Place Names of the High Sierra (1926), "H," by Francis P. Farquhar (original) (raw)

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HAECKEL, MOUNT (13,422) [_Mount Goddard_]

One of the “Evolution Group,” named by Theodore S. Solomons in 1895 (Appalachia, 1896, VIII:1, p. 50) for Ernst Heinrich Haeckel (1834-1919), professor of zoology at University of Jena for more than forty years.First ascent, July 14, 1920, by Sierra Club party: Walter L. Huber, lead Nathan, A. Bowers, George D. Emerson, Francis P. Farquhar, Rodney L. Glisan, Mrs. Daisymay C. Huber, Walter B. Marble, Miss Lulie Nettleton, Robert AT. Price. Three others from the Sierra Club camp, Edward O. Allen, Francis E. Crofts, and Olcott Haskell, made the ascent at the same time and closely followed Huber and several of his party to the summit. (S.C.B., 1921, XI:2, pp. 144-146.)

HALF DOME (8852) [_Yosemite_]

“The names ‘North Dome,’ ‘South Dome,’ and ‘Half Dome’ were given by us during our long stay in the valley from their localities and peculiar configuration. Some changes have been made since they were adopted. The peak called by us the ‘South Dome’ has since been given the name of ‘Sentinel Dome,’ and the ‘Half Dome,’ Tis-sa-ack, represented as meaning the ‘Cleft Rock,’ is now called by many the ‘South Dome.’” (Bunnell:Discovery of the Yosemite,1880, p. 212.)

“The whole appearance of the mass is that of an originally dome-shaped elevation, with an exceedingly steep curve, of which the western half has been split off and has become engulfed. Hence the name, which is one that seems to suggest itself at first sight of this truly marvelous crest of rock.” (Whitney Survey: Geology, 1865, p. 416.)

“The front of the dome, on the other hand, appears by contrast smooth and fresh. It has been formed rather recently through the rapid scaling off of successive thin plates or sheets cleft by close-set parallel partings of an accentuated fissure zone. A body of these plates still clings to the dome front at its, northeast end, and it is there that one may observe the character of the fissure zone noted. Ice that formerly lodged at the foot of the great precipice no doubt has served to accelerate its recession.” (Matthes:_Sketch of Yosemite National Park,_1912, p. 47.)

“Tesaiyak. The Half Dome, generally spelt Tisayac.” (Whitney:Yosemite Guide Book,1870, p. 17.)

“Tissaack, South Dome in Yosemite, is . . . the name of a woman who according to tradition was transformed into the mountain.” (Kroeber:_California Place Names of Indian Origin,_1916, p. 62.) For versions of the Indian legend, see—Powers: Tribes of California, in Contributions to North American Ethnology, III, 1877, pp. 364, 367-368; and Bertha H. Smith:Yosemite Legends, 1904, pp. 45-54.

“Until the fall of 1875 the storm-beaten summit of this magnificent landmark was a terra incognita, as it had never been trodden by human feet. . . . This honor was reserved for a brave young Scotchman, a native of Montrose, named George G. Anderson, who by dint of pluck, skill, unswerving perseverance, and personal daring, climbed to its summit, and was the first that ever successfully scaled it. This was accomplished at 3 o’clock p.m. of October 12, 1875.” (Hutchings:In the Heart of the Sierras,1886, pp. 456-457— See, also, S.C.B., 1920, X:1, pp. 101-102.)

“A year or two before Anderson gained the summit, John Conway, a resident of the valley, and his son, excellent mountaineers, attempted to reach thetop from the Saddle by climbing barefooted up the grand curve with a rope which they fastened at irregular intervals by means of eye-bolts driven into joints of the rock. But, finding that the upper portion of the curve would require laborious drilling, they abandoned the attempt, glad to escape from the dangerous position they had reached, some 300 feet above the Saddle. Anderson began with Conway’s old rope, which had been left in place, and resolutely drilled his way to the top, inserting eye-bolts five to six feet apart, and making his rope fast to each in succession, resting his feet on the last bolt while he drilled a hole for the next above. Occasionally some irregularity in the curve, or slight foothold, would enable him to climb a few feet without the rope, which he would pass and begin drilling again, and thus the whole work was accomplished in less than a week.” (Muir:Picturesque California,edited by John Muir, 1888, vol. I, pp. 71-72.—See, also, Whitney:Yosemite Guide Book,1870 p. 96.)


