Wrightslaw International Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities (original) (raw)

Directory of International Organizations & Information Groups

Below is an alphabetical listing for International Organizations.

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Access Disability Empowerment Tara Geraghty-Ellis MSW
2402 30 Malta Ave
Brampton, Ontario L6Y 4S5
(905) 455-5094
Email: tara@accessempowerment.ca
Web: http://www.accessempowerment.ca
Education and empowerment training for people with disabilities and the people who support them.

Adline Foundation for Children with Learning Disabilities
Adline Ngozi Nwodo Director
Email: beautyadline | at | yahoo.com
Department of physics, federal university, Ndufu-Alike ikwo, Ebonyi State Nigeria. P.M.B. 1010

Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation
(800) 747-2820; (410) 867-0242
Email: aamdsoffice | at | aol.com
Web: www.aamds.org

Back to Basics Educational Services
Christina Walsh
706120 RR# 3 County Rd. 21
Box # 44
Honeywood, ON Canada
(519) 925-9164; (519) 938-7590; (519) 925-0697 (fax)
Email: spec.ed.advocate | at | sympatico.ca
Web: http://specialeducationadvocate.angelfire.com
We provide advocacy and support services for children and youth with physical, emotional, behavioural, developmental or learning disabilities and their parents or caregivers.

Stefano Ulissi
Via del Casale, Sn
64040 Valle San Giovanni
Teramo Italia
(301) 571-8252
Email: ulissi | at | hotmail.com
Consultation to parents of disabled English speaking children and their families in the Abruzzo Region of Italy.

Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation
820 Davis St., Ste. 520
Evanston, IL 60201
(847) 492-8519; (847) 492-8520 (fax)
Email: cabf | at | bpkids.org
Web: http://www.bpkids.org
The Child and Adolescent Bipolar Foundation is a web-based non-profit organization providing information and support for parents of children and adolescents with bipolar disorder.

Crossroads of Learning
Bob Lasiewicz, MA
4634 Leir Drive
La Canada Flintridge, CA 9101
(818) 249-9692
Email: BL | at | crossroadsoflearning.com
Web: http://crossroadsoflearning.com
College level online training courses for tutors and academic coaches. Each learner is paired with a master trainer to mentor them through the course.

Drakes Christian School Mrs. Frances Drakes
Harts Gap, Hastings, Christ Church
Barbados, West Indies
(246) 228-5203
Email: sned-fed | at | caribsurf.com
Drakes' Christian School offers individual attention. Explicit, systematic, Multisensory phonics is the primary method of language instruction. Catering to students with: ADHD, Dyslexia, Learning Differences.

Dale Ford
24 Spindle Way
Ottawa On, Canada K2S 1J3
(613) 831-2358; (613) 769-8960; (613) 831-7112 (fax)
Email: eduadvocates | at | rogers.com
Web: http://eduadvocates.com
Private special education firm facilitating special education needs. Educational Consulting and Advocacy services.

Global Hydranencephaly Foundation
PO Box 1150
Seabeck, WA 98380-9800
(573) 280-2412
Email: President | at | HydranencephalyFoundation.org
Web: http://www.hydranencephalyfoundation.org
Global-wide 501c3 nonprofit organization providing individualized support & advocacy services to families across the globe who are facing diagnosis of hydranencephaly for a child in their life.

Jherrie Dele Zerna
Block 12 Lot 16 Genesis homes
Riverside, San Pedro
Laguna, Philippines, 4023
(+639) 05 346-8909
Email: ma_rhiza | at | yahoo.com
A non-profit organization that holds annual summer camp for children with special needs.

IDIC 15 Families
1344 Town Centre Dr.
Eagan, MN 55123
(612) 206-0468
Email: idic15families | at | gmail.com
Web: http://idic15families.org
Information, community, and support for families with an IDIC 15 genetic diagnosis in their family. International membership with over 300 families.

International Dyslexia Association (formerly the Orton Dyslexia Society)
(800) 222-3123; (410) 296-0232
Web: http://wwww.connbida.org

International Fibrodysplaisa Ossificans Progressiva Association (IFOPA)
P.O.Box 196217
Winter Springs, FL 32719-6217
(407) 365-4194
Email: together | at | ifopa.org
Web: http://www.ifopa.org/
Note: This organization is based in FL but has members around the world.

International Mosaic Down Syndrome Association Kristy Colvin
PO Box 1052
Franklin, TX 77856
(979) 828-4177; (775) 295-9373 (fax)
Email: president | at | imdsa.org
Web: http://www.imdsa.org
IMDSA provides support, information, and research to those touched by mosaic Down syndrome through a variety of online services, mailings and biennial conference.

