bronto-, bront- - Word Information (original) (raw)


A clap of thunder.


One of the Cyclopes in Greek mythology.


A device used to create the sound of thunder in a musical or dramatic performance; also called a tonitruone. It is usually a large, thin sheet of metal that reverberates when shaken.


A low, rumbling sound like distant thunder.


In geophysics, the short-lived rumbling sounds from the earth that can be heard in active seismic regions.


The record made by a brontometer or brontograph (an instrument for recording the phenomena associated with thunderstorms).

brontograph (s) (noun, brontographs (pl)

A chart showing thunder phenomena which is recorded by that instrument: The local TV was showing the brontographs of the storm that was going on in Joe's area.

brontolith, brontolite

A thunderstone or meteoric rock.

brontology, brontological

1. The scientific study of thunder and thunderstorms.
2. That part of meteorology that deals with thunderstorms.

brontomancy (s) (noun) (no pl)

Divination, or fortune telling, by interpreting thunder or thunderstorms: Believing in brontomancy, Sandra listened carefully to the crashing of thunder during the afternoon in order to know how to make the important decision the next day.


A device, or instrument, for measuring the intensity of thunder.

brontophile (s) (noun), brontophiles (pl)

A person who is fond of thunderstorms: Tony always watched the weather forecast and was especially interested in storms, and, as a brontophile, loved watching lightning striking and listening to the crashing and roaring of thunder.


A fondness for thunder and thunderstorms.


A person who has an abnormal fear of thunder or thunderstorms.


1. Of or pertaining to a brontosaurus.
2. Sometimes it is used as a figure of speech to describe someone or something as antiquated; clumsy, or ineffectual.

Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "lightning and/or thunder": astrapo-;cerauno-, kerauno-;fulgur-;tonitro-, tonitru-.