Armor Exe (original) (raw)

The Chinese, Croatian and Greek names given are not official. (card names)

The Chinese lore given is not official.

Armor Exe魔 (ま) 導 (どう) アーマー エグゼ
English Armor Exe
Chinese 魔導鎧甲 執行者Check translation
French Armure ExeCheck translation
German Rüstungs-ExeCheck translation
Italian Armatura ExeCheck translation
Korean 마도 아머 에그제Check translation
Portuguese Armadura ExeCheck translation
Spanish Armadura ExeCheck translation
Japanese (kana) まどうアーマー エグゼCheck translation
Japanese (base) 魔導アーマー エグゼCheck translation
Japanese (rōmaji) Madō Āmā Eguze
Japanese (translated) Magical Armor Exe
Card type Monster
Types Rock / Effect
Level 4 CG Star
ATK / DEF 2400 / 1400
Passcode 07180418
Card effect types Continuous Maintenance cost
Statuses Unlimited
Card descriptions English This card cannot attack in the same turn it is Normal Summoned, Flip Summoned, or Special Summoned. During each of your and your opponent's Standby Phases, remove 1 Spell Counter on your side of the field. If you do not, destroy this card. French Cette carte ne peut pas attaquer le tour durant lequel elle est Invoquée par Invocation Normale, Invocation Flip ou Invocation Spéciale. Durant chacune de vos Standby Phases, retirez 1 Compteur Magie sur votre Terrain. Si vous ne le faites pas, détruisez cette carte. German Diese Karte kann im Spielzug, in dem sie als Normal-, Flipp- oder Spezialbeschwörung beschworen wurde, nicht angreifen. Entferne in jeder deiner Standby Phasen und jeder Standby Phase deines Gegners 1 Zauberzählmarke auf deiner Spielfeldseite. Wenn du dies nicht tust, zerstöre diese Karte. Italian Questa carta non può attaccare nello stesso turno in cui viene Evocata tramite Evocazione Normale, Evocazione per Scoperta, o Evocazione Speciale. Durante ogni Standby Phase tua e del tuo avversario, rimuovi 1 Segnalino Magia sul tuo Terreno. Se non lo fai, distruggi questa carta. Portuguese Este card não pode atacar no mesmo turno em que é Invocado, por Invocação-Normal, Invocação-Virar, ou Invocação-Especial. Durante cada uma das suas e das Standby Phases do seu adversário, remova 1 Contador Mágico no seu Campo. Se você não o fizer, destrua este card. Spanish Esta carta no puede atacar el mismo turno en el que es Invocada mediante una Invocación Normal, Invocación de Volteo o Invocación Especial. Durante cada una de tus Standby Phases y de las de tu adversario, retira 1 Contador Mágico en tu Campo. Si no lo haces, destruye esta carta. Japanese このカードは召喚・反転召喚・特殊召喚したターンには攻擊できない。自分と相手のスタンバイフェイズ每に、自分のフィールド上の魔力カウンターを1個取り除く。取り除かない場合はこのカードを破壞する。 Chinese 這張卡召喚·反轉召喚·特殊召喚的回合不能進行攻擊。在自己與對方的每1個準備階段,從自己場上除去1個「魔力指示物」,如果不除去「魔力指示物」,則這張卡被破壞。 Korean 이 카드는 일반 소환 / 반전 소환 / 특수 소환한 턴에는 공격할 수 없다. 자신과 상대의 스텐바이 페이즈마다. 자신 필드 위의 마력 카운터를 1개 제거한다. 제거하지 않을 경우는 이 카드를 파괴한다.
TCG sets English—Worldwide Release dateCard codeSetRarity2005-03-19DR1-EN130Dark Revelation Volume 1Common English—North America Release dateCard codeSetRarityMFC-075Magician's ForceRare French Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity2005-03-19DR1-FR130Dark Revelation Volume 1Sombre Révélation 1Common German Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity2005-06-01DR1-DE130Dark Revelation Volume 1Dark Revelations Volume 1Common Italian Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity2005-03-19DR1-IT130Dark Revelation Volume 1Rivelazione Oscura Vol.1Common Portuguese Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity2005-03-01DR1-PT130Dark Revelation Volume 1Revelação Negra Volume 1Common Spanish Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity2005-03-19DR1-SP130Dark Revelation Volume 1Revelación Oscura Volumen 1Common