Sam Halstead pastured horses here from 1872 to 1890. (Walter Fry.) James Hamilton, who at one time owned Redwood Meadow and Wet Meadow. (G. W. Stewart.) Pass between Kings River Cañon and Tehipite Valley on the “Jackass Route.” Those who succeed in getting a pack-train to this point at once perceive the appropriateness of the name. (J. N. Le Conte.)

The name is mentioned as known to John Fox, pioneer of Kings River, in 1896. (S.C.B., 1897, II:1, p. 45.)

“There are three islets just above the bridge which have never been given a place in Yosemite geography, so far as I am able to learn, and, commemorative of the emotions which I enjoyed when exploring them, I have named them the_Happy Isles,_ for no one can visit them without for the while forgetting the grinding strife of his world and being happy.” (Letter from W. E. Dennison, Guardian of Yosemite Valley, to William B. May, secretary of the Yosemite Commissioners, October 25, 1885, in Superintendent’s files, Yosemite.)

HARRISON PASS [_Mount Whitney_]

“The trip of this summer [1895] has brought out the further fact that the pass has long been known and used by sheep-herders under the name of Harrison’s Pass.” (S.C.B., 1896, I:7, p. 290.—See, also, S.C.B., 1895, I:6, p. 195.)

“Ben Harrison herded sheep in upper Kern in ’80s. Was part Cherokee Indian. He climbed up to saddle of pass from the south, but did not travel or herd over the pass. He built a monument on the pass. It was probably used by sheepmen in 1875 or 1876.” (Chester Versteeg, from Robert M. Woods.)

Bill and John Haskell, sheepmen of the early days. (Chester Versteeg, from S. L. N. Ellis.) “The next camp named was ‘Hazel Green,’ from the number of hazel bushes growing near a beautiful little meadow.” (Bunnell:Discovery of the Yosemite,1880, p. 316.) Named in 1925 by Superintendent John R. White, of Sequoia National Park.

HELEN LAKE [_Mount Goddard_]

The two large lakes on either side of Muir Pass were named by R. B. Marshall, U.S.G.S., for the daughters of John Muir. The one at the source of the Middle Fork of Kings River was named for Mrs. Helen Muir Funk. (R. B. Marshall.) Lake near head of Cherry Creek, named in 1909, by R. B. Marshall, U.S.G.S., for Mrs. Helen Keyes, daughter of Colonel Forsyth, and wife of Lieutenant Edward A. Keyes, U.S.A. (R. B. Marshall.) Lake near Parker Pass, named in 1909, by R. B. Marshall, U.S.G.S., for Helen Coburn Smith, daughter of George Otis Smith, Director of the United States Geological Survey. (R. B. Marshall.)

HELL-FOR-SURE PASS [_Mount Goddard_]

Named by J. N. Le Conte in 1904. The old sheep trail crossing this divide between the South Fork of San Joaquin and North Fork of Kings River was known as the Baird Trail. (J. N. Le Conte; S.C.B., 1905, V:3, p. 237.) William Helm was the first settler in the open plain between the San Joaquin and Kings rivers. He settled near Dry Creek in 1865. From 1870 to 1874 he and Frank Dusy were partners in sheep-raising. This meadow was always known as Helm’s Big Meadow to distinguish it from other meadows used by him. (L. A. Winchell.)

HENRY, MOUNT (12,197) [_Mount Goddard_]

Named by J. N. Le Conte for Joseph Henry (1797-1878), professor of natural history at the College of New Jersey (Princeton), 1832-1878; a physicist noted for his investigations in electromagnetism; secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1846; president of the National Academy of Sciences, 1868-1878. (J. N. Le Conte.)

HERMIT, THE (12,352) [_Mount Goddard_]

Named by Theodore S. Solomons in 1895.

“The traveler will be greatly attracted by a very sharp peak or butte thatrises on the south wall. From its isolated position as viewed from the valley we called it the Hermit. . . . It really forms the termination of several peaks which, however, are not visible from below.” (Solomons: Manuscript prepared for the Sierra Club, 1896, p. 78.)

“Named from a Central Miwok word denoting a kind of grass or plant with edible seeds abounding in the valley.” (Kroeber:California Place Names of Indian Origin, 1916, p. 42.)

