German States before 1918 A-E (original) (raw)

German States before 1918 A-E

Note: The list below is only complete for those polities that survived beyond 1806. Within

the Holy Roman Empire, there existed countless minor states (ecclesiastical states, imperial

cities, imperial villages, lordships, counties, baronies, principalities, etc.), which

are nearly impossible to list with even partial accuracy. A major reorganization was

brought about by the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss of 1803, when more than 100 polities were abolished.� Polities listed prior to 1806 are a sample of the major or most well known

polities of the Holy Roman Empire and the Confederation of the Rhine. After 1806, all the

polities that survived the Napoleonic Wars and the Congress of Vienna are listed.

The Golden Bull 25 Dec 1356 codified the procedure for electing the king and specified the (then) seven princes, called electors (Kurf�rsten), who would carry out the election, thus confirming then current practice. These princes nominally derived their electoral status from the high court offices (Erz�mter) they held. The first-named three electors were the holders of the office of archchancellor of the Holy Roman Empire, i.e., the archbishops of Mayence (Mainz), Treves (Trier), and Cologne (K�ln). These archbishops were of course major territorial lords, although in the period covered by this record their territorial holdings no longer included the cities from which they derived the names of their sees (Erzstifte).

For the sake of providing a division between eras, after the republican revolutions

of Nov 1918, which overthrew the last German monarchies, remaining states are listed under

German states since 1918; these include the states (l�nder) and former provinces of Germany. The provinces of Prussia are listed in a separate section following the entry for Prussia (Prussian provinces). Statistical data is given only for those polities that survived until 1866.

�among them the bishoprics (Reichsbistum/Hochstift) of Augsburg, Bamberg, Berchtesgaden, Corvey, Eichst�tt, Freising, Fulda, Hildesheim, Konstanz, L�beck, M�nster, Osnabr�ck, Paderborn, Passau, W�rzburg; the imperial cities (Reichsst�dte) of Aalen, Biberach, Bopfingen, Buchau, Buchhorn, Dinkelsb�hl, Dortmund, Esslingen, Friedberg, Gengenbach, Giengen, Goslar, Hall am Kocher, Heilbronn, Isny, Kaufbeuren, Kempten, Leutkirch, Lindau, Memmingen, M�hlhausen, Nordhausen, N�rdlingen, Offenburg, Pfullendorf, Ravensburg, Regensburg, Reutlingen, Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Rottweil, Schw�bisch Gm�nd, Schweinfurt, �berlingen, Ulm, Wangen, Weil der Stadt, Weissenburg, Wetzlar, Wimpfen, Windsheim, and Zell am Harmersbach; the imperial villages (Reichsd�rfer) of Gochsheim, Holzhausen, Leutkircher Heide, Sennfeld, Soden, and Sulzbach; and the imperial valley (Reichstal) of Harmersbach.

Noble titles: Edler/Edle = Noble; Erzherzog/Erzherzogin = Archduke/Archduchess; Freiherr/Freifrau = Baron/Baroness;_F�rst/F�rstin = Prince/Princess; _Gef�rsteter Graf/Gr�fin = Princely Count/Countess; Graf/ Gr�fin = Count/Countess;_Grossherzog/Grossherzogin = Grand Duke/Duchess;Herr /Herrin = Lord/Lady; Herzog/Herzogin = Duke/Duchess; Kaiser/Kaiserin = Emperor/Empress; K�ing/K�nigin = King/Queen; _Kurf�rst/Kurf�rstin_= Prince/Princess Elector; Landgraf/Landgr�fin = Landgrave/Landgravine;Markgraf/Markgr�fin = Margrave/Margravine; Pfalzgraf/Pfalzgr�fin = Count/Countess Palatine; Pfalzgraf/Pfalzgr�fin bei Rhein = Count/Countess Palatine of the Rhine; Prinz/Prinzessin = Prince/Princess; Reichsfreiherr = Imperial Baron; Reichsgraf/Reichsgr�fin = Imperial Count/Countess; Rheingraf/Rheingr�fin = Rhinegrave/Rhinegravine; Ritter = Knight; Wildgraf = Wildgrave.

Ecclesiastical titles: bt/� _btissin_= Abbot/Abbess; Bischof = bishop;** Erzbischof = Archbishop;F�rstabte = Prince-Abbot; _F�rstabtissin_= Princess-Abbess; F�rstbischof = Prince-bishop.

Maps showing some of the major territorial changes: Historical Map of Germany in 1660;

Historical map of Germany in 1789; Historical map of Germany in 1803; Map of Germany in 1812;

Map of German Confederation 1815; Map of German Empire 1871


[Aachen Free City
                          to 1798 (Germany)]

to 1797/98

c.124 AD Founded as by the Romans as Aquae Granni.
768 - 814 Winter capital of the Frankish kingdom.
936 - 1531 Coronations of the Kings of Germany and the Romans in Aachen.
Apr/May 1248 - Oct 1248 Siege of Aachen by Count William II of Holland.
1306 Free Imperial City of Aachen (Freie Reichsstadt Aachen); two
"succession lines" can be distinguished.
24-25 Aug 1614 Siege of Aachen by Spanish Army of Flanders, led by Ambrogio
Spinola, Marquis of the Balbases.
May 1668 Town hosts signing of the 1668 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle.
Apr 1748 Town hosts international Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle and signing
the 1748 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle.
15 Dec 1792 - 2 Mar 1793 Occupied by France.
23 Sep 1794 Re-occupied by France.
18 Oct 1797 Ceded to France.
16 Mar 1798 French abolish the free city government.
9 Mar 1801 - 1813 Annexed to France as Aix-la-Chapelle, part of d�partement
Roer (see under Germany).
1813 - 1814 Allied (Prussian) occupation.
14 Feb 1814 Part of Prussia (part of Niederrhein from 1822, Rhein province).

Mayors (B�rgermeister )
- Line 1 _-_1698 - 1699 Tilman Schroeder (2nd time) (b. 1645 - d. 1706)
1699 - 1700 Werner von Broich (7th time) (b. 1636 - d. 1731)
1700 � 1706 Vacant
1706 � 1709 Werner von Broich (8th time) (s.a.)
1709 - 1710 Dietrich Joseph Speckhewer (b. 1659 - d. 1714)
(1st time)
1710 - 1711 Werner von Broich (9th time) (s.a.)
1711 - 1712 Dietrich Joseph Speckhewer (s.a.)
(2nd time)
1712 - 1713 Werner von Broich (10th time) (s.a.)
1713 - 1714 Winand Theodor von Wilre zur Worm (b. 1665 - d. 1717)
(1st time)
1714 - 1715 Werner von Broich (11th time) (s.a.)
1715 - 1716 Winand Theodor von Wilre zur Worm (s.a.)
(2nd time)
1716 - 1717 Franz Hermann Brauman (1st time) (b. 1686 - d. 1750)
1717 - 1718 Leonhard Joseph Franz Hieronimus (b. 1686 - d. 1764)
Freiherr von Lamberts zu
Cortenbach (1st time)
1718 - 1719 Franz Hermann Brauman (2nd time) (s.a.)
1719 - 1720 Leonhard Joseph Franz Hieronimus (s.a.)
Freiherr von Lamberts zu
Cortenbach (2nd time)
1720 - 1721 Franz Hermann Brauman (3rd time) (s.a.)
1721 - 1722 Leonhard Joseph Franz Hieronimus (s.a.)
Freiherr von Lamberts zu
Cortenbach (3rd time)
1722 - 1723 Johann Werner von Broich (1st time)(b. 1675 - d. 1747)
1723 - 1724 Johann Theodor Richterich (b. 1650 - d. 1728)
(1st time)
1724 � 1725 Johann Werner von Broich (2nd time)(s.a.)
1725 - 1726 Johann Theodor Richterich(s.a.)
(2nd time)
1726 - 1727 Johann Werner von Broich (3rd time)(s.a.)
1727 - 1728 Johann Theodor Richterich (s.a.)
(3rd time)
1728 - 1729 Johann Werner von Broich (4th time)(s.a.)
1729 - 1730 Alexander Theodor Oliva (1st time) (b. 1691 - d. 1767)
1730 - 1731 Johann Werner von Broich (5th time)(s.a.)
1731 - 1732 Alexander Theodor Oliva (2nd time) (s.a.)
1732 - 1733 Johann Werner von Broich (6th time)(s.a.)
1733 - 1734 Alexander Theodor Oliva (3rd time) (s.a.)
1734 - 1735 Johann Werner von Broich (7th time)(s.a.)
1735 - 1736 Alexander Theodor Oliva (4th time) (s.a.)
1736 - 1737 Johann Werner von Broich (8th time)(s.a.)
1737 - 1738 Alexander Theodor Oliva (5th time) (s.a.)
1738 - 1739 Johann Werner von Broich (s.a.)
(9th time)
1739 - 1740 Alexander Theodor Oliva (6th time) (s.a.)
1740 - 1741 Johann Werner von Broich (s.a.)
(10th time)
1741 - 1742 Alexander Theodor Oliva (7th time) (s.a.)
1742 - 1743 Johann Werner von Broich (s.a.)
(11th time)
1743 - 1744 Alexander Theodor Oliva (8th time) (s.a.)
1744 - 1745 Johann Werner von Broich (s.a.)
(12th time)
1745 - 1746 Alexander Theodor Oliva (9th time) (s.a.)
1746 - 1747 Johann Werner von Broich (s.a.)
(12th time)
1747 - 1748 Alexander Theodor von Oliva (s.a.)
(10th time)
1748 - 1749 Franz von F�rth (1st time) (b. 1695 - d. 1773)
1749 - 1750 Alexander Theodor von Oliva (s.a.)
(11th time)
1750 - 1751 Franz von F�rth (2nd time) (s.a.)
1751 - 1752 Alexander Theodor on Oliva (s.a.)
(12th time)
1752 - 1753 Franz von F�rth (3rd time) (s.a.)
1753 - 1754 Alexander Theodor von Oliva (s.a.)
(13th time)
1754 - 1755 Franz von F�rth (4th time) (s.a.)
1755 - 1756 Alexander Theodor von Oliva (s.a.)
(14th time)
1756 - 1757 Friedrich Wilhelm Beelen (b. 1732 - d. 1766)
1757 - 1758 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (b. 1719 - d. 1786)
(1st time)
1758 - 1759 Alexander Theodor von Oliva (s.a.)
(15th time)
1759 - 1760 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(2nd time)
1760 - 1761 Alexander Theodor von Oliva (s.a.)
(16th time)
1761 - 1762 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(2nd time)
1762 - 1763 Alexander Theodor von Oliva (s.a.)
(17th time)
1763 - 1764 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(4th time)
1764 - 1765 Alexander Theodor von Oliva (s.a.)
(18th time)
1765 - 1766 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(5th time)
1766 - 1767 Alexander Theodor von Oliva (s.a.)
(19th time)
1767 - 1768 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(6th time)
16 Jan 1768 - 1769 Johann Jacob Freiherr von Wilre (b. 1707 - d. 1793)
(1st time)
1769 - 1770 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(6th time)
1770 - 1771 Johann Jacob Freiherr von Wilre (s.a.)
(2nd time)
1771 - 1772 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(7th time)
1772 - 1773 Johann Jacob Freiherr von Wilre (s.a.)
(3rd time)
1773 - 1774 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(8th time)
1774 - 1775 Johann Jacob Freiherr von Wilre (s.a.)
(4th time)
1775 - 1776 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(9th time)
1776 - 1777 Johann Jacob Freiherr von Wilre (s.a.)
(5th time)
1777 - 1778 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(10th time)
1778 - 1779 Johann Jacob Freiherr von Wilre (s.a.)
(6th time)
1779 - 1780 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(11th time)
1780 - 1781 Johann Jacob Freiherr von Wilre (s.a.)
(7th time)
1781 - 1782 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(12th time)
1782 - 1783 Johann Jacob Freiherr von Wilre (s.a.)
(8th time)
1783 - 1784 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(13th time)
1784 - 1785 Johann Jacob Freiherr von Wilre (s.a.)
(9th time)
1785 - 1786 Joseph Xaver von Richterich (s.a.)
(14th time)
1786 - 1787 Johann Jacob Freiherr von Wilre (s.a.)
(10th time)
1787 - 31 Jul 1788 Johann Nepomuk Martin von Oliva (b. 1738 - d. 1816)
31 Jul 1788 - 4 Sep 1789 Johann Jacob Freiherr von Wilre (s.a.)
(11th time)
4 Sep 1789 - 1797 Caspar Joseph von Clotz (b. 1762 - d. 1818)
- Line 2 -
1698 - 1699 Matthias von Maw (or Mau)(2nd time)(b. 1642 - d. 1709)
1699 - 1700 Balthasar Fiebus (2nd time) (b. 1646 - d. 1415)
1700 - 1701 Matthias von Maw (3rd time) (s.a.)
1701 - 1702 Balthasar Fiebus (3rd time) (s.a.)
1702 - 1703 Matthias von Maw (4th time) (s.a.)
1703 - 1704 Balthasar Fiebus (4th time) (s.a.)
1704 - 1705 Matthias von Maw (5th time) (s.a.)
1705 - 1706 Balthasar Fiebus (5th time) (s.a.)
1706 - 1707 Matthias von Maw (6th time) (s.a.)
1707 - 1708 Balthasar Fibus (6th time) (s.a.)
1708 - 1709 Matthias von Maw (7th time) (s.a.)
1709 - 1710 Balthasar Fiebus (7th time) (s.a.)
1710 - 1711 Michael Bodden (b. 1667 - d. 1711)
1711 - 1712 Balthasar Fiebus (8th time) (s.a.)
1712 - 1713 Arnold Heitgens (1st time)
1713 - 1714 Balthasar Fiebus (9th time) (s.a.)
1714 - 1715 Arnold Heitgens (2nd time)
1715 - 1716 Lambert Xaver Lamberts
1716 - 1717 Theodor Richterich (1st time) (b. 1650 - d. 1728)
1717 - 1718 Cornelius de Fays zu Uersfeld (d. 1728)
(1st time)
1718 - 1719 Theodor Richterich (2nd time) (s.a.)
1719 - 1720 Cornelius de Fays zu Uersfeld (s.a.)
(2nd time)
1720 - 1721 Peter Dahmen (b. 1647 - d. 1736)
1721 - 1722 Johann Kaspar Deltour (1st time) (b. 1651 - d. 1733)
1722 - 1723 Cornelius de Fays zu Uersfeld (s.a.)
(3rd time)
1723 - 1724 Johann Kaspar Deltour (2nd time) (s.a.)
1724 - 1725 Cornelius de Fays zu Uersfeld (s.a.)
(4th time)
1725 - 1726 Martin Lambert von Lonneux (b. 1690 - d. 1756)
(1st time)
1726 - 1727 Cornelius de Fays zu Uersfeld (s.a.)
(5th time)
1727 - 1728 Martin Lambert von Lonneux (s.a.)
(2nd time)
1728 - 1729 Johann Kaspar Deltour (3rd time) (s.a.)
1729 - 1730 Martin Lambert von Lonneux (s.a.)
(3rd time)
1730 � 23 Jun 1730 Johann Kaspar Deltour (s.a.)
(to 23 Jun 1730)
23 Jun 1730 � 1731 Martin Lambert von Lonneux (s.a.)
(4th time)
1731 - 1732 Jacob Niclas (1st time) (b. 1678 - d. 1755)
1732 - 1733 Martin Lambert von Lonneux (s.a.)
(5th time)
1733 - 1734 Jacob Niclas (2nd time) (s.a.)
1734 - 1735 Martin Lambert von Lonenux (s.a.)
(6th time)
1735 - 1736 Jacob Niclas (3rd time) (s.a.)
1736 - 1737 Martin Lambert von Lonneux (s.a.)
(7th time)
1737 - 1738 Jacob Niclas (4th time) (s.a.)
1738 - 1739 Martin Lambert von Lonneux (s.a.)
(8th time)
1739 - 1740 Jacob Niclas (5th time) (s.a.)
1740 - 1741 Martin Lambert von Lonneux (s.a.)
(9th time)
1741 - 1742 Jacob Niclas (6th time) (s.a.)
1742 - 1743 Martin Lambert von Lonneux (s.a.)
(10th time)
1743 - 1744 Jacob Niclas (7th time) (s.a.)
1744 - 1745 Martin Lambert von Lonneux (s.a.)
(11th time)
1745 - 1746 Jacob Niclas (8th time) (s.a.)
1746 - 1747 Martin Lambert von Lonneux (s.a.)
(12th time)
1747 - 1748 Jacob Niclas (9th time) (s.a.)
1748 - 1749 Martin Lambert von Lonneux (s.a.)
(13th time)
1749 - 1750 Jacob Niclas (10th time) (s.a.)
1750 - 1751 Martin Lambert von Lonneux (s.a.)
(14th time)
1751 - 1752 Jacob Niclas (11th time) (s.a.)
1752 - 1753 Martin Lambert de Loneux (s.a.)
(15th time)
1753 - 1754 Jacob Niclas (12th time) (s.a.)
1754 - 1755 Martin Lambert de Loneux (s.a.)
(16th time)
1755 - 1756 Jacob Niclas (13th time) (s.a.)
1756 - 1757 Johann von Wispien (1st time) (b. 1700 - d. 1759)
1757 - 1758 Peter Balthasar Strauch (1st time) (b. 1728 - d. 1802)
1758 - 1759 Johann von Wispien (2nd time) (s.a.)
1759 - 1760 Peter Ballhasar Strauch (2nd time) (s.a.)
1760 - 1761 Franz Augustin de Broe (1st time)
1761 - 1762 Peter Balthasar Strauch (3rd time) (s.a.)
1762 - 1763 Franz Augustin de Broe (2nd time)
1763 - 1764 Johann Lambert Kahr (1st time) (b. 1710 - d. 1776)
1765 - 1766 Johann Lambert Kahr (2nd time) (s.a.)
1766 - 1767 Cornelius Chorus (2nd time) (s.a.)
1767 - 1768 Johann Lambert Kahr (3rd time) (s.a.)
25 May 1768 - 1769 Cornelius Chorus (3rd time) (s.a.)
1769 - 1770 Johann Lambert Kahr (4th time) (s.a.)
1770 - 1771 Cornelius Chorus (4th time) (s.a.)
1771 - 1772 Johann Lambert Kahr (5th time) (s.a.)
1772 - 1773 Cornelius Chorus (5th time) (s.a.)
1773 - 1774 Johann Lambert Kahr (5th time) (s.a.)
1774 Cornelius Chorus (6th time) (s.a.)
(to ... 1774)
1775 - 1776 Johann Lambert Kahr (6th time) (s.a.)
1776 - 1777 Stephan Dominikus Dauven (1st time)(b. 1732 - d. 1797)
1777 - 1778 Heinrich Joseph von Thimus- (b. 1719 - d. 1789)
Zieverich (1st time)
1778 - 1779 Stephan Dominikus Dauven (2nd time)(s.a.)
1779 - 1780 Heinrich Joseph von Thimus- (s.a.)
Zieverich (2nd time)
1780 - 1781 Stephan Dominikus Dauven (3rd time)(s.a.)
1781 - 1782 Heinrich Joseph Freiherr (s.a.)
von Thimus-Zieverich (3rd time)
1782 - 1783 Stephan Dominikus Dauven (4th time)(s.a.)
1783 - 1784 Heinrich Joseph Freiherr (s.a.)
von Thimus-Zieverich (4th time)
1784 - 1785 Stephan Dominikus Dauven (5th time)(s.a.)
1785 - 1786 Leonhard Brammerz
1786 � 26 Jun 1786 Stephan Dominikus Dauven (6th time)(s.a.)
1787 - 31 Jul 1788 Franz de Broe von Diepenbeud
31 Jul 1788 - 4 Sep 1789 Franz Carl Nellessen (b. 1752 - d. 1819)
4 Sep 1789 - 1797 Johann Michael Kreitz
**Mayors (B�rgermeister)**1797 - 22 Sep 1797 Philipp Freiherr de Witte de (b. 1743 - d. 1799)
22 Sep 1797 Wilhelm Houben (refused office)
22 Sep 1797 - 18 Mar 1798 Andreas Monheim (b. 1750 - d. 1804)
Presidents of the Municipality (Munizipalpr�sident )
1798 Jakob Friedrich Kolb (b. 1748 - d. 1813)
1798 - 1800 Johann Friedrich Jacobi (b. 1765 - d. 1831)
1800 - 1804 Jakob Friedrich Kolb (s.a.)
1804 - 1808 Johann Wilhelm Gottfried Franz (b. 1743 - d. 1810)
Maria Freiherr von Mommessem
1808 - 1814 Cornelius Maria Paulus von Guaita (b. 1766 - d. 1821)

Alsace (Elsass): see Alsace-Lorraine under France


Map of Anhalt State Anthem "Anhalt-Lied" (Song of Anhalt) (1878-1918) Royal Anthem "Heil Dem Herzog, Heil!" ("Herzogs-Hymne") (Hail to the Duke, Hail!) (1863-1918) Constitution (18 Jul 1859)
Capital: Dessau Currency 1863-1872: same as Saxony State Holiday: Birthday of the Duke (unofficial) Population:328,007 (1905) 203,354 (1871)
Military: 1,900 (1863) Exports: see Prussia Imports: see Prussia Religions: Protestant 97%, Jewish 2%, Roman Catholic 1% (1863)
International Organizations: German Customs Union (1863-1871)

1250 Principality of Anhalt (F�rstentum Anhalt).
10 Jul 1603 Partitioned into 5 principalities (Anhalt-Bernburg,
Anhalt-Dessau, Anhalt-K�then, Anhalt-Pl�tzkau,
and Anhalt-Zerbst).
30 Aug 1863 Duchy of Anhalt (Herzogtum Anhalt) unified.
12 Nov 1918 Free State of Anhalt (Freistaat Anhalt)
(see German states since 1918).

