Stamps Of Palestine - Introduction (E) (original) (raw)


These few pages on the philately of Palestine are intended as a concise introduction to this fascinating field of stamp collecting. They should act as an encouragement to explore the philatelic literature. The information often exceeds what general catalogues (e.g. Michel-Übersee or Stanley Gibbons) contain, but certainly cannot replace to any extent the very specialized catalogues and literature in this field (e.g. Bale Palestine Mandate, Dorfman, or Hoexter).

I have to thank fellow collectors Aladdin Adwan, Thomas Schubert, Jan R. Blok, Gordon Bonnett, and Rolf Wernecke who have contributed to the site, especially by providing numerous illustrations.

Please forbear any mistakes, inconsistencies and incompleteness. You can actively help to improve the pages. I am open to any suggestions, hints or help. Please do contact me by e-mail: ed (2K)

In order not to separate philately from its historical context, I have written concise introductions. These are not meant to be ideologically balanced portrayals and are not giving the various divergent interpretations of events equal value. The history of the Middle East is problably the most controversial field of historiography. I may hold positions that do not necessarily concur with the dominant pro-zionist historiography, but there are enough websites that deal with the Arab-Israel conflict in general and also those that present the standpoints and views of all sides in the conflict. Everyone interested in history has the possibility to chose and to form an opinion of his own.

A subset of pages from this website is competing in philatelic exhibitions and were awarded prizes: details.

Some pages use icons from Mark James' Silk Icons set.
Silk icon set 1.3
Mark James
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License.

Cataloguing Systems

The numbering systems of the dominant catalogue publishers differ (at times) substantially. For instance Michel uses 73 main numbers as it discerns the overprints by suffixes. Stanley Gibbons lists 113 main numbers, Scott and Yvert Tellier lie inbetween. Differences in type, variety and shading, etc., are also designated differently.
On my web site I use Stanley Gibbons (abbreviation: SG) throughout; additionally I give Michel numbers in the table sections. The numbering used by specialized catalogue Bale Palestine Mandate is identical to the SG numbers, but extended for the various varieties. Where necessary to distinguish these, I also use Bale numbers.
Postmarks are catalogued using the works of Sacher (Mandate), Firebrace (Field Post), Wallach (Jordanian occupation) and Collins/Steichele (Ottoman Post). Postal stationery follows Higgins & Gage and Hochheiser, airgraphs Danesh/Fletcher.

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