Estonia (original) (raw)


Map of Estonia Hear National Anthem "Mu isamaa, mu �nn ja r��m" (My Native Land, My Pride and Joy) Text of National Anthem Adopted 1920-1940, re-adopted 1990 Constitution (28 Jun 1992) ------------------------- Constitution 1938 (1 Jan 1938-21 Jul 1940)
Capital: Tallinn (Revel 1219-1918, 1941-1944; Tallinna 1918-c.1920) Currency:Euro (EUR); 1992 - 31 Dec 2010 Estonian Kroon (EEK); 1924-40 Estonian Kroon (EEN); 1918-24 Estonian Marka (EEM); 1918-22 German Darlehenskasse Ost Mark (DEOM) National Holiday: 24 Feb (1918) Iseseisvusp�ev (Independence Day) Population: 1,244,288 (2018) 1,117,361 (1934)
GDP: 41.65billion(2017)∣∗∗Exports∗∗:41.65 billion (2017) Exports: 41.65billion(2017)Exports:13.4 billion (2017) Imports: $14.4 billion (2017) Ethnic groups: Estonian 68.7%, Russian 24.8%, Ukrainian 1.7%, Belarusian 1%, Finn 0.6%, other 1.6%, unspecified 1.6% (2011)
Total Active Armed Forces: 15,516 (2010) Merchant marine: 78 ships (2017) (170 ships in 1937) Religions: Lutheran 9.9%, Orthodox 16.2%, other Christian (including Methodist, Seventh-Day Adventist, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal) 2.2%, other 0.9%, none 54.1%, unspecified 16.7% (2011)
Estonia Index Chronology 1030 - 1061 Russian occupation of Dorpat (Tartu). 1211 Estonian Bishopric, also called Bishopric of Leal (Lihula) (after the nominal seat of the bishop) established by the Bishop of Riga (confirmed by the Holy See 31 Oct 1213), originally without any temporal authority. 1216 Southern part of present-day Estonia invaded by the Swordbrothers Order (Fratres militi� Christi Livoniae), who establish a standing presence there (occasional raids started from 1208, occupation of Estonian lands completed by Feb 1227). Jun 1219 Danish rule (Estonian Duchy) in Reval (Tallinn) and northern part of present-day Estonia. Feb 1227 Danish duchy of (N-) Estonia was conquered by Swordbrothers 21 Jul 1224 Estonian bishop takes temporal authority over the southern part of present-day Estonia as a sovereign prince-bishop of the Holy Roman Empire (formally from 6 Nov 1225), Bishop gives part of his possessions as a fief to the Swordbrothers Order, and cedes the western part of the Estonian mainland (including Leal) to the bishop of Riga (24 Jul 1224) and chooses Dorpat (Tartu) as his new capital (Aug 1224). The Estonian Bishopric thereafter renamed as Bishopric of Dorpat, but bishops continues to use the style of bishop of Leal to 8 Jan 1235. 12 May 1237 Swordbrothers Order incorporated into the Teutonic Order (Deutscher Orden) as a separate branch or province, informally known as the Livonian Order. 7 Jun 1238 After joining the Teutonic Order, lands of Revalia, Hargia (Harjumaa) and Wironia (Virumaa) were retroceded to Denmark, but "Gierwia" (a landlocked area in central Estonia, now J�rvamaa) remained possession of the Teutonic Order until 29 Aug 1346. 1285 City of Reval (Tallinn) becomes a member of the Hanseatic League and is later joined by 3 other cities in present-day Estonia: Dorpat (Tartu), Pernau (P�rnu), and Fellin (Viljandi). 1 Nov 1346 Estonian Duchy, having been sold by Denmark (on 29 Aug 1346), is handed over to the Grand Master of Teutonic Order and by the later (on 7 Jun 1347) given up in a pledge and administration to the Land-Master of the Livonian Order (Grand Master relinquishes rights 14 Jan 1525). 6 Jun 1561 City of Reval and vassals of the Order in (4 Jun 1561) make an oath to Sweden (on 15 Jun 1561) these territories are annexed bySweden, but annexation is not recognized by the Livonian Order or the Poland-Lithuania until 13 Dec 1570. This part of Estonia, controlled by Sweden until 1584) called Swedish Livonia. 5 Mar 1562 Territories of the Livonian Order become part of the Lithuanian principality of Livonia. 15 Jan 1582 Russia withdraws from Dorpat (occupied in 1558) and transfers it to the Poland-Lithuania. 20 Mar 1584 Territories annexed by Sweden are organized as the Duchy or Province of Estonia (Estland in Swedish and German), originally (to the 17th cent.) formally Estonian Duchy. The King of Sweden takes the style of "Duke of Estonia", originally "Estonian Duke" (Hertig af Esthen). 10 Oct 1710 Estonia is annexed by Russia and autonomous province or government of Revel (Russian: Namestichestvo Revel'skaya) is established (formally from in 8 Aug 1713). Estonia called thereafter in semi-official local use Duchy (rendered Principality in Russian) of Estonia (until 1783), the Russian Tsar uses the style of "Prince of Estonia" until 1917. 29 May 1719 Governorate of Revel (Revel'skaya guberniya). 10 Sep 1721 Duchy of Estonia formally ceded by Sweden to Russia by the Treaty of Nystad. 1775 - Nov 1917 Subordinated, with some interruptions, to governors-general, or other overall administrations, of the Baltic Provinces (see under Latvia). 14 Jul 1783 Province of Estonia (Provintsiya Estonii), local autonomy is abolished. 28 Nov 1796 Limited local autonomy for Estonia restored (confirmed by all successive Emperors of Russia on their accession before 1881, thereafter gradually extinguished). 26 Sep 1885 Russian made the official government language. 29 Oct 1905 - Dec 1905 Local rebellions part of Russian Revolution of 1905. 12 Apr 1917 Northern part of Governorate of Livonia is amalgamated with the Governorate of Estonia, (Estlyandskaya guberniya/ Esthl�ndisches Gouvernement) with autonomy. Nov 1917 Bolshevik government abolishes autonomy. 28 Nov 1917 Estonian Provisional Provincial Assembly (Diet) is proclaimed to be the holder of high state authority, however it is prevented from holding more sessions by a military revolutionary committee in Tallinn, representing the Soviet Russian government. 17 Dec 1917 - 26 Feb 1918 Russian sailors onthe Island of Nargen (Naissaar), northwest of Tallinn, declare a Soviet Republic of Sailors and Fortress-Builders of Nargen under the chairmanship of Stepan Maximovich Petrichenko (b. 1892 - d. 1947). 23 Feb 1918 Russian withdrawal from Tallinn, Estonian Salvation Committee (appointed on 19 Feb 1918) takes over temporary supreme authority. 24 Feb 1918 Republic of Estonia (Eesti Vabariik) is declared independent by the Estonian National Council in Tallinn (and in P�rnu on 23 Feb 1918). 25 Feb 1918 - 11 Nov 1918 Occupied by Germany (occupation of the islands of Hiiumaa, Muhu, and Saaremaa from 12 Oct 1917); (notionally part of a Baltic State [see Latvia]). 11 Nov 1918 Republic of Estonia (restored). 28 Nov 1918 - 19 Jan 1919 Soviet Russia occupies Narva; in V�ru to 1 Feb 1919. 29 Nov 1918 - 1 Feb 1919 Estonian Workers' Commune (Eesti N�ukogude Vabariik - Eesti T��rahva Kommuuna, at Narva in Soviet Russia occupied Estonian territory [it moves to V�ru on 19 Feb 1919 then Alūksne, Latvia 4 Feb 1919 later Soviet Russia, dissolving 5 Jun 1919]) 17 Jun 1940 Occupied by the Soviet Union. 21 Jul 1940 Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic (Eesti N�ukogude Sotsialistlik Vabariik). 6 Aug 1940 Incorporation into Soviet Union (not internationally recognized). 28 Aug 1941 - 17 Sep 1944 Tallinn occupied by Germany (on Hiiumaa, Muhu, and Saaremaa islands 20 Oct 1941 - 24 Nov 1944), remains under military administration to 5 Dec 1941 (Tallinn from c.20 Sep 1941 part of Rear Army Area North). 5 Dec 1941 - 17 Sep 1944 Estonia is made a General District (Generalbezirk Estland), within the Reichskommissariat of Ostland (see under Latvia). 18 Sep 1944 - 22 Sep 1944 Brief restoration of the Estonian government, Republic of Estonia restored on 21 Sep 1944. 22 Sep 1944 Soviet re-occupation of Tallinn. 22 Sep 1944 Re-incorporation into the Soviet Union (not internationally recognized). 16 Nov 1988 Declaration of state sovereignty. 8 May 1990 Republic of Estonia (Eesti Vabariik). 20 Aug 1991 Independence declared (resolution of national legislature on restoration of statehood). 6 Sep 1991 Independence recognized by Soviet Union. 1 May 2004 Part of European Union.
Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic (1940-1990)
Pro-Soviet Resistance (1941-1944)
Republic in Exile (1940-1991)
�sel Island (1228-1783)
Dorpat (Tartu) (1211-1723)
Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Estonian Orthodox Church
First Estonian Constitution (20 Dec 1920 - 24 Jan 1934)
Historical Ma of Estonia

