Dorothy C. Miller papers, 1929-1984 | (original) (raw)



Physical Description:15 linear ft. (37 boxes)

OCLC Number / Unique Identifier:122569190


INDEX [Note: the following index cites individuals and art movements mentioned in the Dorothy C. Miller Papers; citations are to series and filing unit number.]

Abbott, Jere, III. 7.a

ABC art, IV. 1

Abe, Nobuya, I.22.k(i)

Alexander, Marie, III. 7.a

Anuszkiewicz, Richard, I.20.c; I.20.e

Arakowa, Shasaku, I.22.k(i)

Aronson, David, I.5

Atherton, John, I.4.b

Austin, Darrel, I.3

Azuma, Kengiro, I.22.k(i)

Baltrusaitis, Helene, III. 7.a

Barr, Alfred H., I.17(n);I.4(n);II. 2(n); II. 2.a; III. 3; IV. 4;IV. 16.a

Barr, Mrs. Alfred H., Sr., III. 7.a

Barr, Margaret Scolari, I.9.d; III. 7.a; IV. 4; IV. 16.a

Barry, Iris, III. 7.a

Bauer, John I.H. (Jack), II. 5(n); II. 4(n)

Baziotes, William, I.14.c; I.6 II. 4.b; III. 7.a

Benton, Thomas Hart, III. 7.a

Bertrand, Hugnette A., III. 7.a

Bloom, Hyman, I.3

Blumenfeld, Jane Cahill, III. 7.a

Bolotowsky, III. 7.a

Bontecou, Lee, I.20.e

Bowne, James, III. 7.a

Brancusi, III. 7.a

Breinin, Raymond, I.3

Briggs, Ernest, I.9.f

Brocks, Sam Houston, III. 7.a

Brooks, James, I.9.f; III. 7.a

Brown, John, III. 7.a

Buller, Audrey, I.4.b

Burden, William A.M., III. 4

Bush, Doris, III. 7.a

Byars, James Lee, III. 7.a

Cahill, Holger, I.8(n); I.8.c; I.3.b; II. 5.e; III. 7.b; IV. 4

Calcagno, Lawrence, III. 8.b

Calder, Alexander, I.23

Canaday, John, I.15.d; III. 5

Carl, Helen, III. 7.b

Cartier, Ferdinand, I.4.b

Cashwan, Samuel, I.3.a

Cassidy, Victor M., III. 7.a

Castelli, Leo, I.9.d

Chapin, Francis, I.3

Charlton, Mariette, III. 7.b

Chercher, Betty, III. 7.b

Chiba, Sho, I.22.m(i)

Chryssa, I.20.e

Church, Frederic. See Olana

Clark, Stephen C., IV. 4

Cobb, Elizabeth. See Parkinson

Coggeshall, Calvert, III. 7.b

Coppel, Jeane, III. 7.a

Corbett, Edward, I.6.a; III. 7.a; III. 8.b

Cornell, Joseph, III. 7.b

Cox, Daphne, III. 7.b

Crowninshield, Frank, I.3.d

Culwell, Ben L., I.5

Dada, IV. 6

Davies, Arthur B., III. 7.b

Davis, Emma Lu, I.3.a; III. 7.b

Davis, Stuart, III. 7.b

DeFeo, Jay, I.15.k, III. 7.b

Del Junco, Emilio, III. 7.b

de Menil, John, III. 7.b

Dickinson, Edwin, I.19; I.6.a; II. 4.b; III. 7.b

Dobashi, Jun, I.22.m(i)

Domoto, Hisao, I.22.k(ii)

Dows, Olin, III. 7.b

Drummond, Sally Hazelet, I.20.c; I.20.e

Eftimiadi, Froso, III. 7.c

Esman, Rosa, V.2

Faure, Elie, IV. 14

Feininger, Julia, III. 7.c

Ferber, Herbert, I.6

Force, Juliana, II. 5(n); I.23.b

Francis, Sam, I.14.c; I.9.f

French, Leonard, I.4.b

Froso, Eftimiadi, III. 7.c

Genauer, Emily, III. 10

Glarner, Fritz, I.9.f; II. 4.b

Glasco, Joseph, I.6.a

Goldwater, Robert J., I.16(n)

Goodrich, Lloyd, II. 5(n); II. 4(n)

