[Elizabethan records] | WorldCat.org (original) (raw)


Physical Description:16 leaves : parchment ; 325 x 215 (65-310 x 170-190) mm bound to 339 x 232 mm

OCLC Number / Unique Identifier:302202705


1. fol. 1v-12v: "[text] A generall collection of the offices in England with their fees in King's gift vid[elicet] ... suma totalis of all etc. [signed] R.S. [probably the scrivener] [ca. 1603]. fol. 12r-14r blank


Ms. codex

Title supplied by cataloger

Collation: Paper, fol. ii + 16 + xiii; original collation indiscernible as originally conjugate leaves are attached to modern paper stubs

Layout: Fol. 1v-8v written in 2 columns of 50 lines, ruled vertically in lead or folded to make left margin and separate columns, fol. 9r-12r written in 50 long lines, ruled vertically in lead along left margin; fol. 14v written in 25 long lines; fol. 15r written in 31 long lines; fol. 16v written in 5 long lines (2 added lines crossed out.)

Script: Written throughout in cursive script; 4 distinct hands present

Binding: Modern gilt red morocco; Eyre & Spottiswoode stamp present

Origin: Written in England between 1601 and 1663. See Contents note

Shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, The Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley, fMS UCB 36

Former shelfmark: Berkeley, CA, The Bancroft Library, UC Berkeley, 2MS DA350 E6

2. fol. 14v: Recognizance of James Humphrey by Henry Garey [8 April 1601]

3. fol. 15r: Recognizance of John Bonifas [or Bomfas] by Thomas Smith [12 June 1663]

4. fol. 16r: Personal note of transfer of animals [11 May 1603]

Language Notes:English and Latin