- in Vironia (Virumaa), NE Estonia -
.... - 12.. Kyriavan
12.. - c.1221 Thabelin of Pudiviru (Tabelinus) (d. c.1221)
- Sakala, SW Estonia -
1212 Meme
1212? - 21 Sep 1217 Lembitu (in Leole/L�havere) (d. 1217)
12.. - 21 Sep 1217 Wottele (d. 1217)
12.. - 21 Sep 1217 Maniwalde (d. 1217)
21 Sep 1217 - 12.. Unnepewe
Danish Governors (styled Capitaneus, Statsholdere, or Hauptmann)
1219 - 1221 Andreas Sunesen (Sunonis), (b. c.1167 - d. 1228)
aerkebiskop af Lund
1233 � 1234 Johann Selig
(Swordbrothers commander)
1248 - 1249 Saxo Aginsun (d. c.1249)
1249 Stigot Agison
1254 - 1257 Saxo
1259 Jakob Ramessun
1262 B. ....
1266 Woghen Palissun
1270 Siverith
1275 - 5 Mar 1279 Eilard von Oberch (d. 1279)
1279 - 1281 Odewart (Lode?)
c.1285 Letgast
Mar 1287 Friedrich Moltike
1287 A. ....
1288 Johann Sialanzfar
1296 Nils Axelsson
1298 Nikolaus Ubbison
1304 Johann Saxesson
1310 Johannes Canne (nuntius)
1312 - 1313 Ago Saxisson
1313 - 1314 Heinrich Bernauer
1323 Johannes Kanna
1329 Heinrich Spliit
1332 - 1335 Marquard Breide (d. 1335)
Jul 1340 - May 1343 Konrad Preen
May 1343 Bertram von Parembeke (acting) (d. 1343?)
16 May 1343 - 1344 Goswin von Herike (d. 1359)
(Livonian Stadholder)
1344 - 1 Nov 1346 Stigot Andersson
Teutonic Stadholder (title Provincialis)
Nov 1346 - Jun 1347 Burchard von Dreileben (b. 129. - d. af.1366)
(Dreinlove, Dreyleven)
Livonian Commanders of Reval (also deputies of Livonian Land-masters for Estonia) 1348 Hildebrand von Lenthe
1348 - 1349 Arnold von Vietinghoff (d. 1364)
1352 - 1359 Dietrich von Warmsdorf
1361 - 1369 Helmich von Diepenbrock
1370 Gottschalk von Wickede
1375 - 1379 Heinrich von Eppenhausen
1384 Bruno von Hochstaden
1387 - 1397 Arnd von Altena
1397 - 1407 Dietrich von Weilburg
1407?/09 - 1411 Friedrich von Welda
1411 - 1417 Johann Wekebrot von Buederich
1418 - 1421 Dietrich Duecker
1422 - 1423 Albert Torck
1423 - 1424 Cisse von dem Rutenberg (d. 1433)
1424 - 1429 Goswin von Velmede
1429 - 1432 Heinrich von B�ckenf�rde, gen. (d. 1437)
1434 - 1436 Heinrich von der Vaerst
1436 - 1442 Wolter von Loe (d. af.1449)
1442 � 1450 Johann von Mengede, gen. Osthof (b. bf.1421 - d. af.1469)
1450 - 1456 Ernst von Mengede, gen. Osthof
1456 - 1461 Gerhard von Mallinckrodt (b. bf.1440 - d. c.1487)
1462 - 1468 Johann von Krieckenbeck, gen. Spor (d. 1470/71)
1468 - 1470 Johann Waldhaus von Heerse (Herse) (d. bf.1473)
1470 Erwin von Bellersheim -Captain
1470 - 1471 Dietrich von der Dorneburg, gen.
von der Lage
1472 - 1485 Johann Freitag von Loringhoven (b. 143. - d. 1494)
1485 - 1510 Johann von der Recke, gen. (b. bf.1459 - d. af.1511)
1510 - 1516 Evert von Werminghausen
1516 - 1523 Simon Graf von Rietberg (d. 1523)
1523 - 1525 Paul von Steinen (b. bf.1480 - d. 1525)
1525 - 1532 Dietrich Bock (d. 1532)
1533 Johann von Witten
1534 - 1550 Remmert von Scharenberg (d. 1550)
1550 - 1552 Rolf von Benzenrade (Benzenrod)
1553 - 26 Jul 1558 Franz von Siegenhoven, gen. Anstel
26 Jul 1558 � Dec 1558 Christoph von Muenchhausen (d. 1565)
(Danish Stadholder)
(self-proclaimed, left 27 Jul 1558)
27 Jul 1558 - Dec 1558 Heinrich von Uexkuell �Captain
(acting for Muenchhausen)
Dec 1558 - Jun 1561 Dietrich von der Steinkuhl -Captain(d. 1570)
(from Aug 1560 acting for Altenbockum)
Aug 1560 - Jun 1561 Casper von Oldenbockum �Stadholder (b. c.1535 - d. 1565)
(Jasper von Altenbockum)(did not arrive)
Swedish Governors
2 Aug 1561 - 27 Feb 1562 Lars Ivarsson Fleming zu Sundholm, (b. c.1520 - d. 1562)
friherre af Nyn�s
Aug 1561 - Aug 1561 Klaus Christiern Horn friherre (b. 1517 - d. 1566)
af Amyne (acting)
27 Feb 1562 - Jun 1562 Henrik Klasson Horn zu Kanas (b. 1512 - d. 1595)
(1st time)
30 Jun 1562 - 27 Jul 1564 Svante Stenson Sture (b. 1517 - d. 1567)
1564 - 1565 Hermann Pederson Fleming zu (b. c.1520 - d. 1583)
30 Jan 1565 - 1568 Henrik Klasson Horn zu Kanas (s.a.)
(2nd time)
Nov 1568 - 1570 Gabriel Kistiernsson, friherre (b. 1520 - d. 1585)
Oxenstierna af M�rby
9 Oct 1570 - 1572 Hans Bj�rnsson Lejon (b. 1530 - d. 1572)
6 Nov 1572 - 1574 Claes �keson Tott (b. 1525 - d. 1590)
4 Jun 1574 - Dec 1575 Pontus de la Gardie (b. 1520 - d. 1585)
Jan 1576 - May 1578 Karl Henriksson Horn (1st time) (b. c.1550 - d. 1601)
19 Apr 1576 - 1577 Hans Eriksson Finne till (d. 1608)
Brinkala (acting)
1 Aug 1577 - 1579 G�ran Nilsson Boije af Genn�s (b. 1540 - d. 1615)
(1st time)
1579 - 1581 Svante Eriksson St�larm (d. 1585/89)
25 Apr 1582 - 1583 G�ran Nilsson Boije af Genn�s (s.a.)
(2nd time)
1583 - 5 Nov 1585 Pontus, friherre de la Gardie (b. 1520 - d. 1585)
8 Nov 1585 - 1588 Gustaf Gabrielsson Oxenstierna(b. 1551 - d. 1597)
Jul 1588 - 13 Oct 1588 Hans Wachtmeister (acting) (d. 1590)
13 Oct 1588 - 1590 Gustaf Axelson Ban�r zu Djurshom (b. 1547 - d. 1600)
1590 - Jul 1592 Erik Gabrielsson Oxenstierna (b. c.1546 - d. 1594)
1592 - Jun 1600 G�ran Nilsson Boije af Genn�s (s.a.)
(3rd time)
1600 - 30 Jan 1601 Karl Henriksson Horn (2nd time) (s.a.)
1601 - Oct 1602 Moritz Stensson Leijonhufvud (b. 1559 - d. 1607)
greve Raseborg
Oct 1602 - May 1605 Anders Larsson Botilast (1st time) (b. c.1545 - d. 1613)
10 May 1605 - Jun 1605 Nils Turesson Bielke (b. 1569 - d. 1639)
1605 - 1608 Axel Nilsson Ryning (b. 1552 - d. 1620)
1608 - 1611 Anders Larsson Botilast (2nd time) (s.a.)
1611 - 1617 Gabriel Bengtsson Oxenstierna (b. 1586 - d. 1656)
1617 - 1619 Anders Eriksson H�stehufvud (b. 1577 - d. 1657)
Jul 1619 - 1622 Jakob Pontusson de la Gardie (b. 1583 - d. 1652)
1622 - 1626 Per Gustafsson Ban�r (b. 1588 - d. 1644)
1626 - 1628 Johan de la Gardie (b. 1582 � d. 1642)
3 Mar 1628 - 17 Jul 1642 Philipp von Scheiding (b. 1578 - d. 1646)
26 Jul 1642 - 1646 Gustaf Gabrielsson Oxenstierna (b. 1613 - d. 1648)
9 Sep 1646 - 1653 Erik Axelsson Oxenstierna af (b. 1624 - d. 1656)
May 1653 - 16 Aug 1653 Wilhelm Ulrich (1st time)(acting) (b. c.1604 - d. 1661)
16 Aug 1653 - 1655 Heinrich von Thurn-Valsassina (b. 1628 - d. 1656)
1655 - Aug 1655 Wilhelm Ulrich (2nd time)(acting) (s.a.)
1655 - 1656 Bengt Skytte af Duderhof (b. 1614 - d. 1683)
1655 - 2 Aug 1656 Wilhelm Ulrich (3rd time)(acting) (s.a.)
2 Aug 1656 - Nov 1674 Bengt Klasson Horn (b. 1623 - d. 1678)
1656 - 1659 Wilhelm Ulrich (4th time) (s.a.)
(acting for Horn)
1673 Jakob Sta�l von Holstein (b. 1628 � d. 1679)
(acting for Horn)
1674 Johan Christoph Scheiding (b. 1634 - d. 1685)
(acting for Horn)
1674 - 1681 Andreas Lennartson Torstensson (b. 1641 - d. 1686)
Apr 1681 - 1687 Robert Johannson Lichton (b. 1631 - d. 1692)
20 Jan 1687 - 19 Apr 1687 Nils Thuresson Bielke (b. 1644 - d. 1716)
1687 - Dec 1704 Axel Julius greve de la Gardie af (b. 1637 - d. 1710)
Dec 1704 - 6 Jul 1706 Wolmar Anton von Schlippenbach (b. 1650 - d. 1739)
6 Jul 1706 - 23 Oct 1709 Nils J�nsson greve Str�mberg af (b. 1646 - d. 1723)
23 Oct 1709 - 10 Oct 1710 Carl Gustaf greve Nieroth (b. 1650 - d. 1712)
Russian Governors-general
10 Oct 1710 - Mar 1711 Rudolf Felix Bauer (interim) (b. 1667 - d. 1717)
(Rudol'f Feliks Bauer)
6 Mar 1711 - May 1719 Knyaz' Aleksandr Danilovich (b. 1673 - d. 1729)
May 1719 - 21 Nov 1728 Fyodor Matveyevich Graf Apraksin (b. 1661 - d. 1728)
21 Nov 1728 - 25 Mar 1736 Friedrich Freiherr von L�wen zu (b. 1654 - d. 1744)
Sever (Baron Fridrikh Leven)
(acting to Sep 1730)
25 Mar 1736 - 6 Aug 1736 Graf Platon Ivanovich Musin- (b. 1698 - d. 1742)
11 Aug 1736 - Aug 1738 Ernst Sebastian von Manstein (b. 1678 - d. 1747)
(Ernst Sebast'yan fon Manshteyn)
11 Aug 1738 - 22 Mar 1740 Otto Gustaf greve Douglas auf (b. 1687 - d. 1771)
Alp og Kuckofer