30 Aug 1863 - 22 May 1871 Leopold IV (b. 1794 - d. 1871)
22 May 1871 - 24 Jan 1904 Friedrich I (b. 1831 - d. 1904)
24 Jan 1904 - 21 Apr 1918 Friedrich II (b. 1856 - d. 1918)
21 Apr 1918 - 13 Sep 1918 Eduard (b. 1861 - d. 1918)
13 Sep 1918 - 12 Nov 1918 Joachim Ernst (b. 1901 - d. 1947)
Sep 1918 - 12 Nov 1918 Aribert F�rst von Anhalt -Regent (b. 1864 - d. 1933)

Ministers of State
12 Sep 1863 - 1868 Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Sintenis (b. 1804 - d. 1868)
1868 - 1875 Karl August Alfred von Larisch (b. 1819 - d. 1897)
1875 - 1892 Anton von Krosigk (b. 1820 - d. 1892)
1892 - 1902 Kurt von Koseritz (b. 1834 - d. 1902) DKP
1903 - 1909 Nikolaus Michael Louis Hans von (b. 1855 - d. 1919) DKP
1 Jan 1910 - 8 Nov 1918 Ernst Laue (b. 1855 - d. 1923)
8 Nov 1918 - 14 Nov 1918 Max Gutknecht (b. 1876 - d. 1935) Non-party

Party abbreviation: DKP = Deutschkonservative Partei (German Conservative Party)


[Anhalt-Bernburg 1830-1863 (Germany)]

1830 - 19 Aug 1863

Map of Anhalt-Bernburg Capital: Bernburg Population:37,046 (1818) Constitution (14 Dec 1848)
Currency 1764-1863: same as Saxony Military: 370 (1835) Religions: Protestant 98%, Jewish 2% (1850)
International Organizations: German Customs Union (1834-1863)

10 Jul 1603 Principality of Anhalt-Bernburg (F�rstentum Anhalt-Bernburg).
8 Apr 1806 Duchy of Anhalt-Bernburg (Herzogtum Anhalt-Bernburg).
19 Aug 1863 Incorporated into the Duchy of Anhalt-Dessau-K�then.

Princes (title F�rst zu Anhalt[-Bernburg], Graf von Askanien)
2 Oct 1656 - 14 Feb 1718 Viktor Amadeus (b. 1634 - d. 1718)
14 Feb 1718 - 22 Apr 1721 Karl Friedrich (b. 1668 - d. 1721)
22 Apr 1721 - 18 May 1765 Viktor Friedrich (b. 1700 - d. 1765)
18 May 1765 - 9 Apr 1796 Friedrich Albrecht (b. 1735 - d. 1796)
9 Apr 1796 - 8 Apr 1806 Alexius Friedrich Christian (b. 1767 - d. 1834)
Dukes (title Herzog zu Anhalt[-Bernburg], Graf von Askanien)
8 Apr 1806 - 24 Mar 1834 Alexius Friedrich Christian (s.a.)
24 Mar 1834 - 19 Aug 1863 Alexander Karl (b. 1805 - d. 1863)
8 Oct 1855 - 19 Aug 1863 Herzogin Friederike Karoline (b. 1811 - d. 1902)
Juliane (f) -Co-regent

Presidents of the State Government
1810 - 1827 Johann Vollrath Ludwig Freiherr (b. 1761 - d. 1827)
von Salmuth (b. 1761 - d. 1827)
1827 - 1831 Wilhelm Ernst Carl Pfau (b. 1775 - d. 1841)
(from 12 Jun 1828, Wilhelm Ernst
Carl von Pfau)
1831 - 24 Jul 1848 Friedrich Wilhelm August von (b. 1773 - d. 1852)
Ministers of State
24 Jul 1848 - 2 Nov 1848 Friedrich Wilhelm August von (s.a.)
3 Nov 1848 - 14 Dec 1850 Carl Magnus Heinrich von Krosigk (b. 1789 - d. 1850)
14 Dec 1850 - 17 Apr 1853 Johann Victor Andreas von Hempel (b. 1792 - d. 18..)
17 Apr 1853 - 12 Sep 1863 Maximilian Theodor von Schnetzell (b. 1804 - d. 1879)


17 Apr 1630 Anhalt-Bernburg-Harzgerode separated from Anhalt-Bernburg
(F�rstentum Anhalt-Bernburg-Harzgerode).
14 Dec 1709 Re-incorporated into Anhalt-Bernburg.

Princes (title F�rst zu Anhalt[-Bernburg-Harzgerode], Graf von Askanien)
17 Apr 1630 - 30 Jun 1670 Friedrich (b. 1613 - d. 1670)
30 Jun 1670 - 14 Dec 1709 Wilhelm (b. 1643 - d. 1709)


14 Feb 1718Anhalt-Zeitz-Hoym separated from Anhalt-Bernburg
(F_�rstentum Anhalt-Zeitz-Hoym_).
17 May 1727 Anhalt-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym (F�rstentum
24 Dec 1812 Re-incorporated into Anhalt-Bernburg.

Princes (title F�rst zu Anhalt[-Zeitz-Hoym], Graf von Askanien)
14 Feb 1718 - 17 May 1727 Leberecht (b. 1669 - d. 1727)
Princes (title F�rst zu Anhalt[-Bernburg-Schaumburg-Hoym], Graf von Askanien) 17 May 1727 - 15 Apr 1772 Viktor I (b. 1693 - d. 1772)
15 Apr 1772 - 20 Aug 1806 Karl (b. 1723 - d. 1806)
20 Aug 1806 - 22 Apr 1812 Viktor II (b. 1767 - d. 1812)
22 Apr 1812 - 24 Dec 1812 Friedrich (b. 1741 - d. 1812)


                          1813-1853 (Germany)]

1813 - 2 May 1853

Map of Anhalt-Dessau Capital: Dessau Population: 52,947 (1818) Constitution (29 Oct 1848)
Currency 1764-1863: same as Saxony Military: 530 (1835) Religions: Protestant 97%, Jewish 2%, Roman Catholic 1% (1850)
International Organizations: German Customs Union (1834-1863)

10 Jul 1603 Principality of Anhalt-Dessau (F�rstentum Anhalt-Dessau).
18 Apr 1807 Duchy of Anhalt-Dessau (Herzogtum Anhalt-Dessau).
2 May 1853 Merges with Anhalt-K�then to form the Duchy of

Princes (title F�rst zu Anhalt[-Dessau], Graf von Askanien)
17 Aug 1693 - 9 Apr 1747 Leopold I "der alte Dessauer" (b. 1676 - d. 1747)
9 Apr 1747 - 16 Dec 1751 Leopold II (b. 1700 - d. 1751)
16 Dec 1751 - 18 Apr 1807 Leopold III (b. 1740 - d. 1817)
Dukes (title Herzog zu Anhalt[-Dessau], Graf von Askanien)
18 Apr 1807 - 9 Aug 1817 Leopold III (s.a.)
9 Aug 1817 - 2 May 1853 Leopold IV (b. 1794 - d. 1871)

Presidents of the Government ( Regierungspr�sidenten)
1763 - 1793 Wilhelm Lebrecht Stubenrauch (b. 1711 - d. 1793)
1794 - 1809 Carl Eschwin von Krosigk (b. 1739 - d. 1809)
1810 - 1831 Wolff Carl August von
Wolfframsdorff (b. 1769 - d. 1831)
1831 - 1835 Ludwig von Basedow (b. 1774 - d. 1835)
1835 - 5 Apr 1848 Leopold von Morgenstern (b. 1790 - d. 1848)
Ministers of State
5 Apr 1848 - Jul 1849 August Eberhardt Habicht (b. 1805 - d. 1896)
11 Jul 1849 - 1862 Albert Friedrich von Pl�tz (b. 1808 - d. 1862)
1862 - 12 Sep 1863 Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Sintenis (b. 1804 - d. 1868)


                          1813-1853 (Germany)]

1813 - 2 May 1853

Map of Anhalt-K�then Capital: K�then Population:32,454 (1818) Constitution (28 Dec 1810; 16 Oct 1848)
Currency 1764-1853: same as Saxony Military: 320 (1835) Religions: Protestant 98%, Jewish 2% (1850)
International Organizations: German Customs Union (1834-1853)

10 Jul 1603 Principality of Anhalt-K�then (F�rstentum Anhalt-K�then).
23 Apr 1665 Merged with Anhalt-Pl�tzkau.
1 Jun 1807 Duchy of Anhalt-K�then (Herzogtum Anhalt-K�then).
23 Nov 1847 Jointly administered by Anhalt-Dessau and Anhalt-Bernburg.
2 May 1853 Merges with Anhalt-Dessau to form the Duchy of

Princes (title F�rst zu Anhalt[-K�then], Graf von Askanien)
18 Nov 1670 - 30 May 1704 Emanuel Lebrecht (b. 1671 - d. 1704)
30 May 1704 - 19 Nov 1728 Leopold (b. 1694 - d. 1728)
19 Nov 1728 - 6 Aug 1755 August Ludwig (b. 1697 - d. 1755)
6 Aug 1755 - 17 Oct 1789 Karl Georg Ludwig Lebrecht (b. 1730 - d. 1789)
17 Oct 1789 - 1 Jun 1807 August Christian Friedrich (b. 1769 - d. 1812)
Dukes (title Herzog zu Anhalt[-K�then], Graf von Askanien)
1 Jun 1807 - 5 May 1812 August Christian Friedrich (s.a.)
5 May 1812 - 18 Dec 1818 Ludwig II (b. 1802 - d. 1818)
5 May 1812 - 9 Aug 1817 Leopold III of Anhalt- (b. 1740 - d. 1817)
Dessau -Regent
9 Aug 1817 - 18 Dec 1818 Alexius von Anhalt-Bernburg -Regent(b. 1767 - d. 1834)
18 Dec 1818 - 23 Aug 1830 Friedrich Ferdinand (b. 1769 - d. 1830)
23 Aug 1830 - 23 Nov 1847 Heinrich (b. 1778 - d. 1847)

Conducting Minister
1811 - 1812 Christoph Christian Freiherr von (b. 1768 - d. 1830)
Presidents of the State Government
1812 - 1817 Ludwig Lebrecht Vierthaler (b. 1763 - d. 1818)
1817 - 1835 Lebrecht August Renthe (b. 1762 - d. 1835)
(from 1820, Lebrecht August von Renthe)
1836 - 1839 Johann David Karl Albert (b. 1779 - d. 1839)
(from 1837, Johann David Karl
von Albert)
1840 - Apr 1848 Albert Vierthaler (b. 1794 - d. 1862)
President of the Government ( Regierungspr�sident)
Apr 1848 - 1853 Albert Vierthaler (s.a.)
Chairmen of the Common Ministry of State (for Anhalt-Dessau and Anhalt-K�then)
23 Jul 1848 - 10 Jul 1849 August Eberhardt Habicht (b. 1805 - d. 1896)
10 Jul 1849 - May 1853 Gustav August von Gossler (b. 1807 - d. 1869)


[Anhalt-Dessau-K�then 1853-1863

2 May 1853 - 30 Aug 1863

2 May 1853 Duchy of Anhalt-Dessau-K�then (Herzogtum Anhalt-K�then) formed
by merger of Anhalt-Dessau and Anhalt-K�then.
30 Aug 1863 After incorporation of Anhalt-Bernburg 19 Aug 1863,
the polity becomes the Duchy of Anhalt.

2 May 1853 - 30 Aug 1863 Leopold IV (b. 1794 - d. 1871)



to 3 Mar 1793

10 Jul 1603 Principality of Anhalt-Zerbst (F�rstentum Anhalt-Zerbst).
3 Mar 1793 Divided among Anhalt-Bernburg,Anhalt-K�then, Anhalt-Dessau.

Princes (title F�rst zu Anhalt[-Zerbst], Graf von Askanien)
14 Jul 1667 - 3 Nov 1718 Karl Wilhelm (b. 1652 - d. 1718)
3 Nov 1718 - 7 Nov 1742 Johann August (b. 1677 - d. 1742)
7 Nov 1742 - 5 Nov 1746 Johann Ludwig (b. 1688 - d. 1746)
- jointly with -
7 Nov 1742 - 16 Mar 1747 Christian August (b. 1690 - d. 1747)
16 Mar 1747 - 3 Mar 1793 Friedrich August (b. 1734 - d. 1793)
16 Mar 1747 - 1752 Johanna Elisabeth Prinzessin (b. 1712 - d. 1760)
von Holstein-Gottorp (f) -Regent


                          of Ansbach to 1792 (Germany)]

to 1792

1248 - 1398 Part of Burgravite of N�rnberg.
21 Jan 1398 Principality of Ansbach (F�rstentum Ansbach),
partitioned from N�rnberg.
30 Apr 1415 - 21 Sep 1440 Personal union with Brandenburg.
30 Apr 1415 Title Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach adopted
(Markgraf von Brandenburg-Ansbach).
20 Jan 1769 Inherits Brandenburg-Bayreuth.
2 Dec 1791 Ruler sells both principalities to Prussia.
28 Jan 1792 Annexed to Prussia (see under Bayreuth).
22 Feb 1806 - 27 May 1806 French occupation.
27 May 1806 Annexed to Bavaria.

Prince-Margraves (title F�rst und Markgraf von Ansbach)
16 Oct 1692 - 29 Mar 1703 Georg Friedrich II (b. 1678 - d. 1703)
29 Mar 1703 - 7 Jan 1723 Wilhelm Friedrich (b. 1686 - d. 1723)
7 Jan 1723 - 3 Aug 1757 Karl Wilhelm Friedrich (b. 1712 - d. 1757)
7 Jan 1723 - 25 Dec 1729 Christiane Charlotte von (b. 1694 - d. 1729)
W�rttemberg (f) -Regent
3 Aug 1757 - 2 Dec 1791 Christian Friedrich Karl Alexander (b. 1736 - d. 1806)
2 Dec 1791 - 28 Jan 1792 Karl August von Hardenberg -Regent (b. 1750 - d. 1822)
Prussian Governors
28 Jan 1792 - 8 Oct 1806 the governors of Bayreuth
French Government Commissioner
22 Feb 1806 - 24 May 1806 Carl Ferdinand Friedrich von Nagler (b. 1770 - d. 1846)
French Military governor
24 May 1806 - 27 May 1806 Jean-Baptiste Jules Bernadotte (b. 1763 - d. 1844)

Aosta: see Savoy under Italian states to 1860

A ppenzell: see Swiss Cantons

Arenberg (Aremberg)

Map of Arenberg Capital: Arenberg (Meppen 1802-1810) Population:59,000 (1810)

c.1117 Land of Arenberg (Herrschaft Arenberg).
1509County of Arenberg (Grafschaft Arenberg),
1549 Becomes immediate (reichsunmittelbar).
1576 Princely County of Arenberg (Gef�rstete Grafschaft Arenberg);
sometimes spelled Arnberch, Aremberg or Ahremberg.
1645 Duchy of Arenberg (Herzogtum Arenberg).
1794 Occupied by France.
9 Mar 1801 Arenberg annexed to France (eastern part of the country to
the Rhin-et-Moselle d�partement and western part to
Roer d�partement). The Duke of Arenberg receives in
compensation the County of Meppen, the Lordship Vest
Recklinghausen, and in 1806 the Lordship of D�lmen.
1 Dec 1802 Duchy restored at Meppen (Herzogtum Arenberg).
12 Jul 1806 New Duchy raised to fully sovereign status.
13 Dec 1810 - 1813 Meppen annexed to France and the Duchy of Berg annexes
27 Apr 1811 Divided between French d�partement of Ems-Sup�rieur
and d�partement de la Lippe (see under Germany).
1813 - 29 May 1815 Allied administration.
29 May 1815 Recklinghausen and D�lmen annexed by Prussia (part of Niederrhein
from 1822, Rhein province), and Meppen part of Hanover.

Dukes (title Herzog von Arenberg [from 1802] zu Meppen)
25 Aug 1691 - 4 Mar 1754 Leopold Philipp (b. 1690 - d. 1754)
25 Aug 1691 - 14 Oct 1711 Maria Enrichetta del Carretto, (b. 1671 - d. 1744)
marchesa de Savone (f) -Regent
(= Maria Henrietta von Alcaretto)
4 Mar 1754 - 17 Aug 1778 Karl II (b. 1721 - d. 1778)
17 Aug 1778 - 1 Dec 1802 Ludwig Engelbert (b. 1750 - d. 1820)
1 Dec 1802 - 13 Dec 1810 Prosper Ludwig (b. 1785 - d. 1861)
(British prisoner 28 Oct 1811 - May 1814)

Artois : see France provinces to 1791

Augsburg Bishopric

[Bishopric of Augsburg

c.582 Bishopric of Augsburg (Hochstift Augsburg).
bf.923 Bishops also Princes of the Empire (F�rstbistum Augsburg).
1258 Dillingen donated to the Bishop of Augsburg.
9 Mar 1276 City of Augsburg gained Imperial immediacy as a Free Imperial City.
15th cent. Seat of the Bishops moved to Dillingen.
25 Sep 1555 Religious Peace of Augsburg concluded.
24 Apr 1632 - 1635 Occupied by Sweden.
1 Dec 1802 Territory of the Diocese of given to the Elector of Bavaria.
25 Feb 1803 Mediatised to Bavaria.
27 Apr 1803 Annexed by Bavaria.

Prince-Bishops (title F�rstbischof zu Augsburg)
1 Apr 1690 - 24 Jan 1737 Alexander Sigmund Pfalzgraf am (b. 1663 - d. 1737)
Rhein zu Neuburg
(co-adjutor 10 Feb 1681 - 1 Apr 1690)
24 Jan 1737 - 12 Jun 1740 Johann Franz Graf von Schenk von (b. 1658 - d. 1740)
(co-adjutor 20 Aug 1714 - 24 Jan 1737)
18 Aug 1740 - 20 Aug 1768 Joseph Ignaz Philipp Landgraf (b. 1699 - d. 1768)
von Hessen-Darmstadt
20 Aug 1768 - 27 Apr 1803 Klemens Wenzeslaus Herzog von (b. 1739 - d. 1812)
(co-adjutor 5 Nov 1764 - 20 Aug 1768)

Augsburg Free City

[Augusburg Free City to
                  1806 (Germany)]

1156 Augsburg granted city status.
9 Mar 1276 Free Imperial City of Augsburg (Parit�tische
Reichsstadt Augsburg), city independent of
the Bishop of Augsburg, status granted by King Rudolf.
15th cent. Seat of the Bishops moved to Dillingen.
1529 - 1548 Augsburg under Protestant administration.
1548 Regimental Order of 1548 of Emperor Karl V, established a
Small Council.
24 Apr 1632 - 1635 Occupied by Sweden.
10 Oct 1805 - 21 Dec 1805 Occupied by France.
21 Dec 1805 - 1806 Occupied by Bavaria.
4 Mar 1806 Annexed to Bavaria.

Stadtpfleger (city caretakers)
1675 - 1701 Leonhard Weiss II (b. 1626 - d. 1701)
1695 - 1717 Joseph Adrian Imhof II (b. 1655 - d. 1717)
1701 - 1716 Gottfried Amman I (b. 1647 - d. 1716)
1716 - 1726 Paulus von Stetten III (b. 1643 - d. 1729)
1717 - 1725 Ignaz Langenmantel II (b. 1654 - d. 1725)
1725 - 1730 Franz Octavian Langenmantel III (b. c.1670 - d. 1730)
1726 - 1735 Johannes von Stetten IV (b. 1658 - d. 1738)
1730 - 1741 Johann Jacob Holzapfel (b. 1673 - d. 1741)
1735 - 1739 Martin Hieronymus Langenmantel IV (b. 1683 - d. 1739)
1739 - 1751 Wolfgang Jacob Sulzer (b. 1685 - d. 1751)
1741 - 1761 Leopold Anton Imhof III (b. 1689 - d. 1763)
1751 - 1768 Markus Christoph Koch (b. 1699 - d. 1768)
1761 - 1774 Franz Joseph Ignaz Rembold III (b. 1700 - d. 1774)
1768 - 1774 David von Stetten V (b. 1703 - d. 1774)
1774 - 1790 Jakob Wilhelm Benedict (b. 1720 - d. 1790)
Langenmantel V
1774 - 1792 Paulus Amman II (b. 1718 - d. 1792)
1790 - 1797 Johann Baptist Christoph von (b. 1742 - d. 1797)
1792 - 1806 Paulus von Stetten VI (b. 1731 - d. 1808)
1797 - 1806 Joseph Adrian von Imhof IV (b. 1757 - d. 1831)
1806 Albrecht von Stetten (b. 1736 - d. 1817)
1806 Johann Baptist Peter von Carl (b. 1761 - d. 1847)

Austria (�sterreich): see separate page for Austria


Map of Baden and Baden in 1789 Unofficial State Anthem "Badner Lied" (Song of Baden) (c.1896-1918) Royal Anthem "Heil unserm F�rsten, Heil!" (Hail to our Prince, Hail!) (1844-1918) Constitution (22 Aug 1818-1904; 26 Aug 1904-1918 in German)
Capital: Karlsruhe (Baden-Baden 1112-1220, 1463-1535; Pforzheim 1220-1463); (Baden-Durlach: Pforzheim 1537-65,Durlach 1565-1715, Karlsruhe 1715-1771); (Baden-Baden: Baden-Baden 1112-1706, Rastatt 1706-1771) Currency: German Convention Thaler (XDCT) (1754-1838); South German Gulden (XDEG) (1838-1857); German Vereinsgulden (XDSG) (1857-1872) State Holiday: Birthday of the Grand Duke (unofficial) Population: 2,142,833 (1910) 993,414 (1815) 434,000 (1804) 200,000 (1784)
Military: 8,200 (1860) Exports: see Prussia Imports: see Prussia Religions: Roman Catholic 66%, Protestant 32%, Jewish 2% (1860)
International Organizations: German Customs Union (1836-1871), ICRM, ITU

27 Apr 1112 Margraviate of Baden (Markgrafschaft Baden) established.
24 Aug 1535 Polity split into Upper Margraviate of Baden, usually called
Baden-Baden, and Lower Margraviate of Baden, usually called
Baden-Durlach, after the later choices of capitals.
21 Oct 1771 Baden-Baden line extinct; Baden-Durlach reunites both
polities into a single Margraviate of Baden.
25 Jul 1803 The ruler is made into a prince-elector and the polity is
styled Electorate of Baden (Kurf�rstentum Baden).
25 Jul 1806 Grand Duchy of Baden (Grossherzogtum Baden).
14 May 1849 - 25 Jun 1849 Rebellion, establishing the Republic of Baden (Republik Baden) on
1 Jun 1849.
22 Nov 1918 Republic of Baden (Republik Baden)(see German states since 1918).


