UNB - re Sir Lindsay Keir & Prof. Hughes Parry to Canada | WorldCat.org (original) (raw)

Front cover image for UNB - re Sir Lindsay Keir & Prof. Hughes Parry to Canada

Authors:Albert W. Trueman, David Lindsay Keir, David Hughes Parry, Canadian Pacific Railway, Cunard Steamship Company, ltd, Trans-Canada Airlines, Royal Bank of Canada, Furness, Withy & Company, Ltd Passenger Department, British Overseas Airways Corporation, Bank of Nova Scotia, Cunard White Star, ltd

Summary:Correspondence concerning travel and accommodation arrangements made to enable Sir David Lindsay Keir and Sir D. Hughes Parry participation in UNB's sesquicentennial encaenia for May 1950

Archival Material, English, 1949 Aug. - 1950 Oct

Physical Description:Correspondence : 215 (223 leaves, 6, 14, 6, 8 pages) maps : 1.

OCLC Number / Unique Identifier:270525082


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