(Graf Otton Gustav Duglas)
Mar 1740 - 8 Nov 1743 Baron (from 1741, Graf) Woldemar (b. 1700 - d. 1755)
von L�wendahl
(Vladimir Graf Levendal)
8 Nov 1743 - Jul 1753 Peter August Friedrich Herzog von (b. 1696 - d. 1775)
(Pyotr Avgust Fridrikh Gertsog Golshteyn-Bek)
Aug 1753 - Jun 1758 Knyaz' Vladimir Petrovich (b. 1696 - d. 1761)
Jun 1758 - 1762 Peter August Friedrich Herzog von (s.a.)
1762 - 8 Mar 1775 Peter August Friedrich Herzog von (s.a.)
(Pyotr Avgust Fridrikh Gertsog Golshteyn-Bek)
1775 - 29 Sep 1792 George Graf Browne (b. 1698 - d. 1792)
(Georg Graf Braun)
Governors (1775-1876, 1905-1909, 1914-1917, subordinated to the Baltic provinces)
13 Jul 1783 - 11 Oct 1786 Georg Friedrich von Grotenhielm (b. 1721 - d. 1798)
(Georg Fridrikh Grotengelm)
11 Oct 1786 - 20 Jan 1797 Heinrich Johann Freiherr von (b. 1736 - d. 1813)
Wrangell (Baron Andrey fon Vrangel)
25 Jan 1797 - 14 Jun 1808 Andreas von Langell (Andrey Langel)(b. 1744 - d. 1808)
19 Aug 1808 - 30 Apr 1809 Peter Friedrich Georg von (b. 1785 - d. 1812)
(Pyotr Fridrikh Georg fon Gol'shteyn-Ol'denburgskiy)
30 Apr 1809 - 2 Nov 1811 Vacant
2 Nov 1811 - May 1816 Paul Friedrich August Grossherzog (b. 1783 - d. 1853)
von Holstein-Oldenburg
(Avgust Pavel Fridrikh Gertsog Gol'shteyn-Ol'denburgskiy)
9 Jul 1808 - 1819 Berend Johann von Uexk�ll (b. 1762 - d. 1827)
(Baron Boris Ikskul)
4 Jan 1819 - 10 Aug 1832 Gotthard Wilhelm Freiherr Budberg, (b. 1766 - d. 1832)
gen. von B�nninghausen
(Baron Bogdan Budberg)
20 Sep 1832 - 27 Oct 1833 Otto Wilhelm von Essen (Otto Essen)(b. 1761 - d. 1834)
8 Nov 1833 - 14 Dec 1841 Paul Friedrich von Benckendorff (b. 1784 - d. 1841)
(Pavel Benkendorf)
14 Jan 1842 - 3 Jan 1859 Johann Christoph Engelbrecht von (b. 1796 - d. 1862)
Gr�newaldt (Ivan Gryunevaldt)
3 Jan 1859 - 23 Oct 1868 Wilhelm Otto Cornelius Alexander (b. 1810 - d. 1891)
Ulrich (Vasily Ulrikh)
23 Oct 1868 - 7 Oct 1870 Mikhail Nikolayevich Galkin- (b. 1834 - d. 1916)
7 Oct 1870 - 26 Mar 1875 Knyaz' Mikhail Valentinovich (b. 1836 - d. 1892)
26 Mar 1875 - 4 Apr 1885 Viktor Petrovich Polivanov (b. 1831 - d. 1889)
4 Apr 1885 - 24 Oct 1894 Knyaz' Sergey Vladimirovich (b. 1852 - d. 1894)
24 Oct 1894 - 28 Dec 1894 Sokrat Nikolayevich Dirin (b. 1849 - d. 1924)
(1st time) (acting)
28 Dec 1894 - 9 Apr 1902 Yefstafiy Nikolayevich Skalon (b. 1845 - d. 1902)
9 Apr 1902 - 30 Jul 1902 Sokrat Nikolayevich Dirin (s.a.)
(2nd time) (acting)
30 Jul 1902 - 14 Mar 1905 Aleksey Valeryanovich Belgard (b. 1861 - d. 1942)
(Bellegarde) (acting to Apr 1904)
14 Mar 1905 - 20 Apr 1905 Aleksandr Nikolayevich Girs (Giers)(b. 1861 - d. af.1917)
(1st time) (acting)
20 Apr 1905 - Oct 1905 Aleksey Aleksandrovich Lopuhin (b. 1864 - d. 1928)
Oct 1905 - 31 Dec 1905 Aleksandr Nikolayevich Girs (s.a.)
(2nd time) (acting)
31 Dec 1905 - 3 Feb 1906 Nikolay Georgiyevich fon Byunting (b. 1681 - d. 1917)
(von B�nting)
3 Feb 1906 - 12 Mar 1906 Aleksandr Nikolayevich Girs (s.a.)
(3rd time) (acting)
12 Mar 1906 - 31 Jul 1907 Pyotr Petrovich Bashilov (b. 1857 - d. 1919)
31 Jul 1907 - 24 Aug 1907 Aleksey Theodorovich Girs (Giers) (b. 1871 - d. 1958)
(1st time) (acting)
24 Aug 1907 - 12 Dec 1908 Izmail Vladimirovich Korostovets (b. 1863 - d. 1933)
(1st time)
12 Dec 1908 - 13 Jan 1909 Aleksey Theodorovich Girs (s.a.)
(2nd time) (acting)
13 Jan 1909 - 28 Nov 1910 Izmail Vladimirovich Korostovets (s.a.)
(2nd time)
28 Nov 1910 - 11 Jan 1911 Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Yevreynov (b. 1873 - d. 1928)
11 Jan 1911 - 25 Nov 1915 Izmail Vladimirovich Korostovets (s.a.)
(3rd time)
25 Nov 1915 - 3 Jan 1916 Sergey Aleksandrovich Shidlovskiy (b. 1864 - d. 1922)
3 Jan 1916 - Mar 1917 Pyotr Vladimirovich Veryovkin (b. 1862 - d. 1946)
Government Commissars of the Russian Provisional Government
19 Mar 1917 - 9 Nov 1917 Jaan Poska (= Ivan Ivanovich Poska)(b. 1866 - d. 1920) EDE
9 Nov 1917 - 23 Feb 1918 ....
Chairmen of the **Provisional Diet of Estland Governorate 14 Jul 1917 - 25 Oct 1917 Artur Vallner (b. 1887 - d. 1937) RSDRP-B
(= Artur Gansovich Val'ner)
25 Oct 1917 - 28 Nov 1917 Otto August Strandman (b. 1875 - d. 1941) ETE 28 Nov 1917 - 20 Nov 1918 forced dissolution Heads of State
24 Feb 1918 - 25 Feb 1918 Estonian Salvation Committee (as a resistance authority representing the
temporarily dissolved Provisional Diet;
appointed 19 Feb 1918)
- Konstantin P�ts (b. 1874 - d. 1956) EML
- J�ri Vilms (Wilms) (b. 1889 - d. 1918) ETE
- Konstantin Konik (b. 1873 - d. 1936) ETE
German Military Governor (Kommandierender General Generalkommandos 68)
25 Feb 1918 - 11 Nov 1918 Franz Adolf Freiherr von (b. 1857 - d. 1941) Mil
Seckendorff (from 12 Oct 1917, on
Hiiumaa, Muhu and Saaremaa islands)
Chairmen of the Provisional Diet
11 Nov 1918 - 20 Nov 1918 Otto August Strandman (s.a.) ETE
20 Nov 1918 - 27 Nov 1918 J�ri Jaakson (acting) (b. 1870 - d. 1942) EDE
27 Nov 1918 - 3 Feb 1919 Ado (Aadu) Birk (b. 1883 - d. 1942) EDE
3 Feb 1919 - 23 Apr 1919 Karl (Kaarel) Parts (b. 1873 - d. 1940) Non-party
Chairman of the Council of the Estonian Workers' Commune
29 Nov 1918 - 1 Feb 1919 Jaan Anvelt (in rebellion) (b. 1884 - d. 1937) RSDRP-B
(= Yan Yanovich Anvel't)
(at Narva to 19 Jan 1919, in V�ru
19 Jan - 1 Feb 1919; in Alūksne, Latvia
from 4 Feb 1919, later in Russia exile)
Chairman of the Constituent Assembly
23 Apr 1919 - 20 Dec 1920 August Rei (b. 1886 - d. 1963) ESDTP
State Elders (Riigivanem)
21 Dec 1920 - 25 Jan 1921 Ants (Hans) Piip (b. 1884 - d. 1942) ETE
25 Jan 1921 - 21 Nov 1922 Konstantin P�ts (1st time) (s.a.) PK
21 Nov 1922 - 2 Aug 1923 Juhan (Johannes) Kukk (s.a.) ETE
2 Aug 1923 - 26 Mar 1924 Konstantin P�ts (2nd time) (s.a.) PK
26 Mar 1924 - 16 Dec 1924 Friedrich Karl Akel (b. 1871 - d. 1941) KRE
16 Dec 1924 - 15 Dec 1925 J�ri Jaakson (s.a.) ER
15 Dec 1925 - 9 Dec 1927 Jaan Teemant (1st time) (b. 1872 - d. 1941) PK
9 Dec 1927 - 4 Dec 1928 Jaan T�nisson (1st time) (b. 1868 - d. 1941?) ER
4 Dec 1928 - 9 Jul 1929 August Rei (s.a.) ESTP
9 Jul 1929 - 12 Feb 1931 Otto August Strandmann (s.a.) ETE
12 Feb 1931 - 19 Feb 1932 Konstantin P�ts (3rd time) (s.a.) PK
19 Feb 1932 - 19 Jul 1932 Jaan Teemant (2nd time) (s.a.) PK
19 Jul 1932 - 7 Nov 1932 Karl August Einbund (b. 1888 - d. 1942) UPE
(from 22 Feb 1935, Kaarel August Eenpalu)
7 Nov 1932 - 18 May 1933 Konstantin P�ts (4th time) (s.a.) Non-party
18 May 1933 - 21 Oct 1933 Jaan T�nisson (2nd time) (s.a.) RKE
21 Oct 1933 - 3 Sep 1937 Konstantin P�ts (5th time) (s.a.) Non-party
(acting from 24 Jan 1934)
State Protector (title Riigihoidja)
3 Sep 1937 - 24 Apr 1938 Konstantin P�ts (s.a.) Non-part
24 Apr 1938 - 23 Jul 1940 Konstantin P�ts (s.a.) Non-party
21 Jul 1940 - 25 Aug 1940 Johannes Vares-Barbarus (b. 1889 - d. 1946) EKP
(acting [for P�ts to 23 Jul 1940])
C ommander of the German Rear Army Area North (Heeresgebiet Nord)
28 Aug 1941 - 5 Dec 1941 Franz von Roques (b. 1877 - d. 1949) Mil
Generalkommissar f�r Estland
5 Dec 1941 - 17 Sep 1944 Karl-Siegmund Litzmann (b. 1893 - d. 1945) NSDAP
18 Sep 1944 - 22 Sep 1944 J�ri Uluots (acting) (b. 1890 - d. 1945) Non-party
(flees 20 Sep 1944)
Chairman of the Supreme Council
29 Mar 1990 - 5 Oct 1992 Arnold R��tel (b. 1928) Non-party
6 Oct 1992 - 8 Oct 2001 Lennart Georg Meri (b. 1929 - d. 2006) EI
8 Oct 2001 - 9 Oct 2006 Arnold R��tel (s.a.) ERL
9 Oct 2006 - 10 Oct 2016 Toomas Hendrik Ilves (b. 1953) Non-party
10 Oct 2016 - 11 Oct 2021 Kersti Kaljulaid (f) (b. 1969) Non-party
11 Oct 2021 - Alar Karis (b. 1958) Non-party

