Diaries, 1919-1956 | WorldCat.org (original) (raw)

Summary:Diaries record daily activities, meetings, conferences, official duties, speeches, telephone conservations, and social events. The first volume dates from 1919-1928 and primarily concerns his travels on behalf of the Democratic National Committee prior to the 1920 election with notes from interviews with Woodrow Wilson; some entries were written by Cummings' secretary Charles F. McGuire. Diaries for the years 1932-1938 document his involvement with Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1932 campaign; selection of Roosevelt's cabinet; Cummings' duties as Attorney General, especially the judicial reorganization ("court-packing") plan, the gold bills, crime bills, tax cases, and the National Recovery Administration and other New Deal agencies; Cummings' interactions with Roosevelt; and other political issues such as patronage, the Democratic National Convention of 1936, and the 1936 campaign. Remaining volumes concern Democratic politics, Connecticut politics including the career of Senator Brien McMahon, and Cummings' association with diplomats from the Dominican Republic