Happy birthday N.B.C.C. 1974-1984 ; the National Book Critics Circle tenth anniversary, 1985 | WorldCat.org (original) (raw)

Summary:Notes of congratulations by winners and nominees of the annual NBCC awards for the most distinguished American works of literature. These autograph facsimiles include Alice Adams, Nina Auerbach, W. Jackson Bate, Marshall Berman, Harold Bloom, John Boswell, Douglas Crase, Peter Davison, Morris Dickstein, Joan DIdion, Stanley Elkin, Leslie Epstein, Donald Finkel, Sally Fitzgerald, Paul Fussell, Martin Gardner, Stephen J. Gould, Jorie Graham, Elizabeth Hardwick, Shirley Hazzard, Anthony Hecht, Michael Herr, Seymour M. Hersh, Edward Hoagland, John Irving, Phyllis Janowitz, Fred Kaplan, Justin Kaplan, Maxine Hong Kingston, Jackson Lears, Philip Levine, Ron Loewinsohn, John McPhee, Dumas Malone, Greil Marcus, Edward Mendelson, W.S. Merwin, Toni Morrison, Howard Moss, Barbara Novak, Cynthia Ozick, Walker Percy, Katha Pollitt, John Rockwell, Roger Rosenblatt, Frederick Seidel, Dave Smith, Cathy Song, Ronald Steel, Telford Taylor, Paul Theroux, Virgil Thomson, Barbara W. Tuchman, Anne Tyler, John Updike, Helen Vendler, Alice Walker, William W. Warner, Richard Wilbur, C.K. Williams, Edward O. Wilson, and Larry Woiwode