XProc - Home (original) (raw)
XProc is an XML based programming language for processing documents in pipelines: chaining conversions and other steps together to achieve the desired results. This site is dedicated to XProc version 3.0 and higher.
The current stable version of the Xproc specification is 3.0. Version 3.1, a relatively minor update, is currently (2024) under development.
XProc has been around, in its 1.0 version, since 2010. All information about this older version can be found here.
The following are important sources of information about XProc 3.0:
- To whet your appetite, read the XProc introduction or have a look at the Introduction to XProc 3.0 article at the xml.com website.
- There's an XProc 3.0 Programmer Reference book, which you can order here.
- We have collected as many learning materials about XProc 3.0 as we could find here (conference talks, webinars, articles, etc.).
- There are, of course, the formal specifications of the XProc 3.0 language.
- To run XProc you need one of the XProc processors
- Conformance checking of these processors is done using the XProc test suite
- You can find XProc on GitHub at https://github.com/xproc
- Join in or visit the archives of the XProc mailing list:
The XProc specification is maintained by Achim Berndzen, Gerrit Imsieke, Erik Siegel and Norman Tovey-Walsh.