Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning (original) (raw)

The Arabic, Croatian, Greek, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese names given are not official. (card names)

The Thai lore given is not official.

Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginningカオス・ソルジャー -開 (かい) 闢 (びゃく) の使 (し) 者 (しゃ) -
English Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
Chinese 混沌战士 -开辟的使者-Check translation
French Soldat du Lustre Noir - Emissaire du CommencementCheck translation
German Schwarz Glänzender Soldat - Gesandter des AnfangsCheck translation
Italian Glorioso Soldato Nero - Emissario dell'InizioCheck translation
Korean 카오스 솔저 -개벽-Check translation
Portuguese Soldado do Lustro Negro - Enviado do PrincípioCheck translation
Spanish Soldado del Brillo Negro - Enviado del PrincipioCheck translation
Japanese (kana) カオス・ソルジャー -かいびゃくのししゃ-Check translation
Japanese (base) カオス・ソルジャー -開闢の使者-Check translation
Japanese (rōmaji) Kaosu Sorujā -Kaibyaku no Shisha-
Japanese (translated) Chaos Soldier -Envoy of the Beginning-
Card type Monster
Types Warrior / Effect
Level 8 CG Star
ATK / DEF 3000 / 2500
Passcode 72989439
Card effect types Summon Summon Condition Ignition Condition Trigger
Statuses Unlimited
Card descriptions English Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must first be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your GY. Once per turn, you can activate 1 of these effects.● Target 1 monster on the field; banish it. This card cannot attack the turn this effect is activated.● If this attacking card destroys an opponent's monster by battle: It can make a second attack in a row. French Ni Invocable Normalement ni Posable Normalement. Doit d'abord être Invoquée Spécialement (depuis votre main) en bannissant 1 monstre LUMIÈRE et 1 monstre TÉNÈBRES depuis votre Cimetière. Une fois par tour, vous pouvez activer 1 de ces effets.● Ciblez 1 monstre sur le Terrain ; bannissez-le. Cette carte ne peut pas attaquer le tour où cet effet est activé.● Si cette carte attaquante détruit un monstre de l'adversaire au combat : elle peut faire une seconde attaque à la suite. German Kann nicht als Normalbeschwörung beschworen/gesetzt werden. Muss erst als Spezialbeschwörung (von deiner Hand) beschworen werden, indem du 1 LICHT und 1 FINSTERNIS Monster von deinem Friedhof verbannst. Einmal pro Spielzug kannst du 1 dieser Effekte aktivieren.● Wähle 1 Monster auf dem Spielfeld; verbanne es. Diese Karte kann in dem Spielzug, in dem dieser Effekt aktiviert wird, nicht angreifen.● Falls diese angreifende Karte ein Monster eines Gegners durch Kampf zerstört: Sie kann sofort einen zweiten Angriff durchführen. Italian Non può essere Evocato Normalmente/Posizionato. Deve prima essere Evocato Specialmente (dalla tua mano) bandendo 1 mostro LUCE e 1 mostro OSCURITÀ dal tuo Cimitero. Una volta per turno, puoi attivare 1 di questi effetti.● Scegli come bersaglio 1 mostro sul Terreno; bandiscilo. Questa carta non può attaccare nel turno in cui questo effetto viene attivato.● Se questa carta attaccante distrugge un mostro dell'avversario in battaglia: essa può effettuare un secondo attacco di seguito. Portuguese Não pode ser Invocado por Invocação-Normal/Baixado. Primeiro deve ser Invocado por Invocação-Especial (da sua mão) ao banir 1 monstro de LUZ e 1 de TREVAS do seu Cemitério. Uma vez por turno, você pode ativar 1 desses efeitos.● Escolha 1 monstro no campo; bana-o. Este card não pode atacar no turno em que este efeito for ativado.