Autograph letter signed : Bath, to William Allingham, [1856 Dec. 18] | (original) (raw)

Summary:Praising Elizabeth Barrett Browning's Aurora Leigh: "O the wonder of it! -- and O the bore of writing about it!" Reporting that the Brownings have left, and "with them one of my delights -- an evening resort where I never feel unhappy." Giving news about mutual acquaintances: mentioning that Woolner is working on his bust of Tennyson, that "Hunt is going on with his great picture," Hughes has "3 or 4 pictures in hand;" Munro is "still at work for Woodward;" and that Brown received a prize. Referencing the illustrations in Poets of the 19th Century, praising Millais and Hunt, and mentioning that he has done four designs. Noting that Morris and Jones are in London and praising their work; mentioning Ruskin, referencing Elizabeth Siddal's health, and asking after Anna Mary Howitt