The Republic of Cascadia (original) (raw)

The Republic of Cascadia

Welcome to the Republic of Cascadia.

Now is the time for the citizens of Cascadia to demand their freedom from the oppressive governments of Canada and the United States. For too long have our people put up with indifference and condescendence from distant seats of power. We have been subject to francophonic imperialism and wasteful spending of our tax money. Our entrepreneurs have been attacked by the so-called justice system for merely doing their jobs and growing our economy. When will we say enough is enough?

The former American states of Oregon and Washington and the former Canadian province of British Columbia must join together as a sovereign nation. Only then can we have self-determination and take our rightful place in the Global Community.

The Republic of Cascadia Homepage prefers the use of Microsoft's Tahoma font, a truly patriotic Cascadian font if ever there was.

Cascadia: A Land Of Beauty & Prosperity

Map of CascadiaMap of North America

Statistics of the Republic of Cascadia:

The Republic of Cascadia stretches from 42° to 60° north latitude. Its western border consists of the Pacific coast and a portion of the American state of Alaska. On the east, it borders the American states of Idaho and Montana and the Canadian province of Alberta. Cascadia is divided into three prefectures: British Columbia, Oregon, and Washington.


Cascadia is a constitutional republic that guarantees its citizens their basic rights, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to a fair trial with a jury of peers. It has a strong democratic tradition and universal suffrage. The seat of the national government is in the capital city of Cascadia, which is tucked safely away from centers of urban decadence.


Cascadia has abundant natural resources. Vast forests provide it with ample timber for both export and domestic use. Rich fish and shellfish stocks also supply valuable exports as well as powerful brain-food for its citizens. Raging rivers and vulcanism offer cheap and renewable forms of hydrodynamic and geothermal power generation. Its many harbors and protected waterways give Cascadia an edge when it comes to trans-Pacific shipping.

Its natural resources are exceeded only by its industrial resources. The Cascadian software and biotechnology industries lead the world in innovation and market-share dominance. Cascadian-produced software is on 97% of the world's computers, and that figure will continue to rise. (Although it has not yet achieved sheep-cloning technology, it is close -- watch out Scotland!) The Republic of Cascadia is a nuclear power with the ability to process weapons-grade plutonium and also advanced missile technology. Cascadia has the facilities and technical expertise to produce a wide range of fighter, support, and commercial aircraft, as well as space vehicles. Besides being a global leader in vehicle technology, Cascadian industry is also developing sea-based launch capabilities for orbital payload delivery and possible lunar conquests.

But why conquer the moon when you can win the stars? The Republic of Cascadia has long been sought by movie and TV producers for use in location shooting -- and even production work -- because of its scenic beauty; commercially popular image; and cheap, non-union labor. This is just a part of Cascadia's plan to become a global media powerhouse, the likes of which Hollywood couldn't imagine. Cascadia has a proven track-record in producing trends in music, fashion, food, and other forms of product consumption, which it can profit from by building on its brand recognition and loyalty. Furthermore, with its space program providing satellite technology and its software industry providing cutting-edge Internet technology, Cascadia is poised to control the means of infotainment distribution -- and thereby consumer demand -- on a global scale.

The Republic of Cascadia is not yet officially recognized by Canada, the United States of America, or the United Nations. Not that it is any of their business.

The Flag Of The Republic Of Cascadia

The Cascadian Flag

The Cascadian flag contains the following symbolic elements:

The Cascadian Postal Authority

Like any sovereign nation, the Republic of Cascadia reserves the right to operate its own postal system and issue its own postage stamps. Stamps of the Republic of Cascadia are educational and fun to collect. Cascadian stamps feature the best of our natural, cultural, and industrial products. Some of our recent commemorative issues include: Mountains of the Cascades Rainer, Adams, Hood, St. Hellens, not only are they the backbone of our nation but their majestic peaks make stamps that any collector would treasure. Micro-breweries of Cascadia From BridgePort Blue Heron to Redhook Rhy, all your favorites are here! Part of the Beverages of Cascadia series. (Available in blocks of six.) Starbucks Coffee Blends Also part of our Beverages of Cascadia series. Includes such popular blends as Guatemala Antigua, Colombia Nariño Supremo, and of course, Starbucks' House Blend. The Geoduck Our lovable natural treasure is honored in a commemorative sheet. Versions of Microsoft Windows From version 1.0 to 98, NT, and CE, and beyond!. Explore the wonders of Cascadian software technology through stamps. Profits from stamp sales go to support the Republic of Cascadia's struggles against its oppressors in Ottawa and Washington DC. Currently we can not offer to sell these stamps by mail due to conflicts with occupying postal authorities. However, you may visit our central post office in the capital city of Cascadia and purchase these and other philatelic collectables. Starbucks House Blend Stamp Geoduck Stamp

Show Your Support

Buttons & Badges:

Show your support for Cascadian independence and industry by placing one of these handsome buttons or badges -- handcrafted in Cascadia by Cascadians -- on your website or weblog for free.

