Manuscripts and letters, 1900-1920 | (original) (raw)

Summary:The collection comprises four pre-publication manuscripts and five letters. The manuscripts are: "M. James Ensor aquafortiste," 1893, 15 p., with corrections; "Antonio de la Gandara," with a list of illustrations, n.d.; and eight-page essay, "Le culte des images," attacking the Salon d'Automne and the decadence of modern art, and "Les Panathenees doivent revenir," deploring the spoliation of the Elgin Marbles and argues for their return to Greece. The letters include three (ca. 1912) to Henri Liebrecht, editor of "Soir," concerning articles on art and literature, one establishing a case for Fragonard as a precursor of Impressionism; and a 7 p. letter of reconciliation to the critic Gabriel Mourey (1900), in which Mauclair points to their common support of Rodin and Besnard, and to shared ideas about Modern art, as proof of his good faith. He also, in passing, reflects upon the role of the art critic