Autograph letter, dated : Paris, to [Humbert Ferrand], 1833 Oct. 25 | (original) (raw)

Summary:Writing about Henriette (i.e. Harriet Smithson, whom he had married on 3 October), saying that she is a delicious being, she is Ophelia herself--not Juliet, for she has not her passionate ardor, but tender, sweet, and timid--, adding that to comfort her he sings the idée fixe from the Symphonie fantastique (Berlioz writes out an eight-bar quotation from the theme), saying that Liszt has just arranged the Fantastique for piano solo and that it will be engraved soon, that he is still working on the Francs-juges, and ending "Adieu, farewell, dearest Horatio, remember me, I'll not forget thee."