Margraves (title Markgraf von Baden)
22 May 1677 - 4 Jan 1707 Ludwig Wilhelm "der T�rkenlouis" (b. 1655 - d. 1707)
4 Jan 1707 - 22 Oct 1761 Ludwig Georg Simpert (b. 1702 - d. 1761)
4 Jan 1707 - 7 Jun 1727 Franziska Sibylla Augusta von
Sachsen-Lauenburg (f) -Regent (b. 1675 - d. 1733)
- jointly with -
4 Jan 1707 - 8 Apr 1716 Johann Wilhelm Pfalzgraf von (b. 1658 - d. 1716)
Rhein -Regent
8 Apr 1716?- 7 Jun 1727 Leopold Herzog von Lorraine -Regent(b. 1679 - d. 1729)
22 Oct 1761 - 21 Oct 1771 August Georg Simpert (b. 1706 - d. 1771)


Margraves (title Markgraf von Baden)
10 Feb 1677 - 25 Jun 1709 Friedrich VII "der Grosse" (b. 1647 - d. 1709)
25 Jun 1709 - 12 May 1738 Karl III Wilhelm (b. 1679 - d. 1738)
12 May 1738 - 30 Oct 1742 Magdalene Wilhelmine von (b. 1677 - d. 1742)
W�rttemberg (f) -Regent
12 May 1738 - 22 Nov 1746 Carl August -Regent (b. 1712 - d. 1786)
- jointly with -
30 Oct 1742 - 22 Nov 1746 Carl Wilhelm Eugen -Regent (b. 1713 - d. 1783)
12 May 1738 - 21 Oct 1771 Karl IV Friedrich (b. 1728 - d. 1811)

Baden (Reunited)

Margrave (title Markgraf von Baden)
21 Oct 1771 - 27 Apr 1803 Karl IV Friedrich (s.a.)
Margrave and Elector (title Markgraf von Baden, Kurf�rst des Heiligen R�mischen Reiches,
Pfalzgraf bei Rhein, etc.)
27 Apr 1803 - 25 Jul 1806 Karl Friedrich (s.a.)
Grand dukes (title Grossherzog von Baden)
25 Jul 1806 - 10 Jun 1811 Karl Friedrich (s.a.)
10 Jun 1811 - 8 Dec 1818 Karl Ludwig Friedrich (b. 1786 - d. 1818)
8 Dec 1818 - 30 Mar 1830 Ludwig I (b. 1763 - d. 1830)
30 Mar 1830 - 24 Apr 1852 Leopold I (b. 1790 - d. 1852)
(in exile 13 May - 19 Aug 1850)
14 May 1849 - 25 Jun 1849 Lorenz Peter Brentano (b. 1813 - d. 1891)
(chairman Executive of the People's Societies to 1 Jun 1849,
then chairman Provisional Government of the Republic)
24 Apr 1852 - 5 Sep 1856 Ludwig II (b. 1824 - d. 1858)
5 Sep 1856 - 28 Sep 1907 Friedrich I (b. 1826 - d. 1907)
(regent for Ludwig II 24 Apr 1852 - 5 Sep 1856)
28 Sep 1907 - 22 Nov 1918 Friedrich II (b. 1857 - d. 1928)

Chief Ministers
1774 - 6 Dec 1793 Wilhelm Freiherr von Edelsheim (b. 1737 - d. 1793)
1794 - 1803 Georg Ludwig Freiherr von (b. 1740 - d. 1814)
1803 - 27 Dec 1806 Wolfgang Heribert Tobias Otto (b. 1750 - d. 1806)
Maria Johann Nepomuk Freiherr
von Dalberg
1806 - 1809 Carl Wilhelm Freiherr von (b. 1763 - d. 1817)
Marschall von Bieberstein
Jul 1808 - Mar 1809 Emmerich Joseph Freiherr von (b. 1773 - d. 1833)
(provisional cabinet director)
Ministers of State
1809 - Mar 1810 Sigismund Karl Freiherr von (b. 1766 - d. 1847)
Reitzenstein (1st time)
Mar 1810 - 1810 Conrad Karl Friedrich Freiherr (b. 1776 - d. 1839)
von Andlau-Birseck (acting)
1810 - 13 Jan 1812 Christian Heinrich Freiherr (b. 1743 - d. 1812)
Gayling von Altheim
(president of the ministers
conference to 26 Sep 1811)
1812 - 1817 Karl Christian Freiherr von (b. 1774 - d. 1849)
1817 - 1818 Sigismund Karl Freiherr von (s.a.)
Reitzenstein (2nd time)
Presidents of the Ministry of State
Dec 1818 - 1832 Wilhelm Ludwig Leopold Reinhard (b. 1769 - d. 1837)
Freiherr von Berstett
(acting to 8 Oct 1819)
8 Oct 1832 - 1833 Sigismund Karl Freiherr von (s.a.)
1833 - 27 Mar 1838 Georg Ludwig Winter (b. 1778 - d. 1839)
1838 - 1839 Karl Friedrich Nebenius (1st time) (b. 1785 - d. 1857)
1839 - Nov 1843 Friedrich Landolin Karl Freiherr (b. 1792 - d. 1861)
von Blittersdorf
Nov 1843 - Mar 1845 Christian Friedrich von Boeckh (b. 1777 - d. 1855)
Mar 1845 - 19 Dec 1846 Karl Friedrich Nebenius (2nd time) (s.a.)
19 Dec 1846 - 9 Mar 1848 Johann Baptist Bekk (b. 1797 - d. 1855)
9 Mar 1848 - 1 Jul 1849 Karl Georg Hoffmann (b. 1796 - d. 1865)
Ministers of State
1 Jul 1849 - May 1856 Friedrich Adolf Kl�ber (b. 1791 - d. 1858)
May 1856 - 2 Apr 1860 Franz Freiherr von Stengel (b. 1803 - d. 1870)
2 Apr 1860 - 27 Jul 1866 Anton von Stabel (b. 1806 - d. 1880)
Presidents of the Ministry of State
27 Jul 1866 - 3 Feb 1868 Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Mathy (b. 1806 - d. 1868)
12 Feb 1868 - 24 Sep 1876 Julius August Isaak Jolly (b. 1823 - d. 1891) NLP
24 Sep 1876 - 7 Mar 1893 Ludwig Karl Friedrich Turban (b. 1821 - d. 1898)
7 Mar 1893 - Jun 1901 Franz Wilhelm Nokk (b. 1832 - d. 1903) NLP
Jun 1901 - 8 Mar 1905 Karl Ludwig Wilhelm Arthur von (b. 1845 - d. 1926)
8 Mar 1905 - 22 Dec 1917 Alexander Freiherr von Dusch (b. 1851 - d. 1923) NLP
22 Dec 1917 - 14 Nov 1918 Heinrich Freiherr von und zu (b. 1851 - d. 1929) NLP

Party abbreviation: NLP = Nationalliberale Partei (National Liberal Party, liberal, 1866-Nov 1918)


1227 Cistercian Abbey of Baindt (Cistercienserinnenabtei Baindt).
1241 Placed directly under the protection of the Emperor
(Abbatia imperialis Bintensis/Reichsabtei Baindt).
1263 Declared free of any Guardianship (confirmed 1309).
1376 Abbesses also Princesses of the Empire (Gef�rstete Damenstift
1525 Destroyed during the German Peasants' War.
1643 Destroyed during the Thirty Years' War.
17 Nov 1802 Baindt is secularized, to be granted as a fief to Count of Leyden.
25 Feb 1803 Granted to Johan Nepomuk Gobert von Aspremont-Lynden, the former
Count of Reckheim (Rekem) as compensation for loss of Reckheim
(effected 12 Mar 1803).
25 Jul 1806 Annexed to W�rttemburg.

Princess-Abbesses (title F�rst�btissin zu Baindt )
29 Nov 1671 - 19 Apr 1688 Maria Barbara II Sauther (b. 1647 - d. 1688)
23 Apr 1688 - 5 Jun 1721 Maria Anna IX Tanner (b. 1643 - d. 1722)
5 Jun 1721 - 24 Feb 1723 Maria Anna X Haug (b. 1681 - d. 1723)
25 Feb 1723 - 6 Aug 1751 Maria Magdalena von D�rrheim (b. 1689 - d. 1751)
(D�rbheim, Dierheim)
21 Aug 1751 - 12 Feb 1768 Maria C�cilia Seiz (Seitz) (b. 1695 - d. 1768)
15 Feb 1768 - 22 Apr 1802 Maria Bernarda Riether (b. 1728 - d. 1802)
24 Apr 1802 - 12 Mar 1803 Maria Xaveria Lohmiller (b. 1760 - d. 1836)
Prince s (title F�rst von Baindt)
12 Mar 1803 - 16 Apr 1805 Johann Nepomuk Gobert I (b. 1732 - d. 1805)
16 Apr 1805 - 25 Jul 1806 Johann Nepomuk Gobert II (b. 1757 - d. 1819)


[Bishopric of Bamberg to
                1802 (Germany)]

1007 Bishopric of Bamberg (Hochstift Bamberg).
c.1242 Bishops also Princes of the Empire (F�rstbistum Bamberg).
29 Sep 1802 Occupied by Bavaria.
27 Apr 1803 Annexed to Bavaria.

Prince-Bishops (title F�rstbishof zu Bamberg)
16 Nov 1693 - 30 Jan 1729 Lothar Franz Graf von Sch�nborn (b. 1655 - d. 1729)
13 Dec 1708 - 26 Jul 1746 Friedrich Karl Graf von (b. 1674 - d. 1746)
Sch�nborn (co-adjutor to 30 Jan 1729)
26 Sep 1746 - 3 Jun 1753 Johann Philip Anton Freiherr (b. 1695 - d. 1753)
von Frankenstein
23 Jul 1753 - 6 Mar 1757 Franz Konrad Graf von Stadion (b. 1679 - d. 1757)
und Thannhausen
21 Apr 1757 - 18 Feb 1779 Adam Friedrich Graf von (b. 1708 - d. 1779)
12 Apr 1779 - 14 Feb 1795 Franz Ludwig Freiherr von Erthal(b. 1730 - d. 1795)
7 Apr 1795 - 29 Sep 1802 Christoph Franz Freiherr von (b. 1724 - d. 1805)

Bar: see Lorraine et Bar underFrench provinces to 1791

Basel (bishopric): see under Jura Swiss Cantons

Basel (free city): see Swiss Cantons


Map of Bavaria and Bavaria in 1789 Hear State Anthem "F�r Bayern" ("Bayernhymne") (For Bavaria)(Bavarian Hymn) (1860-1918) Royal Anthem "Heil unserm K�nig, Heil!" (Hail to our King, Hail!) ("K�nigshymne") (1806-1918) Constitution (26 May 1818; in German) (1 May 1808)
Capital: M�nchen (Munich) (from 1505) (Regensburg/Ratisbon c.530-1255) Currency: German Convention Thaler (XDCT) (1754-1838); South German Gulden (XDEG) (1838-1857); German Vereinsgulden (XDSG) (1857-1872) State Holiday: Birthday of the King (unofficial) Population: 6,524,372 (1910) 1,321,000 (1804)
Military: 77,000 (1860) Exports: see Prussia Imports: see Prussia Religions: Roman Catholic 71%, Protestant 28%, Jewish 1% (1860)
International Organizations: German Customs Union (1834-1871), ICRM, ITU

c.500 Dukes of the Baiuvars (Ducatus Bavariae).

Aug 788 Conquered by the Franks.

806 Carolingian Kingdom of Bavaria (Rex Bavariae).

24 Sep 911 Carolingian dynasty ends.

911 Dukes of Bavaria (but polity styled F�rstentum und Land

zu Bayern).

16 Sep 1180 Wittelsbach dynasty begins reign.

28 Mar 1255 - 30 Jul 1505 Numerous dynastic divisions (all rulers styled Herzog von


30 Jul 1505 Polity reunited, ruler styled Herzog beider Bayern.

25 Feb 1623 Upon forfeit of the Palatinate to the king, the ruler of

Bavaria is elevated to the lapsed electorate

(Kurf�rstentum Bayern).

17 May 1632 - 1633 M�nchen (Munich) occupied by Sweden.

14 Aug 1704 - 6 Mar 1714 M�nchen (Munich) under Imperial occupation.

29 Apr 1706 - 6 Mar 1714 Divided between Austria and the Palatinate.

6 Mar 1714 Independence restored; office of archsteward (as part of the

electoral dignity) in dispute with the Palatinate.

30 Dec 1777 The elector palatine inherits Bavaria upon the extinction of

the ruling Wittelsbach line, thus terminating the electoral

dispute; the ruler sometimes uses the abbreviated

style Kurf�rst von Pfalzbayern.

27 Apr 1803 Palatinate incorporated into Bavaria.

1 Jan 1806 Kingdom of Bavaria (K�nigreich Bayern); the Prince-Elector of

Bavaria assumes the style of King of Bavaria.

27/28 Jul 1806-8 Oct 1813 Member state of the Confederation of the Rhine (see Germany)

(backdated to 25 Jul 1806).

8 Nov 1918 People's State of Bavaria (Volksstaat Bayern), republic declared.

(see German states since 1918).

Dukes and Electors (title Herzog beider Bayern, Erztruchsess und Kurf�rst des
Heiligen R�mischen Reiches - Duke of both Bavarias, Archsteward and Prince-Elector
of the Holy Roman Empire)
25 Feb 1623 - 27 Sep 1651 Maximilian I (b. 1573 - d. 1651)
27 Sep 1651 - 26 May 1679 Ferdinand Maria (b. 1636 - d. 1679)
26 May 1679 - 29 Apr 1706 Maximilian II Emanuel (1st time) (b. 1662 - d. 1726)
29 Apr 1706 - 6 Mar 1714 divided between Austria and Palatinate
6 Mar 1714 - 26 Feb 1726 Maximilian II Emanuel (2nd time) (s.a.)
26 Feb 1726 - 20 Jan 1745 Karl I Albrecht (b. 1697 - d. 1745)
20 Jan 1745 - 30 Dec 1777 Maximilian III Joseph (b. 1727 - d. 1777)
30 Dec 1777 - 16 Feb 1799 Karl II Philipp Theodor (b. 1724 - d. 1799)
16 Feb 1799 - 1 Jan 1806 Maximilian IV Joseph (b. 1756 - d. 1825)
**Kings (title K�nig von Bayern)**�
1 Jan 1806 - 13 Oct 1825 Maximilian I Joseph (s.a.)
13 Oct 1825 - 20 Mar 1848 Ludwig I (b. 1786 - d. 1868)
20 Mar 1848 - 10 Mar 1864 Maximilian II (b. 1811 - d. 1864)
10 Mar 1864 - 13 Jun 1886 Ludwig II (b. 1845 - d. 1886)
13 Jun 1886 - 5 Nov 1913 Otto I (b. 1848 - d. 1916)
10 Jun 1886 - 12 Dec 1912 Prince Luitpold -Regent (b. 1821 - d. 1912)
(regent for incapacitated Ludwig II
and for insane Otto)
12 Dec 1912 - 5 Mar 1913 Prince Ludwig -Regent (b. 1845 - d. 1921)
(regent for insane Otto)
5 Mar 1913 - 13 Nov 1918 Ludwig III (s.a.)
(fled to Austria on 8 Nov 1918)

Chancellor of the Privy Council (Kanzler des Geheimen Rats)
1694 - 1704 Johann Rudolf von W�mpl (b. 1638 - d. 1704)
Imperial Administrator
1704 - 1714 Maximilian Karl Albrecht F�rst (b. 1656 - d. 1718)
von L�wenstein-Wertheim-Rochefort
**Chancellors of the Privy Council
1714 - 3 Mar 1726 Vacant
3 Mar 1726 - 6 Mar 1749 Franz Xaver Joseph Unertl (b. 1675 - d. 1750)
1749 - 1758 Franz Andreas Freiherr von (b. 1689 - d. 1758)
20 Sep 1758 - 21 Oct 1790 Wigul�us Xaverius Aloysius (b. 1705 - d. 1790)
Freiherr von Kreittmayr
Ministers of the Royal House and External Affairs
1745 - 18 Nov 1777 Franz Joseph Freiherr und Graf (b. 1702 - d. 1777)
von Berchem
18 Nov 1777 - 21 Feb 1799 Karl Matth�us Graf von Vieregg (b. 1719 - d. 1802)
21 Feb 1799 - 2 Feb 1817 Maximilian Joseph Graf von (b. 1759 - d. 1838)
Presidents of the Council of Ministers
2 Feb 1817 - 1823 Franz Christoph Heinrich Aloys (b. 1770 - d. 1865)
Graf von Reigersberg
1823 - 26 Oct 1825 Aloys Franz Xaver Graf von (b. 1766 - d. 1849)
Rechberg und Rothenl�wen
Oct 1825 - 2 Jan 1832 Georg Friedrich Freiherr von (b. 1752 - d. 1835)
2 Jan 1832 - 1 Nov 1837 Friedrich August Koch (b. 1783 - d. 1860)
Reichsfreiherr von Gise
1 Nov 1837 - 1 Mar 1847 Karl Abel (b. 1788 - d. 1859)
(from 12 Mar 1844, Karl von Abel)
1 Mar 1847 - 1 Dec 1847 Friedrich August Karl Maria (b. 1802 - d. 1870)
Philipp Joseph Freiherr von
zu Rhein
1 Dec 1847 - 14 Mar 1848 Ludwig F�rst von �ttingen- (b. 1791 - d. 1870)
14 Mar 1848 - 29 Apr 1848 Klemens August Graf von Waldkirch (b. 1806 - d. 1858)
29 Apr 1848 - 18 Apr 1849 Otto Camillus Hugo Graf von (b. 1807 - d. 1899)
Bray-Steinburg (1st time)
18 Apr 1849 - 1 May 1859 Karl Ludwig Heinrich Freiherr (b. 1811 - d. 1880)
von der Pfordten (1st time)
1 May 1859 - 4 Oct 1864 Karl Freiherr von Schrenck von (b. 1806 - d. 1884)
4 Oct 1864 - 4 Dec 1864 Max von Neumayr (acting) (b. 1810 - d. 1881)
4 Dec 1864 - 31 Dec 1866 Karl Ludwig Heinrich Freiherr (s.a.)
von der Pfordten (2nd time)
31 Dec 1866 - 7 Mar 1870 Chlodwig Carl Victor F�rst zu (b. 1819 - d. 1901)
Prinz von Ratibor und Corvey
8 Mar 1870 - 21 Aug 1871 Otto Camillus Hugo Graf von (s.a.)
Bray-Steinburg (2nd time)
21 Aug 1871 - 2 Jun 1872 Friedrich Adam Justus Graf von (b. 1810 - d. 1872)
1 Oct 1872 - 4 Mar 1880 Adolph von Pfretzschner (b. 1820 - d. 1901)
4 Mar 1880 - 1 Jun 1890 Johann von Lutz (b. 1826 - d. 1890)
(from 28 Dec 1883, Johann Freiherr von Lutz)
1 Jun 1890 - 1 Mar 1903 Krafft Freiherr von Crailsheim (b. 1841 - d. 1926)
(from 12 Mar 1901, Krafft Graf von Crailsheim)
1 Mar 1903 - 9 Feb 1912 Klemens Freiherr von Podewils- (b. 1850 - d. 1922)
(from 6 Mar 1911, Klemens Graf von Podewils-D�rnitz)
9 Feb 1912 - 11 Nov 1917 Georg Freiherr von Hertling (b. 1843 - d. 1919) Zen
(from 17 Jan 1914, Georg Graf von Hertling)
11 Nov 1917 - 8 Nov 1918 Otto Ritter von Dandl (b. 1868 - d. 1942)

�Style of the rulers:(a) 1 Jul 1806 - 12 Jul 1806: Von Gottes Gnaden K�nig von Bayern, des heiligen r�mischen Reichs Erzpfalzgraf, Erztruchsess, und Kurf�rst ("By the Grace of God, King of Bavaria, Arch-Palatine Count, Archsteward, and Prince-Elector of the Holy Roman Empire"): use of imperial titles discontinued after 12 Jul 1806;
(b) 12 Jul 1806 - 18 Oct 1835: Von Gottes Gnaden K�nig von Bayern ("By the Grace of God, King of Bavaria");
(c) 18 Oct 1835 - 13 Nov 1918: Von Gottes Gnaden K�nig von Bayern, Pfalzgraf bei Rhein, Herzog von Bayern, Franken und in Schwaben etc. etc. ("By the Grace of God, King of Bavaria, Count Palatine of the Rhine, Duke of Bavaria, Franconia and in Swabia, etc., etc."): in official use after the accession of Ludwig I and is formally confirmed by the royal decree on coat-of-arms and title of 18 Oct 1835 (published 20 Oct 1835).

Party abbreviation: Zen = Deutsche Zentrumspartei "Zentrum" (German Center Party "Center", catholic, centrist, christian democratic, 13 Dec 1870-5 Jul 1933)


[Arms of Bayreuth

Map of Bayreuth Capital: Bayreuth (Kulmbach to 1604) Population:223,000 (1804), 185,000 (1784)

1248 - 1398 Under Burgravite of N�rnberg.
21 Jan 1398 Principality of Bayreuth (F�rstentum Bayreuth),
Kulmbach-Bayreuth is partitioned from Burgraviate
of N�rnberg under the Hohenzollern dynasty.
30 Apr 1415 Title Margrave of Brandenburg-Bayreuth
(Markgraf Brandenburg-Bayreuth) adopted.
11 Jun 1420 - 21 Sep 1440 Reunited to N�rnberg, which is under personal
union with Brandenburg.
1457 - 11 Mar 1486 Administered by Ansbach.
26 Feb 1495 - 1515 Administered by Ansbach.
8 Jan 1557 - 25 Apr 1603 Administered by Ansbach.
25 Apr 1603 Partitioned from Brandenburg-Ansbach,
Principality of Bayreuth (F�rstentum Bayreuth).
18 Dec 1726 Inherited by Brandenburg-Kulmbach.
20 Jan 1769 Brandenburg-Kulmbach extinct, inherited by
2 Dec 1791 Ruler sells both principalities to Prussia.
28 Jan 1792 Annexed to Prussia.
8 Oct 1806 - 11 Jun 1809 French administration.
11 Jun 1809 - 17 Jul 1809 Austrian administration.
17 Jul 1809 - 30 Jun 1810 French administration.
28 Feb 1810 Annexed to Bavaria.

