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Abstract: Information provides harmony in nature and society. The mankind must carry out a purposeful activity in the sphere of spiritual and ecological prosperity of population in order to preserve and support its spiritual and mental health and satisfy human being’s energy and information needs on a worthy ethical level taking a magnitude of equivalent, equipollent and equitable, “narrations”, world views, ideologies, ways of life alternative to each other into consideration.

Keywords: information kashrut, postmodernism, pluralism, spirit ecology, Jean-François Lyotard, culture of information management.

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�������������� ���������� �������-������������� ��������� ����. URL: http://www.newhumanity.org.ru

��������� ���� ����������� (�. 1976, ������) — ��������, ����� ���� ����. �������� � ����� «���������». � 2004 �. ����� � ��������. ������� ��� ������ ����������� � ������� �����������, ���������� � �������������.

Tuboltsev Yuriy Anatolievich (b. 1976, Moscow) — writer (mainly in the genre of miniature), the author of two books. He’s been living in Germany since 2004. He has acquired three diplomas of higher education in the field of management, psychology and culturology.

!["������. ���������. ������" � 4 2021](http://www.zpu-journal.ru/zpu/covers/4_2021.jpg ""������. ���������. ������" � 4 2021") ����� � ���� �4 ������� �� 2021 �.
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