WinEdt 11 (original) (raw)

TUG: TeX User's Group

WinEdt is a powerful and versatile Unicode (UTF8) text editor for Windows.

It is commonly used as a front-end (Integrated Development Environment) for compilers and typesetting systems, such as LaTeX, HTML, or NSIS. WinEdt's highlighting schemes can be customized for different modes and its spell-checking functionality supports multilingual setups, with dictionaries (word lists) for over 20 languages available onDownloadspage.

Although reasonably suitable as an all-purpose text editor, WinEdt is mostly used as a LaTeX Editor. It was designed and configured to integrate seamlessly with modern TeX Systems (e.g. MiKTeX orTeX Live). WinEdt Safe Contents Award

WinEdt 11 is now the official version of the program. It inherits all WinEdt 10 functionality with plenty of new features, numerous fixes, and improvements (too many to list here).

It supports (customizable) auto completion, code folding, it isdpi-aware, Unicode/utf8-capable, and it works well with the latest accessories and TeX Systems. WinEdt was extensively tested under Windows 11 and 10.

WinEdt 11 features a custom-written PDF Viewer (based on the PDFium library) with built-in SyncTeX functionality for Forward and Inverse Search. It is designed to work with pdf documents while they are being (re)compiled by TeX. Software Informer: editor's pick award

Of course, you can still use alternative PDF viewers (just like before) but having its own viewer gives WinEdt the expected (problem-free) TeX2PDF functionality out of the box without any user intervention.

WinEdt 11 can run simultaneously with an older version of the program. WinEdt 10 will continue to function exactly as before after installing the new version. Some manual work is required to import your old customizations (if you extensively modified configuration and macro scripts in WinEdt 10). Please read the information below before you decide to upgrade to WinEdt 11:

WinEdt 11.2 [Build: 20240613]

New: WinEdt Discussion Forum on GitHub

A new public discussion forum for WinEdt-related issues can be found on GitHub:

For those who are not familiar with GitHub:

GitHub is a powerful modern online platform that can be used for code sharing and collaboration, issue tracking, Wiki Docs, and more... The new WinEdt discussion forum is the first step. More GitHub features will be enabled by WinEdt-Team in the future as the need arises.

NOTE: The old WinEdt Mailing List has been discontinued with the retirement of an obsolete mail server hosting it for over 25 years (until February 2024). GitHub repository is a new venue for WinEdt-related discussions. Check it out!