Goodwin, Nancy, III. 7.a

Goodwin, Philip, III. 7.c

Goodyear, A. Conger, IV. 4

Gorky, Arshile, I.5

Gowing, Lawrence, III. 7.c

Graves, Morris, I.3; II. 4.b; IV. 8

Gregory, Peter, III. 7.c

Guston, Philip, I.9.f; III. 7.c

Hadzi, Mrs. Dimitri (Molly), I.22.g

Hague, Raoul, I.9.f

Harari, Hananiah, I.4.b

Hare, David, I.5

d'Harnoncourt, Reň, I.9.d

d'Harnoncourt, Sarah (Mrs. Reň), III. 7.c

Hart, Pop, III. 7.c

Hartigan, Grace, I.9.f; III. 7.c

Hasegawa, Shoichi, I.22.m(i)

Haviland, Marion, III. 7.c

Hedrick, Wally, I.15.g; I.15.k

Hemingway, Ernest, III. 11

Higgins, Edward, I.20.e

Hillman, Kay, III. 7.c

Hirsch, Joseph, I.3, IV. 3a

Hord, Donal, I.3

Howard, Charles, I.3

Hunter, Sam, IV. 17

Hurd, Peter, I.24b

Imai, Toshimitsu, I.22.m(ii)

Indiana, Robert, I.20.c; I.20.e

Inokuma, Genchiro, I.22.k(ii)

Irvine, Rosalind, II. 3(n)

Izumi, Shigeru, I.22.k(ii)

James, Mrs. Bessie R., III. 7.c

Janson, H.W., I.16(n)

Jarvaise, James, I.15.g; I.15.k

Jensen, Oliver, III. 7.c

Johns, Jasper, I.22.g; I.15.k

Johnson, Philip, III. 26

Johnson, Ray, IV. 2.a

Jones, Betsy, III. 7.c

Joslin, Archie, III. 7.c

Juries, IV. 10

Kane, John, II. 4.b

Karolik, Maxim, II. 5.b

Kassler, Elizabeth Mock, III. 7.c

Katzman, Herbert, I.6.a

Kawabata, Minoru, I.22.k(iii)

Kawashima, Ty (Takahashi), I.22.k(iii)

Kelly, Ellsworth, I.15.k

Kiesler, Frederick, I.6.a

Kimura, Reiji, I.22.k(iii)

Kito, Akira, I.22.m(ii)

Klee, Paul, I.24.h

Kline, Franz, I.9.g

Kohn, Gabriel, I.20.d-e

Kriesberg, Irving, I.6

Kupferman, Lawrence, I.4.b

Kusumoto, Masaki, I.22.k(iii)

Lassaw, Ibram, I.9.g

LeBrun, Rico, I.3

Lekakis, Michael, I.20.f

Leslie, Alfred, I.15.k

Levine, Jack, I.3

Levy, Julien, III. 7.c

Lewandowski, Edmund, I.4.b

Lewitin, Landes, I.15.k

Lieberman, William S., I.24(n); I.24.m(i-ii) [mss]; I.22(n); II. 1(n); III. 7.c

Lindner, Richard, I.20.f; I.20.i

Linhares, Philip, III. 7.c

Lippold, Richard, I.6; III. 7.c

Lipton, Seymour, I.9.g

Ludgin, Earle, III. 7.c

Lundeberg, Helen, I.3

Lux, Theodore, I.4.b

Lynes, Russell, III. 7.e; III. 13

Lytle, Richard, I.15.k

Mabry, Thomas, III. 7.d

MacIver, Loren, I.18.b; I.5; III. 7.d

Mallary, Robert, I.20.i; I.15.l

Marisol, I.20.f

Martin, Fletcher, I.3

Mayor, A. Hyatt, II. 5(n)

McAndrew, John, III. 7.d

McKinney, Laurence, III. 7.d

McShine, Kynaston, III. 7.d

Medellin, Octavio, I.3

Merrild, Knud, I.3

Minimalism. See, ABC art

Miki, Tomio, I.22.g

Mir̤, Joan, III. 11

More, Herman, II. 5(n)

Moore, Henry, III. 7.d

Mori, Shoichiro, I.22.m(ii)

Motherwell, Robert, I.14.d; I.5

Myers, John, I.15.d; III. 7.d

Nagare, Masayuki, I.22.k(iv)

Neikbug, S.E., III. 7.d

Nevelson, Louise, I.18.b; I.15.l

New York Office of the State Department, III. 7.d

Newman, Barnett, I.14.d

Niizuma, Minoru, I.22.k(iv)

Noguchi, Isamu, I.8.a; I.5

Ohno, Hidetaka, I.22.m(iii)

