Weasner's LXD55/75 Site (original) (raw)

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OPTIn November 2002 I received a Meade LXD55 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain with UHTC through Oceanside Photo and Telescope. I then started this web site to provide support for LXD users as I do for ETX users on my ETX Site.

In January 2008 I placed an order for a new LXD75-8"SC to replace a stolen one. After waiting for over two months I finally gave up and switched my order to a 8" LX90-ACF (Advanced Coma Free) telescope. As a result I decided to stop updating my LXD55/75 Site as of the end of May 2008. Also, I am no longer providing email support for specific LXD55/75 questions. See the Site Announcement page for more information. Check out my ETX Site as there is a lot of general information there applicable to the LXD telescopes. I also recommend that LXD55/75 users sign up for the LXD55/75 Telescopes Yahoo Group. This LXD Site will remain available as an online reference.

Final Site Update: 4 June 2008EMail Etiquette

LXD55/75-8" Schmidt-Cassegrain My Initial LXD55-8"SC Experiences (12/14/02) My LXD55/75-8"SC Observations (03/20/06) My LXD75-8"SC Experiences (05/31/06) Discussions General Feedback (05/29/08) Achromatic Refractor Models (06/22/07) AutoStar Feedback (05/31/08) Feedback Archives LXD55/75 Telescopes Yahoo Group
LXD55 / LXD75 Information Warnings!!! (10/31/07) Fixing a Slipped RA Gear (04/27/03) The LXD55 Portal LXD55 Tips and Tricks, Vol 1 (PDF) (02/03/03) LXD55 Tips and Tricks, Vol 2, Collimation (PDF) (12/21/03) LXD55 Tips and Tricks, Vol 3, OTA Flocking (PDF) (01/16/04) Drive Belt, other mods (02/09/07) LXD55 SetUp and GoTo (PDF) (06/30/04) OPT LXD55 Hints and Tips page (02/03/03) LXD55/75 Gear Box Maintenance (PDF) (05/25/06) Guide Scope Pointer Adjuster (08/20/06) Polar Alignment Accurate & Easy! (07/12/06) Using the Polar Alignment Scope (12/08/02) Polar Alignment of Equatorial Mount (01/16/04) LXD55 Mount Repair (04/22/04) Fixing a RA Slew Problem (08/20/04) LXD75-SN10 Modifications (05/20/05) LXD75 Pier (05/20/05) LXD SN10 Eyepiece Holder Modification (08/09/05) Homemade Star Diagonal (02/24/06) Fan for LXD SN (PDF) (05/15/07) LXD SN Mirror Cell Movement Fix (PDF) (05/15/07) Schmidt-Newtonian Collimation (03/23/08) Helpful Information Astrophotography (05/29/08) AutoStar Info (05/11/08) Telescope Tech Tips (05/25/08) Observational Guides/References (10/08/07) Power Supplies (07/18/05) "Hartmann Mask" Focusing Aid (08/19/03) Star Test Images (01/14/03) Collimating a SCT (11/10/04) Astronomy and Medical Topics (07/04/06) Astronomy & Intel Mac Systems (02/20/08)(some items above on Weasner's Mighty ETX Site)
My LXD55 Astrophotography Moon (03/27/07) Planets (11/08/05) Comets (02/03/03) Deep Sky (02/19/07) Guest LXD55 Astrophotography The Sun (01/26/07) Moon (07/31/07) Lunar Eclipse (01/16/04) Planets (02/28/07) Transit of Mercury (05/18/03) Transit of Venus (06/16/04) Comets (05/25/04) Deep Sky (10/21/07)
Accessory Reviews OPT Camera Adapter (02/14/08) Meade mySKY (05/25/08) Book: LXD55/75 User Guide (08/14/07) Stiletto Focuser (10/16/07) Meade #777 Off-Axis Guider (03/27/07) Orion 0.5x Focal Reducer (08/31/06) Classifieds For Sale Notices (08/13/06) Wanted Notices (06/30/05) Other Site Announcement (05/17/08) Oracle Observatory (05/07/08) Road to Oracle Observatory (04/30/08) My 8" LX90-ACF Page (05/29/08) OPT Star Party (11/20/07) So Calif Astronomy Exposition 2008 (04/10/08) Meade soliciting images for catalog (07/06/05) LXD75 Announced! (05/16/04) Mighty ETX Star Party!!! (11/20/06) Star Party!!! (03/17/08) Text, Audio, & Video Chats! (03/28/04) Alerts! (10/31/07) Just for Fun! (04/07/08) STS-107 Memorial Page (06/14/03)

Meade4M IYA2009

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Copyright©2002-8 Michael L. Weasner / etx@me.comMeade is a registered Trademark and LXD55, LXD75, and Autostar are Trademarks of Meade Instruments Corporation. Other products mentioned on this site may be trademarked by the respective companies.URL = http://www.weasner.com/lxd Web hosting services by Network Solutions