Zimbabwe (original) (raw)


Map of Zimbabwe Hear National Anthem "Simudzai Mureza wedu WeZimbabwe"/"Kalibusiswe Ilizwe leZimbabwe" (Blessed Be The Land of Zimbabwe) Adopted 18 Apr 1994 Former National Anthem "Ishe Komborera Africa" (God Bless Africa) (18 Apr 1980-18 Apr 1994) Constitution (22 Aug 2013) ----------------------------------- Rhodesian Constitutions (1923,1961,1965,1970,1979)
Capital: Harare (Salisbury 1901-18 Apr 1982; Mashonaland: Fort Salisbury 12 Sep 1890-1901; Matabeleland: Bulawayo 1893-1901) Currencies:Zimbabwe Gold (ZWG)(from 25 Jun 2024); 24 Jun 2019 - 25 Jun 2024 Zimbabwean Dollar (ZWL); 20 Feb 2019 - 29 Mar 2020 Real Time Gross Settlement Dollar (RTGS); and 12 Apr 2009-24 Jun 2019, from 29 Mar 2020 South African Rand (ZAR), US Dollar (USD), Botswana Pula (BWP), & Euro (EUR); 1980 - 12 Apr 2009 Zimbabwean Dollar (ZWD); 1970-1980 Rhodesian Dollar (RDH); 1940-1956 Southern Rhodesia Currency Board Pound (RHSP); 1901-1940 British Pound (GBP) National Holiday: 18 Apr (1980) Independence Day Population: 15,418,674 (2023)
GDP: 33.8billion(2021)∣∗∗Exports∗∗:33.8 billion (2021) Exports: 33.8billion(2021)Exports:5.27 billion (2020) Imports: $5.49 billion (2020) Ethnic groups: African 99.4% (predominantly Shona; Ndebele is the second largest ethnic group), other 0.4%, unspecified 0.2% (2012)
Total Active Armed Forces: 29,000 (2010) Merchant marine: None (2022) Religions: Protestant 74.8% (includes Apostolic 37.5%, Pentecostal 21.8%, other 15.5%), Roman Catholic 7.3%, other Christian 5.3%, traditional 1.5%, Muslim 0.5%, other 0.1%, none 10.5% (2015)
Zimbabwe Index Chronology c.1220 - c.1450 Zimbabwe kingdom, with its capital at modern Masvingo (ruins of which are commonly called "Great Zimbabwe"). c.1430 - c.1720 Zimbabwe plateau part of the Karanga (Mutapa) kingdom. c.1450 - 1683 Butua (Butwa) kingdom located in modern southwestern Zimbabwe. c.1480 - 1857 Changamire (Rozvi) empire centered at Danangombe (Danan'ombe). 11 Feb 1888 Cecil Rhodes' (b. 1853 - d. 1902) company imposes a protectorate over the Ndebele Kingdom (Matabeleland) via the Rudd Concession, contested by the Ndebele. 30 Oct 1888 Regions collectively named "Zambesia" by the British, "Charterland" or "the BSAC territories" also in use. 29 Oct 1889 - 1 Oct 1923 Under British South Africa Company (BSAC) administration. 13 Sep 1890 Lieut. Edward Tyndale-Biscoe (b. 1864 - d. 1841) of the settler Pioneer Column, which arrived on 12 Sep 1890, raises the Union Jack flag on the kopje over Fort Salisbury and claims Mashonaland for U.K. 9 May 1891 Mashonaland and Matabeleland are declared British Protectorates. 4 Nov 1893 British South Africa Company forces occupy Bulawayo. 23 Jan 1894 South Zambesia created from Mashonaland and the Matabeleland protectorates. 3 May 1895 South Zambesia and North Zambesia (Zambia)united as the Rhodesia Protectorate. 28 Mar 1896 - 24 May 1896 Ndebele siege of Bulawayo. 24 Jan 1901 Mashonaland and Matabeleland united as Southern Rhodesia; (administered by British South Africa Company to 1923). 27 Oct 1922 Referendum supports responsible government over joining South Africa, 59%-40.6%. 1 Oct 1923 British Colony of Southern Rhodesia (with self- government)(by U.K.-BSAC agreement of 29 Sep 1923). 1 Aug 1953 - 31 Dec 1963 Part of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia and Nyasaland). 4 Jul 1964 - 12 Dec 1979 Zimbabwe war of liberation ("Rhodesian Bush War"). 24 Oct 1964 Renamed Rhodesia (not recognized by U.K.). 11 Nov 1965 Southern Rhodesia became an independent state under the name of Rhodesia (not recognized by U.K.). 2 Mar 1970 Rhodesia becomes a republic. 1 Jun 1979 Zimbabwe Rhodesia. 12 Dec 1979 - 18 Apr 1980 Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe Rhodesia is in local official use), return to U.K. colonial status. 18 Apr 1980 Zimbabwe (independence from the U.K.) 17 Apr 1991 Republic of Zimbabwe 22 May 2013 Zimbabwe 22 Aug 2023 Official languages recognized: Chewa, Chibarwe, English, Kalanga, Koisan, Nambya, Ndau, Ndebele, Shangani, Shona, Sign Language, Sotho, Tonga, Tswana, Venda, and Xhosa.
Zimbabwe (since 1980)
Traditional States
Mashonaland (1890-1901)
Matabeleland (1896-1901)
Southern Rhodesia (1884-1965)
Rhodesia (1965-1979)
Zimbabwe- Rhodesia (1979-1980)
Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland (1953-1963)