● Se este card que estiver atacando destruir um monstro do oponente em batalha: ele pode realizar um segundo ataque em seguida. Spanish No puede ser Invocado de Modo Normal/Colocado. Debe ser primero Invocado de Modo Especial (desde tu mano) desterrando 1 monstruo de LUZ y 1 de OSCURIDAD en tu Cementerio. Una vez por turno, puedes activar 1 de estos efectos.● Selecciona 1 monstruo en el Campo; destiérralo. Esta carta no puede atacar el turno en el que este efecto es activado.● Si esta carta atacante destruye un monstruo del adversario en batalla: ésta puede hacer un segundo ataque inmediatamente después. Japanese このカードは通常召喚できない。自分の墓地から光属性と闇属性のモンスターを1体ずつ除外した場合に特殊召喚できる。このカードの①②の効果は1ターンに1度、いずれか1つしか使用できない。①:フィールドのモンスター1体を対象として発動できる。そのモンスターを除外する。この効果を発動するターン、このカードは攻撃できない。②:このカードの攻撃で相手モンスターを破壊した時に発動できる。このカードはもう1度だけ続けて攻撃できる。 Chinese 这张卡不能通常召唤。把自己墓地的光属性和暗属性怪兽各1只从游戏中除外的场合可以特殊召唤。1回合1次,可以从以下效果选择1个发动。●选择场上1只怪兽从游戏中除外。这个效果发动的回合,这张卡不能攻击。●这张卡的攻击破坏对方怪兽的场合,只有1次可以继续进行攻击。 Korean 이 카드는 통상 소환할 수 없다. 자신 묘지에서 빛 속성과 어둠 속성 몬스터를 1장씩 제외했을 경우에 특수 소환할 수 있다. 이 카드의 ①②의 효과는 1턴에 1번, 어느 쪽이든 1개밖에 사용할 수 없다. ①: 필드의 몬스터 1장을 대상으로 하고 발동할 수 있다. 그 몬스터를 제외한다. 이 효과를 발동하는 턴에, 이 카드는 공격할 수 없다. ②: 이 카드의 공격으로 상대 몬스터를 파괴했을 때에 발동할 수 있다. 이 카드는 1번만 더 이어서 공격할 수 있다.
TCG sets English—Worldwide Release dateCard codeSetRarity2004-03-01IOC-EN025Invasion of ChaosUltra Rare2005-10-20DR2-EN025Dark Revelation Volume 2Ultra Rare2011-06-24GLD4-EN013Gold Series 4: Pyramids EditionGold Rare2012-09-29LCYW-EN025Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackSecret Rare2013-08-30CT10-EN0052013 Collectible Tins Wave 1Super Rare2014-03-28PGLD-EN085Premium GoldGold Rare2015-11-12YGLD-ENA02Yugi's Legendary DecksCommon2017-03-30DUSA-EN053Duelist SagaUltra Rare2020-02-13SDSH-EN012Structure Deck: Shaddoll ShowdownCommon2020-06-18TOCH-EN029Toon ChaosRare2020-06-18TOCH-EN029Toon ChaosCollector's Rare2022-11-03MAMA-EN047Magnificent MavensUltra Rare English—North America Release dateCard codeSetRarityIOC-025Invasion of ChaosUltra RareMC2-EN004Master Collection Volume 2Secret Rare French Release dateCard codeSetFrench nameRarity2005-10-20DR2-FR025Dark Revelation Volume 2Sombre Révélation Volume 2Ultra Rare2007-06-12IOC-FR025Invasion of ChaosL'Invasion des TenebresUltra Rare2011-06-24GLD4-FR013Gold Series 4: Pyramids EditionCollection Gold 4: Édition PyramidesGold Rare2012-09-27LCYW-FR025Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackCollection Légendaire 3: Le Monde de Yugi Méga PackSecret Rare2013-08-29CT10-FR0052013 Collectible Tins Wave 1Boîtes à Collectionner 2013 Vague 1Super Rare2014-03-27PGLD-FR085Premium GoldGold PremiumGold Rare2015-11-12YGLD-FRA02Yugi's Legendary DecksDecks Légendaires de YugiCommon2017-03-30DUSA-FR053Duelist SagaLa Saga des DuellistesUltra Rare2020-02-13SDSH-FR012Structure Deck: Shaddoll ShowdownDeck de Structure : La Confrontation des Marionettes l'OmbreCommon2020-06-18TOCH-FR029Toon ChaosLe Chaos ToonRare2020-06-18TOCH-FR029Toon ChaosLe Chaos ToonCollector's Rare2022-11-03MAMA-FR047Magnificent MavensLes Expertes FantastiquesUltra Rare German Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity2005-10-01DR2-DE025Dark Revelation Volume 2Dark Revelation Volume 2Ultra Rare2007-06-09IOC-DE025Invasion of ChaosInvasion of ChaosUltra Rare2011-06-22GLD4-DE013Gold Series 4: Pyramids EditionGold Series 4: Pyramids EditionGold Rare2012-09-27LCYW-DE025Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackLegendary Collection 3: Mega PackSecret Rare2013-08-29CT10-DE0052013 Collectible Tins Wave 1Sammel-Tins 2013 Wave 1Super Rare2014-03-27PGLD-DE085Premium GoldPremium GoldGold Rare2015-11-12YGLD-DEA02Yugi's Legendary DecksYugi's Legendary