Washington Township Public Schools / Homepage (original) (raw)
Check Out Math Memes!
Washington Township High School students in Mrs. Sharon Serrano's classes recently created a series of mathematics-related memes and turned them into a video. It's become quite a tradition. Check out this link to see the results!
WTHS Proposed VPA Academy
Please take a few minutes to look over the presentation made to the Board of Education regarding the proposed WTHS Visual and Performing Arts Academy. [Click here](/cms/lib/NJ01912980/Centricity/Domain/4/VPA Academy Presentation pdf.pdf) for the presentation given by supervisor Casey Corigliano.
WTPS Statement on Website Accessibility
The Washington Township Public Schools' website is in the process of being updated to ensure compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Any website accessibility concerns may be brought to the attention of the WTPS website team at feedback@wtps.org. For more information, please view our statement on Website Accessibility.
Washington Township, Gloucester County
Please click here to visit the Washington Township municipal website.
Project Child Find Services Available
Do you have or know of a special needs child ages 3 to 21 years old residing in Washington Township who may have physical, mental or emotional problems? Are you aware of any child who is in need of special education programs and services? An extra effort is being made to identify children between ages 3 to 5 for our preschool program for children with special needs.
Project CHILD FIND, a service of the New Jersey State Department of Education, assists in identifying un-served or underserved handicapped children.
Please click here for more information.