Resident Commissioner of Mashonaland
29 Jun 1890 - 18 Sep 1891 Archibald Ross Colquhoun (b. 1848 - d. 1914)
18 Sep 1891 - 2 May 1896 Leander Starr Jameson (b. 1853 - d. 1917)
8 Oct 1893 - 22 Jan 1894 Andrew Henry Farrell Duncan (b. 1855 - d. 1931)
(acting for Jameson)
2 May 1896 - 24 Jul 1897 Albert Henry George Grey, Earl Grey (b. 1851 - d. 1917)
24 Jul 1897 - 24 Jan 1901 William Henry Milton (b. 1854 - d. 1930)
(acting to 5 Dec 1898)


Nov 1896 - Mar 1901 Arthur Lawley (b. 1860 - d. 1932)
(acting 5 Dec 1898)

Southern Rhodesia

Chief magistrates of South Zambesia
23 Jan 1894 - May 1894 Andrew Henry Farrell Duncan (b. 1855 - d. 1931)
May 1894 - 9 Sep 1894 Leander Starr Jameson (b. 1853 - d. 1917)
Administrators of the Rhodesia Protectorate
9 Sep 1894 - 28 Oct 1894 Leander Starr Jameson (1st time) (s.a.)
28 Oct 1894 - 1 Apr 1895 Francis William Rhodes (acting) (b. 1851 - d. 1905)
1 Apr 1895 - Jun 1895 Leander Starr Jameson (2nd time) (s.a.)
Jun 1895 - 2 May 1896 Joseph Vincent (acting) (b. 1861 - d. 1914)
2 May 1896 - 24 Jul 1897 Albert Henry George Grey, Earl (b. 1851 - d. 1917)
Grey, Viscount Howick in the
County of Northumberland, Baron
Grey, of Howick in the County of
24 Jul 1897 - 24 Jan 1901 William Henry Milton (b. 1854 - d. 1930)
(acting to 4 Dec 1898)
24 Jan 1901 - 2 Nov 1914 Sir William Henry Milton (s.a.)
(from 26 Jun 1903, Sir William Henry Milton)
2 Nov 1914 - 24 Dec 1914 Francis James Newton (acting) (b. 1857 - d. 1948)
24 Dec 1914 - 30 Sep 1923 Francis Drummond Percy Chaplin (b. 1866 - d. 1933)
(from 12 Feb 1917, Sir Francis Drummond Percy Chaplin)
15 Oct 1919 - 14 Dec 1919 Clarkson Tredgold (b. 1865 - d. 1938)
(acting for Chaplin)
10 Sep 1920 - 10 Dec 1920 Ernest Montagu (1st time) (b. 1862 - d. 1952)
(acting for Chaplin)
15 Nov 1922 - 10 May 1923 Ernest Montagu (2nd time) (s.a.)
(acting for Chaplin)
21 Sep 1923 - 23 Sep 1923 Percy Donald Leslie Flynn (b. 1872 - d. 1940)
(acting for Chaplin)
1 Oct 1923 - 15 Jun 1928 Sir John Robert Chancellor (b. 1870 - d. 1952)
15 Jun 1928 - 24 Nov 1928 Murray Bisset (acting) (b. 1876 - d. 1931)
(from 18 Jul 1928, Sir Murray Bisset)
24 Nov 1928 - 1 May 1934 Sir Cecil Hunter-Rodwell (b. 1874 - d. 1953)
1 May 1934 - 8 Jan 1935 Sir Alexander Fraser Russell (b. 1876 - d. 1952)
(1st time) (acting)
8 Jan 1935 - 8 Jan 1942 Sir Herbert James Stanley (b. 1872 - d. 1955)
8 Jan 1942 - 10 Dec 1942 Sir Alexander Fraser Russell (s.a.)
(2nd time) (acting)
10 Dec 1942 - 26 Oct 1944 Sir Evelyn Baring (b. 1903 - d. 1973)
26 Oct 1944 - 20 Feb 1945 Sir Robert James Hudson (1st time) (b. 1885 - d. 1963)
20 Feb 1945 - 17 Jul 1946 Sir William Eric Campbell Tait (b. 1886 - d. 1946)
2 Feb 1946 - 19 Jul 1946 Sir Alexander Fraser Russell (s.a.)
(3rd time)(acting [for Tait to 17 Jul 1946])
19 Jul 1946 - 14 Jan 1947 Sir Robert James Hudson (2nd time) (s.a.)
14 Jan 1947 - 21 Nov 1953 Sir John Noble Kennedy (b. 1893 - d. 1970)
21 Nov 1953 - 26 Nov 1954 Sir Robert Clarkson Tredgold (b. 1899 - d. 1977)
26 Nov 1954 - 28 Dec 1959 Sir Peveril Barton Reiby Wallop (b. 1898 - d. 1985)
28 Dec 1959 - 17 Nov 1965 Humphrey Vicary Gibbs (b. 1902 - d. 1990)
(from 1 Jan 1960, Sir Humphrey Vicary Gibbs)
(continues to 24 Jun 1969, unrecognized by Smith regime)

