a small digital library dedicated to the study of the Gothic language (original) (raw)

Nunc igitur ad alteram linguam, quae Gotica doctissimi cujusque apud Colonienses iudicio habetur, veniamus [...]

Goropius Becanus, Origines Antwerpianae, 1569.

Project Wulfila is a small digital library dedicated to the study of the Gothic language and Old Germanic languages in general. Our primary goal is to provide linguistically annotated editions that can be downloaded in TEI format or browsed online, linked to a digital glossary, POS-tags and interlinear translations. The focus is currently on the Gothic Bible and minor fragments; in addition, we are working on a lemmatized edition of the Old Saxon Heliand and – on a smaller scale – selected Middle and Early Modern Dutch documents. We are also interested in preparing digital facsimile editions of relevant textbooks and other related resources that have entered the public domain. The project is hosted by the University of Antwerp

Incidentally, it was in the city of Antwerp that fragments of the Gothic Bible were published for the first time ever. In 1569, Ioannes Goropius Becanus printed samples from the Codex Argenteus (viz the Lord's Prayer and citations from Mark) in his Origines Antwerpianae. His (mostly erroneous or biased) attempts to identify and interpret the language sparked the interest of other philologists and can be considered the start of Gothic philology (see Van De Velde 1966 pp. 24-35 for a detailed account; von Friesen & Grape 1928 pp. 128-129, Stutz 1966 pp. 83-84).

Gothic Bible and minor fragments

An evolving lemmatized and POS-tagged edition of the Gothic Bible, based on Streitberg 1919. You can browse the online database or download the TEI edition.

Old Saxon Heliand

The goal is a lemmatized edition based on Sievers 1878. Work on the TEI edition is still in an early stage (converting raw OCR output to XML), but Sievers' book is already available as a digital facsimile edition:

Middle and Early Modern Dutch

Currently only an Early Modern Dutch personal diary: Christiaan Munters' Dagboek van Gebeurtenissen, describing events in 16th century Kuringen. This section of the website is in Dutch.

Digital facsimile editions

Scannings of books and articles related to Gothic, Old Saxon and – in the future – possibly other Germanic languages. At this moment only three titles are available: Wilhelm Streitberg's Gotisch–Griechisch–Deutsches Wörterbuch (1910), his Gotisches Elementarbuch (1920) and Eduard Sievers' Heliand (1878). We are planning editions of Uppström and Becanus (selection).

About the project