Papers of various American authors, 1843-1978 | (original) (raw)

Authors:James Fenimore Cooper, Ford Madox Ford, Robert Frost, Henry James (Correspondent), Violet Hunt, Erskine Caldwell, Paul Horgan, Mary Lee Settle

Summary:The collection contains a cashier's note, 1843, signed by James Fenimore Cooper; "Man and woman", and an untitled essay re radio by Erskine Caldwell; and Willa Cather and the incalculable distance," by Paul Horgan

Archival Material, English, 1843

Genre:Film adaptations

Physical Description:7 items

OCLC Number / Unique Identifier:647825352


Cather, Willa, 1873-1947

Dinesen, Isak, 1885-1962

Dinesen, Isak, 1885-1962 Film and video adaptations

Film adaptations


Forms part of the Clifton Waller Barrett Library

Reproduction Notes:

In part, photocopies and transcripts