DecksCommon2017-03-30DUSA-DE053Duelist SagaDuelist SagaUltra Rare2020-02-13SDSH-DE012Structure Deck: Shaddoll ShowdownStructure Deck: Shaddoll ShowdownCommon2020-06-18TOCH-DE029Toon ChaosToon ChaosRare2020-06-18TOCH-DE029Toon ChaosToon ChaosCollector's Rare2022-11-03MAMA-DE047Magnificent MavensMagnificent MavensUltra Rare Italian Release dateCard codeSetItalian nameRarity2005-10-20DR2-IT025Dark Revelation Volume 2Rivelazione Oscura Volume 2Ultra Rare2007-06-12IOC-IT025Invasion of ChaosInvasione del ChaosUltra Rare2011-06-22GLD4-IT013Gold Series 4: Pyramids EditionSerie Oro 4: Edizione PiramidiGold Rare2012-09-27LCYW-IT025Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackCollezione Leggendaria 3 Mega-PackSecret Rare2013-08-29CT10-IT0052013 Collectible Tins Wave 1Tin da Collezione 2013 Emissione 1Super Rare2014-03-27PGLD-IT085Premium GoldPremium OroGold Rare2015-11-12YGLD-ITA02Yugi's Legendary DecksI Deck Leggendari di YugiCommon2017-03-30DUSA-IT053Duelist SagaSaga dei DuellantiUltra Rare2020-02-13SDSH-IT012Structure Deck: Shaddoll ShowdownStructure Deck: Resa dei Conti BambolaombraCommon2020-06-18TOCH-IT029Toon ChaosChaos ToonRare2020-06-18TOCH-IT029Toon ChaosChaos ToonCollector's Rare2022-11-03MAMA-IT047Magnificent MavensLe Magnifiche EsperteUltra Rare Portuguese Release dateCard codeSetPortuguese nameRarity2013-08-30CT10-PT0052013 Collectible Tins Wave 1Lata Colecionável 2013Super Rare2014-03-28PGLD-PT085Premium GoldPremière OuroGold Rare2015-11-13YGLD-PTA02Yugi's Legendary DecksDecks Lendários do YugiCommon2017-05-26DUSA-PT053Duelist SagaSaga dos DuelistasUltra Rare2020-02-13SDSH-PT012Structure Deck: Shaddoll ShowdownDeck Estrutural: Confronto SombranecoCommon2020-06-18TOCH-PT029Toon ChaosCaos ToonRare2020-06-18TOCH-PT029Toon ChaosCaos ToonCollector's Rare2022-11-03MAMA-PT047Magnificent MavensEspecialistas MagníficasUltra Rare Spanish Release dateCard codeSetSpanish nameRarity2005-10-20DR2-SP025Dark Revelation Volume 2Revelación Oscura Volumen 2Ultra Rare2007-06-09IOC-SP025Invasion of ChaosInvasión del CaosUltra Rare2011-06-22GLD4-SP013Gold Series 4: Pyramids EditionSerie Dorada 4: Edición de las PirámidesGold Rare2012-09-27LCYW-SP025Legendary Collection 3: Yugi's World Mega PackColección Legendaria 3: El Mundo de Yugi Mega PackSecret Rare2013-08-29CT10-SP0052013 Collectible Tins Wave 1Latas Coleccionables 2013 Lanzamiento 1Super Rare2014-03-27PGLD-SP085Premium GoldDorada PremiumGold Rare2015-11-12YGLD-SPA02Yugi's Legendary DecksBarajas Legendarias de YugiCommon2017-03-30DUSA-SP053Duelist SagaLa Saga del DuelistaUltra Rare2020-02-13SDSH-SP012Structure Deck: Shaddoll ShowdownBaraja de Estructura: Confrontación de SombrañecasCommon2020-06-18TOCH-SP029Toon ChaosCaos ToonRare2020-06-18TOCH-SP029Toon ChaosCaos ToonCollector's Rare2022-11-03MAMA-SP047Magnificent MavensExpertas MagníficasUltra Rare
OCG sets Japanese Release dateCard codeSetJapanese nameRarity2003-04-24306-025Controller of Chaos混沌を制す者Ultra Rare2003-04-24306-025Controller of Chaos混沌を制す者Ultimate Rare2003-04-24306-025Controller of Chaos混沌を制す者Ultra Parallel Rare2005-03-17EE2-JP025Expert Edition Volume 2EXPERT EDITION Volume.2Ultra Rare2012-01-07GS04-JP004Gold Series 2012GOLD SERIES 2012Normal Rare2012-01-07GS04-JP004Gold Series 2012GOLD SERIES 2012Gold Rare2012-08-25GDB1-JP064The Gold BoxTHE GOLD BOXGold Rare2014-03-0815AY-JPA02Memories of the Duel King: Duelist Kingdom Arc15周年記念商品 決闘王の記憶 -決闘者の王国編-Ultra Rare2015-12-19MP01-JP006Millennium Pack (OCG)MILLENNIUM PACKMillennium Super Rare20AP-JP02720th Anniversary Pack 1st WaveSuper Parallel Rare2018-11-23LVP2-JP003LINK VRAINS Pack 2LINK