Olana, NY, III. 7.d

Oldenburg, Claes, I.20.d; I.20.f

Oliver, Katherine, III. 7.c

Olmsted, Harold, III. 7.d

Onoda, Haru, I.22.m(iii)

Osborn, Elodie Courter, III. 7.d

Osborn, Robert, III. 7.d

Otami, Fumio, I.22.m(iii)

Papsdorf, Fred, I.4.b

Parkinson, Elizabeth, III. 7.d


Pei, I.M., I.20.d

Pereira, I. Rice, I.5

Perry, Betty Lockett, III. 29

Picasso, Pablo, III. 24

Pickens, Alton, I.5; II. 4.c; III. 7.d

Pickett, Joseph, II. 4.c

Pindell, Howardena, III. 7.e

Pollock, Jackson, I.6; III. 7.d

Pop art, IV. 12

Price, C.S., I.5

Pulitzer, Joseph, II. 5.c

Rain, Charles, I.4.b

Rasmussen, Waldo, III. 7.d

Rauschenberg, Robert, I.15.l

Reinhardt, Ad, I.20.d; I.20.f

de Rivera, Još, I.9.g

Rivers, Larry, I.9.c; I.9.g; III. 7.d

Rockefeller, John D., Jr., III. 7.d

Rockefeller, Nelson A. [coll.], I.24; II. 6; III. 7.d

Rose, Francis, III. 7.d

Rose, Herman, I.6.b

Rosenquist, James, I.20.f

Rosevear, Cora, III. 7.a

Roszak, Theodore J., I.5

Rothko, Mark, I.6.b

Rublee, Mrs. George, III. 7.d

Russell, Morgan, IV. 13

Saarinen, Aileen, I.24.i

Sato, Ado, I.22.m(i)

Sato, Key, I.22.k(v)

Schainen, H. Jack, III. 7.e

Schempp, Ted, III. 7.a

Schmidt, Julius, I.15.l

Schneider, Katharine, III. 7.e

Schnizel, Teddy, III. 7.e

Schwitters, Kurt, I.24.f

Seley, Jason, I.20.f; IV. 17

Sharrar, Honoř, I.5

Shaw, Elizabeth, III. 7.e

Sheeler, Charles, I.2a

Shingu, Susumu, I.22.m(iv)

Simada, Sizu, I.22.m(iv)

Simpson, David, I.20.d; I.20.f

Siporin, Mitchell, I.3

Sisselman, Mrs. Alan, III. 7.e

Soby, James Thrall, I.20.i; I.9.c-d; II. 4(n); III. 28; IV. 4

Somaini, Francesco, IV. 14

Spencer, Niles, I.7; II. 4.c; III. 29

Spruce, Everett, I.3

Stamos, Theodoros, III. 7.e

Stankiewicz, Richard, I.15.l

Steegmuller, Francis, III. 7.e

Steinberg, Saul, I.5

Stella, Frank, I.15.l

Stern, Alfred Chas., III. 7.e

Stieglitz, Alfred, IV. 4

Still, Clyfford, I.6

Stubbing, Tony, III. 7.e

Suba, Miklos, I.4.b

Sugai, Kumi, I.22.k(v)

Sullivan, Mary Quinn, III. 7.e

Tabuchi, Yasukaza (Yasse), I.22.m(v)

Tadasky (Tada suke kuwayama), I.22.k(vi)

Takahashi, Shu, I.22.m(v)

Tanaka, Shu, I.22.m(v)

Tanaka, Toshiyuki, I.22.m(v)

Tirana, Mrs. Rifat, III. 7.e

Tobey, Mark, I.5; II. 4.c

Tomioka, Soichiro, I.22.k(vi)

Tomlin, Bradley Walker, I.6

Toyofuko, Tomonori, I.22.k(vi)

Urban, Albert, I.15.l

Valentin, Curt, I.6.b; III. 7.e

Venner, Edward, III. 7.e

Wasserman, Jeanne L., IV. 16

Wasserman, Max, IV. 16

Wengenroth, Stow, I.4.b

Wheeler, Monroe, IV. 4

Whitlock, C.E.H., III. 7.e

Wight, Frederick S., II. 4(n)

Wilfred, Thomas, I.6

Williams, Hiram, IV. 17

Williams, William Carlos, III. 7.e

Yasuda, Haruhiku, I.22.m(v)

Yoshimura, Masanobu, I.22.k(vi)

Youngerman, Jack, I.15.l; III. 7.e

Zajac, Jack, III. 8.b

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