OCG sets Japanese Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity2002-09-19303-021Champion of Black Magic黒魔導の覇者Rare2004-09-23EE1-JP130Expert Edition Volume 1EXPERT EDITION Volume.1Common Asian-English Release dateCard codeSetRarity2004-01-19MFC-075Magician's ForceRare Korean Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity2005-03-08MFC-KR075Magician's Force매지션의 힘Rare2006-07-06HGP1-KR130Expert Edition Volume 1하이 그레이드 팩 Vol.1Common
Video game sets Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006 Magician's Force All Effect Monsters (Common) All at Random (Common)
Card search categories Archetypes and series Prophecy Counters Spell Counter Monster/Spell/Trap categories Destroys itself Attack categories Cannot attack
Other card information Gallery Rulings Errata Tips Appearances Trivia Lores Artworks Names
External links Yugioh-Card card database: 5659 (ja (rulings) en fr de it pt es ae ko )YuGiOh Prices
Video game Date # Name Cost Alignment ATK DEF Status
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006 2006-02-23 ??? Unlimited
"Armor Exe" pages
"Prophecy" 「魔 (ま) 導 (どう) 」
[Members](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Prophecy%22%5Fcards "List of "Prophecy" cards") Amores of ProphecyAncient SorcererApprentice Illusion MagicianArmor ExeBreaker the Dark Magical WarriorBreaker the Magical WarriorCharioteer of ProphecyCrowley, the First PropheseerD/D Savant CopernicusD/D Savant GalileiD/D Savant KeplerD/D Savant NewtonD/D Savant NikolaD/D Savant ThomasDark CavalryDark Magician the Knight of Dragon MagicThe Dark MagiciansDark PaladinDay-Breaker the Shining Magical WarriorDefender, the Magical KnightEbon High MagicianEbon Illusion MagicianEbon Magician CurranEmperor of ProphecyEmpress of ProphecyEndymion, the Master MagicianEndymion, the Mighty Master of MagicThe Fiend MegacyberFool of ProphecyGilti-Gearfried the Magical Steel KnightGiltia the D. KnightGiltia the D. Knight - Soul SpearHermit of ProphecyHierophant of ProphecyHigh Priestess of ProphecyThe Illusory GentlemanJustice of ProphecyMagical Cavalry of CxulubMagical MerchantMagical ScientistMaster of ChaosMasterful Magician, Servant of the SanctuaryProphecy DestroyerReaper of ProphecyRed-Eyes Dark DragoonSilent PaladinSkilled Brown MagicianSkilled White MagicianSorcerer of SebekSpellbook Magician of ProphecyStoic of ProphecyStrength of ProphecySupreme Arcanite MagicianTemperance of ProphecyTestament of the Arcane LordsTime Wizard of TomorrowWater MagicianWheel of ProphecyWhite Magician PikeruWorld of Prophecy Dark Magical CircleThe Grand Spellbook TowerHidden SpellbookMage PowerMagical Contract DoorMagical Mid-Breaker FieldMega Ton Magical CannonSpellbook Library of the CrescentSpellbook Library of the HeliosphereSpellbook OrganizationSpellbook Star HallSpellbook of EternitySpellbook of FateSpellbook of JudgmentSpellbook of KnowledgeSpellbook of LifeSpellbook of MiraclesSpellbook of PowerSpellbook of SecretsSpellbook of WisdomSpellbook of the MasterType Zero Magic Crusher
[Support](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Prophecy%22%5Fsupport%5Fcards "List of "Prophecy" support cards") Stoic of Prophecy
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