VRAINS PACK 2Rare2019-10-1220CP-JPT03Surpassing 10000 Cards Commemoration Special Pack10000種突破記念 SPECIAL PACKSecret Rare2019-10-1220CP-JPT03Surpassing 10000 Cards Commemoration Special Pack10000種突破記念 SPECIAL PACK20th Secret Rare2019-12-07SD37-JP012Structure Deck: Rebirth of ShaddollSTRUCTURE DECK -リバース・オブ・シャドール-Common Asian-English Release dateCard codeSetRarity2004-07-12IOC-AE025Invasion of ChaosUltra Rare Korean Release dateCard codeSetKorean nameRarity2005-06-28IOC-KR025Invasion of Chaos혼돈의 지배Ultra Rare2006-11-17HGP2-KR025Expert Edition Volume 2하이 그레이드 팩 Vol.2Ultra Rare2008-12-05ESP3-KR013Expansion Pack Vol.3익스팬션 팩 Vol.3Ultra Rare2011-09-27EV11-KR007Jump Festa Invitational 2011 promotional cardsJUMP FESTA INVITATIONAL 2011Secret Rare2012-04-03GS04-KR004Gold Series 2012골드 시리즈 2012Normal Rare2012-04-03GS04-KR004Gold Series 2012골드 시리즈 2012Gold Rare2016-09-06MP01-KR006Millennium Pack (OCG)MILLENNIUM PACK (밀레니엄 팩) Millennium Super Rare20AP-KR02720th Anniversary Pack 1st WaveSuper Parallel Rare2019-03-12LVP2-KR003LINK VRAINS Pack 2링크 브레인즈 팩 2RareSP19-KR023Special Pack Vol.3Secret RareSP19-KR023Special Pack Vol.3Extra Secret Rare2020-03-06SD37-KR012Structure Deck: Rebirth of Shaddoll스트럭처 덱 - 리버스 오브 섀도르 -Common
Video game sets 7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005 Warrior Collection (Secret Rare)Light Collection (Secret Rare)All effect monsters (Common)All cards (Common) Super Unlimited Selection (Secret Rare) Nightmare Troubadour Devised Tactics (Ultra Rare) Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006 Invasion of Chaos (Secret Rare)Warrior Collection B (Secret Rare)Special Summon Collection B (Secret Rare)Monster Destroy Collection (Secret Rare)All Effect Monsters (Common) All at Random (Common) GX Spirit Caller Other Cards
Card search categories Supports LIGHT DARK Archetypes and series Black Luster Soldier Chaos Actions Activates when it destroys a monster by battle Summoning categories Cannot be Normal Summoned Cannot be Normal Set Semi-Nomi Special Summons itself from your hand Attack categories Cannot attack Multiple attacker Banished categories Banishes from Graveyard for cost Banishes from your Graveyard Banishes from your opponent's field Miscellaneous Special Summon Monster Limited activations Variable effects
Other card information Gallery Rulings Errata Tips Appearances Trivia Lores Artworks Names
External links Yugioh-Card card database: 5835 (ja (rulings) en fr de it pt es ae ko )YuGiOh Prices
Video game Date # Name Cost Alignment ATK DEF Status
7 Trials to Glory: World Championship Tournament 2005 2004-12-30 Unlimited
Nightmare Troubadour 2005-07-21 ??? Limited
Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006 2006-02-23 13000 Forbidden
GX Tag Force 2006-09-14 ??? Forbidden
GX Spirit Caller 2006-11-30 ??? Forbidden
GX Tag Force 2 2007-09-18 ??? Forbidden
"Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning" pages
AnimeMangaYu-Gi-Oh! Destiny Board Traveler
"Black Luster Soldier" 「カオス・ソルジャー」
[Members](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Black%5FLuster%5FSoldier%22%5Fcards "List of "Black Luster Soldier" cards") Black Luster SoldierBlack Luster SoldierBlack Luster Soldier - Envoy of the BeginningBlack Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Evening TwilightBlack Luster Soldier - Legendary SwordsmanBlack Luster Soldier - Sacred SoldierBlack Luster Soldier - Soldier of ChaosBlack Luster Soldier - Super SoldierToon Black Luster Soldier