Princes (title F�rst von Bayreuth)
9 Jun 1655 - 10 May 1712 Christian Ernst (b. 1644 - d. 1712)
9 Jun 1655 - 1664 Georg Albrecht von Brandenburg- (b. 1619 - d. 1666)
Bayreuth zu Kulmbach -Regent
10 May 1712 - 18 Dec 1726 Georg Wilhelm (b. 1678 - d. 1726)
18 Dec 1726 - 17 May 1735 Georg Friedrich Karl (b. 1688 - d. 1735)
17 May 1735 - 26 Feb 1763 Friedrich III (b. 1711 - d. 1763)
26 Feb 1763 - 20 Jan 1769 Friedrich Christian (b. 1708 - d. 1769)
20 Jan 1769 - 2 Dec 1791 Christian Friedrich Karl (b. 1736 - d. 1806)
Alexander Markgraf von Ansbach
2 Dec 1791 - 28 Jan 1792 Karl August von Hardenberg -Regent (b. 1750 - d. 1822)
Prussian Governors
28 Jan 1792 - 1795 Friedrich Eugen Herzog von (b. 1732 - d. 1797)
1795 - 1800 Friedrich Ludwig Alexander Herzog (b. 1756 - d. 1818)
von W�rttemberg
1800 - 1804 Friedrich von Schuckmann (acting) (b. 1755 - d. 1834)
(pr�sident der kriegs- und dom�nenkammern)
4 Sep 1804 - 8 Oct 1806 Friedrich Ludwig F�rst von (b. 1746 - d. 1818)
French Military governor
8 Oct 1806 - 18 Nov 1806 �tienne Le Grand de Mercey (b. 1755 - d. 1828)
15 Nov 1806 - 11 Jun 1809 Philippe Camille Marcellin Casimir, (b. 1778 - d. 1833)
comte de Tournon-Simiane
Austrian Military governor
11 Jun 1809 - 13 Jun 1809 Johann Nepomuk Graf Nostitz-Rieneck (b. 1768 - d. 1840)
13 Jun 1809 - 29 Jun 1809 Johann Erzherzog von Kutschera (b. 1766 - d. 1832)
29 Jun 1809 - 17 Jul 1809 Karl Freiherr Kress von Kressenstein (b. 1787 - d. 1856)
French Military governor
17 Jul 1809 - 22 Jul 1809 Jean Andoche Junot, duc d'Abrant�s (b. 1771 - d. 1813)
22 Jul 1809 - 20 Sep 1809 Dardieu (Tardieu)
20 Sep 1809 - 30 Jun 1810 Georges Christophe Victoire Combe- (b. 1785 - d. 1864)

1791 - 1807 Caspar Friedrich von Schuckmann (b. 1755 - d. 1834)


c.1050 Lordship of Bentheim (Herrschaft von Bentheim) first mentioned.
1115 Passed to Count Otto, of the House of Salm.
1146 - 1176 Made a fief of Utrecht.
1182 Imperial immediacy (reichsunmittelbar).
1228 County of Bentheim as such first mentioned, not to say with
certainty whether it already had the status of a county or was
only a "rule entity", consisting of several rulers.
1263 Annexed to the County of Tecklenburg.
1279 Partitioned into Bentheim-Bentheim (containing the County
of Bentheim) and Bentheim-Tecklenburg (containing the
County of Tecklenburg).
1421 Eberwin I von G�tterswyk (G�tterswickerhamm) inherited the Imperial
immediate County of Bentheim, and became Lord of Ottenstein in
1425, and Lord of Steinfurt in 1451 (Herren und Grafen zu Bentheim).
1495 The Holy Roman Emperor elevated Steinfurt to the rank of County
(Grafschaft Steinfurt)(see Steinfurt).
13 Dec 1530 Line of Counts extinct and Bentheim granted to Bentheim-
Steinfurt as imperial County of Bentheim-Steinfurt
(Grafschaft _Bentheim_-Steinfurt).
11 Jan 1606 Upon the death of Count Arnold IV of Bentheim and Steinfurt the
property is divided among his sons. Adolf von Bentheim (who dies
in 1623) is given the imperial county of Tecklenburg and the
lordship of Rheda; while Arnold Jobst and Wilhelm Heinrich are
given the imperial counties of Bentheim und Steinfurt und in
Wevelinghoven; Count Konrad Gumprecht receives the county Limburg
(Hohenlimburg); and Friedrich Ludolf the Lordship of the Alps
(Herrschaft Alpen)(the Limburg and Alps lines quickly die and
fall back to Steinfurt).
23 Aug 1643 County of Bentheim-Steinfurt partitioned into Bentheim-Steinfurt
(from 1693, Bentheim-Bentheim younger line); and Bentheim-Bentheim
(from 1693, Bentheim-Steinfurt younger line), the latter
comprising the County of Bentheim (Grafschaft Bentheim); and
1693 Count Arnold Moritz Wilhelm exchanges Steinfurt for Bentheim with
his first cousin Ernst.
21 May 1753 Bentheim mortgaged to Hannover (pleged on 22 May 1752) for 30 years.
1757 - 1758 Count Friedrich Karl Philipp occupied his former territory with
his French regiment.
1758 Hanoverian troops re-occupy Bentheim.
4 Dec 1781 Friedrich Karl Philipp declares his pledge agreement terminated, but
fails to procure the required amount.
1 Jan 1783 Hanover declares that the pledge contract is established,
and automatically prolonged for another 30 years.
19 Feb 1803 Bentheim-Bentheim branch becomes extinct and younger line fell to
Bentheim-Steinfurt (see Steinfurt).
12 May 1804 Count of Bentheim-Steinfurt made a bargain with France, he pays
a fraction of old debt of the Count of Bentheim-Bentheim to
Hannover and obtains the possession of the County of Bentheim,
despite the protest of the Elector of Hannover.
25 Jul 1806 - 10 Dec 1810 Bentheim annexed to Berg (by the Confederation of the Rhine Act).
13 Dec 1810 Annexed to France (part of d�partement Ems-Sup�rieur, then
from 27 Apr 1811, the d�partement de la Lippe).
14 Nov 1813 - 20 Dec 1813 Hanover administration (see Osnabr�ck).
20 Dec 1813 Bentheim annexed to Hanover (confirmed by Congress of Vienna 1815).

Counts (title Graf zu Bentheim-Bentheim)
26 Aug 1693 - 29 Apr 1701 Arnold Moritz Wilhelm (b. 1663 - d. 1701)
29 Apr 1701 - 29 Nov 1731 Hermann Friedrich (b. 1693 - d. 1731)
29 Nov 1731 - 21 May 1753 Friedrich Karl Philipp (b. 1725 - d. 1803)
(= Fr�d�ric-Charles, comte de Bentheim)


1102 Augustinian Abbey of Berchtesgaden founded
(Klosterstift Berchtesgaden)(other spellings Berhtersgaden,
Berchtersgadmen, Perehtgeresgadem, Perthersgadem,
Perhtersgadem, Berhtersgadem and Brechtolsgaden).
1125 Count Berengar I von Sulzbach donates forest (Grafengaden)
area around Berchtesgaden to the abbey.
1194 Imperial immediacy (reichsunmittelbar) for the
Land Berchtesgaden.
1380 Provosts also Princes of the Empire (Reichspr�latur Berchtesgaden).
1491 Converted to a Provostry (Propstei Berchtesgaden).
1559 Raised to Bench of Spiritual Princes
(F�rstpropstei Berchtesgaden).
1594 - 1723 Under the administration of the Electorate of Cologne
by the House of Wittelsbach.
8 Oct 1611 - 22 Oct 1611 Occupied by the Prince-Bishop of Salzburg.
1704 - 1714 Occupied by Austria.
27 Apr 1803 - 26 Dec 1805 Annexed to Salzburg.
26 Dec 1805 - 14 Oct 1809 Annexed to Austria.
14 Oct 1809 Annexed to Bavaria.

Prince-Povosts (title F�rst, Pr�pste, und Herr zu Berchtesgaden )
1688 - 12 Nov 1723 Joseph Clemens Kajetan von Bayern (b. 1671 - d. 1723)
1723 - 19 Jun 1732 Julius Heinrich Freiherr von Rehlingen (b. 1662 - d. 1732)
1732 - 4 Jul 1752 Cajetan Anton Freiherr Notthafft von (b. 1670 - d. 1752)
1752 - 27 May 1768 Michael Balthasar Graf von (b. 1710 - d. 1768)
1768 - 6 Mar 1780 Franz Anton Josef Freiherr von Hausen- (b. 1715 - d. 1780)
8 May 1780 - 4 Apr 1803 Joseph Konrad Freiherr von (b. 1743 - d. 1803)
(also Prince-Bishop of Freising)

Berg and Cleves

Map of Grand Duchy of Berg Capital: D�sseldorf (Dusseldorf) Population:931,000 (1810) Berg: 295,000 (1804) Kleve: 95,000 (1804)
Military: 9,600 (1813) Constitution (None adopted) Religions: Protestant, Roman Catholic, Jewish
Departments (1808-1813)

c.1003 County of J�lich (Grafschaft J�lich).
1092 County of Cleves (Grafschaft Kleve).
1101 County of Berg (Grafschaft Burg)
3 Apr 1348 Julich united with Berg.
1356 J�lich raised to a duchy (Herzogtum J�lich).
1368 Berg united with Cleves.
13 Dec 1393 - 25 Jun 1423 J�lich in union with Guelders.
24 May 1380 Berg raised to a Duchy (Herzogtum Burg).
4 Apr 1417 Cleves raised to a Duchy (Herzogtum Kleve).
25 Jun 1423 J�lich amalgamated and with Berg.
14 Aug 1437 Berg inherited by Duke of J�lich.
15 Mar 1521 Duchies of J�lich and Berg (along with County of Ravensberg) are
inherited the by the Duke of Cleves and Count of Mark as the
United Duchies of J�lich-Cleves-Berg (Vereinigte Herzogt�mer J�lich-Kleve-Berg).
25 Mar 1609 Duke Johann Wilhelm of J�lich-Cleves-Berg dies without legitimate
heirs, as result both the Duke of Palatinate-Neuburg (Pfalz-
Neuburg) and Johann Sigismund Elector of Brandenburg claim
2 Apr 1609 - 2 Sep 1610 Imperial administration.
12 Nov 1614 Protestant territories (Cleves-Mark and Ravensburg) passed to
Brandenburg-Prussia and the Catholic lands (J�lich-Berg and
Ravenstein) awarded to Palatinate-Neuburg (Pfalz-Neuburg)by
Treaty of Xanten.
26 May 1685 Berg, along with the Palatinate (Pfalz), is inherited by Philip
Wilhelm, Count of Palatinate-Neuburg.
2 Sep 1690 J�lich and Berg in union with the Electoral Palatinate.
18 Jan 1701 Cleves, along with Brandenburg, part of Kingdom of Prussia.
31 Dec 1742 Karl Theodor of Palatinate-Sulzbach, Elector Palatinate
(from 30 Dec 1777, also Duke of Bavaria), inherits J�lich and Berg.
12 Oct 1794 J�lich (French: Juliers) occupied by France.
1795 Cleves, left-bank of the Rhine, and Wesel are occupied by France.
9 Mar 1801 Former duchies of J�lich and Cleves annexed to France (part
of d�partement Roer).
27 Mar 1803 Elector of Bavaria, Maximilian Joseph, the heir of Palatinate-
Neuburg, separates the remaining Duchy of Berg (Herzogtum Burg)
from his other Bavarian territories and grants it to his cousin
Wilhelm von Palatinate-Zweibr�cken-Birkenfeld-Gelnhausen (b. 1752
- d. 1837) as administrator.
15 Feb 1806 Cleves on right bank of Rhine and the City and Fortress of Wesel
are ceded by Prussia to France (as proposed 15 Dec 1805).
15 Mar 1806 Berg is ceded by Bavaria to France and joined with former Prussian
Duchy of Cleves.
15 Mar 1806 Duchy of Cleves and Berg (Herzogtum Kleve und Burg /Duch� de Cl�ves
et de Berg).
25 Jul 1806 Grand Duchy of Berg (Grossherzogtum Berg/Grand-duch� de Berg).
25 Jul 1806 Expanded by the Act of Confederation of the Rhine with the addition
Lordship of Hardenberg, County Limburg-Styrum, the lordships of
of Gimborn-Neustadt, and Homburg, the principalities of Siegen,
Dillenburg and Hadamar from Nassau-Orange possessions, and part
of the County of Wied-Runkel to the right of the Lahn, the
counties of Horstmar, Bentheim and Steinfurt, and the Principality
of Rheina-Wolbeck.
21 Jan 1808 Prussia cedes additional territories to Cleves-Berg.
1 Mar 1808 Annexation of the former abbeys of Elten, Essen, and Werden, the
County of Mark (with Lippstadt), former Bishopric of M�nster,
County Tecklenburg, the Lordship of Rheda, County of Lingen, the
County of Dortmund, and the Nassau lands of Siegen and Dillenburg.
21 Aug 1808 City and Fortress of Wesel is annexed by France and incorporated
into the d�partement Roer (see under Germany).
14 Nov 1808 Berg and Cleves is subdivided into _d�partement_s (see below).
1 Jul 1810 - 13 Jul 1810 In personal union with Kingdom of Holland.
13 Dec 1810 Berg's d�partement Ems annexed to France.
1 Jan 1811 Annexed to France (part of the d�partement Lippe [see under
10 Nov 1813 - 15 Jun 1814 Allied administration; from 25 Nov 1813, as the Government General
of Berg(Generalgouvernement Berg).
15 Jun 1814 Annexed to Prussia (part of province of J�lich-Cleves-Berg).

Duke (title Herzog von Burg)
27 Mar 1803 - 15 Mar 1806 Wilhelm Herzog in Bayern und Pfalzgraf (b. 1752 - d. 1837)
von Birkenfeld
Dukes (title Herzog von Kleve und Burg/Duc de Berg et de Cl�ves)
15 Mar 1806 - 24 Mar 1806 Johann Franz von Rappard (acting) (b. 1759 - d. 1822)
24 Mar 1806 - 25 Jul 1806 Joachim Murat (b. 1767 - d. 1815)
Grand Dukes (title Grossherzog von Burg/Grand-duc de Berg)
25 Jul 1806 - 15 Jul 1808 Joachim Murat (s.a.)
15 Jul 1808 - 3 Mar 1809 Napol�on I (b. 1769 - d. 1821)
3 Mar 1809 - 10 Nov 1813 Karl Ludwig Napol�on (b. 1804 - d. 1831)
(= Napol�on Louis Bonaparte)
3 Mar 1809 - 10 Nov 1813 Napol�on I -Regent (s.a.)
French Imperial Commissioner
31 Jul 1808 - 10 Nov 1813 Jacques Claude Beugnot (b. 1761 - d. 1835)
(from 24 Feb 1810, Jacques Claude, comtede Beugnot)
Allied Military governors
10 Nov 1813 - 22 Nov 1813 Guillaume Emmanuel Guignard, vicomte (b. 1776 - d. 1814)
de Saint-Priest (Russia)
(= Graf Emmanuil Frantsevich Sen-Pri)
22 Nov 1813 - 25 Nov 1813 ....
Allied Governors-general of Government General of Berg
25 Nov 1813 - 31 Jan 1814 Karl Justus Gruner (1st time)(Russia) (b. 1777 - d. 1820)
1 Feb 1814 - 14 Jun 1814 Friedrich Alexander zu Solms- (b. 1763 - d. 1830)
Hohensolms-Lich (Prussia)
15 Jun 1814 - 14 Apr 1815 Karl Justus Gruner (2nd time)(Russia) (s.a.)

General Commissioner
5 Apr 1806 - 24 Apr 1806 Johann Franz von Rappard (s.a.)
Presidents of the Council of State
24 Apr 1806 - 7 Aug 1808 Jean Antoine Michel Agar de Mercuez (b. 1771 - d. 1844)
7 Aug 1808 - 15 Mar 1812 Jacques Claude Beugnot (s.a.)
(from 24 Feb 1810, Jacques Claude, comte de Beugnot)
15 Mar 1812 - 13 Nov 1813 Johann Franz Joseph Graf von (b. 1755 - d. 1824)

Ministers and Secretaries of **Statefor the Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Berg (in Paris)
7 Aug 1808 - 31 Dec 1808 Martin Michel Charles Gaudin (b. 1756 - d. 1841)
1 Jan 1809 - 23 Sep 1810 Hugues Bernard Maret, duc de Bassano (b. 1763 - d. 1839)
24 Sep 1810 - 10 Nov 1813 Pierre Louis Roederer (b. 1754 - d. 1835)

D�partements of Grandy Duchy of Berg 1809-1813


1 Jan 1811 - 1813 Annexed to France (part of d�partement de l'Ems-Sup�rieur).

1809 - 1 May 1809 Franz Ambrosius Josef Anton Adam Graf (b. 1781 - d. 1839)
von Spee
1 May 1809 - 1 Jan 1811 Karl Joseph Freiherr von Mylius (b. 1778 - d. 1838)

Rhein (Rhine)

Apr 1809 - Mar 1812 Friedrich Heinrich Graf von Borcke (b. 1776 � d. 1825)
Mar 1812 - 1813Franz Ambrosius Josef Anton Adam Graf (s.a.)
von Spee


7 Apr 1809 - Nov 1813 Johann Anton Schmitz (b. 1770 - d. 1857)

Ruhr (Roer)

10 Mar 1809 - 1813 Gisbert Christian Friedrich Freiherr (b. 1773 - d. 1859)
von Romberg

Bern: see under Swiss Cantons Birstein: see Isenburg-Birstein B lumenegg: see Vorarlberg under Austrian Lands to 1918

Bohemia (B�hmen): see under Czech Republic B�melberg (Boineburg-Boemelberg): see Gemen

Bouillon: see under Belgium

Brabant: see Nord-Brabant under Netherlands provinces and Brabant under Belgium provinces

Brandenburg: see Prussia

Breda: see under Netherlands

Bregenz: see Vorarlberg under Austrian Lands to 1918

Breisgau: see Vorder�sterreich under Austrian Lands to 1918


[Bremen Free City ensign                       from 1692 (Germany)] Adopted 1692, 13 Nov 1891 Civil Ensign [Bremen Free City State                       Flag from 1891 (Germany)] Adopted 13 Nov 1891 State Flag
Map of Bremen Hear State Anthem "Der Bremer Schl�essel" (The Key of Bremen) Text of Anthem (1870-1918) Constitution (21 Oct 1814, 21 Mar 1849, 20 Feb 1854)
Capital: Bremen Currency: Bremen/North German Thaler (XDST) (1740-1810, 1813-1872) State Holiday: 2 Sep (1870) Sedantag (Day of Sedan) (c.1888-1918) (unofficial) ---------------------------------- 18 Oct (1813) Erinnerungsfeier der Schlacht bei Leipzig (Commemoration of Battle of Leipzig) (1814-c.1888) (unofficial) Population: 262,767 (1919) 263,426 (1905) 36,630 (1811) 40,000 (1800)
Military: 770 (1860) Merchant marine: 298 sea-going vessels (1864) Exports: 70 million Vereinsthalers (1858) Imports: 76 million Vereinsthalers (1858) Religions: Protestant 98%, Roman Catholic 2% (1860)
International Organizations: None (represented by Hamburg)

c.788 Bremen founded (civitas Bremensis).
1186 City independent from the Archbishop. Status of imperial immediacy
1358 - 1669 Member of Hanseatic League.
1 Jun 1646 Free Imperial City of Bremen (Kayserliche und dess heiligen R�mischen Reichs Freye Stadt [und Ansestadt] Bremen); four mayors
to 1853; four "succession lines" can be distinguished (Diploma
of Linz).
Feb 1654 City of Bremen granted a seat and the vote in the Diet of the Holy
Roman Empire by the Emperor Ferdinand III.
1806 Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (Freien Hansestadt Bremen).
20 Nov 1806 - 25 Oct 1813 Occupied by France.
13 Dec 1810 Incorporated into France; from 1 Jan 1811 as arrondissement de Br�me
within, the d�partement Bouches-du-Weser (see under Germany).
6 Nov 1813 Free Hanseatic City of Bremen (Freie Hansestadt Bremen)
(from Nov 1918 see German states since 1918).