[Editor’s note: This grass may be Dichelostemma capitatum, commonly known as “blue dicks” or “grass nuts.”—dea]

“An explanation of the meaning of the word Hetch Hetchy has been obtained through the kindness of John Muir, who says: ‘I have been informed by mountaineers who know something of the Indian language that Hetch Hetchy is the name of a species of grass that the Tuolumne Indians used for food, and which grows on the meadow at the lower end of the valley. The grain, when ripe, was gathered and beaten out and pounded into meal in mortars.’ The word was originally spelled Hatchatchie.” (Sanchez:Spanish and Indian Place Names of California, 1922, p. 332.)

“Hatchatchie Valley (erroneously spelled Hetch Hetchy).” (Powers:Tribes of California, in Contributions to North American Ethnology, III, 1877, p. 357.)

“The Lower Tuolumne Yosemite, that I am about to sketch—called ‘Hetch Hetchy’ by the Indians—is said to have been discovered by one Joseph Screech, a hunter, in the year 1850, one year before Captain Boling and his party discovered Yosemite, in their pursuit of marauding Indians. . . . My first excursion to Hetch Hetchy was undertaken in the early portion of November, 1871.” (John Muir: Hetch Hetchy Valley, in Overland Monthly, July, 1873, pp. 42-43.)

“Hetch Hetchy is claimed by a sheep-owner named Smith, who drives stock into it every summer, by a trail which was built by Joseph Screech. It is often called Smith’s Valley.” (Same, pp. 49-50.)

“The valley was first visited, in 1850, by Mr. Joseph Screech, a mountaineer of this region, who found it occupied by Indians. This gentleman informed me that, up to a very recent date, this valley was disputed ground between the Pah Utah Indians from the eastern slope and the Big Creek Indians from the western slope of the Sierras; they had several fights, in which the Pah Utahs proved victorious. The latter still visit the valley every fall to gather acorns, which abound in this locality.” (Notes on Hetch Hetchy Valley by C. F. Hoffmann,read by J. D. Whitney at meeting of California Academy of Natural Sciences, October 21, 1867, in Proceedings, vol. III, part V, 1868, p. 370.)


Reservoir constructed by City and County of San Francisco under authority of act of Congress (commonly known as the Raker Act), approved by President Wilson December 19, 1913.

Project originated in 1901, when Mayor James D. Phelan applied for reservoir sites at Lake Eleanor and Hetch Hetchy. Applications denied, 1903, and again in 1905, by E. A. Hitchcock, Secretary of the Interior. In 1908, James K. Garfield, Secretary of the Interior, granted permit allowing City to developLake Eleanor and Cherry Valley, and if these proved insufficient, then Hetch Hetchy. In 1910, Secretary of the Interior R. A. Ballinger required the City “to show why the Hetch Hetchy Valley and reservoir site should not be eliminated from said permit.” An Advisory Board of Army Engineers, composed of Colonel John Biddle, Lieutenant-Colonel Harry Taylor, and Colonel Spencer Cosby, was appointed to investigate and report to the Secretary of the Interior. Report rendered February 19, 1913. Secretary of the Interior Walter L. Fisher, on March 1, 1913, declared that action on this matter should not be taken by the Secretary of the Interior, but that a grant should be made only upon specific authority of Congress. A bill was introduced in the next Congress, and was passed after extensive hearings had been held.

References:_Proceedings before the Secretary of the Interior in re use of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir Site in the Yosemite National Park by the City of San Francisco,_Washington, 1910.—_Report of Advisory Board of Army Engineers to the Secretary of the Interior,_Washington, 1913.—_The Hetch Hetchy Water Supply for San Francisco,_report by John R. Freeman, San Francisco, 1912.— Robert Underwood Johnson: Remembered Yesterdays, 1924, pp. 307-313.— Badè:Life and Letters of John Muir,1924, II, pp. 360-361, 384-385, 388-389, 416-423.—Muir:The Yosemite,1912, pp. 249-262.—Muir: in S.C.B., 1908, VI:4, pp. 211-220; in Outlook, November 2, 1907; in Century, January, 1909.— See, also, S.C.B., 1908, VI:4, pp. 264-268; 1908, VI:5, pp. 321-329; 1909, VII:1, pp. 69-71, 1909, VII:2, p. 133; 1910, VII:4, pp. 260-263; 1913, IX:1, pp. 44-45; 1914, IX:2, pp. 174-176, 192-199.

Construction was begun on approach roads in 1914; clearing floor of Hetch Hetchy Valley completed, 1917; construction of dam begun, 1919; dam completed and reservoir filled, 1923. (See, also, Lake Eleanor.) Hydro-electric power available at main power-house, Moccasin Creek, 1925; aqueduct for city water-supply not yet completed (1926).

