Known Errors in the SMIL 1.0 Specification (original) (raw)

Last update: Date:2004/06/1515:53:42Date: 2004/06/15 15:53:42 Date:2004/06/1515:53:42 by AuthorhoschkaAuthor hoschka Authorhoschka

Please also check the archive of the smil-editors list whether additional problems have been reported that have not yet been incorporated into this document. Note that problem reports to this list are not official errors as long as they don�t show up on the "known errors" page.

Table of Contents

Errors in the Specification Proper

This section lists known errors or problems in the SMIL specification itself.

  1. in section 3.3.1, about , the text "empty
    space at the left or bottom is filled" should read "empty space at
    the right or bottom is filled"

Error Report:
Subject: bug in time model description
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 10:59:41 +0200
From: Sjoerd Mullender
In Section "Determining Time Model Values for SMIL 1.0
Elements", subsection "Determining the implicit end of an element",
last bullet, the implicit end of a par is defined. The implicit end
of the par depends on the ends of its children, not on the duration of
its children since the start of the children may be delayed. So the
text should be:
A "par" element has an implicit end that depends on the value of the
"endsync" attribute. The implicit end is derived as follows:


<mytags:a ... />


<!ENTITY % smil-link-attributes " %id-attr; %title-attr; show (replace|new|pause) 'replace' ">

<!--=================== Inline Link Element ===============================-->

<!ELEMENT a (%schedule;|switch)*> <!ATTLIST a %smil-link-attributes; href CDATA #REQUIRED >

<!--=================== Associated Link Element ===========================-->

<!ELEMENT anchor EMPTY> <!ATTLIST anchor %skip-attr; %smil-link-attributes; href CDATA #IMPLIED %sync-attributes; coords CDATA #IMPLIED >


This section lists phenomena reported as errors which are not, in the judgement of those maintaining this page, in fact errors in the specification or accompanying materials.

None so far.