1 Apr 1710 - Feb 1711 Fromhold Johann von Taube (b. 1661 - d. 1711)
12 Feb 1711 - 23 Feb 1713 Berend Johann von Wrangell (b. 1662 - d. 1731)
23 Feb 1713 - 19 Feb 1715 Berend Johann von Schulmann (b. 1660 - d. 1746)
19 Feb 1715 - 18 Jan 1720 Erich Dietrich von Rosen (b. 1689 - d. 1735)
18 Jan 1720 - 17 Feb 1723 Hans Heinrich von Fersen (d. 1724)
17 Feb 1723 - 17 Feb 1724 Gustav Magnus von Rehbinder (b. 1673 - d. 1734)
Freiherr von Uddrich
17 Feb 1724 - 20 Jan 1725 Jakob Johann von Tiesenhausen (b. 1686 - d. 1784)
Freiherr zu Erlaa
20 Jan 1725 - 16 Jan 1728 Jakob Heinrich von Ulrich (d. 1743)
16 Jan 1728 - 1 Feb 1731 Hans Heinrich von Tiesenhausen (b. 1685 - d. 1736)
Freiherr zu Erlaa
1 Feb 1731 - 1 Feb 1734 Otto Heinrich von Rehbinder (b. 1686 - d. 1753)
Freiherr von Uddrich
1 Feb 1734 - 24 Jan 1737 Gustav Reinhold von L�wen (b. 1690 � d. 1766)
24 Jan 1737 - 22 Jan 1740 Christoph Engelbrecht von Kursell (b. 1685 - d. 1756)
22 Jan 1740 - 21 Jun 1741 Adam Friedrich Freiherr von (b. 1703 - d. 1768)
21 Jun 1741 - 5 Feb 1744 Berend Heinrich von Tiesenhausen (b. 1703 - d. 1789)
Freiherr zu Erlaa (1st time)
5 Feb 1744 - 25 Jan 1747 Magnus Wilhelm von Nieroth (b. 1663 - d. 1770)
25 Jan 1747 - 15 Feb 1753 Otto Magnus von Stackelberg (b. 1704 - d. 1765)
15 Feb 1753 - Mar 1770 Friedrich Johann von Ulrich (b. 1717 - d. 1770)
26 Mar 1770 - 24 Mar 1771 Gustav von Ulrich (acting)
24 Mar 1771 - 24 Mar 1772 Fabian Ernst Sta�l von Holstein (b. 1727 - d. 1772)
25 Mar 1772 - 6 Apr 1774 Berend Heinrich Graf von (s.a.)
Tiesenhausen Freiherr zu Erlaa
(2nd time)(acting)
6 Apr 1774 - 5 Feb 1777 Ernst Johann von Fock (b. 1721 - d. 1782)
5 Feb 1777 - 7 Feb 1780 Otto Wilhelm Freiherr von Budberg (b. 1730 - d. 1793)
gen. B�nninghausen
7 Feb 1780 - 4 Feb 1783 Gustav Friedrich von Engelhardt (b. 1732 - d. 1798)
4 Feb 1783 - 22 Oct 1783 Moritz Engelbrecht von Kursell (b. 1744 - d. 1799)
Chairmen of the Provincial Government
4 Aug 1917 - 25 Oct 1917 Jaan Raamot (b. 1873 - d. 1927) EML
(= Ivan Matveyevich Ramot)
25 Oct 1917 - 9 Nov 1917 Konstantin P�ts (s.a.) EML
9 Nov 1917 - 24 Feb 1918 ...
Chairmen of the Estonian Provisional Government
24 Feb 1918 - 25 Feb 1918 Konstantin P�ts (2nd time) (s.a.) EML
(German prisoner 11 Jun - 20 Nov 1918)
25 Feb 1918 - 11 Nov 1918 German occupation
11 Nov 1918 - 12 Nov 1918 Konstantin P�ts (2nd time) (s.a.) EML
11 Nov 1918 - 12 Nov 1918 Jaan Poska (acting for P�ts) (s.a.) EDE
Minister-presidents of the Estonian Provisional Government 12 Nov 1918 - 8 May 1919 Konstantin P�ts (provisional) (s.a.) EML
12 Nov 1918 - 20 Nov 1918 Jaan Poska (acting for P�ts) (s.a.) EDE
8 May 1919 - 18 Nov 1919 Otto August Strandmann (s.a.) ETE
Chairman of the Council of the Estonian Workers' Commune
29 Nov 1918 - 1 Feb 1919 Jaan Anvelt (in rebellion) (s.a.) RSDRP-B
(at Narva to 19 Jan 1919, in V�ru 19 Jan - 1 Feb 1919)Minister-presidents ( Prime ministers )
18 Nov 1919 - 28 Jul 1920 Jaan T�nisson (1st time) (s.a.) ER
28 Jul 1920 - 30 Jul 1920 Aadu (Ado) Birk (s.a.) ER
30 Jul 1920 - 26 Oct 1920 Jaan T�nisson (2nd time) (s.a.) ER
26 Oct 1920 - 21 Dec 1920 Ants (Hans) Piip (s.a.) ETE
21 Dec 1920 - 24 Jan 1934 the State Elders
24 Jan 1934 - 3 Sep 1937 Konstantin P�ts (s.a.) Non-party
3 Sep 1937 - 21 Apr 1938 the State Elders
21 Apr 1938 - 12 Oct 1939 Kaarel August Eenpalu (s.a.) Non-party
(acting to 9 May 1938)
12 Oct 1939 - 21 Jun 1940 J�ri Uluots (1st time) (s.a.) Non-party
21 Jun 1940 - 25 Aug 1940 Johannes Vares-Barbarus (s.a.) EKP
Leader of the Estonian **Self-Administration (Leiter der Estnischen Selbstverwaltung)
5 Dec 1941 - 17 Sep 1944 Hjalmar M�e (b. 1901 - d. 1978) Non-party
(in Germany exile to 5 Jan 1945)
18 Sep 1944 - 22 Sep 1944 J�ri Uluots (2nd time) (s.a.) Non-party
(flees country 20 Sep 1944)
18 Sep 1944 - 22 Sep 1944 Otto Tief (acting for Uluots) (b. 1889 - d. 1976) Non-party
C hairmen of the Government ( Prime ministers)
3 Apr 1990 - 30 Jan 1992 Edgar Savisaar (b. 1950 - d. 2022) ERR
23 Jan 1992 - 30 Jan 1992 Jaak Leimann (acting for Savisaar) (b. 1941) Non-party
30 Jan 1992 - 22 Oct 1992 Tiit V�hi (1st time) (b. 1947) Non-party
Minister-presidents ( Prime ministers) 22 Oct 1992 - 8 Nov 1994 Mart Laar (1st time) (b. 1960) RKI
8 Nov 1994 - 17 Apr 1995 Andres Tarand (b. 1940) Non-party
17 Apr 1995 - 17 Mar 1997 Tiit V�hi (2nd time) (s.a.) EK
17 Mar 1997 - 25 Mar 1999 Mart Siimann (b. 1946) EK
25 Mar 1999 - 28 Jan 2002 Mart Laar (2nd time) (s.a.) EI
28 Jan 2002 - 10 Apr 2003 Siim Kallas (b. 1948) ERK
10 Apr 2003 - 13 Apr 2005 Juhan Parts (b. 1966) ERP
13 Apr 2005 - 26 Mar 2014 Andrus Ansip (b. 1956) ERK
26 Mar 2014 - 23 Nov 2016 Taavi R�ivas (b. 1979) ERK
23 Nov 2016 - 26 Jan 2021 J�ri Ratas (b. 1978) EKE
26 Jan 2021 - 23 Jul 2024 Kaja Kallas (f) (b. 1977) ERKE
23 Jul 2024 - Kirsten Michal (b. 1975) ERKE

