grad and Jajce.

Combat Group 'Sanski Most' reinforced with tanks, artillery and local Chetniks after two days combat against parts of 6th Krajina partisan detachment captured Kljuc on September 29th. On October 2nd with encirclement maneuver across Lisina mountain, German Combat Group 'Vedel' pushed back 2nd Proletarian Brigade towards village Jezero and captured Mrkonjic-Grad.

Surprised Operational Staff NOP i DV for Bosnian Krajina with six brigades and two detachments in that sector, because of bad communications lines failed to make stronger resistance, but managed to withdraw its units under assault of much stronger enemy and on October 6th launched counter-attack with 5 brigades and parts of 2 detachments in upper part of Sana river. During three day combat Kljuc has been taken back and several garrison eliminated between Sitinica and Vrhpolja but advance towards Sanski Most was stopped by attack of German Regimental Combat Group 'Vedel' from Sitinica.

On October 7th 1st Proletarian Brigade and parts of 6th Krajina partisan detachment broke reinforced 2nd Battalion of the Domobran 10th Infantry Regiment and captured Kljuc.


On October 21st Germans started eleven days long operation with goal of eliminating partisan units in Janj and Pljeva. Over village Jezero German regimental combat group 'Susin' of the 718th Infantry Division broken into Mrkonjic-Grad on October 26th. Smaller partos of 3rd Sandzak Brigade withdraw south-west. In the city German authorities arrested 273 persons and took them to Jajce. Near village Kozila (near Jajce) Chetniks destroyed hospital of 3rd Krajina partisan detachment and murdered larger group of wounded and few doctors. 3rd Sandzak Brigade and 3rd Krajina partisan detachment withdraw to Vitorog ridge without large losses.

Orders of Battle