Mayors (B�rgermeister)
- Line 1 -
1690 - 1721 Friedrich Casimir Tilemann gen. (b. 1638 - d. 1721)
1721 - 1725 Johann von Rheden (b. 1648 - d. 1725)
Sep 1725 - 1 Sep 1728 Liborius von Line II (b. 1668 - d. 1728)
1728 - 1731 Hieronymus Alers (b. 1655 - d. 1731)
16 Jun 1731 - 1736 Heinrich Smidt (b. 1655 - d. 1736)
1736 - 1749 Daniel von B�ren IV (b. 1693 - d. 1749)
1749 - 1781 Volkhard Mindemann (b. 1705 - d. 1781)
1781 Albrecht Gr�ning (b. 1707 - d. 1781)
1781 - 1782 Martin Eelking (b. 1715 - d. 1782)
24 Dec 1782 - 1798 Gerhard von dem Busch (b. 1725 - d. 1799)
11 Apr 1798 - 21 Aug 1803 Jakob Breuls (b. 1749 - d. 1803)
26 Aug 1803 - 31 Dec 1810 Heinrich Lampe (1st time) (b. 1746 - d. 1817)
6 Nov 1813 - 15 Dec 1817 Heinrich Lampe (2nd time) (s.a.)
1817 - 18 Feb 1822 Christian Hermann Sch�ne (b. 1763 - d. 1822)
1822 - 23 Jan 1847 Simon Hermann Nonnen (b. 1777 - d. 1847)
1847 - 3 Aug 1853 Isaak Hermann Albrecht Schumacher (b. 1780 - d. 1853)
- Line 2 -
17 Apr 1689 - 1 Jul 1712 Melchior Schweling (b. 1629 - d. 1712)
6 Jul 1712 - 7 Oct 1737 Werner K�hne (b. 1656 - d. 1737)
14 Oct 1737 - 19 Apr 1741 Jakob H�neken (b. 1666 - d. 1741)
1741 - 1745 Kaspar von Rheden (b. 1681 - d. 1745)
13 Dec 1745 - 21 Mar 1756 Heinrich Lampe I (b. 1680 - d. 1756)
27 Mar 1756 - 13 Mar 1767 Heinrich K�hne I (b. 1692 - d. 1768)
1767 - 1787 Dietrich Smidt (b. 1711 - d. 1787)
19 Jan 1787 - 13 Nov 1792 Heinrich K�hnen II (b. 1692 - d. 1768)
20 Nov 1792 - 31 Dec 1810 Christian Abraham Heineken (b. 1752 - d. 1818)
(1st time)
6 Nov 1813 - 20 Jul 1818 Christian Abraham Heineken (s.a.)
(2nd time)
25 Jul 1818 - 14 Apr 1821 Arnold Dietrich Tiedemann (b. 1756 - d. 1821)
1821 - 1853 Johann Smidt (b. 1773 - d. 1857)
- Line 3 -
1693 - 1711 Heinrich von Aschen (b. 1638 - d. 1711)
1711 - 1716 Wilhelm von Bentheim (b. 1647 - d. 1717)
1716 - 1742 Johann Holler (b. 1674 - d. 1742)
1742 - 1751 Dietrich Meier I (b. 1687 - d. 1751)
1751 - 1766 Heinrich Gerhard Schumacher (b. 1695 - d. 1766)
1766 - 1775 Isa�k von Meinertzhagen (b. 1721 - d. 1798)
1775 - 1787 Johann Pundsack (b. 1729 - d. 1787)
28 Nov 1787 - 26 May 1802 Justin Friedrich Wilhelm Iken (b. 1726 - d. 1805)
28 May 1802 - 31 Dec 1810 Daniel Klugkist (1st time) (b. 1748 - d. 1814)
6 Nov 1813 - 20 Sep 1814 Daniel Klugkist (2nd time) (s.a.)
1814 - 1821 Georg Gr�ning (b. 1745 - d. 1825)
1821 - 29 Mar 1839 Heinrich Gr�ning (b. 1774 - d. 1839)
1839 - 8 Mar 1852 Johann Daniel Noltenius (b. 1799 - d. 1852)
- Line 4 -
1696 - 1718 Hermann Doverhagen (b. 1650 - d. 1718)
1718 - 1720 Konrad von Berchem (b. 1658 - d. 1720)
1720 - 1747 Heinrich Meier II (b. 1678 - d. 1747)
1747 - 1757 Christian Sch�ne (b. 1684 - d. 1757)
20 Mar 1757 - 29 Apr 1773 Hieronymus Klugkist (b. 1711 - d. 1776)
5 May 1773 - 1776 Hermann von Line (b. 1705 - d. 1786)
1776 - 1794 Daniel Tindemann (d. 1799)
19 Dec 1794 - 2 Dec 1802 Dietrich Meier II (b. 1748 - d. 1802)
10 Dec 1802 - 16 Sep 1808 Liborius Dietrich Post (b. 1748 - d. 1811)
17 Sep 1808 - 10 Dec 1810 Franz Tiedemann (1st time) (b. 1752 - d. 1836)
6 Nov 1813 - 23 Dec 1824 Franz Tiedemann (2nd time) (s.a.)
1824 - 14 Sep 1845 Michael Duntze (b. 1779 - d. 1845)
1845 - 1853 Dietrich Meier III (b. 1787 - d. 1857)
****Sous-pr�fet, arrondissement** de Br�me (subordinated to the prefects of Bouches-du-Weser)
1811 - 1813 Armand de Salperwick (b. 1789 - d. 1834)French Mayors (Maires)
1810 - 1 Jul 1811 Daniel Klugkist (provisional) (s.a.)
1811 - 1813 Wilhelm Ernst Wichelhausen (b. 1769 - d. 1835)
First mayors
1853 - 31 Dec 1856 Johann Smidt (acting) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1857 - 31 Dec 1863 Arnold Duckwitz (b. 1802 - d. 1881)
1 Jan 1864 - 31 Dec 1867 Karl Friedrich Gottfried Mohr
(1st time) (b. 1803 - d. 1888)
1 Jan 1868 - 3 Oct 1871 Johann Daniel Meier (b. 1804 - d. 1871)
3 Oct 1871 - 31 Dec 1871 Karl Friedrich Gottfried Mohr
(2nd time) (acting) (s.a.)
1871 - 31 Dec 1875 Otto Gildemeister (1st time) (b. 1823 - d. 1902)
1 Jan 1876 - 12 Apr 1879 Friedrich Moritz Christian
Pfeiffer (b. 1815 - d. 1879)
12 Apr 1879 - 31 Dec 1879 Otto Gildemeister (2nd time)
(acting) (s.a.)
1879 - 1882 Friedrich Ludwig Grave (b. 1815 - d. 1885)
1882 - 31 Dec 1882 Otto Gildemeister (3rd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1883 - 31 Dec 1883 Karl Friedrich Christian Buff
(1st time) (b. 1820 - d. 1891)
1 Jan 1884 - 31 Dec 1884 Otto Gildemeister (4th time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1885 - 31 Dec 1885 Karl Friedrich Christian Buff
(2nd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1886 - 31 Dec 1886 Otto Gildemeister (5th time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1887 - 31 Dec 1887 Stephan August L�rmann (1st time) (b. 1820 - d. 1902)
1 Jan 1888 - 31 Dec 1888 Karl Friedrich Christian Buff
(3rd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1889 - 31 Dec 1889 Stephan August L�rmann (2nd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1890 - 31 Dec 1890 Karl Friedrich Christian Buff
(4th time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1891 - 31 Dec 1891 Alfred Dominicus Pauli (1st time) (b. 1827 - d. 1915)
1 Jan 1892 - 31 Dec 1892 Stephan August L�rmann (3rd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1893 - 31 Dec 1893 Alfred Dominicus Pauli (2nd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1894 - 31 Dec 1894 Stephan August L�rmann (4th time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1895 - 31 Dec 1895 Albert Gr�ning (1st time) (b. 1839 - d. 1903)
1 Jan 1896 - 31 Dec 1896 Alfred Dominicus Pauli (3rd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1897 - 31 Dec 1897 Albert Gr�ning (2nd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1898 - 31 Dec 1898 Alfred Dominicus Pauli (4th time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1899 - 31 Dec 1899 Friedrich August Schultz (1st time)(b. 1835 - d. 1905)
1 Jan 1900 - 31 Dec 1900 Albert Gr�ning (3rd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1901 - 31 Dec 1901 Friedrich August Schultz (2nd time)(s.a.)
1 Jan 1902 - 31 Dec 1902 Albert Gr�ning (4th time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1903 - 31 Dec 1903 Alfred Dominicus Pauli (5th time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1904 - 31 Dec 1904 Carl Georg Barkhausen (1st time) (b. 1848 - d. 1917)
1 Jan 1905 - 31 Dec 1905 Alfred Dominicus Pauli (6th time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1906 - 31 Dec 1906 Carl Georg Barkhausen (2nd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1907 - 31 Dec 1907 Victor Wilhelm Marcus (1st time) (b. 1848 - d. 1911)
1 Jan 1908 - 31 Dec 1908 Alfred Dominicus Pauli (7th time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1909 - 31 Dec 1909 Victor Wilhelm Marcus (2nd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1910 - 31 Dec 1910 Alfred Dominicus Pauli (8th time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1911 - 31 Dec 1911 Carl Georg Barkhausen (3rd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1912 - 31 Dec 1912 Victor Wilhelm Marcus (3rd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1913 - 31 Dec 1913 Carl Georg Barkhausen (4th time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1914 - 31 Dec 1914 Karl Friedrich Heinrich Stadtl�nder(b. 1844 - d. 1916)
1 Jan 1915 - 31 Dec 1915 Clemens Carl Buff (1st time) (b. 1853 - d. 1940)
1 Jan 1916 - 31 Dec 1916 Carl Georg Barkhausen (5th time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1917 - 31 Dec 1917 Clemens Carl Buff (2nd time) (s.a.)
1 Jan 1918 - 10 Jan 1919 Hermann Christian Ferdinand (b. 1849 - d. 1939) 1919: DDP

Party abbreviation: DDP = Deutsche Demokratische Partei (German Democratic Party, liberal democratic, center-left, 16 Nov 1918-28 Jun 1933)


Map of Bremen-Verden Capital: Stade (from 1648); Bremen: V�rde (Bremerv�rde)(1219-1648); Verden: Rotenburg an der W�mme (1195-1648) Population: N/A Bremen duchy: N/A Verden: 18,000 (1804)

775 Bishopric of Verden (Episcopus Verdensis/Hochstift Verden) founded.
15 Jul 787 Bishopric of Bremen (Episcopus Bremensis/Hochstift Bremen) founded.
848 - 1072 In personal union with Bishopric of Hamburg.
1072 Archbishopric of Bremen (Erzhstift Bremen).
1180 Bishops of Verden also Prince of the Empire.
1186 Bremen city independent from the Archbishop.
1195 Bishop of Verden moves the episcopal residence to Rotenburg
(later called Rotenburg an der W�mme).
1219 Archbishop of Bremen moves the episcopal residence to V�rde
(later called Bremerv�rde).
1220 Archbishops of Bremen made Princes of the Empire.
1566 Establishment of Lutheran rule in Bremen and Verden (1568).
1626 - 1631 Verden occupied by the Catholic League.
15 Feb 1645 Prince-Bishopric of Verden occupied by Sweden.
13 Aug 1645 Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen occupied by Sweden.
24 Oct 1648 Former Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen and the adjoining
Prince-Bishopric of Verden secularized, Swedish possessions, as
the secular Duchy of Bremen and Principality of Verden
(Herzogtumer Bremen und F�rstentum Verden). The formerly Free
Imperial City of Verden upon Aller is mediatised and incorporated
into the Duchy of Verden. Sweden installs Bremen-Verden's General
Government (Brem- und verdensches Generalgouvernement) to
administer the territories.
1676 - 1679 Verden occupied by Brandenburg-Prussia, Denmark-Norway, the
Prince-Bishopric of M�nster, and L�neburg-Celle(Hanover).
7 Sep 1712 - 7 Jun 1715 Occupied by Denmark.
7 Jun 1715 Sold to Hanover.
20 Nov 1719 Incorporated into Hanover).Sweden ceded the Bremen-Verden to
Hannover according to the Treaty of Stockholm (of 9 Nov 1719).
1733 Department of Bremen-Verden, Hadeln, Lauenburg and Bentheim (within
18 Sep 1757 - Mar 1758 Occupied by France.
Apr 1801 - Oct 1801 Occupied by Prussia.
18 Jun 1803 - 26 Oct 1805 Occupied by France.
26 Oct 1805 - 1 Apr 1806 Occupied by Prussia.
12 Nov 1806 Occupied by France.
1 Mar 1810 - 13 Dec 1810 Annexed to Kingdom of Westphalia (as d�partement Nord).
13 Dec 1810 - 27 Mar 1813 Annexed to France (part of d�partement Bouches-du-Weser).
27 Mar 1813 - 20 Dec 1813 Hanoverian administration.
20 Dec 1813 Re-incorporated into Hanover.
18 Apr 1823 Administrative autonomy abolished.
3 Oct 1866 Annexed to Prussia (part of province of Hannover).

Administrators of the Prince-Archbishopric of Bremen 1596 - 3 Sep 1634 Johann Friedrich von Schleswig- (b. 1579 - d. 1634)
1638 - 13 Aug 1645 Frederick II (b. 1609 - d. 1670)
(from 1648, King Frederik III of Denmark)
Administrators of the Prince-Bishopric of Verden 1631 - 3 Sep 1634 Johann Friedrich von Schleswig- (s.a.)
1634 - 13 Aug 1645 Frederick II (2nd time) (s.a.)
Dukes and Princes
24 Oct 1648 - 20 Nov 1719 the queens/kings of Sweden 20 Nov 1719 - 13 Dec 1810 the duke-electors of Hanover
Governors-general (from 1648, of Bremen-Verden's General Government)(in Stade)
15 Feb 1645 - 20 Feb 1663 Hans Kristoffer greve von (b. 1600 - d. 1663)
(to 18 Jun 1645, military governor)
1663 - 27 Feb 1666 Gustav Evertsson friherre Horn (b. 1614 - d. 1666)
1668 - 1676 Henrik Henriksson friherre Horn (b. 1618 - d. 1693)
(1st time)
1676 - 1679 occupied by Denmark, Brandenburg
1679 - 22 Feb 1693 Henrik Henriksson friherre Horn (s.a.)
(2nd time)
1693 - 1696 Erik J�nsson greve Dahlberg (b. 1625 - d. 1703)
1696 - 1698 J�rgen von Mellin (b. 1633 - d. 1713)
1698 - 1710 Nils Carlsson greve Gyllenstierna (b. 1648 - d. 1720)
af Fogelvik
1710 - 1712 Mauritz greve Vellingk (b. 1651 - d. 1727)
1712 - 1715 Jobst von Scholten (b. 1646 - d. 1721)
(Danish governor)
1715 - 1719 von Rantzow -Commander
French Subdelegate of the Commission du Gouvernement du Hanovre 1807 - 1810? Peter Christian Dodt
Hanoverian Government Commissioner
27 Mar 1813 - 20 Dec 1813 Engelbert Johann von Marschalck (b. 1766 - d. 1845)
von Bachtenbrock

Presidents of the Royal Privy Council for Governing of Bremen and Verden
1715 � 1716 Cord Plato von Schloen, gen. Gehle(b. 1661 � d. 1723)
1716 � 6 Apr 1730 Johann Friedrich von Staffhorst (b. 1653 � d. 1730)
1730 - 1739 Vacant
1739 � 1759 Philipp Adolf von M�nchhausen (b. 1694 - d. 1762)
1759 � 25 Dec 1781 Bodo Friedrich von Bodenhausen (b. 1705 � d. 1781)
1782 � 13 Oct 1798 Gotthelf Dietrich von Ende (b. 1726 � d. 1798)
1798 - 1800 Vacant
1800 � 1810 Christian Ludwig von Hake (b. 1745 � d. 1818)
Apr 1810 - Dec 1810 Johann Julius Conrad von Schl�tter(b. 1749 - d. 1827)
1810 - 1813 Vacant
1813 � 1823 Engelbert Johann von Marschalck (s.a.)
von Bachtenbrock
(president of provisional government to 20 Dec 1813)


1642 Sold to Count of Velen as a fief of Archbishop of Cologne.
1664 Raised to an Imperial Barony of Bretzenheim (Herrschaft Bretzenheim).
6 Nov 1733 Count of Velen dies without an heir, reverts to Cologne.
1734 - 19 Nov 1744 Given to Graf Ambrosius Franz von Virmont (b. 1682 - d. 1744) by
the Archbishop of Cologne
19 Nov 1744 Extinct; to Cologne.
1747 - 28 Apr 1772 Sold to Ignaz Franz Felix Freiherr von Roll zu Bernau (b. 1719
- d. 1795) .
28 Apr 1772 Sold to Karl August Graf von Heydeck, an illegitimate son
of Elector Karl Theodor von der Pfalz.
Aug 1774 County of Bretzenheim (Grafschaft Bretzenheim) an appanage of
the Archbishopric of Cologne.
Dec 1789 County of Bretzenheim (Reichsgrafschaft Bretzenheim) gains
imperial immediacy, later raised to Principality of
Bretzenheim (Reichsf�rstentum Bretzenheim).
1795 Prince of Bretzenheim lost Bretzenheim, Winzenheim, and other
Imperial immediate territories on the left bank of the Rhine
to France.
1795 - 1803 Occupied by France.
1795 Prince receives the County of Lindau as compensation for the
loss of Bretzenheim and other territories.
25 Apr 1803 Bretzenheim part-mediatized to Hesse-Darmstadt and Lindau
sold to Austria.
1815 Bretzenheim annexed to Prussia (part of Rhine province).

Counts (title Graf von Velen und Meggen, Freiherr zu Raesfeld und Bretzenheim ) 1664 - 10 Oct 1675 Alexander II von Velen (b. 1599 - d. 1675)
10 Oct 1675 - 7 Jul 1685 Ferdinand Gottfried von Velen (b. 1626 - d. 1685)
7 Jul 1685 - 10 May 1727 Alexander Otto von Velen (b. 1657 - d. 1727)
10 May 1727 - 6 Nov 1733 Alexander III von Velen (b. 1683 - d. 1733)
Prince (title Reichsf�rst von und zu Bretzenheim [from 1795] und Graf zu Lindau)
Dec 1789 - 25 Apr 1803 Karl August Friedrich Joseph von (b. 1768 - d. 1823)
und zu Bretzenheim
(from 25 Apr 1803, Karl August Friedrich
Joseph F�rst Bretzenheim von Regecz)

Brixen (Bressanone)(bishopric): see Italian states to 1860

Brunswick (Braunschweig)

[Brunswick (Braunschweig)                       bf.1748 - 1807, 1813-1814 (Germany)] bf.1748 - 1807, 1813 - 1814 [Brunswick (Braunschweig)                       1814-1831 (Germany)] 1814 - 21 Jul 1831 [Duchy of Brunswick                       (Braunschweig) 1831-1918 (Germany)] 21 Jul 1831 - 10 Nov 1918
Map of Brunswick and Braunschweig 1789 Royal Anthem "Heil unserm Herzog, Heil!" (Hail to our Duke, Hail!)("Herzogshymne") (1885-1918) State Anthem "Wir lust'gen Braunschweiger" (We merry Brunswickers) (c.1914-1918) (unofficial) Constitution (25 Apr 1820, 12 Oct 1832)
Capital: Brunswick (Braunschweig) (Wolfenb�ttel 1432�1753; Braunschweig 1269-1432, from 1753) Currency: German Convention Thaler (XDCT) (1764-1842); North German Thaler (XDET)(1842-1857); German Vereinsthaler (XDNT) (1857-1872) State Holiday: Birthday of the Duke (unofficial) Population: 494,339 (1910) 208,000 (1804)
Military: 2,700 (1860) Exports: see Prussia Imports: see Prussia Religions: Protestant 99%, Roman Catholic 1% (1860)
International Organizations: German Customs Union (1842-1871)

955 Bruno I, founder of the Brunonen dynasty, becomes count
1136 Heinrich "der Stolze," duke of Bavaria and Saxony, becomes
1180 Heinrich "der L�we," duke of Bavaria and Saxony, becomes duke
(the name Braunschweig [Brunswick] becomes gradually
attached to the polity).
21 Aug 1235 The polity is officially Herzogtum Braunschweig und L�neburg;
the style of the ruler is Herzog zu Braunschweig und L�neburg;
in theory, the entire polity retains this style, as do all the
rulers despite the divisions.
1269 Division into Principality of Brunswick (F�rstentum
Braunschweig) and Principality ofL�neburg.
1286 F�rstentum Grubenhagen (extinct 14 Apr 1596) and F�rstentum
G�ttingen detached from Brunswick.
23 Nov 1432 F�rstentum Calenberg detached from Brunswick.
30 Oct 1806 - 27 Aug 1807 Occupied by France.
28 Aug 1807 - 29 Oct 1813 Incorporated into Kingdom of Westphalia.
24 Jul 1809 - 6 Aug 1809 Invasion by Friedrich Wilhelm, Duke of Brunswick (taking Halle on
26 Jul, Quedlinburg 29 Jul, and Braunschweig 31 Jul 1809).
30 Oct 1813 - 6 Nov 1813 Allied administration.
6 Nov 1813 Duchy of Brunswick (Herzogtum Braunschweig).
10 Nov 1918 Republic of Brunswick (Republik Braunschweig)
(see German states since 1918).

Dukes (title Herzog von Braunschweig und F�rst von Wolffenb�tel)
27 Sep 1666 - 26 Jan 1704 Rudolf August (b. 1627 - d. 1704)
- jointly with -
1685 - 18 Feb 1702 Anton Ulrich (1st time) (b. 1633 - d. 1714)
26 Jan 1704 - 27 Mar 1714 Anton Ulrich (2nd time) (s.a.)
27 Mar 1714 - 23 Mar 1731 August Wilhelm (b. 1662 - d. 1731)
23 Mar 1731 - 1 Mar 1735 Ludwig Rudolf (b. 1671 - d. 1735)
1 Mar 1735 - 3 Sep 1735 Ferdinand Albrecht (b. 1680 - d. 1735)
3 Sep 1735 - 26 Mar 1780 Karl I (b. 1713 - d. 1780)
26 Mar 1780 - 10 Nov 1806 Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand (b. 1735 - d. 1806)
(in exile from 25 Oct 1806)
10 Nov 1806 - 28 Aug 1807 Friedrich Wilhelm
"der schwarze Herzog" (1st time) (b. 1771 - d. 1815)
(prevented from taking office; in exile in
Prussia to 1809, Austria 1809, then U.K. 1809-1813)
French Governors-general of the Duchy of Brunswick (duch� de Brunswick)
30 Oct 1806 - 1807 Baptiste Pierre Fran�ois Jean (b. 1767 - d. 1811)
Gaspard, comte Bisson
1807 - 28 Aug 1807 Olivier Macoux Rivaud de La (b. 1766 - d. 1839)
28 Aug 1807 - 29 Oct 1813 **part of the Kingdom of Westphalia Allied Military governor
6 Nov 1813 - 13 Nov 1813 Ludwig Georg Thedel Graf von (b. 1769 - d. 1862)
Wallmoden-Gimborn (Austria)
Dukes (title Herzog von Braunschweig und L�neburg)
6 Nov 1813 - 16 Jun 1815 Friedrich Wilhelm
"der schwarze Herzog" (2nd time) (s.a.)
(returns 22 Dec 1813)
13 Nov 1813 - Dec 1813 Johann Elias Olfermann (b. 1776 - d. 1822)
16 Jun 1815 - 20 Apr 1831 Karl II (b. 1804 - d. 1873)
16 Jun 1815 - 30 Oct 1823 Georg August Friedrich -Regent (b. 1762 - d. 1830)
20 Apr 1831 - 18 Oct 1884 Wilhelm (b. 1806 - d. 1884)
(regent to 25 Apr 1831)
Regencies (the ducal line being inhibited by its U.K. connections)
20 Apr 1884 - 2 Nov 1885 Wilhelm Otto Hans Hermann, G�rtz- (b. 1819 - d. 1889)
Wrisberg Graf von Schlitz -Regent
(president of Regency Council)
2 Nov 1885 - 13 Sep 1906 Albrecht F�rst von (b. 1837 - d. 1906)
Prussen -Regent
13 Sep 1906 - 5 Jun 1907 Albert von Otto -Regent (b. 1836 - d. 1921)
(president of Regency Council)
5 Jun 1907 - 1 Nov 1913 Johann Albrecht Herzog von
Mecklenburg-Schwerin -Regent (b. 1857 - d. 1920)
Duke (title Herzog von Braunschweig und L�neburg)
1 Nov 1913 - 8 Nov 1918 Ernst August (b. 1887 - d. 1953)
Aug 1914 - 8 Nov 1918 Viktoria Luise von Preussen (f) (b. 1892 - d. 1980)

Chancellors ( kanzler)
9 Mar 1680 � 17 Nov 1718 Philipp Ludwig Probst von (b. 1633 � d. 1718)
1718 � 1721/15 Nov 1729? Urban Dietrich von L�decke (b. 1655 � d. 1729)
Chief Ministers 1721 - 1731 Johann Friedrich von Stein (b. 1681 - d. 1735)
1731 - 1742 Hieronymus von M�nchhausen (b. 1680 � d. 1742)
(Erster minister)
1742 - 1754? August Adolph von Cramm (b. 1685 � d. 1765)
16 Feb 1754 - 19 Jul 1773 Heinrich Bernhard Schrader von (b. 1706 - d. 1773)
Schliestedt (Staatsminister)
23 Jul 1773 - 1 May 1786 Georg Septimius Andreas von Praun (b. 1701 - d. 1786)
1786 - 1790 Karl August Freiherr von (b. 1750 - d. 1822)
13 Oct 1790 - 1806 Carl von Praun (b. 1732 - d. 1808)
1806 - 1807 Gustav Adolf Graf von Wolffradt (b. 1762 - d. 1833)
Chairman of the government commission
27 Dec 1813 - Mar 1814 Karl Friedrich Gebhard Graf von
der Schulenburg-Wolfsburg (b. 1763 - d. 1818)
Directing Ministers
Mar 1814 - 1815 Karl Friedrich Mens (b. 1764 - d. 1836)
21 Oct 1815 - 25 Dec 1818 Karl Friedrich Gebhard Graf von
der Schulenburg-Wolfsburg (s.a.)
25 Dec 1818 - Jan 1820 Vacant
Jan 1820 - 30 Oct 1823 Johann August Ernst Graf (b. 1758 - d. 1827)
von Alvensleben
30 Oct 1823 - 17 Oct 1826 Wilhelm Justus Eberhard von (b. 1763 - d. 1831)
17 Oct 1826 - 16 Oct 1830 Gottfried Philipp von B�low (b. 1770 - d. 1850)
16 Oct 1830 - 31 Dec 1832 Werner Graf von Ventheim (b. 1785 - d. 1860)
Ministers of State
31 Jan 1843 - 16 Mar 1848 Werner Graf von Ventheim (s.a.)
16 Mar 1848 - 22 Mar 1848 Johann Georg Christian von Koch (b. 1790 - d. 1861)
22 Mar 1848 - 3 Nov 1856 Wilhelm Johann Karl Heinrich
Freiherr von Schleinitz (b. 1794 - d. 1856)
3 Nov 1856 - 26 Nov 1861 August von Geyso (b. 1801 - d. 1861)
1 Dec 1861 - 14 Oct 1874 Asche Burckhard Carl Ferdinand (b. 1803 - d. 1874)
von Campe
14 Oct 1874 - 1 Oct 1883 Johann Christian Wilhelm Schulz (b. 1806 - d. 1888)
1 Oct 1883 - 22 Feb 1889 Wilhelm Otto Hans G�rtz-Wrisberg (b. 1819 - d. 1889)
1 Apr 1889 - 1 May 1911 Albert von Otto (b. 1836 - d. 1921)
1 May 1911 - 10 Jan 1914 Leonhard Christoph Adolf von (b. 1849 - d. 1914)
16 Jan 1914 - 8 Nov 1918 Karl Wolff (b. 1856 - d. 1935)


c.770 Abbey of Buchau, then called "Bochaugie" (Stift Buchau).
1347 Imperial immediacy (Reichsabtei Buchau) or Imperial Abbey of
Buchau on the Federsee (Reichsstift Buchau am Federsee).
1415 Converted to secular foundation (Damenstift Buchau).
1447 Abbesses also Princesses of the Empire (confirmed 1616).
1625 Lordship of Strassberg acquired.
4 Dec 1802 Secularized and given to the Prince Karl Alexander von
Thurn und Taxis.
12 Jul 1806 Annexed to W�rttemburg; and former Stiftsherrschaft Strassberg
to Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen.

