Tocharian language words & meanings – Dictionary (original) (raw)

The Tocharian (Tokharian) language was spoken in the region of modern north-west China. Compared to our other ancient languages, it is relatively young and was still spoken around 900 A.D. It was only until the 20th century that the Tocharian langauge was discovered. This lead to a revision of the East-West division of the Indo-European languages. Below is listed a word list with Tocharian words translated into English.
Notes for Dictionary:
general – Common Tocharian or Tocharian A words
italic – Tocharian B words
á, í, ú – long [a], [i] and [u] sounds
ç – a sound like in Sanskrit açva or in English cashier
ä – a sound similar to German Käse (cheese) or English band
ñ – a soft [n’] sound
s’ – palatal [s] usually written as a little line over it
n., m., r., s. – cerebral sounds
@ – the Indo-European ‘schwa’ sound
Dictionary (192):

açc- – a beginning, a start (Sanskrit ásad- – to get down, ádis – a start, Slavic *jézda – a riding)
ak, ek – an eye (IE *okw- – an eye)
akmal – a face (see ak + malañ)
amokyo – art (
asam.khe – a variety
as’s’i – exactly (particle)
ats – exactly
ámpi – both (IE *ambh- + *bhó – both)
áñc – down
ánt – through, across
ánt, ánte – a forehead (IE *ant- – fore, forehead)
ant-api – both (see ámpi)
ákás’acc – to the sky
ánte – a plain
áre – a plough (IE *ár- – to plough)
árki , árkwi- – white (IE *arg’- – white, shining; silver)
ártimár – we should love
ásta – bones (IE *kost-, *ost- – a bone)
ati – grass (IE *ad- – to grow?)
bime – a thought, an idea
cake – a river (IE *tek- – to flow, to run)
ckácar, tkácer – a daughter (IE *dhutér- – a daughter)
çtwar, çtwer – four (IE *kwetwores – four)
e-, ai- – to give (IE *ay- – to give, to take)
eçane – an eye
ents-, en’k – to bear (IE *nek’- – to bear, to carry)
i- – to go (IE *ei- – to go)
íkam – twenty (IE *wíkmot – twenty)
kaklyus.u – on hearing (verbal adverb) (see klyos-)
kakmu – on coming (verbal adverb)
kaltr – he stops
käm- – to come (IE *gwem- ‘come’)
kam, keme – a ripple, a tooth (IE *gonbh- – a ledge)
känt, kant, kante – a hundred (IE *kmotom – a hundred)
kanwem – knees (dual, IE *genu- – a knee)
káryap – harm
kuryar, karyor – a purchase (IE *kwreya- – to buy)
kus – who? (IE *kwis – who)
käs – to go out, to extinguish (IE *gwes- – to extinguish)
kast – famine
kay-urs, ka-urs.e – a bull (IE *wers- – a bull)
kektseñe – a body
kerciye – a palace (IE *gher- – to stockade; a settlement)
kláw – to declare, to announce (IE *kleu- – to hear)
klots, klautso – an ear (IE *kleu- – to hear)
klyos- – to hear (IE *kleu- – to hear)
knán – to know (IE *gnó- – to know, from *gen- – kinship, a knee)
ko, keu – a cow (IE *gwou- – a bull)
krons’e – a bee (IE *k’ers- – an insect)
ksaise – old
ktsai – to grow old
ku – a dog (IE *kwon- – a dog)
kukäl, kokale – a wagon (IE *kwel- – round, a wheel)
kulmänts – reed (IE *k’al@m- – straw)
kuras’, krost – cold (IE *krus- – an edge of ice?)
kwyall – why?
laks, läks – a fish (IE *lak’@s- – fish, a salmon)
lap – a skull (Greek lophos – a nape, a hill, Slavic lob – a forehead)
lip- – to remain, to stay (IE *leikw- – to stay)
lk-, lyk- – to see (IE *léuk- – to see, to look)
lw – a beast
lyukemo – illuminated (participle) (IE *leuk- – light)
lyutár – excessively (Welsh llid < *lúto- – rage, Russian lyuty – angry, terrible)
má – not (Greek má, mé – not, Sanskrit má – don’t)
mácar, mácer – a mother (IE *mátér- – a mother)
makí – much (IE *mag’- – large, many)
malañ – a cheek
malk-, mälk – to milk (IE *melg-, *melk- – to milk)
malto – for the first time (IE *mal-/*mel- – a top)
malyw, mely – to press (IE *mel- – to grind)
mañ, meñe – a month (IE *men-es- – moon, a month)
mänt – how
mäs’s’unt – brains (IE *mazgh- – brains)
men’ki – less (IE *manw- – small, little)
misa – meat, flesh (IE *méms- – meat)
mit – honey (IE *medhu- – honey)
nás – us (IE *nosmes – we)
ñkat, ñakte – a god (IE *nekt- – a deity)
ñom, nem – a name (IE *nem- – to call, to assign)
ñu – new (IE *newo- – new)
ñú – nine (IE *newno – nine)
nut, naut – to die (IE *náw- – a corpse, to die)
okat, okt – eight (IE *októ – eight)
oki – like (conjunction)
om-post-am. – after that (IE *po- – after)
onkaläm – an elephant
orkäm – gloom, darkness (Greek orphnos – dark, dark brown)
orto – up (Latin orior – I rise)
pältsäkk – a thought
pák, páke – a section (IE *bhag- – to share with smb)
