Homer A. Jack papers, 1930-1995 | WorldCat.org (original) (raw)

Summary:The collection includes correspondence (1930-1988); speeches and writings; diaries and notes on travel, and material relating to Homer Jack's work with organizations in the areas of disarmament, race relations, and interreligious efforts to achieve peace. Includes material relating to organizations in which Jack held administrative positions including World Conference on Religion and Peace; Chicago Council Against Racial and Religious Discrimination, American Committee on Africa, National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy, and Dept. of Social Responsibility of the Unitarian Universalist Association; other organizations including Accra Assembly, Albert Schweitzer Fellowship, Disarmament Working Group of Coalition for a New Foreign and Military Policy, Committee for Nonviolent Action, Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign, International Confederation for Disarmament and Peace, NGO Committee on Human Rights, Peace, Inc. of Greater Chicago, Religious NGOs at the United Nations, and World Peace Council; conferences he attended as a delegate, observer, or journalist, particularly Asian-African Conference at Bandung, Indonesia (1955), All-African People's Conference at Accra, Ghana (1958), Conference of Heads of State of Non-aligned Countries at Belgrade, Yugoslavia (1961), and Moscow Congress for Disarmament and Peace of the World Council of Peace (1962). Also included are peace and political campaign buttons, photographs, and audiovisual material. Correspondents include Norman Cousins, Angelo Fernandes, Erich Fromm, Manilal Gandhi, Sanford Gottlieb, Dana McLean Greeley, Donald Harrington, Robert S. Hoagland, John Haynes Holmes, George M. Houser, F.C. Hunnius, Donald F. Keys, William Bross Lloyd, Bradford Lyttle, T.K. Mahadevan, A.J. Muste, Otto Nathan, Philip Noel-Baker, G. Ramachandran, Douglas J. Roche, Miriam Rogers, Morris H. Rubin, Albert Schweitzer, Lawrence Scott, Adlai Stevenson, and Norman Thomas