Overview of SGML Resources (original) (raw)

W3C HTML | 2.0

This is an overview of resources related to SGML and the Web, originally assembled for reviewers of the HTML 2.0 specification.

See also: Extensible Markup Language (XML).

Learning and Using SGML

SGML, Standard Generalized Markup Language, is an enabling technology used in applications such as HTML. (see:Toward a Formalism for Communication on the Web).

The HTML specifications assume a working knowledge of SGML. The SGML standard itself is not available online, but there's plenty of code to read if you're a hacker, and a few introductory documents for everybody.

Gentle Introduction to SGML

from the TEI guidelines. A must-read for folks new to SGML

SGML Bibliography

Robin Cover's extensive (700 item) bibliography on SGML

SGML archive at the University of Oslo, Norway.

by Erik Naggum update 1996-03-01: "The SGML Repository is no longer actively maintained, and will remain as is for the foreseeable future."

Specs, Drafts, and Reports

See also:abstracts of MIMESGML drafts

In reverse order, by publication/revision date:

A Lexical Analyzer for HTML and Basic SGML

W3C Tech Report on SGML low-level parsing details. Includesflex spec, test file, change log, and source distribution (which is missing filter.c):

-rw-rw-r-- 1 connolly 69 50650 Feb 7 11:59 sgml-lex-19960207.tar.gz -rw-rw-r-- 1 connolly 69 57182 Feb 7 12:00 sgml-lex-19960207.zip 21f7b70ec7135531bc84fd4c5e3cdf3d sgml-lex-19960207.tar.gz (pgp sig) 083e21759d223b1005402120cdbf8169 sgml-lex-19960207.zip (pgp sig)

HTML 2.0 Specification Review Materials

Toward a Formalism for Communication on the Web)

unpublished draft by Dan Connolly

HTML to the Max

TEI Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange

Why Validate Your HTML

On validation and the ill-effects it helps to avoid.


ISO 8879. Information Processing -- Text and Office Systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 1986.

SGML Syntax Summary Table of Contents

by Harvey Bingham

Groups and Discussion Forums


USENET newsgroup for SGML


This is the working group for such ISO standards as SGML,HyTime, and DSSSL.


a consortium of SGML vendors convened to promote interoperability and market growth

IETF mimesgml wg

Andabstracts of their drafts

TEI: Text Encoding and Interchange


Davenport Group

Dan Connolly, Editor of theHTML 2.0 specification
Created Nov 1995
last updated Date:2004/03/2621:54:24Date: 2004/03/26 21:54:24 Date:2004/03/2621:54:24 by Author:connollyAuthor: connolly Author:connolly