Estonian Representatives in Exile

[Estonian flag]

17 Jun 1940 - 12 Mar 1971 August Torma (in London exile) (b. 1895 - d. 1971) Non-party
Consul-general in Charge of Legation
12 Mar 1971 - 20 Aug 1991 Ernst Jaakson (b. 1905 - d. 1998) Non-party
(in Washington, DC exile)

Republic of Estonia in Exile: alternative administration (not internationally recognized)

[Estonian flag]

21 Jun 1940 - 18 Jan 1956 Konstantin P�ts (s.a.) Non-party
(from 30 Jul 1940, Soviet prisoner)
Prime ministers acting as Presidents
21 Jun 1940 - 9 Jan 1945 J�ri Uluots (s.a.) Non-party
(from 20 Sep 1944 in Stockholm, Sweden)
9 Jan 1945 - 29 Mar 1963 August Rei (s.a.) ESTP
(in Stockholm, Sweden; from 12 Jan 1953 in Oslo, Norway;
then in Lund, Sweden; from 1 Jan 1962 in Stockholm)
3 Mar 1953 - 20 Sep 1954 Alfred Maurer (b. 1888 - d. 1954)
(in dissidence; in Germany, later Stockholm, Sweden)
29 Mar 1963 - 23 Dec 1970 Aleksander Warma (b. 1890 - d. 1970) Non-party
23 Dec 1970 - 1 Mar 1990 T�nis Kint (b. 1896 - d. 1991) EKL
1 Mar 1990 - 8 Oct 1992 Heinrich Mark (b. 1911 - d. 2004)
15 Sep 1992�- 28 Nov 2003 Mihkel Mathiesen (b. 1918 - d. 2003) EKKE
(in Enebyberg, Sweden)
28 Nov 2003 - Kalev Ots (in N�mme, Estonia) (b. 1949) EKKE

Acting Prime ministers
21 Jun 1940 - 15 Jun 1942 August J�rima (b. 1887 - d. 1942) PK
(Soviet prisoner from 5 Oct 1940)
15 Jun 1942 � 1 Oct 1942 Ants (Hans) Piip (s.a.) Non-party
(acting; Soviet prisoner)
1 Oct 1942 � 21 Apr 1944 Paul Kogerman (b. 1891 � d. 1951) Non-party
(acting; Soviet prisoner)
21 Apr 1944 - 18 Sep 1944 Alfred Maurer (s.a.)
18 Sep 1944 - 12 Jan 1953 Otto Tief (s.a.) Non-party
(Soviet captive from 10 Oct 1944)
12 Jan 1953 - 22 Aug 1960 Johannes Sikkar (b. 1897 - d. 1960)
3 Mar 1953 - 8 Aug 1978 Johan Holberg (b. 1893 - d. 1978) PK
(in dissidence; in Germany to 1948 then Canada, from 1953 U.S.)
22 Aug 1960 - 1 Jan 1962 T�nis Kint (1st time) (s.a.) EKL
1 Jan 1962 - 29 Mar 1963 Aleksander Warma (s.a.) Non-party
29 Mar 1963 - 23 Dec 1970 T�nis Kint (2nd time) (s.a.) EKL
(acting to 2 Apr 1963)
23 Dec 1970 � 8 May 1971 August Koern (acting) (b. 1900 � d. 1989) Non-party
(in Copenhagen, Denmark)
8 May 1971 - 1 Mar 1990 Heinrich Mark (s.a.)
1 Mar 1990 - 7 Oct 1992 Enno Penno (b. 1930 - d. 2016) EDU
15 Sep 1992�- 28 Nov 2003 Kalev Ots (in N�mme, Estonia) (s.a.) EKKE
28 Nov 2003 � 7 Dec 2003 Hando Kruuv (acting) (b. 1937) PK
(in Tartu, Estonia)
7 Dec 2003 - Ahti M�nd (in N�mme, Estonia) (b. 1958) EKKE

Russian Occupation 1918-1919

**Commanders of Russian Red (7th) Army (at Narva 28 Nov 1918 - 19 Jan 1919,
then 19 Jan - 1 Feb 1919 at V�ru)
22 Nov 1918 - 5 Dec 1918 Yevgeniy Matveyevich Golubintsev (b. 1883 - d. 1958) Mil
5 Dec 1918 - 27 Jan 1919 Nikolay Vladimirovich Khenrikson (b. 1871 - d. 1941) Mil
27 Jan 1919 - 1 Feb 1919 Aleksandr Kondratyevich Remezov (b. 1869 -

�The government set up on 15 Sep 1992 declared its intent to "continue to preserve constitutional continuity until the actual end of the occupation," referring to the large number of Russians living in Estonia. Russian troops were present in Estonia until 31 Aug 1994. The former exile government gave its mandate to the constitutionally elected government in Tallinn. The new exile government set up on 15 Sep 1992 is not recognized by any nation.

Noble titles: Greve/Graf = Count; Friherre/Freiherr = Baron; _Herzog_= Duke; Grossherzog/ Velikiy Kn y az' = Grand Duke; Knyaz' = Prince.

Territorial Disputes: Russia and Estonia in May 2005 signed a technical border agreement, but Russia in Jun 2005 recalled its signature after the Estonian parliament added to its domestic ratification act a historical preamble referencing the Soviet occupation and Estonia's pre-war borders under the 1920 Treaty of Tartu; Russia contends that the preamble allows Estonia to make territorial claims on Russia in the future, while Estonian officials deny that the preamble has any legal impact on the treaty text; Russia demands better treatment of the Russian-speaking population in Estonia; as a member state that forms part of the EU's external border, Estonia implements strict Schengen border rules with Russia.

Party abbreviations: EKE = Eesti Keskerakond (Estonian Centre Party, centrist, populist, social liberal, est.12 Oct 1991); EKR= Eesti Konservatiivne Rahvaerakond (Conservative People's Party of Estonia, conservative, nationalist, Eurosceptic, est.24 Mar 2012); ERKE= Eesti Reformierakond (Reform Party of Estonia, liberal, center-right, est.18 Nov 1994); PK = P�llumeeste Kogud (Farmers Union [Farmers' Assemblies], agrarian, 1919/20-5 Mar 1935, part of UPE, re-est.1992); Mil = Military;
- Former parties: EDE = Eesti Demokraatlik Erakond (Estonian Democratic Party, 1917-1919); EDU = Eesti Demokraatlik Unioon (Estonian Democratic Union, 1945-1994);EI =Erakond Isamaaliit (Fatherland [Pro Patria] Union, christian-democratic, 2 Dec 1995-4 Jun 2006, merged into Isamaa ja Res Publica Liit [Union of Pro Patria and Res Publica] IRL); EK = Eesti Koonderakond (Coalition Party of Estonia, liberal, 8 Dec 1991-Nov 2002); EKKE = Eesti Kodanike Keskerakond (Center Party of Estonian Citizens, claims complete restitution of pre-WWII Republic, based on citizens in 1938 and their descendants, opposes post-1991 Estonian government, 19 Oct 1991-1994?); EKL = Eesti Konservatiivide Liidu (Estonian Conservative Union); EKP = Eestimaa Kommunistlik Partei (Estonian Communist Party, communist, 1940-24 Feb 1990 state party, 1920-26 Mar 1990 part of CPSU, 5 Nov 1920-22 Aug 1991); EML = Eesti Maarahva Liitt (Rural Union of Estonia, agrarian, conservative, 1917-1919/20, replaced by PK); ER = Eesti Rahvaerakond (People's Party of Estonia, center-right, split from EDE, 1919-Jan 1932, merged into RKE); ERL = Eestimaa Rahvaliit (Estonian People's Union, conservative, 18 Oct 1999-24 Mar 2012, merged into EKRE);ERP = Erakond Res Publica (Party Res Publica, formerly �hendus Vabariigi Eest � Res Publica [For the Republic-Res Publica], center-right, populist, 8 Dec 2001-4 Jun 2006, merged into IRL); ERR = Eestimaa Rahvarinne (Estonian People's Front, pro-Perestroika, democratic, 13 Apr 1988-13 Nov 1993); ESDTP = Eesti Sotsiaaldemokraatlik T��liste Partei (Social Democratic Workers Party of Estonia, Oct 1917-Dec 1925, merged into ESTP); ESTP = Eesti Sotsialistlik T��liste Partei (Socialist Workers Party of Estonia, social-democratic, split from ESDTP, 1918/19-5 Mar 1935); ETE = Eesti T��erakond (Labour Party of Estonia, center-left, 6 May 1917-Jan 1932, merged into RKE); Ism = Isamaaliit (Fatherland Union [Patriotic League] "Pro Patria", Estonian nationalist, only legal party 1935-1940); KRE = Kristlik Rahvaerakond (Christian People's Party, christian-democratic, 1919-1931, merged into ER); MS= Moderata Samlingspartiet (Swedish Moderate Coalition Party, conservative); NSDAP = Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (National Socialist German Workers' Party, Nazi fascist, authoritarian, German nationalist, only legal party 1941-1944); PKK = P�llumeestekogude ja P�llumeeste - Asunikkude ning V�ikemaapidajate Koondis (Farmers Union - Association of Settlers, State's Leaseholders and Little-farmers, agrarian, center-left, 1932-1933, renamed UPE); RKE =Rahvuslik Keskerakond (National Centre Party, centrist, Jan 1932-5 Mar 1935); RKI = Rahvuslik Koonderakond "Isamaa" (National Coalition Party "Pro Patria", christian-democratic, Sep 1992-2 Dec 1995, renamed EI); RSDRP-B = Rossiyskaya Sotsial-demokraticheskaya Rabochaya Partiya (Bol'shevikov)/Venemaa Sotsiaaldemokraatlik T��liste (Bol�evike) Partei (Russian Social Democratic Worker's Party [Bolsheviks], Marxist communist, 1 Mar 1898-8 Mar 1918, renamed Russian Communist Party); UPE = �hinenud P�llumeeste Erakond (United Farmers Party, agrarian, center-left, merger of PK & PKK, 29 Feb 1932-c.1934)