1 Oct 1923 - 28 Aug 1927 Sir Charles Patrick John Goghlan (b. 1863 - d. 1927) RP
2 Sep 1927 - 5 Jul 1933 Howard Unwin Moffat (b. 1869 - d. 1951) RP
Prime ministers
5 Jul 1933 - 12 Sep 1933 George Mitchell (b. 1867 - d. 1937) RP
12 Sep 1933 - 7 Sep 1953 Godfrey Martin Huggins (b. 1883 - d. 1971) PR; 1934
(from 1 Jan 1941, Sir Godfrey Martin Huggins) UP;1953 FP
7 Sep 1953 - 17 Feb 1958 Reginald Stephen Garfield Todd (b. 1908 - d. 2002) URP;1957 UFP
17 Feb 1958 - 17 Dec 1962 Sir Edgar Cuthbert Fremantle (b. 1905 - d. 1971) UFP
17 Dec 1962 - 13 Apr 1964 Sir Winston Joseph Field (b. 1904 - d. 1969) DP;1962 RF
13 Apr 1964 - 11 Nov 1965 Ian Douglas Smith (b. 1919 - d. 2007) RF

Chairmen of British South Africa Company (in London)
Oct 1889 - 3 Jan 1913 James Hamilton, Duke of Abercorn (b. 1838 - d. 1913)
1913 - 26 Nov 1917 Leander Starr Jameson (b. 1853 - d. 1917)
26 Nov 1917 - Oct 1920 Philip Lyttelton Gell (acting) (b. 1852 - d. 1926)
Presidents of the British South Africa Company (in London)
Oct 1920 - 1923 Philip Lyttelton Gell (s.a.)
1923 - 18 Apr 1925 James Rochfort Maguire (b. 1855 - d. 1925)
Managing director in South Africa
Oct 1889 - Jun 1896 Cecil John Rhodes (b. 1853 - d. 1902)

Party abbreviations: DP = Dominion Party (UFP opposition, anti-federation, pro-white minority rule, 1960 renamed Federal Dominion party, 1953-1962, successor RF); FP = Federal Party (center-right, pro-federation, 1953-1957, merged with URP as UFP); RF = Rhodesian Front (conservative, Rhodesian nationalist, pro-white minority rule, republican, merger of DP and RF, Mar 1962-1981, renamed Republican Front); RP = Rhodesian Reform Party (1923-1934, merged with RP as UP, in 1962 merged with DP as RF); UFP = United Federal Party (center-right, pro-federation, in 1963 renamed Federal Party, 1958-1963); UP = United Party (merger of RP and Rhodesian Party, 1934-1953, renamed URP); URP = United Rhodesia Party (conservative, 1953-1958, merged with FP as UFP)