HILGARD, MOUNT (13,350) [_Mount Goddard_]

“Above the valley [of Bear Creek], a bare slope flanks the base of the ridge of peaks of which Mount Hilgard is the most northern. These are several in number. Mount Hilgard from the west is a striking mass, strongly suggesting Castle Peak in Tuolumne County. It was thus named at the suggestion of an admiring former pupil of Professor Hilgard, Mr. Ernest C. Bonner, who accompanied me on one of my outings.” (Theodore S. Solomons: Manuscript, 1896, p. 66.)

“The rocks of the First Recess, which opens southward just above the valley, have striking individuality. The granite is very pure and creamy in appearance. Mount Hilgard, named in honor of Professor Hilgard of the University of California, stands at the head of this splendid side gorge.” (Theodore S. Solomons: Unexplored Regions of the High Sierra, in _Overland Monthly,_January, 1897, p. 74.) From this it appears that the name was originally given to the mountain shown on the U.S.G.S. map (edition of 1912) as Recess Peak.

Eugene Woldemar Hilgard (1833-1916); native of Bavaria; professor at University of Mississippi, and at University of Michigan; professor agricultureat University of California, 1875-1903; professor emeritus, 1903-1916.

Climbed by Charles F. Urquhart, July, 1905, probably the first ascent. (Letter from George R. Davis to Walter L. Huber, September 14, 1916.)

HITCHCOCK, MOUNT (13,188) [_Mount Whitney_]

On Tuesday, September 7, 1881, Rev. F. H. Wales, of Tulare, climbed Mount Young, where he built a monument and left a record of its name, “and the name of another handsome peak just south of it, which, from his suggestion, was named Mount Hitchcock.” (Elliott:_Guide to the Grand and Sublime Scenery of the Sierra Nevada,_1883, pp. 49-50.)

Charles Henry Hitchcock (1836-1919); professor of geology, Dartmouth College, 1868-1908; emeritus, 1908-1919; conducted the first high mountain observatory in United States, on Mount Washington, N. H., winter of 1870-1871.


John Benjamin Hockett (1828-1898), born at Fort Smith, Arkansas; a pioneer of Tulare County, camping at what was later Porterville as early as 1849; settled in Visalia, 1859; ran cattle in Kern Cañon as early as 1861, and was probably the first white man to visit the head of the cañon; built the trail which bears his name, 1862-1864. (Chester Versteeg, from Gus Walker of Olancha, and Mrs. J. B. Hockett.)

“Although this is one of the oldest trails into the mountains, it is the roughest. Both the Hockett and Jordan trails were ‘built’ for the purpose of diverting the travel to the mines of Inyo County from the Walker Pass. According to the ‘franchises’ that were granted for the construction and operation of these two toll-trails, they were intended to be converted into wagon-roads as soon as possible; but the collapse of the Inyo mining boom in the early ’60s defeated the enterprise, and no attempt was ever made to build any part of a road through the rough mountains.” (P. M. Norboe:Trails into the Mt. Whitney and Kern River Regions, in_Mt. Whitney Club Journal,_ 1903, no. 2, p. 67.)

HOFFMANN, MOUNT (10,921) [_Yosemite_]

Named by the Whitney Survey in 1863 for Charles F. Hoffmann, principal topographer of the survey. (Whitney Survey: Geology, 1865, p. 424.)

Charles Frederick Hoffmann (1838-1913); born at Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany; educated at an engineering school; topographer with Frederick W. Lander on Fort Kearney, South Pass, and Honey Lake wagon-road survey, 1857; came to California, 1858; member of California State Geological Survey, under Josiah Dwight Whitney, throughout its existence, 1860-1874; professor of topographical engineering, Harvard, 1871-1872; married Lucy Mayotta Browne, daughter of J. Ross Browne, 1870; associated with brothers-in-law, Ross E. Browne and Alfred Craven, in mining engineering at Virginia City, Nevada, 1874-1876; managed mines in Mexico, and at Forest Hill Divide, California, 1878-1886; investigated mines in Siberia and in Argentina; associated with Ross E. Browne in practice of mining engineering, with officesin San Francisco, 1888-1906. (Ross E. Browne.) Portrait in S.C.B., 1923, XI:4, plate cxi, and S.C.B., 1925, XII:2, plate XLIV.

