John S. Knight papers, 1894-1981 bulk (1920-1981) | (original) (raw)

Summary:The John S. Knight papers (1894-1981) consist primarily of material relating to his life as a newspaper editor and publisher. The collection includes correspondence, speeches, scrapbooks, "Editor's Notebooks," newspaper clippings, photographs, phonotapes, and memorabilia, plus a variety of other materials which document the significant events of Knight's life and legacy. Wherever possible, original order of the papers was maintained. Correspondents include: Spiro T. Agnew, Charles O. Andrews, Walter Annenberg, William H. Ayres, Pearl Bailey, John S. Ballard, Bernard Baruch, Birch Bayh, Lord Maxwell Beaverbrook, Ezra Taft Benson, Leo Berg, Oliver Bolton, William Borah, John W. Bricker, Clark M. Clifford, James M. Cox, Walter Cronkite, Richard J. Daley, H.M. Daughtery, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Gerald R. Ford, J.W. Fulbright, George H. Gallup, Herbert Hoover, Hubert H. Humphrey, Lyndon B. Johnson, Edward M. Kennedy, John F. Kennedy, Joseph P. Kennedy, Rose Kennedy, Alfred Landon, Frank J. Lausche, Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., C. Blake McDowell, Sr., Richard M. Nixon, Sylvia F. Porter, James A. Rhodes, Eddie Rickenbacker, Franklin D. Roosevelt, George Smathers, Adlai Stevenson, Stuart Symington, Charles P. Taft, Robert A. Taft, Robert Taft, Jr., Harry S. Truman, and Wendell Willkie