Dorpat (Tartu)

[Banner of the
                        Bishop of Dorpat (Estonia)]
c.1891 - 4 Mar 1925

1211 Estonian Bishopric, also called Bishopric of Leal (Lihula)

(Ecclesia Tarbatensis)(after the nominal seat of the bishop)

established by the Bishop of Riga (confirmed by the Holy See

31 Oct 1213), originally without any temporal authority.

21 Jul 1224 Estonian bishop takes temporal authority over the southern part

of present-day Estonia as a sovereign prince-bishop of the

Holy Roman Empire (formally from 6 Nov 1225), Bishop gives

part of his possessions as a fief to the Swordbrothers

Order, and cedes the western part of the Estonian mainland

(including Leal) to the bishop of Riga (24 Jul 1224) and chooses

Dorpat (Tartu) as his new capital (Aug 1224). The Estonian

Bishopric thereafter renamed as Bishopric of Dorpat, but bishops

continues to use the style of bishop of Leal to 8 Jan 1235.

c.1280 Dorpat (Tartu) becomes a member of the Hanseatic League.

18 Jul 1558 City of Dorpat (Tartu) surrenders to Russian forces.

18 Jul 1558 - 15 Jan 1582 Russian occupation of the former bishopric.

15 Jan 1582 Russia withdraws from Dorpat and transfers it to

Poland-Lithuania. Former bishopric is made part of the

Duchy of Livonia (the southern part of present-day Estonia

remains part of Livonia [see Latvia] until 12 Apr 1917).
24 Jul 1704 Dorpat occupied by Russia.
25 Oct 1713 � Jul 1722 Dorpat District separated from government of Livonia, as an
autonomous part of the government of Estonia.

Bishops of Leal
1 Mar 1211 - 15 Jun 1219 Theodoric (= Dietrich I) (d. 1219?)
10 Apr 1220 - 21 Jul 1224 Hermann von Buxh�wden (Bekeshoveden) (b. 1163 - d. af.1248)
Prince-Bishops of Dorpat
21 Jul 1224 - 1247 Hermann I von Buxh�wden (s.a.)
(approved on 18 Apr 1220)
1247 - 26 Jul 1251 Vacant
26 Jul 1251 - 10 Sep 1263 Bernhard I (d. 1263)
10 Sep 1263 - 18 Feb 1268 Alexander (d. 1268)
1268 - 4 Dec 1288 Friedrich von Haseldorf (Haseldorpe) (b. c.1220 - d. 1288)
1289 - 1302? Bernhard II
1303 - 1312 Dietrich II Vyshusen (Vischhusen) (d. 1312)
14 Jan 1313 - 1323 Nikolaus (acting) (d. 1323)
26 Nov 1323 - 17 Aug 1342 Engelbert von Dolen (Dahlen) (d. 1347)
27 Sep 1342 - 1344 Wescelus (Wessel) (d. 1344)
18 Oct 1355 - 1357? Heinrich I
10 Jun 1357 - 1373 Johannes I Funfhausen (Vyffhusen) (d. 1373)
5 Sep 1373 - 1378 Heinrich II von der Velde (d. 1378)
21 Dec 1378 - 2 Jul 1400 Dietrich III Damerow (Damerau) (d. af.1408/12)
15 Dec 1400 - 1410 Heinrich III von Wrangell (d. 1410)
7 Jan 1411 - 4 Mar 1413 Bernhard III Bulowe (von B�low) (d. 1413)
14 Apr 1413 - Mar 1441 Dietrich IV Resler (Retzler) (b. c.1365 - d. 1441)
17 Mar 1442 - 1459 Bartholom�us Sawijerwe (d. 1461)
22 Dec 1459 - 23 Mar 1468 Helmich von Mallinkrodt (Malingrode) (d. af.1485)
5 Dec 1468 - Feb 1473 Andreas Peper (Piperi) (d. 1473)
6 Jun 1473 - Feb 1485 Johannes II Bertkow (d. 1485)
18 Jul 1485 - 1498 Dietrich V Hake (d. 1498)
20 Mar 1499 - 1505 Johannes III Buxhoevden von Roppa (d. 1505)
22 Dec 1505 - 1514 Gerhard Schrove (Schwut) (d. 1514)
15 May 1514 - Sep 1514 Johannes IV Duisburg (Seborg) (d. 1514)
(approved before 4 May 1514)
1514 Bernhard IV
30 Oct 1514 - 15 Apr 1518 Christian Bomhower (Bornhower) (b. c.1469 - d. 1518)
29 Jul 1518 - 9 Sep 1527 Johannes V Blankenfeld (b. 1470 - d. 1527)
(from 29 Jun 1527, also Archbishop of Riga)
15 Aug 1528 - 1533 Johannes VI Bey
4 Jul 1533 - 9 Mar 1543 Johannes VII Gellingshausen (d. 1543)
1543 - 1545 Hermann II Bey
5 Feb 1545 - 1552 Jodokus von der Recke (Jobst von Recke)(d. 1567)
(abanoned Dorpat 18 Apr 1551, in
opposition to 22 Oct 1553)
17 Oct 1552 - 16 Jul 1558 Hermann III Weiland (Wessall) (d. 1563)
(Papal confirmation 25 Jun 1554;
deported to Russia 23 Aug 1558)
Swedish Stadholder of Dorpat Economy (the Northern/Estonian part of Livonia)
1690 � 1710 Gustaf Adolf Johansson Stroemfelt (b. 1640 � d. 1717)
(in Pernau [P�rnu] from 1704)
Russian Supreme Commandant of Dorpat 1704 � 1710 Kirill Alekseyevich Naryshkin (b. c.1670 - d. 1723)
Landmarsch�lle of the Dorpat District
Jun 1715 - Oct 1720 Berend Dietrich von Bock (b. 1670 � d. 1737)
1720 - 1723 Woldemar Johann Freiherr von (b. 1684 � d. 1741)

�sel Island (Saaremaa)

[Bishop of Osel                         banner of arms to 1567 (Estonia)] Bishop of Osel Banner to 1567
Map of �sel Island Capital: Arensburg (Kuressaare) (Leal to c.1251; Perona c.1251-c.1263; Hapsal c.1263- c.1381) Population: 20,000 (1782 est.)

Aug 1228 Bishopric of �sel (later �sel-Wiek) (Ecclesia Osiliensis)

established, covering the islands of �sel (Saaremaa), Dag�

(Hiiumaa) and Moon (Muhu), and Wiek (L��nemaa) western part of

the Estonian mainland, as a sovereign principality (prince-

bishopric) of the Holy Roman Empire (formally from 1 Oct 1228).

Some parts of bishop's possessions (on the islands and mainland)

given as a fief to the Swordbrothers Order (later Livonian Order)

(approved by Holy See 8 Jan 1235).

1229 - 1234 Ruled by the Bishop of Riga and the Swordbrothers Order.

1241 - 1343 �sel (Saaremaa) Island an autonomous part of �sel-Wiek (autonomy

renewed 27 Aug 1255).

15 Apr 1560 Bishopric, sold by the last prince-bishop to Denmark, given as an

appanage to the brother of the King of Denmark, Magnus Herzog von

Holstein (elected to bishop 13 May 1560).

5 Mar 1562 Territories of the Livonian Order a part of the Lithuanian

principality of Livonia.

1563 Sweden occupies Wiek and the island of Dag� (not recognized by

Denmark). Denmark cedes Wiek to Lithuania in exchange for the

Livonian territories on the islands, including Soneburg.

13 Dec 1570 Denmark and the Poland-Lithuania recognize Swedish sovereignty

over Wiek and the island of Dag� (made part of the Swedish

Duchy of Estonia on 1584).

9 May 1572 Former prince-bishopric, now covering only the islands of �sel

and Moon, is transferred to direct administration of Denmark as

a Danish fiefdom.