International Resource Center for Down Syndrome
(216) 621-5858; (800) 899-3039 (toll-free in OH only)
Email: hf854 | at | cleveland.freenet.edu

International Rett Syndrome Association
(800) 818-7388; (301) 856-3334
Email: irsa | at | rettsyndrome.org
Web: www.rettsyndrome.org

Daresbury Point
Green Wood Drive
Manor Park, Cheshire WA7 1UP
Web: http://www.kidsbehaviour.co.uk/
KidsBehaviour contains over 70 articles all written by a team of experts.

Learning & Behaviour Charitable Trust NZ - This site will give you the information and resources you need if you know someone with a learning or behaviour difficulty.Web: http://www.lbctnz.co.nz

Lebanese Down Syndrome Association
Nada Achi
Toufic Tabarah Street,
Tabarah Center.
Sanayeh, Beirut. LEBANON
961 1 735738; 961 1 735738 (fax)
Email: ldsa.lb | at | gmail.com

Lindamood-Bell® Chatswood Learning Centre
Suite 21 Chatswood Village
47 Neridah Street
Chatswood, New South Wales 2067
(from USA) 011 61 2 9410 1006
(from AUS) +61 (02) 9410 1006
Email: chatswood.centre | at | lindamoodbell.com
Web: http://www.lindamoodbell.com.au/learningcenters/index.Aspx

Lindamood-Bell® Double Bay Learning Centre (previously Sydney Learning Centre)
Suite 3, Ground floor
1 Transvaal Avenue
Double Bay, New South Wales 2028
(from USA) 011 61 2 9328 7119
(from AUS) +61 (0)2 9328 7119
Toll Free (from AUS): 1300 600 008
(from USA) 011 61 2 9328 5981 (fax); (from AUS) +61 (0)2 9328 5981 (fax)
Email: doublebay.centre | at | lindamoodbell.com
Web: http://www.lindamoodbell.com.au/learningcenters/index.Aspx

Lindamood-Bell® London Learning Centre
Eardley House
182-184 Campden Hill Road
Notting Hill, London W8 7AS
(from USA) 011 44 207 727 0660
Toll Free: (from UK) 0800 028 0917
(from USA) 011 44 207 727 0880 (fax); (from UK) +44 (0) 207 727 0880 (fax)
Email: london.centre | at | lindamoodbell.com
Web: http://www.lindamoodbell.co.uk/learningcenters/index.Aspx

Lindamood-Bell® Singapore Learning Centre
1 Fifth Avenue Guthrie House, Unit #4-08
Singapore 268802
(65) 6813 2425
Web: https://lindamoodbell.com/

London Speech & Language Centre 1589 Fanshawe Park Road East
London ON N5X 3Z9
(519) 642-7370; (519) 642-2817; (519) 642-2470 (fax)
Web: http://www.londonspeech.com

Military Special Needs Network
12806 Pinefield Rd.
Poway, CA 92064
(858) 524-6847
Email: wen.kruse | at | militaryspecialneedsnetwork.com
Web: http://militaryspecialneedsnetwork.com
Providing peer-to-peer support for all military families that have a dependent with any special medical and/or educational need.

Parent Advocates 4 Struggling Students Inc.
Cheryl Coates/Barb Jorritsma
5084 Cherryhill Cres.
Burlington, Ontario
L7L 4B9 Canada
(289) 288-3167; (905) 592-9802 (fax)
Email: info | at | passforkids.com
Web: http://www.passforkids.com
We teach parents how to advocate for the services/programs their struggling student needs, at the school level in Halton and surrounding areas (CANADA).

Samveda Training & Research Centre(R)
Surendranath Nishanimut
# 610, 7th Main, 7th Cross, P.J.Extn.,
Davangere - 577 002,
Karnataka, India
Email: samveda | at | yahoo.com
Web: http://www.samveda.org
We are an NGO dedicated to rehabilitation of children with Learning Disability in India.

Specialized Training of Military Parents (STOMP)
6316 S 12th Street
Tacoma, WA 98465
(800) 572-7368; (253) 565-2266; (253) 566-8052 (fax)
Email: stomp | at | washingtonpave.com
Web: http://www.stompproject.org
Provides military parents with individual assistance & information about rights/responsibilities in special education services for their children located in the United States or overseas. STOMP serves all military families stationed in the United State and overseas.

Tanzania Association of the Deafs
Emanuel John Kabipe
Box 368
Nzega Tabora
East Africa
+255 765356112
Email: johnemanul | at | yahoo.com
To care and support the disabilities children kinds of deafs and dumbs in Education at Nzega District of Tabora Region Of Tanzania State.

TOMI - The Resources for Hope Center - For Autism Tel Aviv, Israel 03-6760513
Los Angeles, USA (310) 388-3077
Web: http://www.tomi.org/