Princess-Abbesses (title F�rst�btissin zu Buchau)
1669 - 19 Aug 1692 Maria-Theresia I von Sultz (b. 1634 - d. 1692)
1692 - 14 Sep 1693 Maria-Franziska II Truchsess von (b. 1630 - d. 1693)
14 Sep 1693 - 17 Nov 1742 Maria-Theresia II von Montfort (b. 1663 - d. 1742)
17 Dec 1742 - 13 Dec 1774 Maria Karolina von Reichsgr�fin (b. 1707 - d. 1774)
von K�nigsegg-Rothenfels
18 Jan 1775 - 4 Dec 1802 Maria Maximiliana von Stadion (b. 1736 - d. 1818)
zu Tannhausen und Warthausen
Prince (title F�rst von Thurn und Taxis, F�rst zu Buchau)
4 Dec 1802 - 12 Jul 1806 Karl Alexander (b. 1770 - d. 1827)

Burgundy (Burgund): see Bourgogne under France provinces to 1791

Burgundy (Burgund) (free county)(Burgund): see Franche-Comt� under France provinces to 1791

Carinthia (K�rnten): see Austrian Lands to 1918

Carniola (Krain): see under Slovenia

Chur (Coire)(bishopric): see under Swiss Territories

Cisrhenian Republic

                          Republic, 1797 (Germany)]

28 Aug 1797 - 4 Nov 1797

Map of Cisrhenian Republic (1797) Capital: Bonn Draft National Anthem "Staatshymne f�r die Cisrhenanische Republik" (National Anthem for the Cisrhenian Republic) (1797) Population: 1,297,151 (1798)

28 Aug 1797 Cisrhenian Republic (C isrhenanische [Zisrhenanische] Republik, in
French: R�publique Cisrh�nane) is proclaimed covering the French
occupied territories on the left-bank of the Rhine River
including - Trier, Mainz, Cologne, Palatine (Plfaz), J�lich,
and the Saarland.
18 Oct 1797 Treaty of Campo Formio cedes de facto Rhineland territories
to France.
4 Nov 1797 French commissioner are appointed to supervise and organize
the territories into d�partements of Roer, Sarre, Mont-Tonnerre,
Rhin-et-Moselle (see under Germany)(not yet considered part
of France).
13 Nov 1797 "Declaration of Sovereignty of the People Between the Meuse, Rhine
and Moselle" (Acte de souverainit� du peuple entre Meuse, Rhin
et Moselle) announced in Bonn.
9 Feb 1801 By the Treaty of Lun�ville the Rhineland is de jure annexed
to France.
30 Jun 1802 Rhineland d�partements become regular d_�partements_ of France.

Protectors of the Cisrhenian Republic
(French military commanders and Heads of the civil administration)
28 Aug 1797 - 19 Sep 1797 Louis Lazare Hoche (b. 1768 - d. 1797)
Sep 1797 - Nov 1797 Pierre Fran�ois Charles Augereau (b. 1757 - d. 1816)

Central Bureau (from 15 Sep 1797, Intermediary Commission [_Commission interm�diaire_])
5 Sep 1797 - Nov 1797 Members
- Henri Sh�e (president) (b. 1739 - d. 1820)
- Johann Nikolaus Becker (b. 1773 - d. 1809)
- Johann Joseph G�rres (b. 1776 - d. 1848)
- Johann Jakob Haan (b. 1754 - d. 1819)
- Johann Hugo Wyttenbach (b. 1767 - d. 1848)
- Destez (C. Dester)
(French commissioner)
(to Nov 1797)
- Franz Georg Joseph von (b. 1781 - d. 1818)
- Johann Baptist Geich (b. 1764 - d. 1824)
- Franz Gall (b. 1758 - d. 1828)
- Johann Heinrich Gerhards (b. 1757 - d. 1826)
- Mathias Metternich (b. 1747 - d. 1825)
- et. al.
General Commissioners of the Directory
5 Nov 1797 - Feb 1799 Fran�ois Joseph Rudler (b. 1757 - d. 1837)
Mar 1799 - Aug 1799 J.J. Marquis
Aug 1799 - Dec 1799 Joseph Lakanal (b. 1762 - d. 1845)
22 Dec 1799 - Oct 1800 Henri Sh�e (s.a.)
Oct 1800 - Feb 1801 Jean-Baptiste Mo�se Jollivet (b. 1753 - d. 1818)
Feb 1801 - 23 Sep 1802 Andr� Jean-Bon Saint-Andr� (b. 1749 - d. 1813)

Cleves (Kleves): see under Berg and Cleves

Cologne (K�ln) Free City

[Cologne (Germany)]

1216 Cologne (K�ln) city council (rat) mentioned for first time.
Jul 1254 - 1256 Member of Rhineland League of Cities.
1260 - 1471 Member of Hanseatic League.
5 Jun 1288 Bishops of Cologne are excluded from city administration, city of
the archbishop recognized the political independence of Cologne,
but reserved certain rights, notably the administration of
19 Nov 1367 - 1385 Part of the Confederation of Cologne against Denmark.
14 Sep 1396 Imperial City of Cologne (Reichsstadt K�ln); two "succession
lines" can be distinguished (confirmed 1475).
1476 - 1669 Renewed member of Hanseatic League.
6 Oct 1794 Occupied by France.
18 Oct 1797 Ceded to France.
9 Mar 1801 Annexed to France, part of d�partement Roer (see under Germany).
Feb 1814 - 1815 Allied occupation.
8 Feb 1815 Annexed to Prussia (part of Rhine province).

Mayors (B�rgermeister)
- Line 1 -
24 Jun 1686 - 24 Jun 1687 Johann Jakob Huigen (b. 16.. - d. 1701)
24 Jun 1687 - 24 Jun 1688 Bartholom�us Verhorst (1st time) (b. 1625 - d. 1690)
24 Jun 1688 - 24 Jun 1689 Johann von Imstenrath (1st time) (b. 1645 - d. 1711)
24 Jun 1689 - 24 Jun 1690 Hermann von Mylius (1st time) (b. 1638 - d. 1698)
24 Jun 1690 - 24 Jun 1691 Peter Nikolaus von Krufft (b. 1643 - d. 1727)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1691 - 24 Jun 1692 Johann von Imstenrath (2nd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1692 - 24 Jun 1693 Hermann von Mylius (2nd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1693 - 24 Jun 1694 Peter Nikolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1694 - 24 Jun 1695 Johann von Imstenrath (3rd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1695 - 24 Jun 1696 Hermann von Mylius (3rd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1696 - 24 Jun 1697 Peter Nikolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1697 - 24 Jun 1698 Johann von Imstenrath (4th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1698 - 24 Jun 1699 Hermann von Mylius (4th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1699 - 24 Jun 1700 Peter Nikolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1700 - 24 Jun 1701 Johann von Imstenrath (5th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1701 - 24 Jun 1702 Johann Ivo von den Hoevel (b. 1654 - d. 1711)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1702 - 24 Jun 1703 Peter Nikolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(5th time)
24 Jun 1703 - 24 Jun 1704 Johann von Imstenrath (6th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1704 - 24 Jun 1705 Johann Ivo von den Hoevel (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1705 - 24 Jun 1706 Peter Nikolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(6th time)
24 Jun 1706 - 24 Jun 1707 Johann von Imstenrath (7th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1707 - 24 Jun 1708 Johann Ivo von den Hoevel (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1708 - 24 Jun 1709 Peter Nikolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(7th time)
24 Jun 1709 - 24 Jun 1710 Johann von Imstenrath (8th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1710 - 24 Jun 1711 Johann Ivo von den Hoevel (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1711 - 24 Jun 1712 Peter Nikolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(8th time)
24 Jun 1712 - 24 Jun 1713 Philipp Wilhelm von M�ckel (b. 1647 - d. 1722)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1713 - 24 Jun 1714 Franz de Groote (1st time) (b. 1661 - d. 1721)
24 Jun 1714 - 24 Jun 1715 Peter Nikolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(9th time)
24 Jun 1715 - 24 Jun 1716 Philipp Wilhelm von M�ckel (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1716 - 24 Jun 1717 Franz de Groote (2nd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1717 - 24 Jun 1718 Peter Nikolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(10th time)
24 Jun 1718 - 24 Jun 1719 Philipp Wilhelm von M�ckel (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1719 - 24 Jun 1720 Franz de Groote (3rd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1719 - 24 Jun 1720 Johann Heinrich von Wintzeler (b. 1648 - d. 1721)
24 Jun 1720 - 24 Jun 1721 Peter Nikolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(11th time)
24 Jun 1721 - 23 Feb 1722 Philipp Wilhelm von M�ckel (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1721 - 24 Jun 1722 Andreas von Weidenfeldt (1st time) (b. 1656 - d. 1733)
24 Jun 1722 - 24 Jun 1723 Hermann Joseph von Wedige(1st time)(b. 1668 - d. 1734)
24 Jun 1723 - 24 Jun 1724 Peter Nikolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(12th time)
24 Jun 1724 - 24 Jun 1725 Andreas von Weidenfeldt (2nd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1725 - 24 Jun 1726 Hermann Joseph von Wedige(2nd time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1726 - 15 May 1727 Peter Nikolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(13th time)
May 1727 - 24 Jun 1727 Johann Arnold Joseph von Mylius (b. 1676 - d. 1731)
24 Jun 1727 - 24 Jun 1728 Andreas von Weidenfeldt (3rd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1728 - 24 Jun 1729 Hermann Joseph von Wedige(3rd time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1729 - 24 Jun 1730 Johann Peter von Herwegh (1st time)(b. 1686 - d. 1755)
(1st itme)
24 Jun 1730 - 24 Jun 1731 Andreas von Weidenfeldt (4th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1731 - 24 Jun 1732 Hermann Joseph von Wedige(4th time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1732 - 24 Jun 1733 Johann Peter von Herwegh (2nd time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1733 - 24 Jun 1734 Johann Nicolaus von Krufft (b. 1678 - d. 1753)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1734 - 16 Jul 1734 Hermann Joseph von Wedige(5th time)(s.a.)
16 Jul 1734 - 24 Jun 1735 Franz Joseph von Herrestorff (b. 1687 - d. 1771)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1735 - 24 Jun 1736 Johann Peter von Herwegh (3rd time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1736 - 24 Jun 1737 Johann Nicolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1737 - 24 Jun 1738 Franz Joseph von Herrestorff (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1738 - 24 Jun 1739 Johann Peter von Herwegh (4th time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1739 - 24 Jun 1740 Johann Nicolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1740 - 24 Jun 1741 Franz Joseph von Herrestorff (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1741 - 24 Jun 1742 Johann Peter von Herwegh (5th time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1742 - 24 Jun 1743 Johann Nicolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1743 - 24 Jun 1744 Franz Joseph von Herrestorff (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1744 - 24 Jun 1745 Johann Peter von Herwegh (6th time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1745 - 24 Jun 1746 Johann Nicolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(5th time)
24 Jun 1746 - 24 Jun 1747 Franz Joseph von Herrestorff (s.a.)
(5th time)
24 Jun 1746 - 24 Jun 1747 Franz Caspar von Wymmar (1st time) (b. 1693 - d. 1772)
24 Jun 1747 - 24 Jun 1748 Johann Peter von Herwegh (7th time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1748 - 24 Jun 1749 Johann Nicolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(6th time)
24 Jun 1749 - 24 Jun 1750 Franz Joseph von Herrestorff (s.a.)
(6th time)
24 Jun 1750 - 24 Jun 1751 Johann Peter von Herwegh (8th time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1751 - 24 Jun 1752 Johann Nicolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(7th time)
24 Jun 1752 - 24 Jun 1753 Franz Joseph von Herrestorff (s.a.)
(7th time)
24 Jun 1753 - 24 Jun 1754 Johann Peter von Herwegh (9th time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1754 - 24 Jun 1755 Johann Balthasar Joseph von (b. 1701 - d. 1775)
M�lheim (1st time)
24 Jun 1754 - 30 Oct 1754 Melchior Rutger von Kerich (b. 1696 - d. 1754)
1754 - 24 Jun 1755 Johann Heinrich Arnold von Mylius (b. 1709 - d. 1774)
24 Jun 1755 - 24 Jun 1756 Franz Caspar von Wymmar (2nd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1756 - 24 Jun 1757 Johann Caspar Joseph zum P�tz (b. 1708 - d. 1770)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1757 - 24 Jun 1758 Johann Balthasar Joseph von (s.a.)
M�lheim (2nd time)
24 Jun 1758 - 24 Jun 1759 Franz Joseph von Herrestorff (s.a.)
(8th time)
24 Jun 1759 - 24 Jun 1760 Johann Caspar Joseph zum P�tz (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1760 - 24 Jun 1761 Johann Balthasar Joseph von (s.a.)
M�lheim (3rd time)
24 Jun 1761 - 24 Jun 1762 Franz Joseph von Herrestorff (s.a.)
(9th time)
24 Jun 1762 - 24 Jun 1763 Johann Caspar Joseph zum P�tz (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1763 - 24 Jun 1764 Johann Balthasar Joseph von (s.a.)
M�lheim (4th time)
24 Jun 1764 - 24 Jun 1765 Franz Joseph von Herrestorff (s.a.)
(10th time)
24 Jun 1765 - 24 Jun 1766 Johann Caspar Joseph zum P�tz (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1766 - 24 Jun 1767 Johann Balthasar Joseph von (s.a.)
M�lheim (5th time)
24 Jun 1767 - 24 Jun 1768 Franz Joseph von Herrestorff (s.a.)
(11th time)
24 Jun 1768 - 1769 Johann Caspar Joseph zum P�tz (s.a.)
(5th time)
1769 - 24 Jun 1769 Evert Joseph von Herweg (b. 1718 - d. 1777)
24 Jun 1769 - 24 Jun 1770 Johann Balthasar Joseph von (s.a.)
M�lheim (6th time)
24 Jun 1770 - 24 Jun 1771 Franz Joseph von Herrestorff (s.a.)
(12th time)
24 Jun 1771 - 24 Jun 1772 Maria Franz Jakob Gabriel de (b. 1721 - d. 1792)
Groote (1st time)
24 Jun 1772 - 24 Jun 1773 Johann Balthasar Joseph von (s.a.)
M�lheim (7th time)
24 Jun 1773 - 24 Jun 1774 Franz Caspar Joseph von (b. 1737 - d. 1794)
Herrestorff (1st time)
24 Jun 1774 - 24 Jun 1775 Maria Franz Jakob Gabriel de (b. 1721 - d. 1792)
Groote (1st time)
24 Jun 1775 - 24 Jun 1776 Johann Arnold Theodor Stattlohn (b. 1720 - d. 1797)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1776 - 24 Jun 1777 Franz Caspar Joseph von (s.a.)
Herrestorff (2nd time)
24 Jun 1777 - 24 Jun 1778 Maria Franz Jakob Gabriel de (s.a.)
Groote (2nd time)
24 Jun 1778 - 24 Jun 1779 Johann Arnold Theodor Stattlohn (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1779 - 24 Jun 1780 Franz Caspar Joseph von (s.a.)
Herrestorff (3rd time)
24 Jun 1780 - 24 Jun 1781 Maria Franz Jakob Gabriel de (s.a.)
Groote (3rd time)
24 Jun 1781 - 24 Jun 1782 Johann Arnold Theodor Stattlohn (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1782 - 24 Jun 1783 Franz Caspar Joseph von (s.a.)
Herrestorff (4th time)
24 Jun 1783 - 24 Jun 1784 Maria Franz Jakob Gabriel de (s.a.)
Groote (4th time)
24 Jun 1784 - 24 Jun 1785 Johann Arnold Theodor Stattlohn (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1785 - 24 Jun 1786 Franz Caspar Joseph von (s.a.)
Herrestorff (5th time)
24 Jun 1786 - 24 Jun 1787 Maria Franz Jakob Gabriel de (s.a.)
Groote (5th time)
24 Jun 1787 - 24 Jun 1788 Johann Arnold Theodor Stattlohn (s.a.)
(5th time)
24 Jun 1788 - 24 Jun 1789 Johann Franz Friedrich von Beywegh (b. 1730 - d. 1790)
24 Jun 1789 - 24 Jun 1790 Johann Jakob Hermann Joseph von (b. 1754 - d. 1823)
Wittgenstein (1st time)
24 Jun 1790 - 24 Jun 1791 Johann Arnold Theodor Stattlohn (s.a.)
(6th time)
24 Jun 1791 - 24 Jun 1792 Franz Caspar Joseph von (s.a.)
Herrestorff (6th time)
24 Jun 1792 - 24 Jun 1793 Johann Jakob Hermann Joseph von (s.a.)
Wittgenstein (2nd time)
24 Jun 1793 - 24 Jun 1794 Johann Arnold Theodor Stattlohn (s.a.)
(7th time)
24 Jun 1794 - 11 Dec 1794 Franz Caspar Joseph von (s.a.)
Herrestorff (7th time)
Dec 1794 - 24 Jun 1795 Johann Nicolaus Dumont (b. 1743 - d. 1816)
24 Jun 1795 - May 1796 Johann Jakob Hermann Joseph von (s.a.)
Wittgenstein (3rd time)
- Line 2 -
24 Jun 1687 - 24 Jun 1688 Johann von Hounthumb (1st time) (b. 1634 - d. 1698)
24 Jun 1688 - 24 Jun 1689 Philipp Wilhelm von M�ckel (s.a.)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1689 - 24 Jun 1690 Johann Jakob Huigen (1st time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1690 - 24 Jun 1691 Johann von Hounthumb (2nd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1691 - 24 Jun 1692 Philipp Wilhelm von M�ckel (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1692 - 24 Jun 1693 Johann Jakob Huigen (2nd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1693 - 24 Jun 1694 Johann von Hounthumb (3rd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1694 - 24 Jun 1695 Philipp Wilhelm von M�ckel (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1695 - 24 Jun 1696 Johann Jakob Huigen (3rd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1696 - 24 Jun 1697 Johann von Hounthumb (4th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1697 - 24 Jun 1698 Philipp Wilhelm von M�ckel (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1698 - 24 Jun 1699 Johann Jakob Huigen (4th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1699 - 24 Jun 1700 Johann Balthasar von M�lheim (b. 1650 - d. 1702)
24 Jun 1700 - 24 Jun 1701 Philipp Wilhelm von M�ckel (s.a.)
(5th time)
24 Jun 1701 - 6 Oct 1701 Johann Jakob Huigen (5th time) (s.a.)
Oct 1701 - 24 Jun 1702 Johann zum P�tz (1st time) (b. 1651 - d. 1708)
24 Jun 1702 - 24 Jun 1703 Johann Arnold von Beywegh (b. 1659 - d. 1716)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1703 - 24 Jun 1704 Philipp Wilhelm von M�ckel (s.a.)
(6th time)
24 Jun 1704 - 24 Jun 1705 Johann zum P�tz (2nd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1705 - 24 Jun 1706 Johann Arnold von Beywegh (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1706 - 24 Jun 1707 Philipp Wilhelm von M�ckel (s.a.)
(7th time)
24 Jun 1707 - 24 Jun 1708 Johann zum P�tz (3rd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1708 - 24 Jun 1709 Johann Arnold von Beywegh (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1709 - 24 Jun 1710 Philipp Wilhelm von M�ckel (s.a.)
(8th time)
24 Jun 1710 - 24 Jun 1711 Hendrich von Junckerstorff (b. 1659 - d. 1716)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1711 - 24 Jun 1712 Johann Arnold von Beywegh (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1712 - 24 Jun 1713 Andreas von Weidenfeldt (1st time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1713 - 24 Jun 1714 Hendrich von Junckerstorff (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1714 - 24 Jun 1715 Johann Arnold von Beywegh (s.a.)
(5th time)
24 Jun 1715 - 24 Jun 1716 Andreas von Weidenfeldt (2nd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1716 - 24 Jun 1717 Johann Heinrich von Wintzeler (s.a.)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1717 - 24 Jun 1718 Theodor Dullmann (b. 1654 - d. 1720)
24 Jun 1718 - 24 Jun 1719 Andreas von Weidenfeldt (3rd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1719 - 24 Jun 1720 Johann Heinrich von Wintzeler (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1720 - 24 Jun 1721 Johann Peter von Herwegh (1st time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1721 - 24 Jun 1722 Andreas von Weidenfeldt (4th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1722 - 24 Jun 1723 Nicolaus de Groote (1st time) (b. 1671 - d. 1739)
24 Jun 1723 - 24 Jun 1724 Johann Peter von Herwegh (2nd time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1724 - 24 Jun 1726 Nicolaus de Groote (2nd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1726 - 24 Jun 1727 Johann Peter von Herwegh (3rd time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1727 - 24 Jun 1728 Johann Nicolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1728 - 24 Jun 1729 Nicolaus de Groote (3rd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1729 - 24 Jun 1730 Johann Arnold Joseph von Mylius (s.a.)
24 Jun 1730 - 24 Jun 1731 Johann Nicolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1731 - 24 Jun 1732 Nicolaus de Groote (4th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1732 - 24 Jun 1733 Ferdinand Joseph von Beywegh (b. 1688 - d. 1756)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1733 - 24 Jun 1734 Melchior Rutger von Kerich (s.a.)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1734 - 24 Jun 1735 Nicolaus de Groote (5th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1735 - 24 Jun 1736 Ferdinand Joseph von Beywegh (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1736 - 24 Jun 1737 Johann Nicolaus von Krufft (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1737 - 24 Jun 1738 Franz Joseph von Herrestorff (s.a.)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1738 - 24 Jun 1739 Ferdinand Joseph von Beywegh (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1739 - 24 Jun 1740 Melchior Rutger von Kerich (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1740 - 24 Jun 1741 Franz Caspar von Wymmar (1st time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1741 - 24 Jun 1742 Ferdinand Joseph von Beywegh (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1742 - 24 Jun 1743 Melchior Rutger von Kerich (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1743 - 24 Jun 1744 Franz Caspar von Wymmar (2nd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1744 - 24 Jun 1745 Ferdinand Joseph von Beywegh (s.a.)
(5th time)
24 Jun 1745 - 24 Jun 1746 Melchior Rutger von Kerich (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1746 - 24 Jun 1747 Franz Caspar von Wymmar (3rd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1747 - 24 Jun 1748 Ferdinand Joseph von Beywegh (s.a.)
(6th time)
24 Jun 1748 - 24 Jun 1749 Melchior Rutger von Kerich (s.a.)
(5th time)
24 Jun 1749 - 24 Jun 1750 Franz Caspar von Wymmar (4th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1750 - 24 Jun 1751 Ferdinand Joseph von Beywegh (s.a.)
(7th time)
24 Jun 1751 - 24 Jun 1752 Melchior Rutger von Kerich (s.a.)
(6th time)
24 Jun 1752 - 24 Jun 1753 Franz Caspar von Wymmar (5th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1753 - 24 Jun 1754 Ferdinand Joseph von Beywegh (s.a.)
(8th time)
24 Jun 1754 - 30 Oct 1754 Melchior Rutger von Kerich (s.a.)
(7th time)
1754 - 24 Jun 1755 Johann Heinrich Arnold von Mylius (s.a.)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1755 - 24 Jun 1756 Franz Caspar von Wymmar (6th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1756 - 24 Jun 1757 Maria Franz Jakob Gabriel de (s.a.)
Groote (1st time)
24 Jun 1757 - 24 Jun 1758 Johann Heinrich Arnold von Mylius (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1758 - 24 Jun 1759 Franz Caspar von Wymmar (7th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1759 - 24 Jun 1760 Maria Franz Jakob Gabriel de (s.a.)
Groote (2nd time)
24 Jun 1760 - 24 Jun 1761 Johann Heinrich Arnold von Mylius (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1761 - 24 Jun 1762 Franz Caspar von Wymmar (8th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1762 - 24 Jun 1763 Maria Franz Jakob Gabriel de (s.a.)
Groote (3rd time)
24 Jun 1763 - 24 Jun 1764 Johann Heinrich Arnold von Mylius (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1764 - 24 Jun 1765 Franz Caspar von Wymmar (9th time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1765 - 24 Jun 1766 Maria Franz Jakob Gabriel (s.a.)
Groote (4th time)
24 Jun 1766 - 24 Jun 1767 Johann Heinrich Arnold von Mylius (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1767 - 24 Jun 1768 Franz Caspar von Wymmar (10th time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1768 - 24 Jun 1769 Maria Franz Jakob Gabriel de (s.a.)
Groote (5th time)
24 Jun 1769 - 24 Jun 1770 Johann Heinrich Arnold von Mylius (s.a.)
(5th time)
24 Jun 1770 - 24 Jun 1771 Franz Caspar von Wymmar (11th time)(s.a.)
24 Jun 1771 - 24 Jun 1772 Evert Joseph von Herweg (1st time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1772 - 24 Jun 1773 Johann Heinrich Arnold von Mylius (s.a.)
(6th time)
24 Jun 1773 - 24 Jun 1774 Everhard Joseph Melchior zum P�tz (b. 1714 - d. 1777)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1774 - 24 Jun 1775 Evert Joseph von Herweg (2nd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1775 - 24 Jun 1776 Johann Nikolaus Ferdinand Joseph (b. 1742 - d. 1786)
von Kerich (1st time)
24 Jun 1776 - 7 Mar 1777 Everhard Joseph Melchior zum P�tz (b. 1714 - d. 1777)
24 Jun 1777 - 1777? Evert Joseph von Herweg (3rd time) (s.a.)
24 Jun 1778 - 24 Jun 1779 Johann Nikolaus Ferdinand Joseph (s.a.)
von Kerich (2nd time)
24 Jun 1779 - 24 Jun 1780 Johann Franz Friedrich von Beywegh (s.a.)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1780 - 24 Jun 1781 Melchior Dietmar von Wittgenstein (b. 1720 - d. 1784)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1781 - 24 Jun 1782 Johann Nikolaus Ferdinand Joseph (s.a.)
von Kerich (3rd time)
24 Jun 1782 - 24 Jun 1783 Johann Franz Friedrich von Beywegh (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1783 - 24 Jun 1784 Melchior Dietmar von Wittgenstein (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1784 - 24 Jun 1785 Johann Nikolaus Ferdinand Joseph (s.a.)
von Kerich (4th time)
24 Jun 1785 - 24 Jun 1786 Johann Franz Friedrich von Beywegh (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1786 - 24 Jun 1787 Johann Jakob Hermann Joseph von (s.a.)
Wittgenstein (1st time)
24 Jun 1787 - 24 Jun 1788 Franz Jakob Joseph von Hilgers (b. 1745 - d. 1821)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1788 - 24 Jun 1789 Johann Franz Friedrich von Beywegh (s.a.)
(4th time)
24 Jun 1789 - 24 Jun 1790 Johann Jakob Hermann Joseph von (s.a.)
Wittgenstein (2nd time)
24 Jun 1790 - 24 Jun 1791 Franz Jakob Joseph von Hilgers (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1791 - 24 Jun 1792 Reiner Joseph Anton von Klesp� (b. 1744 - d. 1818)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1792 - 24 Jun 1793 Heinrich Josef von Groote (b. 1762 - d. 1823)
(1st time)
24 Jun 1793 - 24 Jun 1794 Franz Jakob Joseph von Hilgers (s.a.)
(3rd time)
24 Jun 1794 - 24 Jun 1795 Reiner Joseph Anton von Klesp� (s.a.)
(2nd time)
24 Jun 1795 - 28 May 1796 Heinrich Josef von Groote (s.a.)
(2nd time)
Mayors (B�rgermeister)
- Line 1 -
28 May 1796 - 23 Jun 1797 Johann Jakob Hermann Joseph von (s.a.)
Wittgenstein (4th time)
(president of the municipal council to 21 Mar 1797)
23 Jun 1797 - 5 Sep 1797 Franz Jakob Joseph von Hilgers (s.a.)
- Line 2 -
21 Mar 1797 - 23 Jun 1797 Heinrich Josef von Groote (s.a.)
(3rd time)
23 Jun 1797 - 23 Jul 1797 Johann Arnold Theodor Stattlohn (s.a.)
23 Jul 1797 - 5 Sep 1797 Goswin Joseph Anton von Heinsberg (b. 1766 - d. 1830)
Presidents of the Magistrate (Pr�sident des Magistrats)
5 Sep 1797 - 16 Sep 1797 Maximilian von Kempis (acting) (b. 1757 - d. 1823)
16 Sep 1797 - 8 Apr 1798 Peter Joseph Zurhoven (b. 1765 - d. 1839)
Presidents of the Municipality (Pr�sident der Munizipalit�t )
9 Apr 1798 - 18 Dec 1798 Johann Baptist Fuchs (b. 1757 - d. 1827)
18 Dec 1798 - 25 Dec 1799 Gerhard Engelbert Simons (1st time)
Mayors (B�rgermeister)
25 Dec 1799 - 17 Feb 1800 Friedrich Heinrich Herstatt (b. 1771 - d. 1816)
(1st time)(provisional)
17 Feb 1800 - 30 Apr 1801 Gerhard Engelbert Simons (2nd time)
30 Apr 1801 - 3 Apr 1803 Johann Peter Kramer (b. 1766 - d. 1803)
3 Apr 1803 - 18 Aug 1803 Friedrich Heinrich Herstatt (s.a.)
(2nd time)
+ Johann Bernhard Boisser�e (b. 1773 - d. 1845)

