Create New Complaint · World Bank Group Fraud and Corruption (original) (raw)

Complaint Details

For allegations related to WBG staff misconduct or inappropriate workplace behavior, other than fraud and corruption (e.g., harassment and retaliation) please contact the WBG’s Ethics and Business Conduct Department (EBC): concerns pertaining to adverse impacts on project-affected communities, please contact the World Bank’s Grievance Redress Service (GRS): visit the World Bank’s Access to Information website if you are interested in information about projects, documents and data, statistics and publications.For verification of employment for WBG employees, please contact the World Bank's Human Resources Service Center: (202) 473-2222 or and Fraudulent Investment Schemes that Misuse the World Bank’s name:
Country where the World Bank project is located
Name of the World Bank project
Contract Name/Reference Number (if applicable)
Name(s) and/or position(s) (if known)
Are WBG staff involved in the suspected fraud or corruption?Are WBG staff involved in the suspected fraud or corruption? NoAre WBG staff involved in the suspected fraud or corruption? Yes
Please provide as much information and detail as possible, including who, what, when, where, why, and how. For example:
Tell us about yourself (required). I am a:

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