Intramurals: Undergraduate (original) (raw)

The Intramurals program is managed withing the Department of Campus Recreation, who governs the program, hires supervisors and referees, processes weekly payroll, develops sports and eligibility rules with the Yale College Intramural Secretaries (IM Secretaries) and Rules Committee, monitors safety, purchases equipment, is the liaison between the students and upper administration and oversees the execution of the program including facility acquisitions and weather decisions.

Crucial to the program is the Head Intramural Secretary, who is the student advisor to the Department of Campus Recreation. They are the scores statistician, game and facility scheduler along with chairing the IM Secretaries meetings and electing the Rules Committee, which decides upon all questions, protests and rules updates arising from and for Intramural contests.

On the field, Undergraduate Intramural are represented by a group called the Intramural Supervisors. This staff ensure that all games are run smoothly and answer to on-field problems such as rule queries, equipment problems, and injuries. Working underneath the Intramaul Supervisors are the Intramural Referees. Referees hold the on-field officiating power and work to make sure that the individual games run smoothly. They also record all necessary information pertaining to the game and report scores to the Head IM Secretary/Webmaster.

The main functional unit of the Undergraduate Intramural program is the residential college. Each of the 14 colleges fields a team for all current sports. The IM Secretaries run each college’s IM teams. The main goal of the IM Secretaries is to ensure that students within their college are participating in the intramural program. To achieve this goal, the secretaries name captains, organize IM study breaks, run sign-ups at the beginning of each season, and act as the liaison between the IM office and the residential college. Secretaries also attend a bi-weekly program meeting to discuss IM issues, which is chaired by the Head IM Secretary.