Zeno Karl Schindler Fondation (original) (raw)

Are you worried about the future of our planet?

The well-being of the environment and global warming are top priorities to the missions of the Foundation.

This is the reason for its link with the EPFL (see its special web sites on doctoral programs on the environment or their energy center). Thus, the ZKS Foundation is glad to accept and manage donations specifically earmarked on the environment and on global climate change.

Alternatively, are you fascinated by the origins of our language, captivated by the artistic and scientific treasures of the Middle Ages?

The Foundation’s special link with the Geneva University serves as a basis for the promotion of research in this field.

Hence, please help our researchers with their quite various projects via the ZKS Foundation! The Swiss Federal Office of Supervision of Foundations controls the running of the ZKS Foundation; an internationally distinguished private Bank manages with the required prudence and according to the Foundation’s statutes the funds.

The Foundation’s funds consist in the capital of equipment at the moment of its Constitution, its revenues (minus payments of the benefits and the operating expenses).

The founder herself has contributed regularly with supplementary funds; friends and family members made other donations.

The parents of one of our Summerschool students have made a very encouraging donation.

Nevertheless, the founder looks forward to other givers donating, whose donations or promises will be mentioned on this web site according to their desire (click on Donation Promise).


The founder always looked forward to other givers donating, whose donations or promises will be mentioned on this website according to their desire (click on Donation Promise).

Donators domiciled in Switzerland can deduce the amount of the donation from their taxable income. In most of the other European countries and in the USA, donations to non-profit institutions whose purpose is of common interest are tax deductible.

Download the donation document.