James Huneker letter to Dear Mr. Maxwell, 1904 July 12 | WorldCat.org (original) (raw)

Authors:James Huneker, Perriton Maxwell

Summary:Huneker writes to My dear Maxwell, 12 July 1904, concerning a short story he is writing and suggesting two places where illustrations might be used

Manuscript, English, 1904

Genre:letters (correspondence)

Physical Description:1 p.

OCLC Number / Unique Identifier:60494866


Correspondance privée


Critics United States Correspondence

Critiques États-Unis Correspondance

Huneker, James, 1857-1921

Huneker, James, 1857-1921 Correspondence

Personal correspondence

United States

letters (correspondence)


In Rare Books and Manuscripts, University Libraries, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA (#1968-0062R/VF Lit)