Autograph letter signed : Salisbury, to Governor Caswell, 1784 Sept. 22 | (original) (raw)

Summary:Introducing him to the "mother of a young man convicted of Horse Stealing - Charity induces me to say he was found guilty on testimony too doubtful to take away the life of any person - which I believe was also the opinion of the Judge who sat upon this Trial."

Manuscript, English, 1784

Publication:Signers of the Constitution of the United States (MA 555)

Physical Description:1 item (1 page, with address) ; 20.7 cm

OCLC Number / Unique Identifier:270534123


Address panel to "His Excell'y Richard Caswell Esq're / Kinston."


This item is part of a collection of autograph letters and documents by the signers of the Constitution of the United States; see collection record (MA 555) for more information