13 Sep 1572 Holy Roman Empire recognized Danish rule of �sel. Denmark

reciprocally recognized the suzerainty of Empire over the island,

which thus remained a nominal part of Empire.

23 Aug 1645 �sel ceded by Denmark to Sweden and subordinated to the Swedish

governors-general of Livonia. The King of Sweden adopts the

style of "Prince of �sel."

26 Sep 1710 City of Arensburg (Kuressaare), the capital of �sel, surrenders

to Russian forces. Occupation of �sel (Saaremaa) is

completed (formally ceded by Sweden to Russia 10 Sep 1721).

8 Aug 1713 An autonomous part of the province of Livonia, directly

administered by the governor-general of Livonia to 1781.

14 Jul 1783 Autonomy abolished, remains part of Livonia to 12 Apr 1917.

28 Nov 1796 Limited local autonomy for �sel restored (confirmed by all

successive Emperors of Russia on their accession before 1881,

thereafter gradually extinguished).

17 Sep 1944 � 24 Nov 1944 German occupation of islands continues after evacuation of Tallinn.

Prince-Bishops of �sel (later �sel-Wiek)
1 Oct 1228 - 26 Jul 1229 Gottfried (d. af.1257)
(elected 29 Jun 1228; approved Aug 1228)
1229 - 1234 Interregnum
10 Sep 1234 - 10 Mar 1260 Heinrich I (d. 1260)
Sep 1262 - 1285? Hermann I de Becheshovede (Buxhoevden) (b. 1230 - d. 1285)
1290? - 1294 Heinrich II (d. 1294)
1294/97 - 1307? Konrad I
1310 - 23 Mar 1321 Hartung (Garttungus) (d. 1321)
3 Mar 1322 - 1337 Jakob (d. 1337)
23 Feb 1338 - 1362 Hermann II Osenbr�gge (de Osenbrygge) (b. bf.1272? - d. 1362)
24 Jul 1363 - 1374 Konrad II (d. 1374)
23 Oct 1374 - 1381 Heinrich III (b. c.1300 - d. 1381)
1381 - 1385 Interregnum
1385 - 6 Nov 1419 Winrich von Kniprode (d. 1419)
8 Jan 1420 - 10 Aug 1423 Kaspar Schuwenflug (d. 1423)
5 Sep 1423 - 21 Jul 1432 Christian Kuband (d. 1432)
22 Oct 1432 - 12 Sep 1438 Johannes I Schutte (d. 1438)
1439 - 11 Mar 1458 Ludolf Grove (d. 1458)
(to 1 Dec 1449 in opposition to the Pope;
then on Oesel and Dag� styled Elder
Bishop 1 Dec 1449 - 1457)
20 Mar 1439 - Feb 1457 Johannes II Creul (Kreuwel) (d. 1457)
(appointed by Pope, to 9 Mar 1449
in exile; then at Wiek styled Younger Bishop)
23 Aug 1460 - 17 Jan 1471 Jodokus Hoenstein (d. 1471)
(to 1469 in exile)
17 Jun 1471 - 1491 Peter Wetberg (Wetberch) (d. 1491)
26 Mar 1491 - 19 Mar 1515 Johannes III Orgas (Orgies) (b. c.1420 - d. 1515)
19 Mar 1515 - 22 Apr 1527 Johannes IV Kyvel (Kievel) (d. 1527)
4 May 1527 - 2 Oct 1530 Georg von Tiesenhausen (b. 1507 - d. 1530)
3 Aug 1532 - 13 Jul 1541 Reinhold von Buxh�vden (d. 1557)
9 Jan 1542 - 1560 Johannes V von M�nchhausen (d. 1572)
Prince-Bishop Elect of �sel-Wiek
13 May 1560 - 20 Mar 1567 Magnus Herzog von Holstein (b. 1540 - d. 1583)
Lord of �sel(style Stieffte Ozel und Wieck Herr)
20 Mar 1567 - 9 May 1572 Magnus Herzog von Holstein (s.a.)
Governors (Lensmaend to 1654, then Statthalter)
1560 - Oct 1563 Dietrich von Behr (b. c.1505 - d. 1575)
5 Mar 1562 - 1574 Heinrich Wolf (Wulf) von L�dinghausen (d. 1574)
Oct 1563 - 1567 Christoffer Valkendorf (b. 1525 � d. 1601?)
(self-proclaimed; in eastern �sel Island)
1574 - 1576 Claus von Ungern zu Dalby (b. c.1540 - d. 1577)
1576 - 1579 Johann von Uexk�ll (Johann von Mentz) (d. 1583)
1579 - 1579 Vincents Jensen Juel til Hesselmed (b. c.1530 � d. 1579)
1579 - 1584 J�rgen von Farensbach (b. 1551 - d. 1602)
1584 - 1589 Mathias Budde til T�llist (b. c.1553 � d. 1591)
1589 - 1594 Johann Schwalbe (Swabe) (d. 1594)
1594 - 1612 Claus Maltesen Sehested til H�jris (b. 1558 - d. 1612)
1612 - 1613 Niels Mogensen Krag til Trudsholm (b. 1574 - d. 1650)
1613 - 1622 Jacob Lavesen Beck til Gladsaxe (b. 1570 - d. 1622)
1622 - 1634 Frederik Frandsen Rantzau til (b. 1590 - d. 1645)
1635 - 1643 Anders Bille (b. 1600 - d. 1657)
1644 - 31 Oct 1645 Ebbe Ulfeldt til Ovesholm (b. 1616 - d. 1682)
31 Oct 1645 - 1646 Erik Gustavsson, greve Stenbock (b. 1612 - d. 1659)
till Bogesund
1646 - 1648 Anders Eriksson H�stehufvud (b. 1577 - d. 1657)
1648 - 1654 Johan Persson Utter (b. 1605 - d. 1654)
1654 - 1660 Reinhold von Lieven (b. 1621 - d. 1665)
1660 - 1676 Carl Larsson Sparre (b. 1627 - d. 1702)
1676 - 1678 Carl Johansson Si�blad (1st time) (b. 1611 - d. 1696)
1678 - 1687 J�rgen von der Osten-Sacken (1st time) (b. 1630 - d. 1690)
1687 - 1689 Carl Johansson Si�blad (2nd time) (s.a.)
30 Jul 1689 - 1690 J�rgen von der Osten-Sacken (2nd time) (s.a.)
21 Apr 1690 - 1701 Peter �rneklou (Per �rneklow) (b. 1631 - d. 1701)
1701 - 1710 Engelbrecht Mannerburg (b. 1649 - d. 1719)
1781 - 14 Jul 1783 Balthasar Baron von Campenhausen (b. 1745 - d. 1800)
German Commander of the Baltic Islands (Kommandeur 23 Infanterie-Division)
17 Sep 1944 � 24 Nov 1944 Hans Schirmer (b. 1888 - d. 1955) Mil

1655 � 1661 Friedrich von Sasse (d. 1689)
1661 - 1666 Odert von Poll "der �ltere" (d. c.1677)
1670 Christian von Poll (b. 1618 - d. 1693)
1699 � 1707 Johann von Vietinghoff (b. 1649 - d. 1707)
1707 Carl Adam von Stackelberg (b. 1669 - d. 1749)
1716 Wolmar Freiherr von Stackelberg (b. 1680 - d. 1744)
1725 Friedrich Johann von Lode (b. 1683 - d. 1753)
1739 Nicolas von Kr�mer (b. 1693 - d. 1739)
1740 Otto Friedrich Freiherr von Vietinghoff(b. 1692 - d. 1777)
1748 Christian Friedrich von Poll (b. 1672 - d. 1748)
1753 - 1760 Reinhold Gustav Freiherr von Nolcken (b. c.1700 - d. 1762)
1760 - 1765 Hermann Gustav von Weymarn (b. 1717 - d. 1771)
1762 - 1772 Carl Gustav von G�ldenstubbe (b. 1739 - d. 1814)
1772 - 1780 Otto Frommhold von Buhrmeister, (d. 1782)
Herr auf Saltack
1780 - 1783 Johann Christoph von Nolcken -Assessor (d. 1808)
1797 - 1800 Karl Johann Gustav von Ekesparre (b. 1746 - d. 1806)
1800 - 1806 Georg Friedrich von Sass, Herr auf (b. 1751 - d. 1810)
1806 - 1808 Otto Frommhold von Buhrmeister
1808 - 1813 Otto Magnus von Buxhoeveden, Herr auf (b. 1770 - d. 1830)
1813 - 1816 Reinhold Friedrich Pilar von Pilchau (b. 1781 - d. 1860)
1816 - 1818 Peter Anton von Sass (b. 1782 - d. 1832)
1818 - 26 Jun 1841 Peter Wilhelm von Buxhoeveden, Herr (b. 1787 - d. 1841)
auf Kuiwast und Ropaka
1841 - 1841 Alexander von Nolcken (acting) (b. 1804 - d. 1867)
1841 - 1843 Karl von G�ldenstubbe (acting) (b. 1798 - d. 1867)
1843 - 1849 Georg Wilhelm von Ditmar, Herr auf (b. 1789 - d. 1852)
1849 - 22 Mar 1862 Karl Friedrich von G�ldenstubbe (b. 1816 - d. 1862)
1862 - 1864 Johann Gustav Ernst Freiherr von (b. 1809 - d. 1891)
Nolcken (acting)(1st time)
1864 - 1865 Karl Wilhelm Ottokar von Aderkas (b. 1806 - d. 1869)
1865 - 1867 Johann Gustav Ernst Freiherr von (s.a.)
Nolcken (acting)(2nd time)
1867 - 1876 Karl Johann Baron Freytagh-Loringhoven (b. 1816 - d. 1887)
1876 - 1906 Oskar Arkadius Otto von Ekesparre- (b. 1839 - d. 1925)
1906 - 16 Feb 1919 Alexander "Axel" Peter Eduard Baron (b. 1856 - d. 1919)
von Buxhoeveden

Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic

Capital: Taillinn Hear SSR Anthem "Eesti N�ukogude Sotsialistliku Vabariigi h�mn" (State Anthem of the Estonian SSR) (1945-1990) Constitution (15 Apr 1978) Population: 1,474,000 (1980)
Estonian oblasts (1952-1953)

21 Jul 1940 Estonian Soviet Socialist Republic (Eesti N�ukogude Sotsialistlik

Vabariik /Estonskaya Sovetskaya Sotsialisticheskaya Respublika).

