Letter to F.A. Duneka, 1914 February 3 | WorldCat.org (original) (raw)

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Front cover image for Letter to F.A. Duneka, 1914 February 3

Authors:Theodore Stanton, Frederick A. Duneka

Summary:Stanton sees no reason why Mr. Leipnik would not do a one volume work on Francis Joseph (Franz Joseph I?). Will agree to encourage him if Duneka makes an offer

Archival Material, English, 1914

Genre:letters (correspondence)

Physical Description:1 item

OCLC Number / Unique Identifier:50201401


Correspondance priveĢe

Leipnik, Mr

Personal correspondence

Stanton, Theodore, 1851-1925

letters (correspondence)

personal correspondence


Forms part of the Clifton Waller Barrett Library