Archbishopric of Cologne (K�ln)

[Cologne (K�ln) Electoral
                      Principality c.1270-1802 (Germany)]
c.1270 - 1801

Map of Cologne Bishopric Capital: Bonn (Bruhl 1262-1273, Cologne [K�ln] to 1262) Population: 230,000 (1792 est., including Duchy of Westphalia)

88 Bishopric of Cologne (Stift K�ln) founded, according to legend.
794 Archbishopric of Cologne (Erzstift K�ln).
954 Archbishops become Princes of the Empire.
1031 Archbishop is Archchancellor for Italy continuously from this date.
1180 Acquired Westphalia and Angria.
1257 Archbishop recognized continuously from this date as elector, but
lose control over the city; episcopal residence moves to Br�hl
(1262) then to Bonn (1273).
25 Dec 1356 Golden Bull codifies Archchancellor office and electoral status.
6 Oct 1794 French occupy Bonn, electoral government moves to Arnsberg.
18 Oct 1797 Territories west of the Rhine, including Bonn, ceded to France.
9 Mar 1801 Territories east of the Rhine annexed to France, part of
d�partements Roer and Rhin-et-Moselle (see under Germany).
27 Apr 1803 Final Act (enactment of Reichsdeputationshauptschluss of
25 Feb 1803) abolishes the Electoral Principality of Cologne;
most of the electoral territories east of the Rhine annexed by
Hesse-Darmstadt (occupied from Sep 1802).
Jan 1814 - Jul 1814 Allied (Prussian) occupation (from Feb 1814, part of Government-
General of Lower Rhine).
Jul 1814 Former territories formally annexed to Prussia (part of
Rhine province).

19 Jul 1688 - 12 Nov 1723 Joseph Clemens Herzog von Bayern (b. 1671 - d. 1723)
12 Nov 1723 - 6 Feb 1761 Clemens August Herzog von Bayern (b. 1700 - d. 1761)
6 Apr 1761 - 15 Apr 1784 Maximilian Friedrich Graf von (b. 1708 - d. 1784)
K�nigsegg und Rotenfels
15 Apr 1784 - 27 Jul 1801 Maximilian Franz Erzherzog von (b. 1756 - d. 1801)
27 Jul 1801 - Sep 1802 Johann Hermann Freiherr von Caspars (b. 1744 - d.1822)
(vicar-general of the chapter)
7 Aug 1801 - 4 Dec 1801 Anton Victor Joseph Johann Raimund (b. 1779 - d. 1835)
Erzherzog von �sterreich
(elected, did not take the office)
4 Dec 1801 - 27 Apr 1803 Vacant

First State and C onference Ministers (position established 1733)
1733 � 1750 Ferdinand Leopold Graf von (b. 1692 - d. 1750)
1751 � 1755 Hermann Werner Freiherr von der (b. 1702 - d. 1779)
1756 � 1766 Franz Christoph Graf von (b. 1699 - d. 1767)
1766 � 1784 Caspar Anton Freiherr von (b. 1722 - d. 1784)
1784 � 1785 Carl Otto Freiherr von und zu (b. 1715 - d. 1785)
1786 � 1792 Johann Christoph Freiherr von (b. 1742 - d.1796)
1793 - 1801 Carl Friedrich Freiherr von (b. 1731 - d. 1814)

�Full title: Archbishop of Cologne and Archchancellor of the Holy Roman Empire for Italy and Prince-Elector (Erzbischof von K�ln und des Heiligen R�mischen Reichs Erzkanzler f�r Italien und Kurf�rst).

Constance (Konstanz) Bishopric

[Bishopric of Constance
                (Konstanz) (Germany)]

517 Bishopric of Constance (Hochstift Konstanz)(subordinate to
Besan�on, from the 8th century to Mainz).
1155 Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa confirms the princely status of
the bishop and of his bishopric as an Imperial Estate.
1192 Constance city an Free Imperial City (Reichsstadt Konstanz).
1519/1523 Constance city joins the Reformation.
Oct 1526 Seat of the Bishop is relocated to Meersburg.
13 Sep 1548 - 26 Jan 1549 Free Imperial City of Constance occupied by Austria.
26 Jan 1549 Constance city annexed to Austria (as part of Further Austria).
1796 (two months) Occupied by French forces under General Jean-Victor Moreau
(b. 1763 - d. 1813).
1798 In the Helvetic Republic all the sovereign rights of the Bishopric
in Thurgau and Aargau are cancelled.
1799 Occupied by French forces.
Sep 1802 - 25 Dec 1805 Occupied by Baden.
27 Apr 1803 Final Act (enactment of Reichsdeputationshauptschluss of
25 Feb 1803) abolishes the Prince-Bishopric.
1805 Occupied by French forces.
26 Dec 1805 Annexed by Baden.

Prince-Bishops (title F�rstbischof zu Konstanz)
14 Apr 1698 - 10 Jun 1704 Marquard Rudolf Ritter von Rodt (b. 1644 - d. 1704)
21 Jul 1704 - 12 Jun 1740 Johann Franz II Graf von Schenk (b. 1658 - d. 1740)
von Stauffenberg
12 Jun 1740 - 19 Aug 1753 Damian Hugo Philipp Cardinal (b. 1676 - d. 1743)
Graf von Sch�nborn Bushein
4 Nov 1743 - 29 Aug 1750 Kasimir Anton Freiherr von (b. 1684 - d. 1750)
9 Nov 1750 - 16 Oct 1775 Franz Konrad Kasimir Ignaz von (b. 1706 - d. 1775)
14 Dec 1775 - 17 Jan 1800 Maximilian Augustus Christoph (b. 1717 - d. 1800)
Freiherr von Rodt
17 Jan 1800 - 27 Apr 1803 Karl Theodor Anton Maria (b. 1744 - d. 1817)
Reichsfreiherr von und zu Dalberg

Corvey (Korvey)

[Abbey of Corvey (Germany)]

822 Benedictine Abbey of Corvey (Kloster Korvei) founded.
6 Aug 1783 Raised to a status of Bishopric (F�rststift Corvey).
27 Apr 1803 - 27 Oct 1806 Mediatized and given to the Prince of Oranje-Nassau as
Principality of Corvey, part of Nassau-Orange-Fulda (see Fulda).
7 Dec 1807 - 1813 Part of Kingdom of Westphalia.
1813 - 25 May 1815 Allied administration.
25 May 1815 Incorporated into Prussia (part of Westfalen province).

Prince-Abbots (title F�rstabt zu Corvey)
11 Jul 1696 - 4 Feb 1714 Florenz von dem Felde (b. 1643 - d. 1414)
14 Aug 1714 - 4 Dec 1721 Maximilian von Horrich (b. 1662 - d. 1721)
18 Jan 1722 - 4 Feb 1737 Karl von Plittersdorf (b. 1669 - d. 1737)
17 Mar 1737 - 22 Jan 1758 Kaspar II von B�selager-Hohneburg (b. 1687 - d. 1758)
6 Mar 1758 - 28 May 1776 Philipp von Spiegel zum Desenberg (b. 1715 - d. 1776)
18 Jul 1776 - 6 Aug 1783 Theodor Freiherr von Brabeck (b. 1738 - d. 1794)
Prince-Bishops (title F�rstbischof zu Corvey)
6 Aug 1783 - 25 Oct 1794 Theodor Freiherr von Brabeck (s.a.)
16 Dec 1794 - 19 Mar 1802 Ferdinand Freiherr von L�ninck (b. 1755 - d. 1825)


[Croy-D�lmen 1802-1806

Map of D�lmen (1806) Capital: D�lmen (1803-1806) Population: 9,600 (1804)

1470 - 30 Jan 1803 D�lmen part of the Prince-Bishopric of M�nster.
1473 Count Charles de Cro�-Chimay (b. 1455 - d. 1527) succeeded
to the County of Chimay in Hainaut (Hennegau).
9 Apr 1486 Countyelevated to Principality of Chimay by Emperor Maximilian.
3 Nov 1590 Philippe Emmanuel de Cro� (d. 1718), comte de Solre is elevated
to Prince de Solre; a fief of the Spanish Netherlands.
14 Nov 1677 Imperial Principality of Cro�
Sep 1768 Emmanuel de Cro� (b. 1718 - d. 1784), Prince de Solre is elevated
to Duc de Cro�.
1792 The eighth Duke of Cro�, Anne Emmanuel moves his seat from Le
Rouelx, France to the Westphalian town of D�lmen, formerly a
possession of his wife, Prinzessin Auguste Friederike zu
Salm-Kyrburg (b. 1747 - d. 1822).
29 Nov 1802 Declaration of ownership by House of Cro�-Solre.
30 Jan 1803D�lmen given to Duke Auguste Philippe Louis Emmanuel von Cro�, as
the immediate County of Cro�-D�lmen (Grafschaft Cro�-D�lmen) to
compensate for loss of his Rhine left-bank areas (Moeurs)(by the
Reichsdeputationshauptschluss of 25 Feb 1803); split from lands
of Bishopric of M�nster.
19 Jul 1806 Mediatized and annexed to the Duchy of Arenberg (taking possession
13 Aug 1806).
13 Dec 1810 Annexed to France (part of d�partement Yssel-Sup�rieur,
from 27 Apr 1811 d�partement de la Lippe).
Nov 1813 - 25 May 1815 Allied administration.
25 May 1815 Incorporated into Prussia (part of Westfalen province).

Counts (title Herzog von Cro�, F�rst von Solre, Graf zu Croy-D�lmen/
Prince de Solre e t duc de Cro�, seigneur de D�lmen )
30 Jan 1803 - 15 Dec 1803 Anne Emmanuel (b. 1743 - d. 1803)
15 Dec 1803 - 19 Jul 1806 Auguste Philippe (b. 1765 - d. 1822)

Cuyk (Cuijk): see under Netherlands

Disentis (abbey): see under Swiss Territories

Dithmarschen (Ditmarsken): see under Denmark Counties 1660-1970


[Dortmund free city
                (Germany) ]

c.882 First mentioned as Throtmanni.
1 May 1220 Imperial Free City of Dortmund (Dortmund Freie Reichsstadt),
from 1295 led by a _Proconsul_es, from 1319 a B�rgermeister.
13th cent. Member of Hanseatic League (Freien Reichs und Hansestadt Dortmund).
1312 Half of the County of Dortmund sold to the free city; the city
acquires the remainder with death of the last Count in 1316.
1320 - c.1330 Free city administers the County of Dortmund (Grafschaft Dortmund).
25 Aug 1332 Dortmund received the so-called Privilegium Ludovicianum from
Emperor Ludwig IV.
21 Jul 1632 - 17 Jan 1633 Occupied by Imperial troops.
6 Feb 1633 - 1636 Occupied by Hesse-Kassel Landgrave Wilhelm V (b. 1602 - d. 1637).
1636 - 27 Jul 1650 Occupied by Imperial troops.
1 Oct 1802 - 27 Oct 1806 Given to Willem Frederik, Prince of Orange-Nassau as the County of
Dortmund (Grafschaft Dortmund) within the Principality of Nassau-
Orange-Fulda (F�rstentum Nassau-Oranien-Fulda)(see underFulda).
27 Oct 1806 - 1 Mar 1808 Occupied by France (comt de Dortmundt).
1 Mar 1808 - 31 Dec 1810 Annexed to Berg (part of d�partement de la Ruhr).
1 Jan 1811 - 10 Nov 1813 Annexed to France (part of _d�partement_de la Ruhr).
10 Nov 1813 - 25 May 1815 Allied (Prussian) occupation.
25 May 1815 Annexed by Prussia (part of Westfalen province).

First Mayors (erster B�rgermeister)
1608 - 1620 Herman von der Berschwordt (d. 1620)
1621 - 1629 Johan von der Berswordt (d. 1629)
1630 - 1632 Dietrich von Plettenberg
1633 - 1636 Christoffer von der Berswordt
1637 - 1678 Zacharias L�bbecke (d. 1678)
1679 Nicolas von der Berswordt (d. 1679)
1680 - 1695 Wilhelm K�pfer
1696 - 1700 Caspar Christoph von Kleppingk (d. 1700)
1701 - 1722 Detmar Wessel Niess (d. 1722)
1723 Dietrich Herman Ewinghauss (d. 1723)
1724 - 1740 Christopher Johan von Klepping (d. 1740)
1741 - 1746 Heinrich Mallinckrodt
1747 - 8 Jul 1757 Heinrich Zacharias Beurhaus (b. 1690 - d. 1757)
(from c.1750, Heinrich Zacharias von Beurhaus)
1758 - 17 Mar 1783 Detmar Diederich K�pfer (b. 1720? - d. 1783)
1784 - 2 Sep 1788 Heinrich Zacharias Mallinckrodt (b. 1733 - d. 1788)
1789 - 1 Oct 1802 Caspar Heinrich Schaeffer (b. 1742 - d. 1805)

Drenthe: see under Netherlands provinces

Drei B�nde: see Graub�nden under Swiss Cantons

D�lmen: see Croy

East Frisia (Ostfriesland)

[East Frisia (Lower Saxony,

1417 Recognition of imperial liberty by Emperopr Sigismund.
19 Nov 1430 Frisian League of Freedom (Friesischer Bund der Freiheit)
23 Dec 1464 The leader of the League takes the style Graf zu Norden,
Emden und Emisgonien in Ostfriesland; the abbreviation Graf
von Ostfriesland (Count of East Frisia) is in almost universal
official use (Grafschaft Ostfriesland).
1498 Emperor Maximilian I appointed Albert III, Duke of Saxony as
governor of the region, local liberties are abolished.
1504 Frisia was officially brought under Saxon law.
15 Jul 1595 - 7 Jun 1744 Emden, following a rebellion against the Count, becomes a
quasiautonome Stadtrepublik gepr�gt (quasi-autonomous city
republic), which 1607 - 1744 is under Dutch protection, but
remains nominally part of East Frisia.
1654 Count Enno Ludwig elevated to the Imperial Princely status as a
pesonal distinction (Reichsf�rst Ostfriesland).
28 Apr 1662 The Count takes the style F�rst von Ostfriesland ("Prince of
East Frisia") - it had been held as a personal distinction once
before - and the polity is styled F�rstentum Ostfriesland
(Principality of East Frisia); this style is officially
acquired, not by formal adoption, but by prescription
(Observanz und Verj�hrung).
25 May 1744 By agreement, upon the extinction of Cirksena line, the King of
Prussia becomes the _F�rst von Ostfriesland. 7 Jul 1807 East Frisa, Kniphausen (Knyphausen) and Jever ceded
to France by Prussia and Russia respectively.
11 Nov 1807 - 31 Dec 1810 Incorporated into Kingdom of Holland to form the
d�partement Oost-Friesland (which includes East Frisia,
Jever, and Kniphausen).
1 Jan 1811 - 8 Nov 1813 Incorporated into France (part of d�partement de l'Ems-Oriental).
8 Nov 1813 - Nov 1813 Occupied by Russia.
Nov 1813 - 9 Jun 1815 Under Prussian administration.
9 Jun 1815 Incorporated into Hanover.