[Southern                           Rhodesia 1964-1968 (Zimbabwe)] 11 Nov 1965 - 11 Nov 1968 [Rhodesia                           1968-1979 (Zimbabwe)] 11 Nov 1968 - 2 Sep 1979 [Zimbabwe-Rhodesia 1979 (Zimbabwe)] 2 Sep 1979 - 12 Dec 1979 [Flag of the United                         Kingdom] 12 Dec 1979 - 17 Apr 1980
Map of Rhodesia Hear National Anthem "Rise, O Voices of Rhodesia" (26 Aug 1974 - 12 Dec 1979) (1970 - 1974: none) Former National Anthem "God Save the Queen" (11 Nov 1965-2 Mar 1970; 12 Dec 1979-17 Apr 1980) Constitutions (11 Nov 1965; and 2 Mar 1970)
Capital: Salisbury Currency: 1970-1980 Rhodesian Dollar (RHD); 1964-1970 Rhodesian Pound (RHP) National Holidays: 1965-1979: 11 Nov (1965) Independence Day ------------------------------------ 1895-1979: 5 Jul (1853) Rhodes's Day (Cecil Rhodes's birthday) Population: 6,930,000 (1978) 7,560,000 (1979)
GDP: 3.15billion(1974),3.15 billion (1974), 3.15billion(1974),3.3 billion (1978) Exports: 650million(1973)650 million (1973) 650million(1973)827 million (1978), Imports: 541million(1973),541 million (1973), 541million(1973),677 million (1978) Ethnic groups: Bantu tribes (black) 96% (Shona over 70%, Ndebele 20-25%), European 3%, colored and Asian 1%
Total Armed Forces: 9,550 (1977) Reserve Forces: 58,000 Merchant marine: None (1978) Religions: Christian 75% (mostly Protestant, Roman Catholic 9%), Jewish (6,000), and a few Muslims
International Organizations/Treaties: GATT, IOC (suspended 1972, expelled 1975), ITU (revoked 1966), IUOTO (expelled 1969), UIBPIP, UPU (suspended 1970), WHO (associate; in suspense), WMO (member territory 1950-64, from 1965)

11 Nov 1965 Southern Rhodesia became an independent state under the
name of Rhodesia� (not recognized by U.K.).
2 Mar 1970 Rhodesia becomes a republic.
1 Jun 1979 Zimbabwe Rhodesia.
12 Dec 1979 - 18 Apr 1980 Southern Rhodesia (Zimbabwe Rhodesia is in local official
use), return to U.K. colonial status.
18 Apr 1980 Zimbabwe, independence from the U.K.
17 Apr 1991 Republic of Zimbabwe
22 May 2013 Zimbabwe

11 Nov 1965 - 2 Mar 1970 Government carried on in the name
of the non-consenting Queen of
the United Kingdom
Officer Administering the Government and Commander-in-Chief in and over Rhodesia
17 Nov 1965 - 1 Mar 1970 Clifford Walter Dupont (b. 1905 - d. 1978) RF
(acting to 20 Dec 1965)
Presidents in and over Rhodesia who shall be Commanders-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Rhodesia
2 Mar 1970 - 31 Dec 1975 Clifford Walter Dupont (s.a.) RF
(acting to 16 Apr 1970)
1 Jan 1976 - 14 Jan 1976 Henry Breedon Everard (1st time) (b. 1897 - d. 1980) RF
14 Jan 1976 - 31 Aug 1978 John James Wrathall (b. 1913 - d. 1978) RF
31 Aug 1978 - 1 Nov 1978 Henry Breedon Everard (2nd time) (s.a.) RF
1 Nov 1978 - 5 Mar 1979 Jack William Pithey (acting) (b. 1903 - d. 1987) RF
5 Mar 1979 - 31 May 1979 Henry Breedon Everard (3rd time) (s.a.) RF
President in and over Zimbabwe Rhodesia
1 Jun 1979 - 12 Dec 1979 Josiah Zion Gumede (b. 1919 - d. 1989) UANC
Governor of Southern Rhodesia
12 Dec 1979 - 18 Apr 1980 Arthur Christopher John Soames, (b. 1920 - d. 1987) Non-party
Baron Soames

Prime ministers
11 Nov 1965 - 1 Jun 1979 Ian Douglas Smith (b. 1919 - d. 2007) RF
1 Jun 1979 - 12 Dec 1979 Abel Tendekayi Muzorewa (b. 1925 - d. 2010) UANC

�The Officer Administering the Government was designated by the Constitution of Rhodesia of 1965 as the representative of Queen Elizabeth II (b. 1926 - d. 2022) in her capacity as the holder of executive powers. The Queen did not accept the legality of the existence of Rhodesia as a polity, and no specific Rhodesian style was adopted for the monarch.