The Republic Of Cascadia Free Cascadia! Made In Cascadia Powered By Cascadian Software .rc ccTLD NOW!
Made in Cascadia Made in Cascadia

Auto Sticker:

autosticker The Cascadian Department of Transportation, in association with Cafepress, is proud to offer this oval autosticker. Show your fellow Cascadian motorists your patriotism and declare Cascadian independence to foreign motorists when traveling abroad in Idaho and Alberta. (CAUTION: Having this sticker on your car may cause you to be harassed when going through Californian fruit inspection stations.)


Free Cascadia Proud Citizen of the Republic of Cascadia Bumperstickers: like web buttons for your car.

Flag Sticker:

Official Republic of Cascadia Websites:

Cascadian News & Views:

The Cascadian

Online newspaper of Cascadian issues & interests.

ZPi Blog: Cascadia topic

Cascadian news you won't hear elsewhere, in convenient blog format.

More Cascadian news sources...

Other Cascadian Sites:

Cascadia Commons

Working towards creating a friendly-society that will meet the needs of Cascadians and restore the bioregion before the end of the 21st century.

Cascadian Independence Project

Grassroots movement for building support for Cascadian independence.

Salmon Nation

An independent subnation for our piscine brothers and sisters within the Cascadian borders.

Cascadia, Cascadia by Dan LaRocque

This song was commissioned by the Committee for Cascadian Independence as an anthem to rally around.

The State of Jefferson

Movement to split Oregon in two and combine the lower half with annexed NorCal to form Jefferson State, thereby strengthening Cascadia's southern border against Californian incursions.

Cascadia Wildlands Project

Dedicated to defending the forests, waters and wildlife of Cascadia.

The Cascadian National Party

A progressive political party that is calling for the secession of the states of Oregon and Washington from the United States to create the Republic of Cascadia.

Cascadia Project

Project to promote Cascadian independence by subverting DC/Ottawa control through Cascadian economic integration and tourism. From the Discovery Institute.

Cascadia Rising!

"News for Cascadia Forest Defenders Everywhere". Paramilitary organization advocating guerilla war in the rainforests of Cascadia against the Evil Empires, possibly employing catapults and primative hang-gliders. Yub nub!


List of many Cascadian related links.

Additional Cascadia related links... (From


Travel guide from Lonely Planet covering nations not recognized by the UN, including Cascadia.

New California Republic

Working to liberate our neighbors to the south from Federalist rule.

Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation

"UNPO offers an international forum for occupied nations, indigenous peoples, minorities, and even oppressed majorities who currently struggle to regain their lost countries, preserve their cultural identities, protect their basic human and economic rights and safeguard the natural environment."

Cascadian Merchandise/Entertainment:

Please support the Cascadian economy by buying only Cascadian products and Cascadian-bred alpacas.

Cascadia Con: 2005 North American Science Fiction Convention

Worldcon style convention with a Pacific Northwest flavor that was held Sept. 1-5th, 2005 in Seattle. PDF copies of the newsletters are available.

State of Jefferson Alpaca Association

"The mission of the State of Jefferson Alpaca Association is: To unite the alpaca owners of Southern Oregon and Northern California so as to promote alpacas within the area, to educate the public about alpacas, and to effectively market the animals and products of the members."

Gateway Alpaca Farm

"Alpaca, a natural elegance, a renewable luxury, a sustainable lifestyle." Help support the alpaca lifestyle in Southern Cascadia.

Mt. Si Alpacas

"Providing High Quality Alpacas and Alpaca related information. Support Alpacas in Southern Cascadia"

Tim's Cascade Chips

Super crunchy, Cascadian made potato chips. The "Hot! Jalapeño" flavor is Cascadia's answer to a chemical weapons program.

Fish Brewing Company

Maker of fine ales and lagers, proudly brewed in the Republic of Cascadia.

Morton Beebe

Photographer, author of "Cascadia, A Tale of Two Cities", a book of photography of Seattle and Vancouver, Cascadia.


Please help out this struggling Cascadian software company by buying their operating system. Tell them you support the Republic of Cascadia and they'll include the hit game Minesweeper for free!