[Support](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Black%5FLuster%5FSoldier%22%5Fsupport%5Fcards "List of "Black Luster Soldier" support cards") Arisen Gaia the Fierce KnightBeginning KnightCharging Gaia the Fierce KnightDragon Master MagiaEnvoy of ChaosEvening Twilight KnightMagician of ChaosMaster of ChaosSuper Soldier Soul Beginning of Heaven and EarthChaos FormGateway to ChaosSuper Soldier RebirthSuper Soldier RitualSuper Soldier ShieldSuper Soldier Synthesis
Related Blue-Eyes Ultimate DragonChaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the EndDark MagicianDragon Master KnightElemental HERO Neos KnightGaia The Fierce Knight Black Luster RitualPrimal SeedToon World
"Chaos" 「カオス」
[Members](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Chaos%22%5Fcards "List of "Chaos" cards") Black Luster SoldierBlack Luster SoldierBlack Luster Soldier - Envoy of the BeginningBlack Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Evening TwilightBlack Luster Soldier - Legendary SwordsmanBlack Luster Soldier - Sacred SoldierBlack Luster Soldier - Soldier of ChaosBlack Luster Soldier - Super SoldierBlue-Eyes Chaos DragonBlue-Eyes Chaos MAX DragonCXyz Barian HopeCXyz Battleship Cherry BlossomCXyz Coach Lord UltimatrainerCXyz Comics Hero Legend ArthurCXyz Dark Fairy Cheer GirlCXyz Gimmick Puppet Fanatix MachinixCXyz Mechquipped Djinn AngeneralCXyz N.As.Ch. KnightCXyz Simon the Great Moral LeaderCXyz Skypalace BabylonChaos Ancient Gear GiantChaos AngelChaos ArchfiendChaos BeastChaos BetrayerChaos Command MagicianChaos CoreThe Chaos CreatorChaos DaedalusChaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the EndChaos Emperor, the Dragon of ArmageddonChaos GoddessChaos GrepherChaos HunterChaos King ArchfiendChaos Mirage DragonChaos NecromancerChaos NephthysChaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical DragonChaos SorcererChaos WitchChaos-End MasterChaosrider GustaphContrast HERO ChaosCore of ChaosD/D/D Chaos King ApocalypseElemental HERO Chaos NeosIllusion of ChaosKamionwizardMagician of Black ChaosMagician of Black Chaos MAXMagician of ChaosMaster of ChaosMorphing Jar #2Number C1: Numeron Chaos Gate SunyaNumber C5: Chaos Chimera DragonNumber C6: Chronomaly Chaos AtlandisNumber C9: Chaos Dyson SphereNumber C15: Gimmick Puppet Giant HunterNumber C32: Shark Drake LeVeissNumber C32: Shark Drake VeissNumber C39: Utopia RayNumber C39: Utopia Ray VNumber C39: Utopia Ray VictoryNumber C40: Gimmick Puppet of Dark StringsNumber C43: High Manipulator of ChaosNumber C65: King OverfiendNumber C69: Heraldry Crest of HorrorNumber C73: Abyss Supra SplashNumber C80: Requiem in BerserkNumber C88: Gimmick Puppet Disaster LeoNumber C92: Heart-eartH Chaos DragonNumber C96: Dark StormNumber C1000: NumerouniusNumber C101: Silent Honor DARKNumber C102: Archfiend SeraphNumber C103: RagnafinityNumber C104: Umbral Horror MasqueradeNumber C105: Battlin' Boxer Comet CestusNumber C106: Giant Red HandNumber C107: Neo Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon DragonNumber iC1000: Numerounius NumerouniaPhantom of ChaosShell of ChaosSphere of ChaosToon Black Luster SoldierUltimate Dragonic Utopia RayUltimate Leo Utopia Ray Barian's Chaos DrawBlack Luster RitualBlack Magic RitualChaos BurstChaos EndChaos FormChaos GreedChaos InfinityChaos PhantasmChaos SpaceChaos Trap HoleChaos ZoneEternal ChaosGateway to ChaosNumeron Chaos RitualRank-Up-Magic Argent Chaos ForceRank-Up-Magic Quick ChaosTachyon Chaos HoleYellow Luster Shield
[Support](/wiki/List%5Fof%5F%22Chaos%22%5Fsupport%5Fcards "List of "Chaos" support cards") Chaos ArchfiendDragon Master MagiaMagician of ChaosMaster of Chaos Chaos Form
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