Princes (title F�rst von Ostfriesland)
18 Apr 1662 - 6 Jun 1665 Georg Christian (b. 1634 - d. 1665)
6 Jun 1665 - 1690 Christine Charlotte Herzogin von (b. 1645 - d. 1699)
W�rttemberg (f) -Regent
- jointly with -
6 Jun 1665 - 1 Jan 1668 Edzard Ferdinand -Regent (b. 1636 - d. 1668)
11 Oct 1665 - 30 Jun 1708 Christian Eberhard (b. 1665 - d. 1708)
30 Jun 1708 - 12 Jun 1734 Georg Albrecht (b. 1690 - d. 1734)
12 Jun 1734 - 25 May 1744 Karl Edzard (b. 1716 - d. 1744)
25 May 1744 - 7 Jul 1807 the kings of Prussia
Prussian Commissioners (direktor der Auricher Kriegs- und Dom�nenkammer)
May 1744 - 28 Apr 1748 Caspar Heinrich B�gel (d. 1748)
7 Aug 1748 - 15 Jun 1751 Carl Daniel Lentz (b. 1695 - d. 1768)
15 Jun 1751 - Nov 1767 Carl Daniel Lentz (s.a.)
Nov 1767 - Jun 1768 Ernst Bogislav von Wegnern
Jun 1768 - 1797 Peter von Colomb (b. 1719 - d. 1797)
1797 - Oct 1803 Friedrich Karl Heinrich Graf von (b. 1768 - d. 1805)
Schwerin (1st time)
Oct 1803 - 20 Nov 1804Ludwig Friedrich Wilhelm Philipp (b. 1774 - d. 1844)
Freiherr von Vincke
1804 - 29 May 1805 Friedrich Karl Heinrich Graf von (s.a.)
Schwerin (2nd time)
1805 - 25 Oct 1806 Johann Friedrich Wilhelm von (b. 1757 - d. 1832)
French Governors (subordinated to the governors-general of Westphalia)
Oct 1806 - 24 Nov 1806 Eduard Broux (b. 1755 - d. 18..)
24 Nov 1806 - 1 Jun 1807 Henri Damas Bonhomme (b. 1747 - d. 1826)
1 Jun 1807 - 13 Jun 1807 Pitcaire (acting)
13 Jun 1807 - 5 Feb 1808 Johan Frederik Rudolph van Hoof (b. 1755 - d. 1816)
Landdrost of Oost-Friesland
5 Feb 1808 - 22 Dec 1808 Godert Alexander Gerard Philip (b. 1778 - d. 1848)
van der Capellen
22 Dec 1808 - 25 Feb 1811 Willem Queysen (arrived 1 Jan 1809)(b. 1754 - d. 1817)
Prefect of Ems-Oriental
25 Feb 1811 - 8 Nov 1813 S�bastien Louis Joseph Jannesson (b. 1779 - d. 1864)
(arrived 1 Mar 1811)
Russian Military governor
8 Nov 1813 - Nov 1813 Kirill Mikhaylovich Naryshkin (b. 1785 - d. 1857)
Nov 1813 - 16 Dec 1815 Johann Friedrich Wilhelm von (s.a.)

27 Jun 1744 - 20 May 1761 Sebastian Anton von Homfeld (b. 1689 - d. 1761)
11 Oct 1751 - 1785 Christoph Friedrich von Derschau (b. 1714 - d. 1799)
1785 - 1793 Friedrich Wilhelm von Benicke (b. 1752 - d. 1793)
1793 - 1806 Reinhard Friedrich von (b. 1739 - d. 1818)

Eichst�tt (Eichstadt)

22 Oct 741 Bishopric of Eichst�tt (Hochstift Eichst�tt).
1305 Bishops also Princes of the Empire (F�rstbistum Eichst�tt).
29 Nov 1802 Occupied by Bavaria and secularized.
27 Apr 1803 Annexed to Bavaria.
1817 - 1824 Residence of Eug�ne de Beauharnais, Duke of Leuchtenberg,
Prince of Eichst�tt (b. 1781 - d. 1824).

Prince-Bishops (title F�rstbischof zu Eichst�tt)
16 Jan 1697 - 6 Dec 1704 Johann Martin Ritter von Eyb (b. 1630 - d. 1704)
9 Feb 1705 - 27 Apr 1725 Johann Anton I Freiherr von Knebel (b. 1646 - d. 1725)
von Katzenelnbogen
3 Jul 1725 - 19 Sep 1736 Franz Ludwig Freiherr von Schenk (b. 1671 - d. 1736)
von Castell
5 Dec 1736 - 30 Apr 1757 Johann Anton II Freiherr von (b. 1674 - d. 1757)
5 Jul 1757 - 13 Jan 1781 Raimund Anton Graf von Strasoldo (b. 1718 - d. 1781)
27 Mar 1781 - 23 Jun 1790 Johann Anton III Freiherr von (b. 1715 - d. 1790)
21 Sep 1790 - 29 Nov 1802 Joseph Graf von Stubenberg (b. 1740 - d. 1824)

Einsiedeln (abbey): see Schwyz under Swiss Territories


c.1120 Benedictine Abbey of Elchingen (Abbas Elchingensis/ Kloster Elchingen).
1485 Imperial immediacy (Reichsabtei Elchingen).
27 Apr 1803 Annexed to Bavaria.

Prince Abbot-Provosts (title Reichsabt und Pr�pst zu Elchingen)
20 Nov 1685 - 14 Jun 1706 Meinrad Hummel (b. 1649 - d. 1706)
14 Jun 1706 - 25 Oct 1740 C�lestin Riederer (b. 1670 - d. 1740)
8 Nov 1740 - 21 Apr 1763 Amandus Schindele (b. 1680 - d. 1764)
21 Apr 1763 - 16 Feb 1766 Gregor Pfeifer (b. 1702 - d. 1766)
6 Mar 1766 - 25 Mar 1793 Robert I Kolb (b. 1736 - d. 1793)
18 Apr 1793 - 10 Aug 1801 Paul II Gr�bl (b. 17.. - d. 1801)
31 Aug 1801 - 27 Apr 1803 Robert II Plersch (b. 1766 - d. 1810)
(Nominal) Duke ( Duc d'Elchingen )
6 Jun 1808 - Oct 1813 Michel Ney (b. 1769 - d. 1815)
(from 25 Mar 1813, prince de la Moskowa)


[Abbey of Ellwangen]

764? Benedictine Abbey of Ellwangen (Kloster Ellwangen).
775/780 Imperial immediacy (Reichskloster Ellwangen).
1215 Abbots become princes of the Empire.
14 Jan 1460 Converted into a college of secular canons, Prince
Provosty of Ellwangen (Praepositura Ellwangensis/ F�rstpropstei Ellwangen).
May 1632 - 9 Sep 1634 Occupied by Sweden, under Count Kraft von Hohenlohe-Neuenstein.
10 Sep 1802 - 27 Apr 1803 Occupied W�rttemberg.
27 Apr 1803 Dissolved by the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss and ceded to the
Duke of W�rttemberg (as part of Neuw�rttemberg).
7 Jan 1806 Neuw�rttemberg incorporated into W�rttemberg.

Prince-Provosts (title F�rstpr�pste von Ellwangen )
22 Aug 1689 - 4 May 1694 Ludwig Anton von Pfalz-Neuburg (b. 1660 - d. 1694)
8 Jun 1694 - 18 Apr 1732 Franz Ludwig von Pfalz-Neuburg (b. 1664 - d. 1732)
9 Jun 1732 - 18 Jan 1756 Franz Georg Reichsgraf von (b. 1682 - d. 1756)
8 Sep 1756 - 15 Feb 1787 Anton Ignaz Reichsgraf von Fugger- (b. 1711 - d. 1787)
Gl�tt (renounces administration 1 Nov 1777)
15 Feb 1787 - 27 Apr 1803 Clemens Wenzeslaus von Sachsen (b. 1739 - d. 1812)
(co-adjutor from 30 Apr 1770)

c.967 Chapter of Elten (Damenstift Elten) founded dedicated to St. Vitus.
14 Dec 973 Granted imperial protection by Emperor Otto II (confirmed 996).
1083 - 1129 Part of Archbishopric of Bremen.
1129 Becomes and imperial abbey (Reichsstift Elten)
(Imperial Cloister of Elten).
1390 Abbess appointed Princess of the Empire
(Princely Chapter of Elten).
1585 - c.1660 Church and the monastery buildings destroyed in the war the
between Spain and the Netherlands. The ladies then relocate
to Haus Alpen in Emmerich.
1669 The monastery received full exemption.
23 May 1802 - 27 Apr 1803 Occupied by Prussia.
27 Apr 1803 - 28 Oct 1806 Annexed to Prussia.
Dec 1805 King of Prussia names his nice as Princess-abbess.
28 Oct 1806 Annexed to Berg (taking possession 4 Nov 1806).
4 Nov 1806 Joachim Murat, Duke of Cleves and Berg, daughter is named
Princess-Abbess by imperial decree.
14 Mar 1808 French imperial decree confirms restoration.
14 Mar 1811 Annexed to France (part of d�partement de la Lippe).
(see under Germany).
18 Mar 1811 French impperial decree abolishs the abbey.
10 Nov 1813 - 15 Jun 1814 Allied administration.
15 Jun 1814 Annexed to Prussia (part of Rhine province).

Princess-Abbesses (title F�rst�btissin zu Elten )
16 Nov 1674 � 9 Mar 1708 Maria Franziska I Gr�fin von
Manderscheid-Blankenheim (b. 1634 - d. 1708)
1708 � 12 Jan 1717 Anna Juliana Gr�fin von
Manderscheid-Blankenheim (b. 1665 - d. 1717)
11 Feb 1717 � 19 Oct 1727 Maria Eugenie Gr�fin von
Manderscheid-Blankenheim (b. 1679 - d. 1727)
20 Nov 1727 � 15 Apr 1740 Maria Eleonora Ernestine Gr�fin
von Manderscheid (b. 1674 - d. 1740)
1740 � 11 Mar 1784 Maria Franziska II Gr�fin von (b. 1699 - d. 1784)
1772 - 1777 Jeanette von Manderscheid- (b. 1753 - d. 1828)
Blankenheim -C o-adjutor
1784 � 16 Nov 1789 Walburga Maria Gr�fin Truchsess von
Waldburg-Zeil-Wurzach (b. 1730 - d. 1789)
1 Jan 1790 � 23 Jun 1796 Josepha Maria Altgr�fin zu Salm-
Reifferscheid-Bedburg (b. 1731 - d. 1796)
1796 � 27 Apr 1803 Maximiliana Franziska de Paula
Altgr�fin zu Salm-Reifferscheid (b. 1765 - d. 1805)
27 Apr 1803 - Dec 1805 Vacant
Dec 1805 - 1806 Louise Wilhelmine Friederike (b. 1797 - d. 1809)
F�rstin Radziwill
(= Ludwika Wilhelmina Fryderyka Radziwiłł)
(did not take possession)
4 Nov 1806 � 18 Mar 1811 Maria Laetitia Josephine Murat (b. 1802 - d. 1859)
(= Marie Letizia Jos�phine Annonciade Murat)
(confirmed 14 Mar 1808)

Engelberg (abbey): see under Swiss Cantons


[French Flag]

17 Oct 1806 - 6 Jan 1814

Map of Erfurt (1806) Capital: Erfurt Population: 46,000 (1802/03)

742 First mentioned under the name of "Erphesfurt."; Erphesfurt
bishopric established.
747 United with the diocese of Mainz.
1080 Henry IV turned against Erfurt in Mainz during the investiture
controversy after the Archbishop of Mainz joined the anti-king
Rudolf of Rheinfelden. Erfurt was conquered and set on fire
11th/12th cent. Erfurt's dual status in the early Middle Ages as a royal and
archiepiscopal city of Mainz is confirmed by the Erfurt coins.
1234 Erfurt city and civic community was documented as a self-
governing society known as the universitas civium.
Jul 1234 Emperor Frederick II confirms the privileges of the city of Erfurt.
11 Sep 1234 King Henry VII lifts the ban imposed on the city of Erfurt after
the citizens have paid satisfaction to the Archbishop of Mainz
then he confirms all rights and freedoms to the city.
1250 Free Imperial City (Freie Reichsstadt Erfurt).
1279 - 1282 Archbishop officials are chased out of the city. The archbishop
responded with an excommunication.
26 Nov 1289 The Concordata Gerhardi, agreement between Archbishop Gerhard II
of Mainz, confirming the rights of the Archbishop and the city.
18 Jul 1309 King Henry VII takes the city of Erfurt under his protection
because it has allied itself with him against Landgrave
Frederick I and confirms all its rights and privileges.
1430 Erfurt joins the Goslar League of Hanseatic Cities.
6 Apr 1483 Treaty of Amorbach, the Elector of Mainz, Adalbert of Saxony,
confirmed Erfurt's privileges, while the latter fully recognized
its dependence on Mainz.
28 Apr 1525 - 6 Jun 1525 Peasants revolt briefly takes power under an "Eternal Council."
21 Apr 1618 Treaty confirms the previously granted freedom of religion and
expressly extended it to the Erfurt area. The legal status of
the city determined to be the property of the Archbishopric of
Mainz and to renounce any imperial status.
2 Oct 1631 - Sep 1635 Swedish occupation.
22 Dec 1636 - Aug 1650 Swedish occupation, under general Johann Ban�r.
24 Oct 1648 Elector of Mainz territorial rights to Erfurt confirmed again by
the Treaty of Westphalia.
12 Oct 1664 Subjugation of the city to Bishopric of Mainz (as Erfurter Staat
[Erfurt State] or Erfurter Gebiet [Erfurt Land]).
1756 - 1763 Seven Years' War between Prussia and Austria, the city captured
several times by both warring parties.
23 May 1802 Ceded to Prussia by Franco-Prussian treaty.
21 Aug 1802 Annexed to Prussia.
17 Oct 1806 - 4 Aug 1807 Occupied by France.
4 Aug 1807 Annexed to France; as Principality of Erfurt (Principaut� d'Erfurt/
F�rstentum Erfurt) an imperial domain that is not part of the
Confederation of the Rhine, but is directly subordinated to the
Emperor (domaine r�serv� � l'empereur ["a domain reserved for
the Emperor"]). It is administered by a civilian and military
senate (Finanz- und Dom�nenkammer Erfurt) under a French
commissioner. The Saxe-Weimar lordship of Blankenhain and
Prussian principality of Eichsfeld are attached to Erfurt as
the Province of Erfurt (Province de Erfurt/Provinz Erfurt).
25 Oct 1813 - 6 Jan 1814 Under seige by the Allies.
6 Jan 1814 - 21 Jun 1815 Occupied by Allied forces (Prussia, Russia and Austria).
7 May 1814 Last French troops depart Petersberg and Cyriaksburg fortresses.
21 Jun 1815 Annexed to Prussia (part of Sachsen province).
28 Sep 1815 Southern and eastern areas and county of Blankenhain are ceded
to Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach.

Swedish Residents
2 Oct 1631 � Mar 1632 Jakob von Steinberg
Mar 1632 - 1635 Alexander Freiherr von Erskein (b. 1598 - d. 1656)
1635 David Drummond (acting) (b. 1598 - d. 1636)
Swedish City Commandants 22 Dec 1636 - 1640 Christoph Heinrich von der Goltz (b. 1599 - d. 1643)
1640 - 12 May 1648 Caspar Ermes (b. 1592 - d. 1648)
May 1648 - Aug 1650 Pensz (Penfz)
B�rger und Ratsmeister
1650 - 1654 Johann "Hans" Balh�fer1654 - 1664 ....
Erfurter Statthalter(governors of the Electorate of Mainz)
12 Oct 1664 - 1667 Philipp Ludwig Freiherr von (b. c.1615 - d. 1686)
1667 - 1674 Friedrich Reichsfreiherr von (b. 1606 - d. 1681)
Greiffenclau zu Vollraths
1675 Johann Heinrich Daniel Ritter zu (b. 1646 - d. 1710)
Groenesteyn (Gr�nstein)
1675 - 1679 Anselm Franz Freiherr von (b. 1634 - d. 1695)
1679 - 10 May 1697 Johann Jakob Waldbott von (b. c.1630 - d. 1697)
1699 - 1702 Gottlieb Philipp Josef Faust von (b. 16.. - d. 1702)
1702 - 23 Feb 1717 Philipp Wilhelm Reichsgraf von (b. 1656 - d. 1717)
und Edler Herr zu Boineburg und
1717 - 1732 Friedrich Wilhelm Freiherr von (b. 1679 - d. 1732)
16 Feb 1732 - 26 Apr 1760 Anselm Franz Ernst Freiherr von (b. 1680 - d. 1760)
1760 - 1763 Vacant
1763 - 20 Jan 1766 Karl Joseph Adolf Lukas Freiherr (b. 1717 - d. 1766)
Schenk von Schmidtburg
20 Jan 1766 - Dec 1770 Karl Wilhelm Joseph Adam Freiherr (b. 1714 - d. 1770)
von Breitbach zu B�rresheim
1771 - 21 Aug 1802 Karl Theodor Anton Maria (b. 1744 - d. 1817)
K�mmerer von Worms, genannt von
Prussian Governor of Erfurt(Gouverneur von Erfurt)
1802 - 16 Oct 1806 Leopold Alexander von Wartensleben (b. 1745 - d. 1822)
French Military governors (Commandant d'armes d'Erfurt)
16 Oct 1806 - 26 Oct 1806 Henri Jacques Guillaume Clarke (b. 1765 - d. 1818)
26 Oct 1806 - 2 Nov 1806 Pierre Thouvenot (b. 1757 - d. 1817)
2 Nov 1806 - 1807 Jean Philippe Raymond Dorsner (b. 1750 - d. 1829)1807 Bigi (acting)
Imperial Commissioners - Intendants (Commissaire Imp�rial-Intendant la ville d'Erfurt, le pays de Blankenhayn et l'Eichsfeld)
1807 - 1808 Joseph Louis Labb� de Briancourt (b. 1753 - d. 1836)
1808 - 1813 Pierre Jean-Louis de Vismes (b. 1772 - d. 1826) Commanders of the Fortified Town of Erfurt
19 Jul 1812 - 7 Feb 1813 Fran�ois Joseph Pamphile Lacroix (b. 1774 - d. 1841)
7 Feb 1813 - 13 Jul 1813 Pierre Doucet (b. 1761 - d. 1834)
13 Jul 1813 - 7 May 1814 Alexandre, comte d'Alton (b. 1776 - d. 1859)

Presidents of the Senate (Pr�sidenten der Finanz- und Dom�nenkammer)
1804 - 1807 Christian Conrad Wilhelm von Dohm (b. 1751 - d. 1820)
1807 - 1809? Georg Samuel Friedrich Trott (b. 1752 - d. 1809)
1809 - 1813 Franz Anton von Resch (b. 1769 - d. 1820)

Ermland (bishopric): see Warmia underPoland


c.852 Benedictine Abbey of Essen (Abbatia Essendiae/Stift Essen).
1228 Emperor Friedrich II designated the Abbess as Princess.
1337 Essen city (Stadt Essen) made an imperial free city, Abbesses
increasingly took up residence in Borbeck.
1495 Abbey signed a Erbvogtei Treaty with the Dukes of Kleve and Mark,
which lost the Essen Abbey the right to elect a bailiff.
1629 - 1631 Occupied by the Dutch.
1661 Abbesses made Princesses of the Empire (Reichsstift und F�rstentum
1670 Imperial Court of Justice (Reichskammergericht) rules that
Essen city had to obey the abbesses in command and prohibition.
17 Sep 1794 First written constitution is proclaimed by the Princess-Abbess.
3 Aug 1802 - 27 Apr 1803 Occupied by Prussia.
18 Apr 1803 Prussia dissolves the two chapters of the monastery.
27 Apr 1803 Annexed to Prussia (part of County of Mark).
23 Aug 1806 - 3 Nov 1806 Joint condominium of Prussia and Berg.
3 Nov 1806 - 1 Mar 1808 Occupied by France.
1 Mar 1808 - 13 Nov 1813 Annexed to Berg.
13 Nov 1813 - 25 May 1815 Allied administration.
25 May 1815 Restored to Prussia (part of Rhine province).

Princess-Abbesses (title from 1661,d es heiligen R�mishen Reichs F�rstin und �btissin deren Keyserlichen frey-weltlichen Stifftern Essen und Thorn, in Beyern, zu Gulich, Cleve und Berg Hertzogin, F�rstin zu Moers, Gr�fin zu Veldenz, Sponheim, der Marck und Ravensberg, Frau zu Ravenstein, Breisig, Relinghausen, Huckard, Ubach und Neeroeteren, etc., etc. ["Princess and Abbess of their Imperial Free-Secular Foundations in Essen and Thorn, in Beyern, in J�lich, Cleves and Berg Duchess, Princess of Moers, Countess of Veldenz, Sponheim, the Mark and Ravensberg, Lady of Ravenstein, Breisig, Relinghausen, Huckard, Ubach and Neeroeteren, etc., etc."]) (15 Oct 1726-1 Oct 1795, also Princess-Abbesses of Thorn)
4 Nov 1688 - 15 Mar 1691 Anna Salome II Gr�fin von Manderscheid- (b. 1628 - d. 1691)
5 Apr 1691 - 14 Aug 1726 Bernhardine Sophia Gr�fin von (b. 1654 - d. 1726)
Ostfrisland und Rietberg
15 Oct 1726 - 16 Jul 1776 Franziska Christine Pfalzgr�fin (b. 1696 - d. 1776)
von Sulzbach
18 Jan 1757 - 7 Nov 1773 Anna Charlotte von Lothringen, �btissin (b. 1714 - d. 1773)
von Remiremont (co-adjutrice)
16 Jul 1776 - 18 Apr 1803 Maria Kunigunde Dorothee Herzogin von (b. 1740 - d. 1826)
(co-adjutrice from 23 Nov 1775)
President of the Berg-Prussia Government Commission
23 Aug 1806 - 3 Nov 1806 Maximilian Graf von und zu Westerholt (b. 1772 - d. 1854)

Bailiffs of Essen Abbey (tile V�gte des Stiftes Essen)
25 Mar 1609 - 27 Apr 1803 the rulers of Brandenburg/Prussia

� Ben Cahoon