Whitney says in a letter to his brother, May 3, 1862: “Hoffmann does as well in his place as anyone could possibly do. He is a German, twenty-four years old, formerly topographer to Lander’s wagon-road expedition, with a capital eye for hills and orography in general, and no vices.” (Brewster:Life and Letters of Josiah Dwight Whitney, 1909, p. 214.)

Whitney, Brewer, and Hoffmann were in the vicinity of Mount Hoffmann in 1863, and one or all may have climbed it. The summit and the view are described in the report. (Whitney Survey: Geology, 1865, p. 424.) Clarence King climbed it in October, 1864. (King:Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada,1872, pp. 144-145.) In 1867 a photograph was taken of the summit by W. Harris, showing Hoffmann himself with his transit. This photograph is among the plates accompanyingThe Yosemite Book,issued by the Whitney Survey in 1868. (See, also, S.C.B., 1923, XI:4, plate CXIII.)

John Muir climbed Mount Hoffmann, July 26, 1869. “Ramble to the summit of Mount Hoffmann, eleven thousand feet high, the highest point in life’s journey my feet have yet touched.” (Muir: My First Summer in the Sierra,1911, p. 199.)

HOMERS NOSE (9005) [_Kaweah_]

Named in 1872. John Homer, a veteran of the Mexican War, serving under Kearny; came to Visalia in 1853; a pioneer of the Kaweah region. (Chester Versteeg, from Homer family.)

The Indians say that the first Wutchumna Indians were “created” here by Tsohit, the Eagle God, and the Wolf God. (George W. Stewart.)

HOOPER, MOUNT (12,322) [_Mount Goddard_]

Named by R. B. Marshall, U.S.G.S., for Major William Burchell Hooper (1836-1903); native of Virginia; long identified with California life; in later years proprietor of the Occidental Hotel, San Francisco. (R. B. Marshall, Mrs. Mary Hooper Perry.) Theodore Jesse Hoover, born in Iowa, 1871; A.B., Stanford, 1901; manager, Standard Consolidated Mining Co., Bodie, California, 1904-1905; manager and consulting engineer of mines, 1906-1919; professor of mining and metallurgy, Stanford University, since 1919; brother of Herbert Clark Hoover; living in Santa Cruz County, California, 1926.

Lake named in 1905 by engineer of Standard Consolidated Mining Co., when making map of Green Creek basin for power development. (T. J. Hoover, E. H. Nutter.)

HOPKINS, MOUNT (12,300) [_Mount Goddard_]

Named by.R. B. Marshall, U.S.G.S., for Mark Hopkins (1813-1878), one of the organizers of the Central Pacific Railroad. (R. B. Marshall.)


J. H. Harrell, a cattleman of Tulare County, drove his horses into the mountains in the summer of 1877, after an exceptionally dry winter, to save them from starvation. He built a corral for them at this meadow and gave the name at that time. The meadow was later patented and became the property of D. K. Zumwalt and Jesse B. Agnew. (J. B. Agnew.)

HORTON LAKE [_Mount Goddard_]

William Horton, a pioneer settler in Round Valley, Inyo County. (Chalfant:The Story of Inyo, 1922, p. 166.) A huge boulder, sixty feet long and twenty feet thick, overhanging in such a way as to form a spacious room; used by the Potwisha Indians for gatherings, ceremonials, and for shelter for the sick and for new-born babies.

In 1860, Hale D. Tharp and John Swanson stayed here for three days while the Indians healed Swanson’s injured leg. In 1873 Alfred Everton was accidentally shot in a bear-trap that he had himself set. George Cahoon carried Everton to the rock, where he left him while he went for assistance. From this incident Hale Tharp gave it the name Hospital Rock. In 1893 James Wolverton lay here during his last illness. (Walter Fry, in_Sequoia National Park Nature Guide Bulletin,_No. 5, February 17, 1925.)

HUMPHREYS, MOUNT (13,972) [_Mount Goddard_]

Andrew Atkinson Humphreys (1810-1883); born in Pennsylvania; graduated U. S. Military Academy, second lieutenant, artillery, 1831; first lieutenant, 1836; topographical engineers, 1838; captain, 1848; major, 1861; lieutenant-colonel, 1863; brigadier-general and chief of engineers, 1866; retired, 1879; Major-general of volunteers, 1863-1866; joint author, with Lieutenant Henry Larcom Abbot, of _Report on the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River,_1861; as chief of engineers, was in general charge of Clarence King’s Survey of the Forthieth Parallel, 1867-1872.