Party abbreviations: RF = Rhodesian Front (Rhodesian nationalist, pro-white minority rule, successor to the Dominion Party, Mar 1962-1981); UANC = United African National Council (African nationalist,1974-1996)


18 Apr 1980 Zimbabwe (independence from the U.K.)
17 Apr 1991 Republic of Zimbabwe
22 May 2013 Zimbabwe

Presidents of Zimbabwe and Commanders-in-Chief of the Defence Forces of Zimbabwe
18 Apr 1980 - 31 Dec 1987 Canaan Sodindo Banana (b. 1936 - d. 2003) ZANU
31 Dec 1987 - 21 Nov 2017 Robert Gabriel Mugabe (b. 1924 - d. 2019) ZANU-PF
21 Nov 2017 - 24 Nov 2017 Phelekezela Mphoko (acting) (b. 1940) ZANU-PF
([nominally] did not take office)
24 Nov 2017 - Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa (b. 1946) ZANU-PF

Prime ministers
18 Apr 1980 - 31 Dec 1987 Robert Gabriel Mugabe (s.a.) ZANU
31 Dec 1987 - 11 Feb 2009 Post abolished
11 Feb 2009 - 11 Sep 2013 Morgan Richard Tsvangirai (b. 1952 - d. 2018) MDC
11 Sep 2013 Post abolished

Territorial Disputes: in 2004, Zimbabwe dropped objections to plans between Botswana and Zambia to build a bridge over the Zambezi River, thereby de facto recognizing a short, but not clearly delimited, Botswana-Zambia boundary in the river; in May 2021, Botswana and Zambia agreed in principle to let Zimbabwe be a partner in the bridge project as it enters its lasts phase; South Africa has placed military units to assist police operations along the border of Lesotho, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique to control smuggling, poaching, and illegal migration.

Party abbreviations: MDC = Movement for Democratic Change (social-democratic, reformist, est.1999); ZANU-PF = Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front (democratic socialist, African nationalist, authoritarian, est.1987);
- Former parties: ZANU = Zimbabwe African National Union (African militant, democratic socialist, African nationalist, merged into ZANU-PF, 1963-1987)

Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland

[Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
24 Aug 1954 - 31 Dec 1963

Map of the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Hear National Anthem "God Save the Queen" Text of National Anthem (1953-1963) Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland Constitution (1 Aug 1953/3 Sep 1953)
Capital: Salisbury Administrative Capital: Zomba Currency: 1956-1964 Rhodesia & Nyasaland Pound (RHFP); 1953-1956 Southern Rhodesia Pound (RHSP) National Holiday: 1 Aug (1953) Federation Day Population: 8,510,000 (1961)
GDP: �380.9 million (1958) Exports: �206.8 million (1961) Imports: �155 million (1961) Ethnic groups: African 96.2%, European and others 3.72% (1960)
Total Federal Armed Forces: 4,520 (1957) Merchant marine: None (1961) Religions: Christian (mostly Protestant, Roman Catholic), Jewish (6,000) and traditional beliefs
International Organizations/Treaties: C, FAO (associate), GATT, IOC, IOM, ITU, IUOTO, UIBPIP, UNHCR, WHO (associate), WMO

1 Aug 1953 The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland
(Southern Rhodesia, Northern Rhodesia and Nyasaland;
also called the Central African Federation) by Federation of
Rhodesia and Nyasaland (Constitution) Order in Council (S.I.1953
No. 1199)(certain provisions came into force 3 Sep 1953).
31 Dec 1963 Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland dissolved.

4 Sep 1953 - 24 Jan 1957 John Jestyn Llewellin, Baron (b. 1893 - d. 1957)
Llewellin of Upton
24 Jan 1957 - Feb 1957 Sir Robert Clarkson Tredgold (b. 1899 - d. 1977)
(1st time)(acting)
Feb 1957 - 17 Jun 1957 Sir William Lindsay Murphy (acting)(b. 1887 - d. 1965)
17 Jun 1957 - 8 Oct 1957 Sir Robert Clarkson Tredgold (s.a.)
(2nd time)(acting)
8 Oct 1957 - 7 May 1963 Simon Ramsay, Earl of Dalhousie (b. 1914 - d. 1999)
7 May 1963 - 31 Dec 1963 Sir Humphrey Vicary Gibbs (acting) (b. 1902 - d. 1990)

Prime ministers
7 Sep 1953 - 2 Nov 1956 Sir Godfrey Martin Huggins (b. 1883 - d. 1971) FP
(from 17 Feb 1955, Godfrey Martin
Huggins, Viscount Malvern)
2 Nov 1956 - 31 Dec 1963 Sir Roland "Roy" Welensky (b. 1907 - d. 1991) FP;1957 UFP

Party abbreviations: FP = Federal Party (center-right, pro-federation, 1953-1957, merged with United Rhodesia Party as UFP); UFP = United Federal Party (center-right, pro-federation, in 1963 renamed Federal Party, 1958-1965)

� Ben Cahoon