Autograph letter signed : [London], to Miss Thomson, [ca. 1845 Apr. 26] | (original) (raw)

Summary:Sending her "answers to [Miss Thomson's] letter"; mentioning a "notice of Ariadne" and observing that "Bacchus and Ariadne in the Naxos scene are treated of at large by a Greek poet of the fifth century ... called Nonnus, in his Dionysiaca"; saying that she has translated "nearly the best" passages from that poem; discussing passages about Aurora; noting that she used Greek instead of Roman names for the gods; mentioning Euripedes

Manuscript, English, 1845

Publication:Collection of four autograph letters from the Browning family (MA 7346)

Physical Description:1 item (6 p.) ; 11.1 x 9.3 cm + envelope

OCLC Number / Unique Identifier:270876381


With postmark, seal, and stamp; place of writing is from postmark ("Marylebone")

The letter is dated "Monday morning," however the accompanying envelope is postmarked Apr. 26, 1845, a Saturday; presumably this letter was written near this postmark date. Browning sent Miss Thomson a letter on May 16, 1845 that references the topics in this letter

Part of a collection of 4 letters of the Brownings and 3 prints. Items in the collection are described in separate records (MA 7346.1-7)