Named by Whitney Survey; not mentioned in reports, but appears on Hoffmann’s map of 1873. The identity of the peak now known as Mount Humphreys with that on Hoffmann’s map and in Wheeler Survey reports is discussed by J. N. Le Conte in S.C.B., 1022, XI:3, pp. 249-250.

John Muir speaks of climbing Mount Humphreys in _Century Magazine,_November, 1891, p. 86, and also describes the view from the summit in Overland Monthly, January, 1875. (S.C.B., 1921, XI:2, p. 182.) But he was undoubtedly mistaken in the identity of the mountain. (S.C.B., 1922, XI:3, pp. 250-251; Badè:Life and Letters of John Muir, 1923, I, p. 388.)

An illustration by William Keith in_Picturesque California,_edited by John Muir, 1888, vol. I, opp. p. 12, confirms the opinion that the peak climbed by Muir was one of the “Evolution Group.”

First ascent, July 18, 1904, by James S. Hutchinson and Edward C. Hutchinson. (S.C.B., 1905, V:3, pp. 153-173.) For other ascents, see S.C.B., 1920, XI:1, pp. 56-59; S.C.B., 1921, XI:2, pp. 203-204; S.C.B., 1922, XI:3, p. 313.

Named in 1912 for Henry Edwards Huntington, at that time president of Pacific Light & Power Corporation; born at Oneonta, New York, 1850; railway and corporation officer; collector of books and works of art; now (1926) living at San Marino, California.

Huntington Lake reservoir formed in Big Creek basin by three dams constructed for Pacific Light & Power Corporation by Stone & Webster, 1912-1913; fourth dam constructed and level of reservoir surface raised thirty-five feet, 1916-1917. Pacific Light & Power Corporation consolidated with Southern California Edison Company, 1917. (_Hydroelectric Power Systems of California,_U. S. Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 493, by Frederick Hall Fowler, 1923, pp. 640-642.)

HUNTINGTON, MOUNT (12,393) [_Mount Goddard_]

Named by R. B. Marshall, U.S.G.S., for Collis Potter Huntington (1821-1900), one of the organizers of the Central Pacific Railroad. (R. B. Marshall.)

HURD PEAK (12,224) [_Mount Goddard_]

“Its name is derived from the late Mr. H. C. Hurd, an engineer who, while making certain explorations of this region, climbed it in 1906. So far as known, this was the first ascent. It was again ascended in 1909 by Clarence H. Rhudy and James Kevil.” (Walter L. Huber, in S.C.B., 1919, X:4, p. 440.)

HUTCHINGS, MOUNT (10,787) [_Tehipite_]

James Mason Hutchings (1818-1902), pioneer of the Yosemite; author and publisher of Hutchings’ California Magazine; Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in California,1860;In the Heart of the Sierras,1886. Hutchings climbed Mount Whitney in 1875, and name may have been given during that trip. It dates back at least to 1891, as it appears on map illustrating article by John Muir in Century Magazine, November, 1891. On Muir’s map it appears farther west than on the U.S.G.S. map of 1905, but the latter is in accord with the Le Conte map of 1896, and the Davis map of 1896.


James Sather Hutchinson, born in San Francisco, 1867; A.B., Harvard, 1897; LL.B., Hastings College of Law (University of California), 1899; attorney-at-law in San Francisco since 1899; editor of Sierra Club Bulletin, 1903-1904, 1925; explorer and climber in the Sierra for many years; first ascents of Mount Humphreys, North Palisade, Mount Sill, Black Kaweah, Mount Abbot, Red-and-White Peak. (S.C.B., 1903, IV:3, pp. 193-206; 1904, V:1, pp. 1-19; 1905, V:3, pp. 153-175; 1909, VII:1, pp. 1-22; 1914, IX:3, pp. 126-135; 1921, XI:2, pp. 118-135; 1923, XI:4, pp. 357-367; 1924, XII:1, pp. 7-20.)

Edward Church Hutchinson, president and managing director of Kennedy Mining and Milling Company, Amador County, who accompanied his brother on first ascent of Mount Humphreys.

HUXLEY, MOUNT (13,124) [_Mount Goddard_]

Named by Theodore S. Solomons in 1895 for the English biologist, ThomasHenry Huxley 1825-1895), as one of the Evolution Group of peaks. T. S. Solomons.) Edward Hyatt, Jr., assistant with U.S.G.S. party in 1909; A.B., Stanford, 1912; civil engineer; chief of Division of Water Rights, California State Department of Public Works, 1925. (R. B. Marshall.)

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