pácar, pacer – a father (IE *pa’te’r – a father)
päk- – to cook, ripen (IE *pekw-/ *pokw- ‘to cook’)
päl, píle – a wound (IE *bhal- – ill, sick)
pält, pilta – a leaf (IE *bhel- ‘leaf’)
pañä, piç, pis’ – five (IE *penkwe – five)
pant, pin.kce – fifth (see above)
papaks.u – something boiled (*pek-, *pekw- – to bake)
pärkär – long
pärwán, pärwáne – an eyebrow (IE *bhrú- – an eyebrow)
pärvat, pärwes.s.e – the oldest, a wizard (see parwe)
parno, perne – shining (participle)
parwe – at first (?) (IE *pro-wo- – forward, first)
pás, pásk – to graze (IE *pá-, *paH- – to secure, to graze)
pe, pai – a foot (IE *ped- – a foot)
pin’kam. – he writes (IE *peik’- – to draw signs)
plák – to be agree
plewe – a ship, a boat (IE *pleu- – to sail)
pokem. – a hand (IE *bhághu- – a hand)
por., puwar – fire (IE *paur- – inanimate fire)
porat, peret – an axe (IE *pelk’- – to chop) – could be borrowed from Iranian
pracar, procer – a brother (IE *bhrátér- – a brother)
prak, pärk – to ask (IE *prok’- – to ask)
pres’ciye – ooze
put-k – to judge, to divide (Latin putare – to think, Russian pytat’ – to torture)
rake, reki – speech, a word (IE *rek- – to speak)
ratre, rtär, ratrem. – red (IE *reudh- – red, rust)
ri, riye – a city
rit – to search
s.äk, skas – six (IE *sweks – six)
s’äk, s’ek, s’ak – ten (IE *dekmot – ten)
sále, sályi – salt (IE *sal- – grey, dirty; salt)
sälk- – to pull out (IE *selk- – to drag, a furrow)
salu, sol – whole (IE *salw- – whole, healthy)
s.älyp, s.alype – fat, oil (IE *selp- – fat)
s.amáne – a monk
s’äm, s’ana – a wife (IE *gwen- – a wife, a woman)
s’ánmaya – he was proclaimed, – a sister (IE *swesór- – a sister)
särk, sark – an illness
sas, se, s.eme – one (IE *sem- – one, the only, alone)
s’cirye – starry
se, soyä – a son (IE *sú- – to be born)
se (masc.), sá (fem.), te (neut.) – this (IE *so, *sá, *tod – this)
s’is’kiss – a lion (
skente – they are (IE *es- – to be)
smimám. – smiling (participle) (IE *smey- – to laugh)
soma-, somo- – the same, similar (IE *smoo- – the same, some)
s.päm, s.päne – a dream (IE *swep- – to sleep, *swep-no- – a dream)
s.pät, sukt – seven (IE *septom – seven)
spin- – a hook, a peg (IE *spey- – a peg)
s.tám, stám – a tree (IE *stá- – to stand), s.tow – a stick (IE *stúp- – a branch, a stump)
su (masc.), sá (fem.), tu (neut.) – that (see se)
súwa – to eat (Slavic *z’vati – to chew, Latvian z’aunas – gills, Old High German kiuwen – to chew, Armenian kiv – arboreal resin, Persian javiden – to chew)
suwam. – it is raining (IE *seu-, *su- – to rain, to flow)
swase, swese – rain (see above)
täm – this (IE *to- – demonstrative pronoun)
tän’k-, tan’k- – to interfere (IE *tnog- – heavy, hard)
tápärk – now (Russian teper’ – now?)
tek – to touch
tetriwu – he pounds (IE *ter- – to rub)
tkam, kem – ground (IE *dhghom- – ground)
tmäk – that is why
tmäs’ – then
träm-, tärm-, treme (pl.) – to shiver, a shiver (IE *trem- – to shake)
tri, traiy – three (IE *treyes, *trí – three)
trit, trite – thrice (see above)
tsar@ – a hand (IE *g’hesro- – a hand)
tsär – rough, shaggy (IE *khar- – sharp)
tsatsápau – warmed (participle) (IE *tep- – warm)
tsik – to generate
tsirauñe – power, strength
tsras’i – strong
tsu- – to link, to bind (IE *dhów- – to bind)
tu – thou (IE *tú – thou)
tumane, tumám. – ten thousand
tunk – love
wac – a quarrel, struggle (IE *wod- – to speak, to shout)
waiwalau – dizziness (IE *wel- – to turn, to twist)
wak, wek – voice (IE *wekw-/ *wokw- ‘voice’)
wäl, walo – a prince (IE *wal- – strong, powerful)
wäl – to die
walke – long
wälts, yaltse – a thousand
want, yente – to fly, to breathe
wáp – to weave
wär – water (IE *war- – water, wet)
warto, wärto – a garden, a grove (IE *wer- – to defend, to close)
wäs – gold
wätk-, watk- – to order (see wac)
wes – we (IE *wei- – we, me and you)
weskemane – speaking (participle)
wramm – a thing
wrauña – a crow
wu (masc.), we (fem.) – we two (see wes)
wu, wi – two (IE *duwo, *dwo – two)
yam, ya, yám – to do (Hittite aia- – to do)
yok – to drink
yokani – thirsting (participle)
ysar, ysár – blood (IE *esór- – blood)
ysäs. (3rd sg. pres.), yayásau (participle) – to boil (IE *yes- – to boil)
ytár (f) – a path, a way (see i-)
yuk, yakwe – a horse (IE *ekwo- – a horse)

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Chinese word list – Chinese to English

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