6 Aug 1940 Accession to the Soviet Union.

28 Aug 1941 - 18 Sep 1944 Tallinn (eventually whole Estonia) occupied by Germany. From

from 5 Dec 1941 Estonia is part of Reichskommissariat of

Ostland (see under Latvia).

11 Sep 1988 Estonian re-introduced as an official language (sole state
language from 7 Dec 1988).
16 Nov 1988 Declaration of state sovereignty.
8 May 1990 Republic of Estonia (Eesti Vabariik).

Note: Estonian names with Russian in parentheses.

First Secretaries of the Central Committee of the Estonian Communist (Bolshevik) Party
(from 13 Oct 1952, Estonian Communist Party)
28 Aug 1940 - 3 Sep 1941 Karl S�re (Karl Yanovich Syare) (b. 1903 - d. 1943?)
(German prisoner from 3 Sep 1941)
3 Sep 1941 - 26 Mar 1950 Nikolai Karotamm (b. 1901 - d. 1969)
(Nikolay Georgiyevich Karotamm)
(acting [nominally for S�re to 1943?] to 28 Sep 1944)
(in Russian SFSR exile to 22 Sep 1944)
26 Mar 1950 - 26 Jul 1978 Johannes K�bin (b. 1905 - d. 1999)
(Ivan Gustavovich Kebin)
26 Jul 1978 - 16 Jun 1988 Karl Vaino (b. 1923 - d. 2022)
(Karl Genrikhovich Vayno)
16 Jun 1988 - 22 Aug 1991 Vaino V�ljas (b. 1931 - d. 2024)
(Vayno Iosifovich Vyalyas)
(from 25 Mar 1990, chairman)
25 Mar 1990 - 22 Aug 1991 Enn-Arno Sillari (first secretary) (b. 1944)
(Enn-Arno Augustovich Sillari)
Dec 1990 - 22 Aug 1991 Lembit Annus (b. 1941 - d. 2018)
(Lembit Elmarovich Annus)
(Communist Party on CPSU Platform)
("leading role" of the party abolished 24 Feb 1990)

Chairmen of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet
25 Aug 1940 - 29 Nov 1946 Johannes Vares-Barbarus (b. 1889 - d. 1946) EKP-B
(Yokhannes Yanovich Vares-Barbarus)
(in Russian SFSR exile 28 Aug 1941 - 22 Sep 1944)
29 Nov 1946 - 5 Mar 1947 Nigol Andresen (acting) (b. 1899 - d. 1985) EKP-B
(Nigol' [Nikolay] Gustavovich Andrezen)
5 Mar 1947 - 4 Jul 1950 Eduard P�ll (b. 1903 - d. 1989) EKP-B
(Eduard Nikolayevich Pyall')
4 Jul 1950 - 4 Feb 1958 August Jakobson (b. 1904 - d. 1963) EKP-B;1952
(Avgust Mikhkelevich Yakobson) EKP
4 Feb 1958 - 12 Oct 1961 Johan Gansovich Eichfeld (b. 1893 - d. 1989) EKP
(Iogan Gansovich Eykhfel'd)
12 Oct 1961 - 7 Oct 1970 Aleksei M��risepp (b. 1902 - d. 1970) EKP
(Aleksey Aleksandrovich Myurisep)
7 Oct 1970 - 22 Dec 1970 Aleksander Ansberg (b. 1909 - d. 1975) EKP
(Aleksander Yanovich Ansberg)
+ Arnold R��tel (1st time) (b. 1928) EKP
(Arnol'd Fyodorovich Ryuytel')
22 Dec 1970 - 25 May 1978 Artur Vader (Artur Pavlovich Vader)(b. 1920 - d. 1978) EKP
25 May 1978 - 26 Jul 1978 Meta Vannas (f) (b. 1924 - d. 2002) EKP
(Meta Villemovna Vannas)
+ Arnold R��tel (2nd time) (s.a.) EKP
26 Jul 1978 - 8 Apr 1983 Johannes K�bin (s.a.) EKP
(Ivan Gustavovich Kebin)
8 Apr 1983 - 29 Mar 1990 Arnold R��tel (s.a.) EKP
(Arnol'd Fyodorovich Ryuytel')
Chairman of the Supreme Council
29 Mar 1990 - 8 May 1990 Arnold R��tel (s.a.) Non-party

Chairmen of the Council of People's Commissars
25 Aug 1940 - 28 Aug 1941 Johannes Lauristin (b. 1899 - d. 1941) EKP-B
(Yokhannes Ansovich Lauristin)
28 Aug 1941 - 26 Sep 1944 Oskar Sepre (acting) (b. 1900 - d. 1965) EKP-B
(Oskar Adovich Sepre)
(in Russian SFSR exile to 22 Sep 1944)
26 Sep 1944 - 25 Mar 1946 Arnold Veimer (b. 1903 - d. 1977) EKP-B
(Arnol'd Tynuvich Veymer)
Chairmen of the Council of Ministers
25 Mar 1946 - 29 Mar 1951 Arnold Veimer (s.a.) EKP-B
29 Mar 1951 - 12 Oct 1961 Aleksei M��risepp (s.a.) EKP-B;1952 EKP
12 Oct 1961 - 18 Jan 1984 Valter Klauson (b. 1914 - d. 1988) EKP
(Val'ter Ivanovich Klauson)
18 Jan 1984 - 16 Nov 1988 Bruno Saul (b. 1932 - d. 2022) EKP
(Bruno Eduardovich Saul')
16 Nov 1988 - 25 Dec 1989 Indrek Toome (b. 1943 - d. 2023) EKP
(Indrek Kherbertovich Toome)
Chairmen of the Government (Prime Minister)
25 Dec 1989 - 3 Apr 1990 Indrek Toome (s.a.) EKP

Pro-Soviet Resistance to German occupation 1942-1944

Note: Soviet resistance, consisting mainly of straggling party-members and soldiers, organized into partisan units subordinated to the Central Staff of the Partisan Units in Moscow.

Commander, Estonian Partisan Units
3 Nov 1942 - 28 Sep 1944 Nikolai Karotamm (s.a.) Mil/EKP-B
(Nikolay Georgiyevich Karotamm)

Party abbreviations: EKP = Eestimaa Kommunistlik Partei/Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Estonii (Estonian Communist Party, communist, 1940-24 Feb 1990 state party, 1940-52 named EKP-B, 1920-26 Mar 1990 part of CPSU, 5 Nov 1920-22 Aug 1991); EKP-B = Eestimaa Kommunistliku (Bol�evike) Partei/Estonskaya Kommunisticheskaya (Bol'shevikov)(Estonian Communist [Bolsheviks] Party, communist, state party, former EKP, 28 Aug 1940-13 Oct 1952, renamed EKP)

Estonian SSR Oblasti 1952-1953


10 May 1952 - 28 Apr 1953 P�rnu oblast (P�rnu oblast), within Estonian S.S.R.
First Secretary of the Regional Committee
May 1952 - May 1953 Otto Merimaa (b. 1920 � d. 2001)
(Otto Ottovich Merimaa)

Chairman of the Executive Committee
17 Jun 1952 - May 1953 Richard Niinepuu EKP
(Rikhard Martinovich Ninepu)


10 May 1952 - 28 Apr 1953 Tallinn oblast (Tallinna oblast), within Estonian S.S.R.
First Secretary of the Regional Committee
May 1952 - May 1953 Ernst Ristm�gi (b. 1907 � d. 1976)
(Ernst Vil'gel'movich Ristmyagi)

Chairman of the Executive Committee
17 Jun 1952 - May 1953 Aleksander Ansberg (b. 1909 � d. 1975) EKP
(Aleksandr Yanovich Ansberg)


10 May 1952 - 28 Apr 1953 Tartu oblast (Tartu oblast), within Estonian S.S.R.

First Secretary of the Regional Committee
May 1952 � May 1953 Heinrich Ajo (b. 1906 � d. 1953)
(Genrikh Yakovich Ayo)

Chairman of the Executive Committee
17 Jun 1952 � May 1953 Rudolf Meijel (b. 1914 � d. 2006) EKP
(Rudol'f Yakobovich Meyel')

Tallinn city
10 May 1952 - 28 Apr 1953 Tallinn city (Tallinna linn) remains a "city of republican
subordination" (economically, but not administratively separated from Tallinn oblast), within Estonian S.S.R.

First Secretary of the City Committee
May 1952 - Jun 1961 Valter Ani (b. 1914 - d. 1990)
(Val'ter Fritsevich Ani)

Chairman of the Executive Committee
17 Sep 1945 - 29 Mar 1961 Aleksander Hendrikson (b. 1895 - d. 1977) EKP
(Aleksandr Antonovich Gendrikson)

Party abbreviation: EKP = Eestimaa Kommunistlik Partei/Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Estonii (Estonian Communist Party, communist, 1940-24 Feb 1990 state party, 5 Nov 1920-22 Aug 1991)

� Ben Cahoon